]> git.eshelyaron.com Git - emacs.git/shortlog
2020-09-05 Andrew G Cohen; Document new gnus-summary-line-format items
2020-09-05 Michael Albinus; Fix typos in etc/NEWS
2020-09-05 Andrew G CohenIntroduce nnselect backend for gnus
2020-09-04 Andrii KolomoietsDon't move point in vc-dir on vc-register/vc-checkin...
2020-09-04 Lars IngebrigtsenFix previous manual mis-merge of dired-aux
2020-09-04 Lars IngebrigtsenFix up previous LAMDA->LAMBDA patch
2020-09-04 Mauro ArandaDo not remove unbound variables or faces when modifying...
2020-09-04 Michael Albinus* etc/NEWS: Add changes for D-Bus; fix typos.
2020-09-04 Michael AlbinusExtend dbus.el by error messages, and :write access...
2020-09-04 Mauro ArandaDocument :type-error property for customization types
2020-09-04 Noam PostavskyAllow "lambda" spelling for ucs-insert
2020-09-04 Robert PluimShow log suppression buttons in display-warning buffer
2020-09-04 Tino Calanchawdired-do-renames: Speed up for long Emacs sessions
2020-09-04 Harald JörgFix infloop when indenting in cperl-mode
2020-09-04 Lars IngebrigtsenFix previous buffer name fixup in save-some-buffers
2020-09-04 Lars IngebrigtsenDon't display the Gnus splash on gnus-read-ephemeral...
2020-09-04 Stefan Monnier* lisp/mail/mspools.el: Use lexical-scoping. Autoload...
2020-09-03 João TávoraFix ElDoc's eldoc-documentation-enthusiast strategy
2020-09-03 Harald JörgFix freeze in cperl-mode when editing a regexp
2020-09-03 Alan Third* configure.ac (GNU_OBJC_CFLAGS): Check ObjC defaults...
2020-09-03 Stefan Kangas; * test/lisp/progmodes/cperl-mode-tests.el: Add licens...
2020-09-03 Alan Third* src/image.c (svg_load_image): Use xmalloc and xfree...
2020-09-03 Paul EggertRevert recent GC-related changes (Bug#43152)
2020-09-03 Eli ZaretskiiMerge branch 'master' of git.savannah.gnu.org:/srv...
2020-09-03 Eli ZaretskiiFix 'expand-file-name' for remote files
2020-09-03 Stefan KangasFix my previous change to cancel world-clock timer
2020-09-03 Eli ZaretskiiFix vertical cursor motion when 'visual-line-mode'...
2020-09-03 João TávoraUnbreak project.el, the GNU Elpa package, for Emacs...
2020-09-03 Stefan Kangas* lisp/eshell/esh-mode.el: Remove redundant :group...
2020-09-03 Stefan KangasSupport bookmarking Eshell buffers
2020-09-03 Stefan KangasCancel timer when world-clock buffer is killed
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in mwheel.el
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasSimplify mwheel-mode by using alist instead of two...
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasFix binding mouse wheel with modifiers in buffer area
2020-09-02 Ulf JasperMerge branch 'master' of git.savannah.gnu.org:/srv...
2020-09-02 Ulf JasperApply icalendar.el patch by Thomas Plass <thunk2@arcor...
2020-09-02 Michael AlbinusFix bug in dbus.el
2020-09-02 Ulf JasperAdd unit tests for icalendar.el
2020-09-02 Eric AbrahamsenHandle different IMAP server responses to COPY and...
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasFix OBOE in flyspell-check-previous-highlighted-word
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in pcmpl-unix.el
2020-09-02 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in pcmpl-linux.el and add tests
2020-09-01 Robert PluimStrip carriage returns from received password prompts...
2020-09-01 Mauro ArandaImprove documentation for custom :options
2020-09-01 Robert PluimDocument 'smtp-auth' in auth-source info
2020-09-01 Lars IngebrigtsenMention C-c C-w in the signature section of the Message...
2020-09-01 Lars IngebrigtsenRemove spurious @ character in smtpmail.texi
2020-09-01 Glenn Morris; Auto-commit of loaddefs files.
2020-09-01 Andrew G Cohen; Document choice of smtp authentication method
2020-08-31 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in pong.el
2020-08-31 Glenn MorrisMerge from origin/emacs-27
2020-08-31 Glenn Morris; Merge from origin/emacs-27
2020-08-31 Glenn MorrisMerge from origin/emacs-27
2020-08-31 Glenn Morris; Merge from origin/emacs-27
2020-08-31 Lars IngebrigtsenMake quoted-printable-encode-region work in multibyte...
2020-08-31 Lars IngebrigtsenAdd a new function dom-print
2020-08-31 Stefan Kangas* lisp/dired-x.el (dired-omit-mode): Add autoload cookie.
2020-08-31 Michael Albinus* .gitlab-ci.yml (test-all): Add lib/*.{h,c}.
2020-08-31 Stefan KangasFix minibuffer default of ephemeral debbugs group
2020-08-31 Stefan KangasFix typo in Introduction to Emacs Lisp
2020-08-31 Alan Third* .gitlab-ci.yml (test-all): Change .m to .c for standa...
2020-08-31 Paul Eggert* src/alloc.c (live_symbol_holding): Pacify gcc -Wlogic...
2020-08-31 Paul Eggert* src/lisp.h (lisp_h_XPL, XPL): Remove; unused.
2020-08-31 Paul EggertUse mark_objects elsewhere too
2020-08-31 Paul EggertRemove mark_maybe_object
2020-08-31 Paul EggertAvoid some false matches in mark_maybe_pointer
2020-08-31 Paul EggertOmit no-longer-needed stack mark_maybe_object
2020-08-31 Paul EggertFix GC bug with Lisp floats and --with-wide-int
2020-08-31 Stefan KangasUpdate Elisp Manual reference to which-function-mode
2020-08-30 Stefan KangasBind 'n' and 'p' in compilation-mode-map
2020-08-30 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in life.el and add tests
2020-08-30 Stefan KangasVarious life.el improvements
2020-08-30 Stefan KangasRemove some XEmacs compat code from gamegrid.el
2020-08-30 Stefan Kangas* lisp/play/tetris.el: Use lexical-binding.
2020-08-30 Lars IngebrigtsenTweak background colours in shr when there's indentation
2020-08-30 Mauro ArandaRespect :must-match for file types in customization...
2020-08-30 João TávoraPlace flymake-eldoc-function at the end of eldoc-docume...
2020-08-30 João Távora; tiny indentation fix to lisp/progmodes/elisp-mode.el
2020-08-30 Michael AlbinusSome precisions to bug handling
2020-08-30 Lars IngebrigtsenMake format-prompt interpret a nil default value as...
2020-08-30 Lars IngebrigtsenFix compilation warning in snake.el
2020-08-30 Michael Albinus* .gitlab-ci.yml (test-all): Run only when needed.
2020-08-30 Stefan KangasConvert manual rmailmm tests to ert
2020-08-29 Stefan KangasConvert unsafep tests to ert
2020-08-29 Stefan Kangas* lisp/play/snake.el: Use lexical-binding.
2020-08-29 Stefan KangasUse lexical-binding in more tests
2020-08-29 Paul EggertMark failing fileio test on MS-Windows
2020-08-29 Alan MackenzieCC Mode: Fix processing for when c-multiline-string...
2020-08-29 Alan ThirdRun GNUstep build test more often
2020-08-29 Stefan Kangas* lisp/mail/mspools.el: Remove redundant :group args.
2020-08-29 João TávoraPrevent ElDoc blinking when eldoc-documentation-enthusi...
2020-08-29 Ulrich MüllerDelete duplicate definition for koi8-u coding system
2020-08-29 Mattias Engdegård* test/lisp/emacs-lisp/rx-tests.el: Improve test coverage.
2020-08-29 Eli ZaretskiiFix description of %-constructs in 'mode-line-format'
2020-08-29 Paul EggertRevert recent expand-file-name changes if DOS_NT
2020-08-29 Paul Eggert* src/fileio.c (Fexpand_file_name): Omit unnecessary...
2020-08-29 Andrew G CohenAllow direct choice of smtp authentication method
2020-08-28 Stefan Kangas; Bump seq version to 2.22
2020-08-28 Alan ThirdFix Objective-C C99 build problem
2020-08-28 Alan ThirdAdd GNUstep build to Gitlab CI/CD