]> git.eshelyaron.com Git - emacs.git/shortlog
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd define_CHECK_IMPURE
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallomake use of gcc_jit_context_get_int_type
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding more types
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallorework emit_call_n_ref
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd uintptr_type
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd define_check_type
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloinline cdr
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallosplit XCAR
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd car cdr tests
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofull inline car
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix XUNTAG
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd emit_EQ
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd emit_NILP
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd emit_rval_XCONS
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter emit_cast
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallodefine cast union into dedicated function
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloreindent define_thread_state_struct
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd XUNTAG
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd char * type support
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter options
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd cons definition
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloCASE_CALL_NARGS -> CASE_CALL_N
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloremove scratch call mechanism
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallolocals to array
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobblock -> block
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd format_string
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallopostfix struct with _s
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd discard macro
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloset target stacks for safety
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix struct thread_state definition
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix awful pad hack in define_handler_struct
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd non locals tests
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallojmp_buf as struct + offset workaround
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix pushhandler
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallodump all ops as comments
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallopushhandler
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter emit_lisp_obj_from_ptr
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter logging into emit_scratch_callN
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloimrpve macros
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallorework debug dump
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloname basic blocks
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding Bpushconditioncase Bpushcatch
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallomore type definitions
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter macro usage
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallouse emacs_int
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallosome renaming convention
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBcar_safe Bcdr_safe support
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBstack_set2 support
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBinsert support
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBdiscardN support
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBnumberp support
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix consp
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloBintegerp support
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd emit_INTEGERP
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd emit_BIGNUMP
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloemit_call funcs return now rval
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallohelper_PSEUDOVECTOR_TYPEP -> helper_PSEUDOVECTOR_TYPEP_...
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix intern_c_string_1
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter naming ocnvention
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd declare_PSEUDOVECTORP
2020-01-01 Andrea CoralloXLP XLI l and r values
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallorename comp_lisp_obj_from_ptr
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloreset compiler context for everi run
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallomake some order into debug facilities
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd comp_VECTORLIKEP
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding other ops
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloinline consp
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd comp_TAGGEDP
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd bubble sort into to tests
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix prologue strategy
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloimprove comp_lisp_obj_as_ptr_from_ptr generated var...
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd Bstack_set
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd setcar setcdr
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd arithmetic comparisons
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd Bnegate support
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallocode cleanup
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd Badd1 support
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloallow + in lisp functions to be compiled
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd speed parameter
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd sub1
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallogenerate reproducer if needed
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd comp_xfixnum + comp_make_fixnum
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallofix uninitialized read
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding sub1
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloremame compiler functions
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallomove to lispobj as union
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd some new constant
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter errors
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd relative branch ops
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding conditionals
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd bb computation
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallogeneralize bblocks
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadd stuffs
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallonaming change
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding more stuffs
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallobetter error msg
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloadding stuffs
2020-01-01 Andrea Coralloprecompute nil
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallosome more ops
2020-01-01 Andrea Corallomove return into the right place