From 2dbee4cd751cabe6cddcb5cccdc833d58d109b21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Spiers Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 12:38:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] fix DRY violation by only having documentation in one place The documentation in was previously identical to that in the Commentary section of use-package.el, modulo the following differences: - No elisp comment ";; " prefix - Code blocks indented 4 columns not 2, as required by Markdown - Elisp symbols marked in backtick delimiters for monospace, not emacs backtick/forward tick pairs. Unfortunately due to this duplication, sometimes only one of the two files got updated, so they got out of sync. With us all being human, this is likely to continue to happen as long as the duplication exists ;-) Therefore since most users are likely to encounter before the elisp, and bearing in mind that Markdown is a much more flexible format for documentation than elisp comments (richer formatting, can be exported to numerous other formats etc.), it is better to replace the docs in use-package.el with a pointer to the --- lisp/use-package/use-package.el | 228 +------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 227 deletions(-) diff --git a/lisp/use-package/use-package.el b/lisp/use-package/use-package.el index a9ba4e5353f..df0d2310da9 100644 --- a/lisp/use-package/use-package.el +++ b/lisp/use-package/use-package.el @@ -33,233 +33,7 @@ ;; utility my total load time is just under 1 second, with no loss of ;; functionality! ;; -;; Here is the simplest `use-package' declaration: -;; -;; (use-package foo) -;; -;; This loads in the package foo, but only if foo is available on your system. -;; If not, a warning is logged to your `*Messages*' buffer. If it succeeds a -;; message about "Loading foo" is logged, along with the time it took to load, -;; if that time is over 0.01s. -;; -;; Use the :init keywoard to do some stuff to initialize foo, but only if foo -;; actually gets loaded: -;; -;; (use-package foo -;; :init -;; (progn -;; (setq foo-variable t) -;; (foo-mode 1))) -;; -;; A very common thing to do when loading a module is to bind a key to primary -;; commands within that module: -;; -;; (use-package ace-jump-mode -;; :bind ("C-." . ace-jump-mode)) -;; -;; This does two things: first, it creates autoload for the `ace-jump-mode' -;; command, and defers loading of `ace-jump-mode' until you actually use it. -;; Second, it binds the key `C-.' to that command. After loading, you can use -;; `M-x describe-personal-keybindings' to see all such bindings you've set -;; throughout your Emacs. -;; -;; A more literal way to do the exact same thing is: -;; -;; (use-package ace-jump-mode -;; :commands ace-jump-mode -;; :init -;; (bind-key "C-." 'ace-jump-mode)) -;; -;; When you use the `:commands' keyword, it creates autoloads for those -;; commands and defers loading of the module until they are used. In this -;; case, the `:init' form is always run -- even if ace-jump-mode might not be -;; on your system. So remember to keep `:init' activities to only those that -;; would succeed either way. -;; -;; Similar to `:bind', you can use `:mode' and `:interpreter' to establish a -;; deferred binding within `auto-mode-alist' and `interpreter-mode-alist'. -;; The specifier to either keyword can be a single cons, or a list, or just -;; a string: -;; -;; (use-package ruby-mode -;; :mode "\\.rb\\'" -;; :interpreter "ruby") -;; -;; ;; The package is "python" but the mode is "python-mode": -;; (use-package python -;; :mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode) -;; :interpreter ("python" . python-mode)) -;; -;; If you aren't using `:commands', `:bind', `:mode', or `:interpreter' (all -;; of which imply `:commands'), you can still defer loading with the `:defer' -;; keyword: -;; -;; (use-package ace-jump-mode -;; :defer t -;; :init -;; (progn -;; (autoload 'ace-jump-mode "ace-jump-mode" nil t) -;; (bind-key "C-." 'ace-jump-mode))) -;; -;; This does exactly the same thing as the other two commands above. -;; -;; A companion to the `:init' keyword is `:config'. Although `:init' always -;; happens in the case of deferred modules (which are likely to be the most -;; common kind), `:config' form only run after the module has been loaded by -;; Emacs: -;; -;; (use-package ace-jump-mode -;; :bind ("C-." . ace-jump-mode) -;; :config -;; (message "Yay, ace-jump-mode was actually loaded!")) -;; -;; You will see a "Configured..." message in your `*Messages*' log when a -;; package is configured, and a timing if the configuration time was longer -;; than 0.01s. You should keep `:init' forms as simple as possible, and put -;; as much as you can get away with on the `:config' side. -;; -;; You can have both `:init' and `:config': -;; -;; (use-package haskell-mode -;; :commands haskell-mode -;; :init -;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l?hs$" . haskell-mode)) -;; :config -;; (progn -;; (use-package inf-haskell) -;; (use-package hs-lint))) -;; -;; In this case, I want to autoload the command `haskell-mode' from -;; "haskell-mode.el", add it to `auto-mode-alist' at the time ".emacs" is -;; loaded, but wait until after I've opened a Haskell file before loading -;; "inf-haskell.el" and "hs-lint.el". -;; -;; Another similar option to `:init' is `:idle'. Like `:init' this always run, -;; however, it does so when Emacs is idle at some time in the future after -;; load. This is particularly useful for convienience minor modes which can be -;; slow to load. For instance, in this case, I want Emacs to always use -;; `global-pabbrev-mode'. `:commands' creates an appropriate autoload; `:idle' -;; will run this command at some point in the future. If you start Emacs and -;; beginning typing straight-away, loading will happen eventually. -;; -;; (use-package pabbrev -;; :commands global-pabbrev-mode -;; :idle (global-pabbrev-mode)) -;; -;; Idle functions are run in the order in which they are evaluated. If you -;; have many, it may take sometime for all to run. `use-package' will always -;; tell you if there is an error in the form which can otherwise be difficult -;; to debug. It may tell you about functions being eval'd, depending on the -;; value of `use-package-verbose'. Other good candidates for `:idle' are -;; `yasnippet', `auto-complete' and `autopair'. -;; -;; Finally, you may wish to use `:pre-load'. This form runs before everything -;; else whenever the `use-package' form evals; the package in question will -;; never have been required. This can be useful, if you wish for instance, to -;; pull files from a git repository, or mount a file system. Like :init, -;; keeping this form as simple as possible makes sense. -;; -;; The `:bind' keyword takes either a cons or a list of conses: -;; -;; (use-package hi-lock -;; :bind (("M-o l" . highlight-lines-matching-regexp) -;; ("M-o r" . highlight-regexp) -;; ("M-o w" . highlight-phrase))) -;; -;; The `:commands' keyword likewise takes either a symbol or a list of -;; symbols. -;; -;; You can use the `:if' keyword to predicate the loading and initialization -;; of a module. For example, I only want an `edit-server' running for my -;; main, graphical Emacs, not for Emacsen I may start at the command line: -;; -;; (use-package edit-server -;; :if window-system -;; :init -;; (progn -;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'server-start t) -;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'edit-server-start t))) -;; -;; The `:disabled' keyword can be used to turn off a module that you're having -;; difficulties with, or to stop loading something you're not really using at -;; the present time: -;; -;; (use-package ess-site -;; :disabled t -;; :commands R) -;; -;; Another feature of `use-package' is that it always loads every file that it -;; can when your ".emacs" is being byte-compiled (if you do that, which I -;; recommend). This helps to silence spurious warnings about unknown -;; variables and functions. -;; -;; However, there are times when this is just not enough. For those times, -;; use the `:defines' keyword to introduce empty variable definitions solely -;; for the sake of the byte-compiler: -;; -;; (use-package texinfo -;; :defines texinfo-section-list -;; :commands texinfo-mode -;; :init -;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.texi$" . texinfo-mode))) -;; -;; If you need to silence a missing function warning, do it with an autoload -;; stub in your `:init' block: -;; -;; (use-package w3m -;; :commands (w3m-browse-url w3m-session-crash-recovery-remove) -;; :init -;; (eval-when-compile -;; (autoload 'w3m-search-escape-query-string "w3m-search"))) -;; -;; If your package needs a directory added to the `load-path' in order load, -;; use `:load-path'. It takes a string or a list of strings. If the path is -;; relative, it will be expanded within `user-emacs-directory': -;; -;; (use-package ess-site -;; :disabled t -;; :load-path "site-lisp/ess/lisp/" -;; :commands R) -;; -;; Lastly, `use-package' provides built-in support for the diminish utility, -;; if you have that installed. It's purpose is to remove strings from your -;; mode-line that would otherwise always be there and provide no useful -;; information. It is invoked with the `:diminish' keyword, which is passed -;; either the minor mode symbol, a cons of the symbol and a replacement string, -;; or just a replacement string in which case the minor mode symbol is guessed -;; to be the package name with "-mode" at the end: -;; -;; (use-package abbrev -;; :diminish abbrev-mode -;; :init -;; (if (file-exists-p abbrev-file-name) -;; (quietly-read-abbrev-file)) -;; -;; :config -;; (add-hook 'expand-load-hook -;; (lambda () -;; (add-hook 'expand-expand-hook 'indent-according-to-mode) -;; (add-hook 'expand-jump-hook 'indent-according-to-mode)))) -;; -;; If you noticed that this declaration has neither a `:bind', `:commands' or -;; `:defer' keyword: congratulations, you're an A student! What it means is -;; that both the `:init' and `:config' forms will be executed when ".emacs" is -;; loaded, with no delays until later. Is this useful? Not really. I just -;; happen to like separating my configuration into things that must happen at -;; startup time, and things that could potentioally wait until after the -;; actual load. In this case, everything could be put inside `:init' and -;; there would be no difference. -;; -;; * For package.el user -;; -;; You can use `use-package' to load packages from ELPA with package.el. This -;; is particularly useful if you share your .emacs between several machines; -;; the relevant packages will download automatically once placed in your -;; .emacs. The `:ensure' key will install the package automatically if it is -;; not already present. -;; -;; (use-package tex-site -;; :ensure auctex) +;; Please see from the same repository for documentation. ;;; Code: -- 2.39.2