From: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 03:01:30 +0000 (-0300)
Subject: Deleted lisp/progmodes/python.el as first step of the new python.el merge.
X-Git-Tag: emacs-24.2.90~1199^2~635

Deleted lisp/progmodes/python.el as first step of the new python.el merge.

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/python.el b/lisp/progmodes/python.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 620ea8cd519..00000000000
--- a/lisp/progmodes/python.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2730 +0,0 @@
-;;; python.el --- silly walks for Python  -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2003-2012  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Dave Love <>
-;; Maintainer: FSF
-;; Created: Nov 2003
-;; Keywords: languages
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Major mode for editing Python, with support for inferior processes.
-;; There is another Python mode, python-mode.el:
-;; used by XEmacs, and originally maintained with Python.
-;; That isn't covered by an FSF copyright assignment (?), unlike this
-;; code, and seems not to be well-maintained for Emacs (though I've
-;; submitted fixes).  This mode is rather simpler and is better in
-;; other ways.  In particular, using the syntax functions with text
-;; properties maintained by font-lock makes it more correct with
-;; arbitrary string and comment contents.
-;; This doesn't implement all the facilities of python-mode.el.  Some
-;; just need doing, e.g. catching exceptions in the inferior Python
-;; buffer (but see M-x pdb for debugging).  [Actually, the use of
-;; `compilation-shell-minor-mode' now is probably enough for that.]
-;; Others don't seem appropriate.  For instance,
-;; `forward-into-nomenclature' should be done separately, since it's
-;; not specific to Python, and I've installed a minor mode to do the
-;; job properly in Emacs 23.  [CC mode 5.31 contains an incompatible
-;; feature, `subword-mode' which is intended to have a similar
-;; effect, but actually only affects word-oriented keybindings.]
-;; Other things seem more natural or canonical here, e.g. the
-;; {beginning,end}-of-defun implementation dealing with nested
-;; definitions, and the inferior mode following `cmuscheme'.  (The
-;; inferior mode can find the source of errors from
-;; `python-send-region' & al via `compilation-shell-minor-mode'.)
-;; There is (limited) symbol completion using lookup in Python and
-;; Eldoc support also using the inferior process.  Successive TABs
-;; cycle between possible indentations for the line.
-;; Even where it has similar facilities, this mode is incompatible
-;; with python-mode.el in some respects.  For instance, various key
-;; bindings are changed to obey Emacs conventions.
-;; TODO: See various Fixmes below.
-;; Fixme: This doesn't support (the nascent) Python 3 .
-;;; Code:
-(require 'comint)
-(require 'ansi-color)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'compile))
-(defgroup python nil
-  "Silly walks in the Python language."
-  :group 'languages
-  :version "22.1"
-  :link '(emacs-commentary-link "python"))
-(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist (cons (purecopy "jython") 'jython-mode))
-(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist (cons (purecopy "python") 'python-mode))
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons (purecopy "\\.py\\'")  'python-mode))
-;;;; Font lock
-(defvar python-font-lock-keywords
-  `(,(rx symbol-start
-	 ;; From v 2.7 reference, § keywords.
-	 ;; def and class dealt with separately below
-	 (or "and" "as" "assert" "break" "continue" "del" "elif" "else"
-	     "except" "exec" "finally" "for" "from" "global" "if"
-	     "import" "in" "is" "lambda" "not" "or" "pass" "print"
-	     "raise" "return" "try" "while" "with" "yield"
-             ;; Not real keywords, but close enough to be fontified as such
-             "self" "True" "False"
-             ;; Python 3
-             "nonlocal")
-	 symbol-end)
-    (,(rx symbol-start "None" symbol-end)	; see § Keywords in 2.7 manual
-     . font-lock-constant-face)
-    ;; Definitions
-    (,(rx symbol-start (group "class") (1+ space) (group (1+ (or word ?_))))
-     (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-type-face))
-    (,(rx symbol-start (group "def") (1+ space) (group (1+ (or word ?_))))
-     (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face))
-    ;; Top-level assignments are worth highlighting.
-    (,(rx line-start (group (1+ (or word ?_))) (0+ space)
-	  (opt (or "+" "-" "*" "**" "/" "//" "&" "%" "|" "^" "<<" ">>")) "=")
-     (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
-    ;; Decorators.
-    (,(rx line-start (* (any " \t")) (group "@" (1+ (or word ?_))
-					    (0+ "." (1+ (or word ?_)))))
-     (1 font-lock-type-face))
-    ;; Built-ins.  (The next three blocks are from
-    ;; `__builtin__.__dict__.keys()' in Python 2.7)  These patterns
-    ;; are debatable, but they at least help to spot possible
-    ;; shadowing of builtins.
-    (,(rx symbol-start (or
-	  ;; exceptions
-	  "ArithmeticError" "AssertionError" "AttributeError"
-	  "BaseException" "DeprecationWarning" "EOFError"
-	  "EnvironmentError" "Exception" "FloatingPointError"
-	  "FutureWarning" "GeneratorExit" "IOError" "ImportError"
-	  "ImportWarning" "IndentationError" "IndexError" "KeyError"
-	  "KeyboardInterrupt" "LookupError" "MemoryError" "NameError"
-	  "NotImplemented" "NotImplementedError" "OSError"
-	  "OverflowError" "PendingDeprecationWarning" "ReferenceError"
-	  "RuntimeError" "RuntimeWarning" "StandardError"
-	  "StopIteration" "SyntaxError" "SyntaxWarning" "SystemError"
-	  "SystemExit" "TabError" "TypeError" "UnboundLocalError"
-	  "UnicodeDecodeError" "UnicodeEncodeError" "UnicodeError"
-	  "UnicodeTranslateError" "UnicodeWarning" "UserWarning"
-	  "ValueError" "Warning" "ZeroDivisionError"
-	  ;; Python 2.7
-	  "BufferError" "BytesWarning" "WindowsError") symbol-end)
-     . font-lock-type-face)
-    (,(rx (or line-start (not (any ". \t"))) (* (any " \t")) symbol-start
-	  (group (or
-	  ;; callable built-ins, fontified when not appearing as
-	  ;; object attributes
-	  "abs" "all" "any" "apply" "basestring" "bool" "buffer" "callable"
-	  "chr" "classmethod" "cmp" "coerce" "compile" "complex"
-	  "copyright" "credits" "delattr" "dict" "dir" "divmod"
-	  "enumerate" "eval" "execfile" "exit" "file" "filter" "float"
-	  "frozenset" "getattr" "globals" "hasattr" "hash" "help"
-	  "hex" "id" "input" "int" "intern" "isinstance" "issubclass"
-	  "iter" "len" "license" "list" "locals" "long" "map" "max"
-	  "min" "object" "oct" "open" "ord" "pow" "property" "quit"
-	  "range" "raw_input" "reduce" "reload" "repr" "reversed"
-	  "round" "set" "setattr" "slice" "sorted" "staticmethod"
-	  "str" "sum" "super" "tuple" "type" "unichr" "unicode" "vars"
-	  "xrange" "zip"
-	  ;; Python 2.7.
-	  "bin" "bytearray" "bytes" "format" "memoryview" "next" "print"
-	  )) symbol-end)
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face))
-    (,(rx symbol-start (or
-	  ;; other built-ins
-	  "True" "False" "None" "Ellipsis"
-	  "_" "__debug__" "__doc__" "__import__" "__name__" "__package__")
-          symbol-end)
-     . font-lock-builtin-face)))
-(defconst python-syntax-propertize-function
-  ;; Make outer chars of matching triple-quote sequences into generic
-  ;; string delimiters.  Fixme: Is there a better way?
-  ;; First avoid a sequence preceded by an odd number of backslashes.
-  (syntax-propertize-rules
-   (;; ¡Backrefs don't work in syntax-propertize-rules!
-    (concat "\\(?:\\([RUru]\\)[Rr]?\\|^\\|[^\\]\\(?:\\\\.\\)*\\)" ;Prefix.
-              "\\(?:\\('\\)'\\('\\)\\|\\(?2:\"\\)\"\\(?3:\"\\)\\)")
-    (3 (ignore (python-quote-syntax))))
-   ;; This doesn't really help.
-   ;;((rx (and ?\\ (group ?\n))) (1 " "))
-   ))
-(defun python-quote-syntax ()
-  "Put `syntax-table' property correctly on triple quote.
-Used for syntactic keywords.  N is the match number (1, 2 or 3)."
-  ;; Given a triple quote, we have to check the context to know
-  ;; whether this is an opening or closing triple or whether it's
-  ;; quoted anyhow, and should be ignored.  (For that we need to do
-  ;; the same job as `syntax-ppss' to be correct and it seems to be OK
-  ;; to use it here despite initial worries.)  We also have to sort
-  ;; out a possible prefix -- well, we don't _have_ to, but I think it
-  ;; should be treated as part of the string.
-  ;; Test cases:
-  ;;  ur"""ar""" x='"' # """
-  ;; x = ''' """ ' a
-  ;; '''
-  ;; x '"""' x """ \"""" x
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-    (let ((syntax (save-match-data (syntax-ppss))))
-      (cond
-       ((eq t (nth 3 syntax))           ; after unclosed fence
-        ;; Consider property for the last char if in a fenced string.
-        (goto-char (nth 8 syntax))	; fence position
-        (skip-chars-forward "uUrR")	; skip any prefix
-        ;; Is it a matching sequence?
-        (if (eq (char-after) (char-after (match-beginning 2)))
-            (put-text-property (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)
-                               'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|"))))
-       ((match-end 1)
-        ;; Consider property for initial char, accounting for prefixes.
-        (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
-                           'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|")))
-       (t
-        ;; Consider property for initial char, accounting for prefixes.
-        (put-text-property (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)
-                           'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|"))))
-      )))
-;; This isn't currently in `font-lock-defaults' as probably not worth
-;; it -- we basically only mess with a few normally-symbol characters.
-;; (defun python-font-lock-syntactic-face-function (state)
-;;   "`font-lock-syntactic-face-function' for Python mode.
-;; Returns the string or comment face as usual, with side effect of putting
-;; a `syntax-table' property on the inside of the string or comment which is
-;; the standard syntax table."
-;;   (if (nth 3 state)
-;;       (save-excursion
-;; 	(goto-char (nth 8 state))
-;; 	(condition-case nil
-;; 	    (forward-sexp)
-;; 	  (error nil))
-;; 	(put-text-property (1+ (nth 8 state)) (1- (point))
-;; 			   'syntax-table (standard-syntax-table))
-;; 	'font-lock-string-face)
-;;     (put-text-property (1+ (nth 8 state)) (line-end-position)
-;; 			   'syntax-table (standard-syntax-table))
-;;     'font-lock-comment-face))
-;;;; Keymap and syntax
-(defvar python-mode-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    ;; Mostly taken from python-mode.el.
-    (define-key map ":" 'python-electric-colon)
-    (define-key map "\177" 'python-backspace)
-    (define-key map "\C-c<" 'python-shift-left)
-    (define-key map "\C-c>" 'python-shift-right)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'python-mark-block)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'python-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'python-next-statement)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'python-previous-statement)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-u" 'python-beginning-of-block)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'python-describe-symbol)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-w" 'python-check)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'python-check) ; a la sgml-mode
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'python-send-string)
-    (define-key map [?\C-\M-x] 'python-send-defun)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'python-send-region)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\M-r" 'python-send-region-and-go)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'python-send-buffer)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-z" 'python-switch-to-python)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-m" 'python-load-file)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'python-load-file) ; a la cmuscheme
-    (substitute-key-definition 'complete-symbol 'completion-at-point
-			       map global-map)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'python-find-imports)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-t" 'python-expand-template)
-    (easy-menu-define python-menu map "Python Mode menu"
-      `("Python"
-	:help "Python-specific Features"
-	["Shift region left" python-shift-left :active mark-active
-	 :help "Shift by a single indentation step"]
-	["Shift region right" python-shift-right :active mark-active
-	 :help "Shift by a single indentation step"]
-	"-"
-	["Mark block" python-mark-block
-	 :help "Mark innermost block around point"]
-	["Mark def/class" mark-defun
-	 :help "Mark innermost definition around point"]
-	"-"
-	["Start of block" python-beginning-of-block
-	 :help "Go to start of innermost definition around point"]
-	["End of block" python-end-of-block
-	 :help "Go to end of innermost definition around point"]
-	["Start of def/class" beginning-of-defun
-	 :help "Go to start of innermost definition around point"]
-	["End of def/class" end-of-defun
-	 :help "Go to end of innermost definition around point"]
-	"-"
-	("Templates..."
-	 :help "Expand templates for compound statements"
-	 :filter (lambda (&rest junk)
-                   (abbrev-table-menu python-mode-abbrev-table)))
-	"-"
-	["Start interpreter" run-python
-	 :help "Run `inferior' Python in separate buffer"]
-	["Import/reload file" python-load-file
-	 :help "Load into inferior Python session"]
-	["Eval buffer" python-send-buffer
-	 :help "Evaluate buffer en bloc in inferior Python session"]
-	["Eval region" python-send-region :active mark-active
-	 :help "Evaluate region en bloc in inferior Python session"]
-	["Eval def/class" python-send-defun
-	 :help "Evaluate current definition in inferior Python session"]
-	["Switch to interpreter" python-switch-to-python
-	 :help "Switch to inferior Python buffer"]
-	["Set default process" python-set-proc
-	 :help "Make buffer's inferior process the default"
-	 :active (buffer-live-p python-buffer)]
-	["Check file" python-check :help "Run pychecker"]
-	["Debugger" pdb :help "Run pdb under GUD"]
-	"-"
-	["Help on symbol" python-describe-symbol
-	 :help "Use pydoc on symbol at point"]
-	["Complete symbol" completion-at-point
-	 :help "Complete (qualified) symbol before point"]
-	["Find function" python-find-function
-	 :help "Try to find source definition of function at point"]
-	["Update imports" python-find-imports
-	 :help "Update list of top-level imports for completion"]))
-    map))
-;; Fixme: add toolbar stuff for useful things like symbol help, send
-;; region, at least.  (Shouldn't be specific to Python, obviously.)
-;; eric has items including: (un)indent, (un)comment, restart script,
-;; run script, debug script; also things for profiling, unit testing.
-(defvar python-mode-syntax-table
-  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
-    ;; Give punctuation syntax to ASCII that normally has symbol
-    ;; syntax or has word syntax and isn't a letter.
-    (let ((symbol (string-to-syntax "_"))
-	  (sst (standard-syntax-table)))
-      (dotimes (i 128)
-	(unless (= i ?_)
-	  (if (equal symbol (aref sst i))
-	      (modify-syntax-entry i "." table)))))
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "." table)
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." table)
-    ;; exceptions
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<" table)
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table)
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" table)
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?` "$" table)
-    table))
-;;;; Utility stuff
-(defsubst python-in-string/comment ()
-  "Return non-nil if point is in a Python literal (a comment or string)."
-  ;; We don't need to save the match data.
-  (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
-(defconst python-space-backslash-table
-  (let ((table (copy-syntax-table python-mode-syntax-table)))
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ " " table)
-    table)
-  "`python-mode-syntax-table' with backslash given whitespace syntax.")
-(defun python-skip-comments/blanks (&optional backward)
-  "Skip comments and blank lines.
-BACKWARD non-nil means go backwards, otherwise go forwards.
-Backslash is treated as whitespace so that continued blank lines
-are skipped.  Doesn't move out of comments -- should be outside
-or at end of line."
-  (let ((arg (if backward
-		 ;; If we're in a comment (including on the trailing
-		 ;; newline), forward-comment doesn't move backwards out
-		 ;; of it.  Don't set the syntax table round this bit!
-		 (let ((syntax (syntax-ppss)))
-		   (if (nth 4 syntax)
-		       (goto-char (nth 8 syntax)))
-		   (- (point-max)))
-	       (point-max))))
-    (with-syntax-table python-space-backslash-table
-      (forward-comment arg))))
-(defun python-backslash-continuation-line-p ()
-  "Non-nil if preceding line ends with backslash that is not in a comment."
-  (and (eq ?\\ (char-before (line-end-position 0)))
-       (not (syntax-ppss-context (syntax-ppss)))))
-(defun python-continuation-line-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if current line continues a previous one.
-The criteria are that the previous line ends in a backslash outside
-comments and strings, or that point is within brackets/parens."
-  (or (python-backslash-continuation-line-p)
-      (let ((depth (syntax-ppss-depth
-		    (save-excursion ; syntax-ppss with arg changes point
-		      (syntax-ppss (line-beginning-position))))))
-	(or (> depth 0)
-	    (if (< depth 0)	  ; Unbalanced brackets -- act locally
-		(save-excursion
-		  (condition-case ()
-		      (progn (backward-up-list) t) ; actually within brackets
-		    (error nil))))))))
-(defun python-comment-line-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if and only if current line has only a comment."
-  (save-excursion
-    (end-of-line)
-    (when (eq 'comment (syntax-ppss-context (syntax-ppss)))
-      (back-to-indentation)
-      (looking-at (rx (or (syntax comment-start) line-end))))))
-(defun python-blank-line-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if and only if current line is blank."
-  (save-excursion
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (looking-at "\\s-*$")))
-(defun python-beginning-of-string ()
-  "Go to beginning of string around point.
-Do nothing if not in string."
-  (let ((state (syntax-ppss)))
-    (when (eq 'string (syntax-ppss-context state))
-      (goto-char (nth 8 state)))))
-(defun python-open-block-statement-p (&optional bos)
-  "Return non-nil if statement at point opens a block.
-BOS non-nil means point is known to be at beginning of statement."
-  (save-excursion
-    (unless bos (python-beginning-of-statement))
-    (looking-at (rx (and (or "if" "else" "elif" "while" "for" "def"
-			     "class" "try" "except" "finally" "with")
-			 symbol-end)))))
-(defun python-close-block-statement-p (&optional bos)
-  "Return non-nil if current line is a statement closing a block.
-BOS non-nil means point is at beginning of statement.
-The criteria are that the line isn't a comment or in string and
- starts with keyword `raise', `break', `continue' or `pass'."
-  (save-excursion
-    (unless bos (python-beginning-of-statement))
-    (back-to-indentation)
-    (looking-at (rx (or "return" "raise" "break" "continue" "pass")
-		    symbol-end))))
-(defun python-outdent-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if current line should outdent a level."
-  (save-excursion
-    (back-to-indentation)
-    (and (looking-at (rx (and (or "else" "finally" "except" "elif")
-			      symbol-end)))
-	 (not (python-in-string/comment))
-	 ;; Ensure there's a previous statement and move to it.
-	 (zerop (python-previous-statement))
-	 (not (python-close-block-statement-p t))
-	 ;; Fixme: check this
-	 (not (python-open-block-statement-p)))))
-;;;; Indentation.
-(defcustom python-indent 4
-  "Number of columns for a unit of indentation in Python mode.
-See also `\\[python-guess-indent]'"
-  :group 'python
-  :type 'integer)
-(put 'python-indent 'safe-local-variable 'integerp)
-(defcustom python-guess-indent t
-  "Non-nil means Python mode guesses `python-indent' for the buffer."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-indent-string-contents t
-  "Non-nil means indent contents of multi-line strings together.
-This means indent them the same as the preceding non-blank line.
-Otherwise preserve their indentation.
-This only applies to `doc' strings, i.e. those that form statements;
-the indentation is preserved in others."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Align with preceding" t)
-		 (const :tag "Preserve indentation" nil))
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-honour-comment-indentation nil
-  "Non-nil means indent relative to preceding comment line.
-Only do this for comments where the leading comment character is
-followed by space.  This doesn't apply to comment lines, which
-are always indented in lines with preceding comments."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-continuation-offset 4
-  "Number of columns of additional indentation for continuation lines.
-Continuation lines follow a backslash-terminated line starting a
-  :group 'python
-  :type 'integer)
-(defcustom python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p t
-  "Controls whether the pdbtrack feature is enabled or not.
-When non-nil, pdbtrack is enabled in all comint-based buffers,
-e.g. shell interaction buffers and the *Python* buffer.
-When using pdb to debug a Python program, pdbtrack notices the
-pdb prompt and presents the line in the source file where the
-program is stopped in a pop-up buffer.  It's similar to what
-gud-mode does for debugging C programs with gdb, but without
-having to restart the program."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'python)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p)
-(defcustom python-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string " PDB"
-  "Minor-mode sign to be displayed when pdbtrack is active."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'python)
-;; Add a designator to the minor mode strings
-(or (assq 'python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p minor-mode-alist)
-    (push '(python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p python-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string)
-	  minor-mode-alist))
-(defcustom python-shell-prompt-alist
-  '(("ipython" . "^In \\[[0-9]+\\]: *")
-    (t . "^>>> "))
-  "Alist of Python input prompts.
-Each element has the form (PROGRAM . REGEXP), where PROGRAM is
-the value of `python-python-command' for the python process and
-REGEXP is a regular expression matching the Python prompt.
-PROGRAM can also be t, which specifies the default when no other
-element matches `python-python-command'."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'python
-  :version "24.1")
-(defcustom python-shell-continuation-prompt-alist
-  '(("ipython" . "^   [.][.][.]+: *")
-    (t . "^[.][.][.] "))
-  "Alist of Python continued-line prompts.
-Each element has the form (PROGRAM . REGEXP), where PROGRAM is
-the value of `python-python-command' for the python process and
-REGEXP is a regular expression matching the Python prompt for
-continued lines.
-PROGRAM can also be t, which specifies the default when no other
-element matches `python-python-command'."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'python
-  :version "24.1")
-(defvar python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p nil)
-(defconst python-pdbtrack-stack-entry-regexp
-  "^> \\(.*\\)(\\([0-9]+\\))\\([?a-zA-Z0-9_<>]+\\)()"
-  "Regular expression pdbtrack uses to find a stack trace entry.")
-(defconst python-pdbtrack-input-prompt "\n[(<]*[Ii]?[Pp]db[>)]+ "
-  "Regular expression pdbtrack uses to recognize a pdb prompt.")
-(defconst python-pdbtrack-track-range 10000
-  "Max number of characters from end of buffer to search for stack entry.")
-(defun python-guess-indent ()
-  "Guess step for indentation of current buffer.
-Set `python-indent' locally to the value guessed."
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-    (save-restriction
-      (widen)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let (done indent)
-	(while (and (not done) (not (eobp)))
-	  (when (and (re-search-forward (rx ?: (0+ space)
-					    (or (syntax comment-start)
-						line-end))
-					nil 'move)
-		     (python-open-block-statement-p))
-	    (save-excursion
-	      (python-beginning-of-statement)
-	      (let ((initial (current-indentation)))
-		(if (zerop (python-next-statement))
-		    (setq indent (- (current-indentation) initial)))
-		(if (and indent (>= indent 2) (<= indent 8)) ; sanity check
-		    (setq done t))))))
-	(when done
-	  (when (/= indent (default-value 'python-indent))
-	    (set (make-local-variable 'python-indent) indent)
-	    (unless (= tab-width python-indent)
-	      (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)))
-	  indent)))))
-;; Alist of possible indentations and start of statement they would
-;; close.  Used in indentation cycling (below).
-(defvar python-indent-list nil
-  "Internal use.")
-;; Length of the above
-(defvar python-indent-list-length nil
-  "Internal use.")
-;; Current index into the alist.
-(defvar python-indent-index nil
-  "Internal use.")
-(defun python-calculate-indentation ()
-  "Calculate Python indentation for line at point."
-  (setq python-indent-list nil
-	python-indent-list-length 1)
-  (save-excursion
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (let ((syntax (syntax-ppss))
-	  start)
-      (cond
-       ((eq 'string (syntax-ppss-context syntax)) ; multi-line string
-	(if (not python-indent-string-contents)
-	    (current-indentation)
-	  ;; Only respect `python-indent-string-contents' in doc
-	  ;; strings (defined as those which form statements).
-	  (if (not (save-excursion
-		     (python-beginning-of-statement)
-		     (looking-at (rx (or (syntax string-delimiter)
-					 (syntax string-quote))))))
-	      (current-indentation)
-	    ;; Find indentation of preceding non-blank line within string.
-	    (setq start (nth 8 syntax))
-	    (forward-line -1)
-	    (while (and (< start (point)) (looking-at "\\s-*$"))
-	      (forward-line -1))
-	    (current-indentation))))
-       ((python-continuation-line-p)   ; after backslash, or bracketed
-	(let ((point (point))
-	      (open-start (cadr syntax))
-	      (backslash (python-backslash-continuation-line-p))
-	      (colon (eq ?: (char-before (1- (line-beginning-position))))))
-	  (if open-start
-	      ;; Inside bracketed expression.
-	      (progn
-		(goto-char (1+ open-start))
-		;; Look for first item in list (preceding point) and
-		;; align with it, if found.
-		(if (with-syntax-table python-space-backslash-table
-		      (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
-			(condition-case ()
-			    (progn (forward-sexp)
-				   (backward-sexp)
-				   (< (point) point))
-			  (error nil))))
-		    ;; Extra level if we're backslash-continued or
-		    ;; following a key.
-		    (if (or backslash colon)
-			(+ python-indent (current-column))
-			(current-column))
-		  ;; Otherwise indent relative to statement start, one
-		  ;; level per bracketing level.
-		  (goto-char (1+ open-start))
-		  (python-beginning-of-statement)
-		  (+ (current-indentation) (* (car syntax) python-indent))))
-	    ;; Otherwise backslash-continued.
-	    (forward-line -1)
-	    (if (python-continuation-line-p)
-		;; We're past first continuation line.  Align with
-		;; previous line.
-		(current-indentation)
-	      ;; First continuation line.  Indent one step, with an
-	      ;; extra one if statement opens a block.
-	      (python-beginning-of-statement)
-	      (+ (current-indentation) python-continuation-offset
-		 (if (python-open-block-statement-p t)
-		     python-indent
-		   0))))))
-       ((bobp) 0)
-       ;; Fixme: Like python-mode.el; not convinced by this.
-       ((looking-at (rx (0+ space) (syntax comment-start)
-			(not (any " \t\n")))) ; non-indentable comment
-	(current-indentation))
-       ((and python-honour-comment-indentation
-	     ;; Back over whitespace, newlines, non-indentable comments.
-	     (catch 'done
-	       (while (cond ((bobp) nil)
-			    ((not (forward-comment -1))
-			     nil)	; not at comment start
-			    ;; Now at start of comment -- trailing one?
-			    ((/= (current-column) (current-indentation))
-			     nil)
-			    ;; Indentable comment, like python-mode.el?
-			    ((and (looking-at (rx (syntax comment-start)
-						  (or space line-end)))
-				  (/= 0 (current-column)))
-			     (throw 'done (current-column)))
-			    ;; Else skip it (loop).
-			    (t))))))
-       (t
-	(python-indentation-levels)
-	;; Prefer to indent comments with an immediately-following
-	;; statement, e.g.
-	;;       ...
-	;;   # ...
-	;;   def ...
-	(when (and (> python-indent-list-length 1)
-		   (python-comment-line-p))
-	  (forward-line)
-	  (unless (python-comment-line-p)
-	    (let ((elt (assq (current-indentation) python-indent-list)))
-	      (setq python-indent-list
-		    (nconc (delete elt python-indent-list)
-			   (list elt))))))
-	(caar (last python-indent-list)))))))
-;;;; Cycling through the possible indentations with successive TABs.
-;; These don't need to be buffer-local since they're only relevant
-;; during a cycle.
-(defun python-initial-text ()
-  "Text of line following indentation and ignoring any trailing comment."
-  (save-excursion
-    (buffer-substring (progn
-			(back-to-indentation)
-			(point))
-		      (progn
-			(end-of-line)
-			(forward-comment -1)
-			(point)))))
-(defconst python-block-pairs
-  '(("else" "if" "elif" "while" "for" "try" "except")
-    ("elif" "if" "elif")
-    ("except" "try" "except")
-    ("finally" "else" "try" "except"))
-  "Alist of keyword matches.
-The car of an element is a keyword introducing a statement which
-can close a block opened by a keyword in the cdr.")
-(defun python-first-word ()
-  "Return first word (actually symbol) on the line."
-  (save-excursion
-    (back-to-indentation)
-    (current-word t)))
-(defun python-indentation-levels ()
-  "Return a list of possible indentations for this line.
-It is assumed not to be a continuation line or in a multi-line string.
-Includes the default indentation and those which would close all
-enclosing blocks.  Elements of the list are actually pairs:
-\(INDENTATION . TEXT), where TEXT is the initial text of the
-corresponding block opening (or nil)."
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((initial "")
-	  levels indent)
-      ;; Only one possibility immediately following a block open
-      ;; statement, assuming it doesn't have a `suite' on the same line.
-      (cond
-       ((save-excursion (and (python-previous-statement)
-			     (python-open-block-statement-p t)
-			     (setq indent (current-indentation))
-			     ;; Check we don't have something like:
-			     ;;   if ...: ...
-			     (if (progn (python-end-of-statement)
-					(python-skip-comments/blanks t)
-					(eq ?: (char-before)))
-				 (setq indent (+ python-indent indent)))))
-	(push (cons indent initial) levels))
-       ;; Only one possibility for comment line immediately following
-       ;; another.
-       ((save-excursion
-	  (when (python-comment-line-p)
-	    (forward-line -1)
-	    (if (python-comment-line-p)
-		(push (cons (current-indentation) initial) levels)))))
-       ;; Fixme: Maybe have a case here which indents (only) first
-       ;; line after a lambda.
-       (t
-	(let ((start (car (assoc (python-first-word) python-block-pairs))))
-	  (python-previous-statement)
-	  ;; Is this a valid indentation for the line of interest?
-	  (unless (or (if start		; potentially only outdentable
-			  ;; Check for things like:
-			  ;;   if ...: ...
-			  ;;   else ...:
-			  ;; where the second line need not be outdented.
-			  (not (member (python-first-word)
-				       (cdr (assoc start
-						   python-block-pairs)))))
-		      ;; Not sensible to indent to the same level as
-		      ;; previous `return' &c.
-		      (python-close-block-statement-p))
-	    (push (cons (current-indentation) (python-initial-text))
-		  levels))
-	  (while (python-beginning-of-block)
-	    (when (or (not start)
-		      (member (python-first-word)
-			      (cdr (assoc start python-block-pairs))))
-	      (push (cons (current-indentation) (python-initial-text))
-		    levels))))))
-      (prog1 (or levels (setq levels '((0 . ""))))
-	(setq python-indent-list levels
-	      python-indent-list-length (length python-indent-list))))))
-;; This is basically what `python-indent-line' would be if we didn't
-;; do the cycling.
-(defun python-indent-line-1 (&optional leave)
-  "Subroutine of `python-indent-line'.
-Does non-repeated indentation.  LEAVE non-nil means leave
-indentation if it is valid, i.e. one of the positions returned by
-  (let ((target (python-calculate-indentation))
-	(pos (- (point-max) (point))))
-    (if (or (= target (current-indentation))
-	    ;; Maybe keep a valid indentation.
-	    (and leave python-indent-list
-		 (assq (current-indentation) python-indent-list)))
-	(if (< (current-column) (current-indentation))
-	    (back-to-indentation))
-      (beginning-of-line)
-      (delete-horizontal-space)
-      (indent-to target)
-      (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
-	  (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
-(defun python-indent-line ()
-  "Indent current line as Python code.
-When invoked via `indent-for-tab-command', cycle through possible
-indentations for current line.  The cycle is broken by a command
-different from `indent-for-tab-command', i.e. successive TABs do
-the cycling."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (and (eq this-command 'indent-for-tab-command)
-	   (eq last-command this-command))
-      (if (= 1 python-indent-list-length)
-	  (message "Sole indentation")
-	(progn (setq python-indent-index
-		     (% (1+ python-indent-index) python-indent-list-length))
-	       (beginning-of-line)
-	       (delete-horizontal-space)
-	       (indent-to (car (nth python-indent-index python-indent-list)))
-	       (if (python-block-end-p)
-		   (let ((text (cdr (nth python-indent-index
-					 python-indent-list))))
-		     (if text
-			 (message "Closes: %s" text))))))
-    (python-indent-line-1)
-    (setq python-indent-index (1- python-indent-list-length))))
-(defun python-indent-region (start end)
-  "`indent-region-function' for Python.
-Leaves validly-indented lines alone, i.e. doesn't indent to
-another valid position."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char end)
-    (setq end (point-marker))
-    (goto-char start)
-    (or (bolp) (forward-line 1))
-    (while (< (point) end)
-      (or (and (bolp) (eolp))
-	  (python-indent-line-1 t))
-      (forward-line 1))
-    (move-marker end nil)))
-(defun python-block-end-p ()
-  "Non-nil if this is a line in a statement closing a block,
-or a blank line indented to where it would close a block."
-  (and (not (python-comment-line-p))
-       (or (python-close-block-statement-p t)
-	   (< (current-indentation)
-	      (save-excursion
-		(python-previous-statement)
-		(current-indentation))))))
-;;;; Movement.
-;; Fixme:  Define {for,back}ward-sexp-function?  Maybe skip units like
-;; block, statement, depending on context.
-(defun python-beginning-of-defun ()
-  "`beginning-of-defun-function' for Python.
-Finds beginning of innermost nested class or method definition.
-Returns the name of the definition found at the end, or nil if
-reached start of buffer."
-  (let ((ci (current-indentation))
-	(def-re (rx line-start (0+ space) (or "def" "class") (1+ space)
-		    (group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
-	found lep) ;; def-line
-    (if (python-comment-line-p)
-	(setq ci most-positive-fixnum))
-    (while (and (not (bobp)) (not found))
-      ;; Treat bol at beginning of function as outside function so
-      ;; that successive C-M-a makes progress backwards.
-      ;;(setq def-line (looking-at def-re))
-      (unless (bolp) (end-of-line))
-      (setq lep (line-end-position))
-      (if (and (re-search-backward def-re nil 'move)
-	       ;; Must be less indented or matching top level, or
-	       ;; equally indented if we started on a definition line.
-	       (let ((in (current-indentation)))
-		 (or (and (zerop ci) (zerop in))
-		     (= lep (line-end-position)) ; on initial line
-		     ;; Not sure why it was like this -- fails in case of
-		     ;; last internal function followed by first
-		     ;; non-def statement of the main body.
-;; 		     (and def-line (= in ci))
-		     (= in ci)
-		     (< in ci)))
-	       (not (python-in-string/comment)))
-	  (setq found t)))
-    found))
-(defun python-end-of-defun ()
-  "`end-of-defun-function' for Python.
-Finds end of innermost nested class or method definition."
-  (let ((orig (point))
-	(pattern (rx line-start (0+ space) (or "def" "class") space)))
-    ;; Go to start of current block and check whether it's at top
-    ;; level.  If it is, and not a block start, look forward for
-    ;; definition statement.
-    (when (python-comment-line-p)
-      (end-of-line)
-      (forward-comment most-positive-fixnum))
-    (if (not (python-open-block-statement-p))
-	(python-beginning-of-block))
-    (if (zerop (current-indentation))
-	(unless (python-open-block-statement-p)
-	  (while (and (re-search-forward pattern nil 'move)
-		      (python-in-string/comment))) ; just loop
-	  (unless (eobp)
-	    (beginning-of-line)))
-      ;; Don't move before top-level statement that would end defun.
-      (end-of-line)
-      (python-beginning-of-defun))
-    ;; If we got to the start of buffer, look forward for
-    ;; definition statement.
-    (if (and (bobp) (not (looking-at "def\\|class")))
-	(while (and (not (eobp))
-		    (re-search-forward pattern nil 'move)
-		    (python-in-string/comment)))) ; just loop
-    ;; We're at a definition statement (or end-of-buffer).
-    (unless (eobp)
-      (python-end-of-block)
-      ;; Count trailing space in defun (but not trailing comments).
-      (skip-syntax-forward " >")
-      (unless (eobp)			; e.g. missing final newline
-	(beginning-of-line)))
-    ;; Catch pathological cases like this, where the beginning-of-defun
-    ;; skips to a definition we're not in:
-    ;; if ...:
-    ;;     ...
-    ;; else:
-    ;;     ...  # point here
-    ;;     ...
-    ;;     def ...
-    (if (< (point) orig)
-	(goto-char (point-max)))))
-(defun python-beginning-of-statement ()
-  "Go to start of current statement.
-Accounts for continuation lines, multi-line strings, and
-multi-line bracketed expressions."
-  (while
-      (if (python-backslash-continuation-line-p)
-          (progn (forward-line -1) t)
-        (beginning-of-line)
-        (or (python-beginning-of-string)
-            (python-skip-out))))
-  (back-to-indentation))
-(defun python-skip-out (&optional forward syntax)
-  "Skip out of any nested brackets.
-Skip forward if FORWARD is non-nil, else backward.
-If SYNTAX is non-nil it is the state returned by `syntax-ppss' at point.
-Return non-nil if and only if skipping was done."
-  ;; FIXME: Use syntax-ppss-toplevel-pos.
-  (let ((depth (syntax-ppss-depth (or syntax (syntax-ppss))))
-	(forward (if forward -1 1)))
-    (unless (zerop depth)
-      (if (> depth 0)
-	  ;; Skip forward out of nested brackets.
-	  (condition-case ()		; beware invalid syntax
-	      (progn (backward-up-list (* forward depth)) t)
-	    (error nil))
-	;; Invalid syntax (too many closed brackets).
-	;; Skip out of as many as possible.
-	(let (done)
-	  (while (condition-case ()
-		     (progn (backward-up-list forward)
-			    (setq done t))
-		   (error nil)))
-	  done)))))
-(defun python-end-of-statement ()
-  "Go to the end of the current statement and return point.
-Usually this is the start of the next line, but if this is a
-multi-line statement we need to skip over the continuation lines.
-On a comment line, go to end of line."
-  (end-of-line)
-  (while (let (comment)
-	   ;; Move past any enclosing strings and sexps, or stop if
-	   ;; we're in a comment.
-	   (while (let ((s (syntax-ppss)))
-		    (cond ((eq 'comment (syntax-ppss-context s))
-			   (setq comment t)
-			   nil)
-			  ((eq 'string (syntax-ppss-context s))
-			   ;; Go to start of string and skip it.
-                           (let ((pos (point)))
-                             (goto-char (nth 8 s))
-                             (condition-case () ; beware invalid syntax
-                                 (progn (forward-sexp) t)
-                               ;; If there's a mismatched string, make sure
-                               ;; we still overall move *forward*.
-                               (error (goto-char pos) (end-of-line)))))
-			  ((python-skip-out t s))))
-	     (end-of-line))
-	   (and (not comment)
-		(not (eobp))
-		(eq ?\\ (char-before)))) ; Line continued?
-    (end-of-line 2))                     ; Try next line.
-  (point))
-(defun python-previous-statement (&optional count)
-  "Go to start of previous statement.
-With argument COUNT, do it COUNT times.  Stop at beginning of buffer.
-Return count of statements left to move."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (unless count (setq count 1))
-  (if (< count 0)
-      (python-next-statement (- count))
-    (python-beginning-of-statement)
-    (while (and (> count 0) (not (bobp)))
-      (python-skip-comments/blanks t)
-      (python-beginning-of-statement)
-      (unless (bobp) (setq count (1- count))))
-    count))
-(defun python-next-statement (&optional count)
-  "Go to start of next statement.
-With argument COUNT, do it COUNT times.  Stop at end of buffer.
-Return count of statements left to move."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (unless count (setq count 1))
-  (if (< count 0)
-      (python-previous-statement (- count))
-    (beginning-of-line)
-    (let (bogus)
-      (while (and (> count 0) (not (eobp)) (not bogus))
-	(python-end-of-statement)
-	(python-skip-comments/blanks)
-	(if (eq 'string (syntax-ppss-context (syntax-ppss)))
-	    (setq bogus t)
-	  (unless (eobp)
-	    (setq count (1- count))))))
-    count))
-(defun python-beginning-of-block (&optional arg)
-  "Go to start of current block.
-With numeric arg, do it that many times.  If ARG is negative, call
-`python-end-of-block' instead.
-If point is on the first line of a block, use its outer block.
-If current statement is in column zero, don't move and return nil.
-Otherwise return non-nil."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (unless arg (setq arg 1))
-  (cond
-   ((zerop arg))
-   ((< arg 0) (python-end-of-block (- arg)))
-   (t
-    (let ((point (point)))
-      (if (or (python-comment-line-p)
-	      (python-blank-line-p))
-	  (python-skip-comments/blanks t))
-      (python-beginning-of-statement)
-      (let ((ci (current-indentation)))
-	(if (zerop ci)
-	    (not (goto-char point))	; return nil
-	  ;; Look upwards for less indented statement.
-	  (if (catch 'done
-;;; This is slower than the below.
-;;; 	  (while (zerop (python-previous-statement))
-;;; 	    (when (and (< (current-indentation) ci)
-;;; 		       (python-open-block-statement-p t))
-;;; 	      (beginning-of-line)
-;;; 	      (throw 'done t)))
-		(while (and (zerop (forward-line -1)))
-		  (when (and (< (current-indentation) ci)
-			     (not (python-comment-line-p))
-			     ;; Move to beginning to save effort in case
-			     ;; this is in string.
-			     (progn (python-beginning-of-statement) t)
-			     (python-open-block-statement-p t))
-		    (beginning-of-line)
-		    (throw 'done t)))
-		(not (goto-char point))) ; Failed -- return nil
-	      (python-beginning-of-block (1- arg)))))))))
-(defun python-end-of-block (&optional arg)
-  "Go to end of current block.
-With numeric arg, do it that many times.  If ARG is negative,
-call `python-beginning-of-block' instead.
-If current statement is in column zero and doesn't open a block,
-don't move and return nil.  Otherwise return t."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (unless arg (setq arg 1))
-  (if (< arg 0)
-      (python-beginning-of-block (- arg))
-    (while (and (> arg 0)
-		(let* ((point (point))
-		       (_ (if (python-comment-line-p)
-			      (python-skip-comments/blanks t)))
-		       (ci (current-indentation))
-		       (open (python-open-block-statement-p)))
-		  (if (and (zerop ci) (not open))
-		      (not (goto-char point))
-		    (catch 'done
-		      (while (zerop (python-next-statement))
-			(when (or (and open (<= (current-indentation) ci))
-				  (< (current-indentation) ci))
-			  (python-skip-comments/blanks t)
-			  (beginning-of-line 2)
-			  (throw 'done t)))))))
-      (setq arg (1- arg)))
-    (zerop arg)))
-(defvar python-which-func-length-limit 40
-  "Non-strict length limit for `python-which-func' output.")
-(defun python-which-func ()
-  (let ((function-name (python-current-defun python-which-func-length-limit)))
-    (set-text-properties 0 (length function-name) nil function-name)
-    function-name))
-;;;; Imenu.
-;; For possibly speeding this up, here's the top of the ELP profile
-;; for rescanning (2.2k lines, 90kb):
-;; Function Name                         Call Count  Elapsed Time  Average Time
-;; ====================================  ==========  =============  ============
-;; python-imenu-create-index             156         2.430906      0.0155827307
-;; python-end-of-defun                   155         1.2718260000  0.0082053290
-;; python-end-of-block                   155         1.1898689999  0.0076765741
-;; python-next-statement                 2970        1.024717      0.0003450225
-;; python-end-of-statement               2970        0.4332190000  0.0001458649
-;; python-beginning-of-defun             265         0.0918479999  0.0003465962
-;; python-skip-comments/blanks           3125        0.0753319999  2.410...e-05
-(defvar python-recursing)
-(defun python-imenu-create-index ()
-  "`imenu-create-index-function' for Python.
-Makes nested Imenu menus from nested `class' and `def' statements.
-The nested menus are headed by an item referencing the outer
-definition; it has a space prepended to the name so that it sorts
-first with `imenu--sort-by-name' (though, unfortunately, sub-menus
-precede it)."
-  (unless (boundp 'python-recursing)	; dynamically bound below
-    ;; Normal call from Imenu.
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    ;; Without this, we can get an infloop if the buffer isn't all
-    ;; fontified.  I guess this is really a bug in syntax.el.  OTOH,
-    ;; _with_ this, imenu doesn't immediately work; I can't figure out
-    ;; what's going on, but it must be something to do with timers in
-    ;; font-lock.
-    ;; This can't be right, especially not when jit-lock is not used.  --Stef
-    ;; (unless (get-text-property (1- (point-max)) 'fontified)
-    ;;   (font-lock-fontify-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-    )
-  (let (index-alist)			; accumulated value to return
-    (while (re-search-forward
-	    (rx line-start (0+ space)	; leading space
-		(or (group "def") (group "class"))	   ; type
-		(1+ space) (group (1+ (or word ?_))))	   ; name
-	    nil t)
-      (unless (python-in-string/comment)
-	(let ((pos (match-beginning 0))
-	      (name (match-string-no-properties 3)))
-	  (if (match-beginning 2)	; def or class?
-	      (setq name (concat "class " name)))
-	  (save-restriction
-	    (narrow-to-defun)
-	    (let* ((python-recursing t)
-		   (sublist (python-imenu-create-index)))
-	      (if sublist
-		  (progn (push (cons (concat " " name) pos) sublist)
-			 (push (cons name sublist) index-alist))
-		(push (cons name pos) index-alist)))))))
-    (unless (boundp 'python-recursing)
-      ;; Look for module variables.
-      (let (vars)
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(while (re-search-forward
-		(rx line-start (group (1+ (or word ?_))) (0+ space) "=")
-		nil t)
-	  (unless (python-in-string/comment)
-	    (push (cons (match-string 1) (match-beginning 1))
-		  vars)))
-	(setq index-alist (nreverse index-alist))
-	(if vars
-	    (push (cons "Module variables"
-			(nreverse vars))
-		  index-alist))))
-    index-alist))
-;;;; `Electric' commands.
-(defun python-electric-colon (arg)
-  "Insert a colon and maybe outdent the line if it is a statement like `else'.
-With numeric ARG, just insert that many colons.  With \\[universal-argument],
-just insert a single colon."
-  (interactive "*P")
-  (self-insert-command (if (not (integerp arg)) 1 arg))
-  (and (not arg)
-       (eolp)
-       (python-outdent-p)
-       (not (python-in-string/comment))
-       (> (current-indentation) (python-calculate-indentation))
-       (python-indent-line)))		; OK, do it
-(put 'python-electric-colon 'delete-selection t)
-(defun python-backspace (arg)
-  "Maybe delete a level of indentation on the current line.
-Do so if point is at the end of the line's indentation outside
-strings and comments.
-Otherwise just call `backward-delete-char-untabify'.
-Repeat ARG times."
-  (interactive "*p")
-  (if (or (/= (current-indentation) (current-column))
-	  (bolp)
-	  (python-continuation-line-p)
-	  (python-in-string/comment))
-      (backward-delete-char-untabify arg)
-    ;; Look for the largest valid indentation which is smaller than
-    ;; the current indentation.
-    (let ((indent 0)
-	  (ci (current-indentation))
-	  (indents (python-indentation-levels))
-	  initial)
-      (dolist (x indents)
-	(if (< (car x) ci)
-	    (setq indent (max indent (car x)))))
-      (setq initial (cdr (assq indent indents)))
-      (if (> (length initial) 0)
-	  (message "Closes %s" initial))
-      (delete-horizontal-space)
-      (indent-to indent))))
-(put 'python-backspace 'delete-selection 'supersede)
-;;;; pychecker
-(defcustom python-check-command "pychecker --stdlib"
-  "Command used to check a Python file."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'python)
-(defvar python-saved-check-command nil
-  "Internal use.")
-;; After `sgml-validate-command'.
-(defun python-check (command)
-  "Check a Python file (default current buffer's file).
-Runs COMMAND, a shell command, as if by `compile'.
-See `python-check-command' for the default."
-  (interactive
-   (list (read-string "Checker command: "
-		      (or python-saved-check-command
-			  (concat python-check-command " "
-				  (let ((name (buffer-file-name)))
-				    (if name
-					(file-name-nondirectory name))))))))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'python-saved-check-command) command)
-  (require 'compile)                    ;To define compilation-* variables.
-  (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
-  (let ((compilation-error-regexp-alist
-	 (cons '("(\\([^,]+\\), line \\([0-9]+\\))" 1 2)
-	       compilation-error-regexp-alist)))
-    (compilation-start command)))
-;;;; Inferior mode stuff (following cmuscheme).
-(defcustom python-python-command "python"
-  "Shell command to run Python interpreter.
-Any arguments can't contain whitespace."
-  :group 'python
-  :type 'string)
-(defcustom python-jython-command "jython"
-  "Shell command to run Jython interpreter.
-Any arguments can't contain whitespace."
-  :group 'python
-  :type 'string)
-(defvar python-command python-python-command
-  "Actual command used to run Python.
-May be `python-python-command' or `python-jython-command', possibly
-modified by the user.  Additional arguments are added when the command
-is used by `run-python' et al.")
-(defvar python-buffer nil
-  "The current Python process buffer.
-Commands that send text from source buffers to Python processes have
-to choose a process to send to.  This is determined by buffer-local
-value of `python-buffer'.  If its value in the current buffer,
-i.e. both any local value and the default one, is nil, `run-python'
-and commands that send to the Python process will start a new process.
-Whenever \\[run-python] starts a new process, it resets the default
-value of `python-buffer' to be the new process's buffer and sets the
-buffer-local value similarly if the current buffer is in Python mode
-or Inferior Python mode, so that source buffer stays associated with a
-specific sub-process.
-Use \\[python-set-proc] to set the default value from a buffer with a
-local value.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-buffer)
-(defconst python-compilation-regexp-alist
-  ;; FIXME: maybe these should move to compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist.
-  ;;   The first already is (for CAML), but the second isn't.  Anyhow,
-  ;;   these are specific to the inferior buffer.  -- fx
-  `((,(rx line-start (1+ (any " \t")) "File \""
-	  (group (1+ (not (any "\"<")))) ; avoid `<stdin>' &c
-	  "\", line " (group (1+ digit)))
-     1 2)
-    (,(rx " in file " (group (1+ not-newline)) " on line "
-	  (group (1+ digit)))
-     1 2)
-    ;; pdb stack trace
-    (,(rx line-start "> " (group (1+ (not (any "(\"<"))))
-	  "(" (group (1+ digit)) ")" (1+ (not (any "("))) "()")
-     1 2))
-  "`compilation-error-regexp-alist' for inferior Python.")
-(defvar inferior-python-mode-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    ;; This will inherit from comint-mode-map.
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'python-load-file)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'python-check)
-    ;; Note that we _can_ still use these commands which send to the
-    ;; Python process even at the prompt if we have a normal prompt,
-    ;; i.e. '>>> ' and not '... '.  See the comment before
-    ;; python-send-region.  Fixme: uncomment these if we address that.
-    ;; (define-key map [(meta ?\t)] 'python-complete-symbol)
-    ;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'python-describe-symbol)
-    map))
-(defvar inferior-python-mode-syntax-table
-  (let ((st (make-syntax-table python-mode-syntax-table)))
-    ;; Don't get confused by apostrophes in the process's output (e.g. if
-    ;; you execute "help(os)").
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "." st)
-    ;; Maybe we should do the same for double quotes?
-    ;; (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." st)
-    st))
-;; Autoloaded.
-(declare-function compilation-shell-minor-mode "compile" (&optional arg))
-(defvar python--prompt-regexp nil)
-(defun python--set-prompt-regexp ()
-  (let ((prompt  (cdr-safe (or (assoc python-python-command
-				      python-shell-prompt-alist)
-			       (assq t python-shell-prompt-alist))))
-	(cprompt (cdr-safe (or (assoc python-python-command
-				      python-shell-continuation-prompt-alist)
-			       (assq t python-shell-continuation-prompt-alist)))))
-    (set (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp)
-	 (concat "\\("
-		 (mapconcat 'identity
-			    (delq nil (list prompt cprompt "^([Pp]db) "))
-			    "\\|")
-		 "\\)"))
-    (set (make-local-variable 'python--prompt-regexp) prompt)))
-;; Fixme: This should inherit some stuff from `python-mode', but I'm
-;; not sure how much: at least some keybindings, like C-c C-f;
-;; syntax?; font-locking, e.g. for triple-quoted strings?
-(define-derived-mode inferior-python-mode comint-mode "Inferior Python"
-  "Major mode for interacting with an inferior Python process.
-A Python process can be started with \\[run-python].
-Hooks `comint-mode-hook' and `inferior-python-mode-hook' are run in
-that order.
-You can send text to the inferior Python process from other buffers
-containing Python source.
- * \\[python-switch-to-python] switches the current buffer to the Python
-    process buffer.
- * \\[python-send-region] sends the current region to the Python process.
- * \\[python-send-region-and-go] switches to the Python process buffer
-    after sending the text.
-For running multiple processes in multiple buffers, see `run-python' and
-  :group 'python
-  (setq mode-line-process '(":%s"))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comint-input-filter) 'python-input-filter)
-  (add-hook 'comint-preoutput-filter-functions #'python-preoutput-filter
-	    nil t)
-  (python--set-prompt-regexp)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
-       python-compilation-regexp-alist)
-  (compilation-shell-minor-mode 1))
-(defcustom inferior-python-filter-regexp "\\`\\s-*\\S-?\\S-?\\s-*\\'"
-  "Input matching this regexp is not saved on the history list.
-Default ignores all inputs of 0, 1, or 2 non-blank characters."
-  :type 'regexp
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-remove-cwd-from-path t
-  "Whether to allow loading of Python modules from the current directory.
-If this is non-nil, Emacs removes '' from sys.path when starting
-an inferior Python process.  This is the default, for security
-reasons, as it is easy for the Python process to be started
-without the user's realization (e.g. to perform completion)."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'python
-  :version "23.3")
-(defun python-input-filter (str)
-  "`comint-input-filter' function for inferior Python.
-Don't save anything for STR matching `inferior-python-filter-regexp'."
-  (not (string-match inferior-python-filter-regexp str)))
-;; Fixme: Loses with quoted whitespace.
-(defun python-args-to-list (string)
-  (let ((where (string-match "[ \t]" string)))
-    (cond ((null where) (list string))
-	  ((not (= where 0))
-	   (cons (substring string 0 where)
-		 (python-args-to-list (substring string (+ 1 where)))))
-	  (t (let ((pos (string-match "[^ \t]" string)))
-	       (if pos (python-args-to-list (substring string pos))))))))
-(defvar python-preoutput-result nil
-  "Data from last `_emacs_out' line seen by the preoutput filter.")
-(defvar python-preoutput-continuation nil
-  "If non-nil, funcall this when `python-preoutput-filter' sees `_emacs_ok'.")
-(defvar python-preoutput-leftover nil)
-(defvar python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt nil)
-;; Using this stops us getting lines in the buffer like
-;; >>> ... ... >>>
-;; Also look for (and delete) an `_emacs_ok' string and call
-;; `python-preoutput-continuation' if we get it.
-(defun python-preoutput-filter (s)
-  "`comint-preoutput-filter-functions' function: ignore prompts not at bol."
-  (when python-preoutput-leftover
-    (setq s (concat python-preoutput-leftover s))
-    (setq python-preoutput-leftover nil))
-  (let ((start 0)
-        (res ""))
-    ;; First process whole lines.
-    (while (string-match "\n" s start)
-      (let ((line (substring s start (setq start (match-end 0)))))
-        ;; Skip prompt if needed.
-        (when (and python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt
-                   (string-match comint-prompt-regexp line))
-          (setq python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt nil)
-          (setq line (substring line (match-end 0))))
-        ;; Recognize special _emacs_out lines.
-        (if (and (string-match "\\`_emacs_out \\(.*\\)\n\\'" line)
-                 (local-variable-p 'python-preoutput-result))
-            (progn
-              (setq python-preoutput-result (match-string 1 line))
-              (set (make-local-variable 'python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt) t))
-          (setq res (concat res line)))))
-    ;; Then process the remaining partial line.
-    (unless (zerop start) (setq s (substring s start)))
-    (cond ((and (string-match comint-prompt-regexp s)
-                ;; Drop this prompt if it follows an _emacs_out...
-                (or python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt
-                    ;; ... or if it's not gonna be inserted at BOL.
-                    ;; Maybe we could be more selective here.
-                    (if (zerop (length res))
-                        (not (bolp))
-                      (string-match ".\\'" res))))
-           ;; The need for this seems to be system-dependent:
-           ;; What is this all about, exactly?  --Stef
-           ;; (if (and (eq ?. (aref s 0)))
-           ;;     (accept-process-output (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 1))
-           (setq python-preoutput-skip-next-prompt nil)
-           res)
-          ((let ((end (min (length "_emacs_out ") (length s))))
-             (eq t (compare-strings s nil end "_emacs_out " nil end)))
-           ;; The leftover string is a prefix of _emacs_out so we don't know
-           ;; yet whether it's an _emacs_out or something else: wait until we
-           ;; get more output so we can resolve this ambiguity.
-           (set (make-local-variable 'python-preoutput-leftover) s)
-           res)
-          (t (concat res s)))))
-(defvar python-version-checked nil)
-(defun python-check-version (cmd)
-  "Check that CMD runs a suitable version of Python."
-  ;; Fixme:  Check on Jython.
-  (unless (or python-version-checked
-	      (equal 0 (string-match (regexp-quote python-python-command)
-				     cmd)))
-    (unless (shell-command-to-string cmd)
-      (error "Can't run Python command `%s'" cmd))
-    (let* ((res (shell-command-to-string
-                 (concat cmd
-                         " -c \"from sys import version_info;\
-print version_info >= (2, 2) and version_info < (3, 0)\""))))
-      (unless (string-match "True" res)
-	(error "Only Python versions >= 2.2 and < 3.0 are supported")))
-    (setq python-version-checked t)))
-(defun run-python (&optional cmd noshow new)
-  "Run an inferior Python process, input and output via buffer *Python*.
-CMD is the Python command to run.  NOSHOW non-nil means don't
-show the buffer automatically.
-Interactively, a prefix arg means to prompt for the initial
-Python command line (default is `python-command').
-A new process is started if one isn't running attached to
-`python-buffer', or if called from Lisp with non-nil arg NEW.
-Otherwise, if a process is already running in `python-buffer',
-switch to that buffer.
-This command runs the hook `inferior-python-mode-hook' after
-running `comint-mode-hook'.  Type \\[describe-mode] in the
-process buffer for a list of commands.
-By default, Emacs inhibits the loading of Python modules from the
-current working directory, for security reasons.  To disable this
-behavior, change `python-remove-cwd-from-path' to nil."
-  (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
-		   (list (read-string "Run Python: " python-command) nil t)
-		 (list python-command)))
-  (unless cmd (setq cmd python-command))
-  (python-check-version cmd)
-  (setq python-command cmd)
-  ;; Fixme: Consider making `python-buffer' buffer-local as a buffer
-  ;; (not a name) in Python buffers from which `run-python' &c is
-  ;; invoked.  Would support multiple processes better.
-  (when (or new (not (comint-check-proc python-buffer)))
-    (with-current-buffer
-	(let* ((cmdlist
-		(append (python-args-to-list cmd) '("-i")
-			(if python-remove-cwd-from-path
-			    '("-c" "import sys; sys.path.remove('')"))))
-	       (path (getenv "PYTHONPATH"))
-	       (process-environment	; to import
-		(cons (concat "PYTHONPATH="
-			      (if path (concat path path-separator))
-			      data-directory)
-		      process-environment))
-               ;; If we use a pipe, Unicode characters are not printed
-               ;; correctly (Bug#5794) and IPython does not work at
-               ;; all (Bug#5390).
-	       (process-connection-type t))
-	  (apply 'make-comint-in-buffer "Python"
-		 (generate-new-buffer "*Python*")
-		 (car cmdlist) nil (cdr cmdlist)))
-      (setq-default python-buffer (current-buffer))
-      (setq python-buffer (current-buffer))
-      (accept-process-output (get-buffer-process python-buffer) 5)
-      (inferior-python-mode)
-      ;; Load function definitions we need.
-      ;; Before the preoutput function was used, this was done via -c in
-      ;; cmdlist, but that loses the banner and doesn't run the startup
-      ;; file.  The code might be inline here, but there's enough that it
-      ;; seems worth putting in a separate file, and it's probably cleaner
-      ;; to put it in a module.
-      ;; Ensure we're at a prompt before doing anything else.
-      (python-send-string "import emacs")
-      ;; The following line was meant to ensure that we're at a prompt
-      ;; before doing anything else.  However, this can cause Emacs to
-      ;; hang waiting for a response, if that Python function fails
-      ;; (i.e. raises an exception).
-      ;; (python-send-receive "print '_emacs_out ()'")
-      ))
-  (if (derived-mode-p 'python-mode)
-      (setq python-buffer (default-value 'python-buffer))) ; buffer-local
-  ;; Without this, help output goes into the inferior python buffer if
-  ;; the process isn't already running.
-  (sit-for 1 t)        ;Should we use accept-process-output instead?  --Stef
-  (unless noshow (pop-to-buffer python-buffer t)))
-(defun python-send-command (command)
-  "Like `python-send-string' but resets `compilation-shell-minor-mode'."
-  (when (python-check-comint-prompt)
-    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc))
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (compilation-forget-errors)
-      (python-send-string command)
-      (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer)))))
-(defun python-send-region (start end)
-  "Send the region to the inferior Python process."
-  ;; The region is evaluated from a temporary file.  This avoids
-  ;; problems with blank lines, which have different semantics
-  ;; interactively and in files.  It also saves the inferior process
-  ;; buffer filling up with interpreter prompts.  We need a Python
-  ;; function to remove the temporary file when it has been evaluated
-  ;; (though we could probably do it in Lisp with a Comint output
-  ;; filter).  This function also catches exceptions and truncates
-  ;; tracebacks not to mention the frame of the function itself.
-  ;;
-  ;; The `compilation-shell-minor-mode' parsing takes care of relating
-  ;; the reference to the temporary file to the source.
-  ;;
-  ;; Fixme: Write a `coding' header to the temp file if the region is
-  ;; non-ASCII.
-  (interactive "r")
-  (let* ((f (make-temp-file "py" nil ".py"))
-	 (command
-          ;; IPython puts the FakeModule module into __main__ so
-          ;; emacs.eexecfile becomes useless.
-          (if (string-match "^ipython" python-command)
-              (format "execfile %S" f)
-            (format "emacs.eexecfile(%S)" f)))
-	 (orig-start (copy-marker start)))
-    (when (save-excursion
-	    (goto-char start)
-	    (/= 0 (current-indentation))) ; need dummy block
-      (save-excursion
-	(goto-char orig-start)
-	;; Wrong if we had indented code at buffer start.
-	(set-marker orig-start (line-beginning-position 0)))
-      (write-region "if True:\n" nil f nil 'nomsg))
-    (write-region start end f t 'nomsg)
-    (python-send-command command)
-    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc))
-      ;; Tell compile.el to redirect error locations in file `f' to
-      ;; positions past marker `orig-start'.  It has to be done *after*
-      ;; `python-send-command''s call to `compilation-forget-errors'.
-      (compilation-fake-loc orig-start f))))
-(defun python-send-string (string)
-  "Evaluate STRING in inferior Python process."
-  (interactive "sPython command: ")
-  (comint-send-string (python-proc) string)
-  (unless (string-match "\n\\'" string)
-    ;; Make sure the text is properly LF-terminated.
-    (comint-send-string (python-proc) "\n"))
-  (when (string-match "\n[ \t].*\n?\\'" string)
-    ;; If the string contains a final indented line, add a second newline so
-    ;; as to make sure we terminate the multiline instruction.
-    (comint-send-string (python-proc) "\n")))
-(defun python-send-buffer ()
-  "Send the current buffer to the inferior Python process."
-  (interactive)
-  (python-send-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-;; Fixme: Try to define the function or class within the relevant
-;; module, not just at top level.
-(defun python-send-defun ()
-  "Send the current defun (class or method) to the inferior Python process."
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion (python-send-region (progn (beginning-of-defun) (point))
-				      (progn (end-of-defun) (point)))))
-(defun python-switch-to-python (eob-p)
-  "Switch to the Python process buffer, maybe starting new process.
-With prefix arg, position cursor at end of buffer."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc)) t) ;Runs python if needed.
-  (when eob-p
-    (push-mark)
-    (goto-char (point-max))))
-(defun python-send-region-and-go (start end)
-  "Send the region to the inferior Python process.
-Then switch to the process buffer."
-  (interactive "r")
-  (python-send-region start end)
-  (python-switch-to-python t))
-(defcustom python-source-modes '(python-mode jython-mode)
-  "Used to determine if a buffer contains Python source code.
-If a file is loaded into a buffer that is in one of these major modes,
-it is considered Python source by `python-load-file', which uses the
-value to determine defaults."
-  :type '(repeat function)
-  :group 'python)
-(defvar python-prev-dir/file nil
-  "Caches (directory . file) pair used in the last `python-load-file' command.
-Used for determining the default in the next one.")
-(defun python-load-file (file-name)
-  "Load a Python file FILE-NAME into the inferior Python process.
-If the file has extension `.py' import or reload it as a module.
-Treating it as a module keeps the global namespace clean, provides
-function location information for debugging, and supports users of
-module-qualified names."
-  (interactive (comint-get-source "Load Python file: " python-prev-dir/file
-				  python-source-modes
-				  t))	; because execfile needs exact name
-  (comint-check-source file-name)     ; Check to see if buffer needs saving.
-  (setq python-prev-dir/file (cons (file-name-directory file-name)
-				   (file-name-nondirectory file-name)))
-  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc)) ;Runs python if needed.
-    ;; Fixme: I'm not convinced by this logic from python-mode.el.
-    (python-send-command
-     (if (string-match "\\.py\\'" file-name)
-	 (let ((module (file-name-sans-extension
-			(file-name-nondirectory file-name))))
-	   (format "emacs.eimport(%S,%S)"
-		   module (file-name-directory file-name)))
-       (format "execfile(%S)" file-name)))
-    (message "%s loaded" file-name)))
-(defun python-proc ()
-  "Return the current Python process.
-See variable `python-buffer'.  Starts a new process if necessary."
-  ;; Fixme: Maybe should look for another active process if there
-  ;; isn't one for `python-buffer'.
-  (unless (comint-check-proc python-buffer)
-    (run-python nil t))
-  (get-buffer-process (if (derived-mode-p 'inferior-python-mode)
-			  (current-buffer)
-			python-buffer)))
-(defun python-set-proc ()
-  "Set the default value of `python-buffer' to correspond to this buffer.
-If the current buffer has a local value of `python-buffer', set the
-default (global) value to that.  The associated Python process is
-the one that gets input from \\[python-send-region] et al when used
-in a buffer that doesn't have a local value of `python-buffer'."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (local-variable-p 'python-buffer)
-      (setq-default python-buffer python-buffer)
-    (error "No local value of `python-buffer'")))
-;;;; Context-sensitive help.
-(defconst python-dotty-syntax-table
-  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
-    (set-char-table-parent table python-mode-syntax-table)
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" table)
-    table)
-  "Syntax table giving `.' symbol syntax.
-Otherwise inherits from `python-mode-syntax-table'.")
-(defvar view-return-to-alist)
-(eval-when-compile (autoload 'help-buffer "help-fns"))
-(defvar python-imports)			; forward declaration
-;; Fixme: Should this actually be used instead of info-look, i.e. be
-;; bound to C-h S?  [Probably not, since info-look may work in cases
-;; where this doesn't.]
-(defun python-describe-symbol (symbol)
-  "Get help on SYMBOL using `help'.
-Interactively, prompt for symbol.
-Symbol may be anything recognized by the interpreter's `help'
-command -- e.g. `CALLS' -- not just variables in scope in the
-interpreter.  This only works for Python version 2.2 or newer
-since earlier interpreters don't support `help'.
-In some cases where this doesn't find documentation, \\[info-lookup-symbol]
-  ;; Note that we do this in the inferior process, not a separate one, to
-  ;; ensure the environment is appropriate.
-  (interactive
-   (let ((symbol (with-syntax-table python-dotty-syntax-table
-		   (current-word)))
-	 (enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
-     (list (read-string (if symbol
-			    (format "Describe symbol (default %s): " symbol)
-			  "Describe symbol: ")
-			nil nil symbol))))
-  (if (equal symbol "") (error "No symbol"))
-  ;; Ensure we have a suitable help buffer.
-  ;; Fixme: Maybe process `Related help topics' a la help xrefs and
-  ;; allow C-c C-f in help buffer.
-  (let ((temp-buffer-show-hook		; avoid xref stuff
-	 (lambda ()
-	   (setq buffer-read-only t)
-	   (setq view-return-to-alist
-		 (list (cons (selected-window) help-return-method))))))
-    (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
-      (with-current-buffer standard-output
- 	;; Fixme: Is this actually useful?
-	(help-setup-xref (list 'python-describe-symbol symbol)
-			 (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
-	(set (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-subvert-readonly) t)
-	(help-print-return-message))))
-  (comint-redirect-send-command-to-process (format "emacs.ehelp(%S, %s)"
-						   symbol python-imports)
-   "*Help*" (python-proc) nil nil))
-(add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^No symbol")
-(defun python-send-receive (string)
-  "Send STRING to inferior Python (if any) and return result.
-The result is what follows `_emacs_out' in the output.
-This is a no-op if `python-check-comint-prompt' returns nil."
-  (python-send-string string)
-  (let ((proc (python-proc)))
-    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-      (when (python-check-comint-prompt proc)
-	(set (make-local-variable 'python-preoutput-result) nil)
-	(while (progn
-		 (accept-process-output proc 5)
-		 (null python-preoutput-result)))
-	(prog1 python-preoutput-result
-	  (kill-local-variable 'python-preoutput-result))))))
-(defun python-check-comint-prompt (&optional proc)
-  "Return non-nil if and only if there's a normal prompt in the inferior buffer.
-If there isn't, it's probably not appropriate to send input to return Eldoc
-information etc.  If PROC is non-nil, check the buffer for that process."
-  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer (or proc (python-proc)))
-    (save-excursion
-      (save-match-data
-	(re-search-backward (concat python--prompt-regexp " *\\=")
-			    nil t)))))
-;; Fixme:  Is there anything reasonable we can do with random methods?
-;; (Currently only works with functions.)
-(defun python-eldoc-function ()
-  "`eldoc-documentation-function' for Python.
-Only works when point is in a function name, not its arg list, for
-instance.  Assumes an inferior Python is running."
-  (let ((symbol (with-syntax-table python-dotty-syntax-table
-		  (current-word))))
-    ;; This is run from timers, so inhibit-quit tends to be set.
-    (with-local-quit
-      ;; First try the symbol we're on.
-      (or (and symbol
-	       (python-send-receive (format "emacs.eargs(%S, %s)"
-					    symbol python-imports)))
-	  ;; Try moving to symbol before enclosing parens.
-	  (let ((s (syntax-ppss)))
-	    (unless (zerop (car s))
-	      (when (eq ?\( (char-after (nth 1 s)))
-		(save-excursion
-		  (goto-char (nth 1 s))
-		  (skip-syntax-backward "-")
-		  (let ((point (point)))
-		    (skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z._")
-		    (if (< (point) point)
-			(python-send-receive
-			 (format "emacs.eargs(%S, %s)"
-				 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) point)
-				 python-imports))))))))))))
-;;;; Info-look functionality.
-(declare-function info-lookup-maybe-add-help "info-look" (&rest arg))
-(defun python-after-info-look ()
-  "Set up info-look for Python.
-Used with `eval-after-load'."
-  (let* ((version (let ((s (shell-command-to-string (concat python-command
-							    " -V"))))
-		    (string-match "^Python \\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\>\\)" s)
-		    (match-string 1 s)))
-	 ;; Whether info files have a Python version suffix, e.g. in Debian.
-	 (versioned
-	  (with-temp-buffer
-	    (with-no-warnings (Info-mode))
-	    (condition-case ()
-		;; Don't use `info' because it would pop-up a *info* buffer.
-		(with-no-warnings
-		  (Info-goto-node (format "(python%s-lib)Miscellaneous Index"
-					  version))
-		  t)
-	      (error nil)))))
-    (info-lookup-maybe-add-help
-     :mode 'python-mode
-     :regexp "[[:alnum:]_]+"
-     :doc-spec
-     ;; Fixme: Can this reasonably be made specific to indices with
-     ;; different rules?  Is the order of indices optimal?
-     ;; (Miscellaneous in -ref first prefers lookup of keywords, for
-     ;; instance.)
-     (if versioned
-	 ;; The empty prefix just gets us highlighted terms.
-	 `((,(concat "(python" version "-ref)Miscellaneous Index") nil "")
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-ref)Module Index" nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-ref)Function-Method-Variable Index"
-		     nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-ref)Class-Exception-Object Index"
-		     nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-lib)Module Index" nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-lib)Class-Exception-Object Index"
-		     nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-lib)Function-Method-Variable Index"
-		     nil ""))
-	   (,(concat "(python" version "-lib)Miscellaneous Index" nil "")))
-       '(("(python-ref)Miscellaneous Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-ref)Module Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-ref)Function-Method-Variable Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-ref)Class-Exception-Object Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-lib)Module Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-lib)Class-Exception-Object Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-lib)Function-Method-Variable Index" nil "")
-	 ("(python-lib)Miscellaneous Index" nil ""))))))
-(eval-after-load "info-look" '(python-after-info-look))
-;;;; Miscellany.
-(defcustom python-jython-packages '("java" "javax" "org" "com")
-  "Packages implying `jython-mode'.
-If these are imported near the beginning of the buffer, `python-mode'
-actually punts to `jython-mode'."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python)
-;; Called from `python-mode', this causes a recursive call of the
-;; mode.  See logic there to break out of the recursion.
-(defun python-maybe-jython ()
-  "Invoke `jython-mode' if the buffer appears to contain Jython code.
-The criterion is either a match for `jython-mode' via
-`interpreter-mode-alist' or an import of a module from the list
-  ;; The logic is taken from python-mode.el.
-  (save-excursion
-    (save-restriction
-      (widen)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let ((interpreter (if (looking-at auto-mode-interpreter-regexp)
-			     (match-string 2))))
-	(if (and interpreter (eq 'jython-mode
-				 (cdr (assoc (file-name-nondirectory
-					      interpreter)
-					     interpreter-mode-alist))))
-	    (jython-mode)
-	  (if (catch 'done
-		(while (re-search-forward
-			(rx line-start (or "import" "from") (1+ space)
-			    (group (1+ (not (any " \t\n.")))))
-			(+ (point-min) 10000) ; Probably not worth customizing.
-			t)
-		  (if (member (match-string 1) python-jython-packages)
-		      (throw 'done t))))
-	      (jython-mode)))))))
-(defun python-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
-  "`fill-paragraph-function' handling multi-line strings and possibly comments.
-If any of the current line is in or at the end of a multi-line string,
-fill the string or the paragraph of it that point is in, preserving
-the string's indentation."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (or (fill-comment-paragraph justify)
-      (save-excursion
-	(end-of-line)
-	(let* ((syntax (syntax-ppss))
-	       (orig (point))
-	       start end)
-	  (cond ((nth 4 syntax)	; comment.   fixme: loses with trailing one
-		 (let (fill-paragraph-function)
-		   (fill-paragraph justify)))
-		;; The `paragraph-start' and `paragraph-separate'
-		;; variables don't allow us to delimit the last
-		;; paragraph in a multi-line string properly, so narrow
-		;; to the string and then fill around (the end of) the
-		;; current line.
-		((nth 3 syntax)	; in fenced string
-		 (goto-char (nth 8 syntax)) ; string start
-		 (setq start (line-beginning-position))
-		 (setq end (condition-case () ; for unbalanced quotes
-                               (progn (forward-sexp)
-                                      (- (point) 3))
-                             (error (point-max)))))
-		((re-search-backward "\\s|\\s-*\\=" nil t) ; end of fenced string
-		 (forward-char)
-		 (setq end (point))
-		 (condition-case ()
-		     (progn (backward-sexp)
-			    (setq start (line-beginning-position)))
-		   (error nil))))
-	  (when end
-	    (save-restriction
-	      (narrow-to-region start end)
-	      (goto-char orig)
-	      ;; Avoid losing leading and trailing newlines in doc
-	      ;; strings written like:
-	      ;;   """
-	      ;;   ...
-	      ;;   """
-	      (let ((paragraph-separate
-		     ;; Note that the string could be part of an
-		     ;; expression, so it can have preceding and
-		     ;; trailing non-whitespace.
-		     (concat
-		      (rx (or
-			   ;; Opening triple quote without following text.
-			   (and (* nonl)
-				(group (syntax string-delimiter))
-				(repeat 2 (backref 1))
-				;; Fixme:  Not sure about including
-				;; trailing whitespace.
-				(* (any " \t"))
-				eol)
-			   ;; Closing trailing quote without preceding text.
-			   (and (group (any ?\" ?')) (backref 2)
-				(syntax string-delimiter))))
-		      "\\(?:" paragraph-separate "\\)"))
-		    fill-paragraph-function)
-		(fill-paragraph justify))))))) t)
-(defun python-shift-left (start end &optional count)
-  "Shift lines in region COUNT (the prefix arg) columns to the left.
-COUNT defaults to `python-indent'.  If region isn't active, just shift
-current line.  The region shifted includes the lines in which START and
-END lie.  It is an error if any lines in the region are indented less than
-COUNT columns."
-  (interactive
-   (if mark-active
-       (list (region-beginning) (region-end) current-prefix-arg)
-     (list (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) current-prefix-arg)))
-  (if count
-      (setq count (prefix-numeric-value count))
-    (setq count python-indent))
-  (when (> count 0)
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char start)
-      (while (< (point) end)
-	(if (and (< (current-indentation) count)
-		 (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
-	    (error "Can't shift all lines enough"))
-	(forward-line))
-      (indent-rigidly start end (- count)))))
-(add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^Can't shift all lines enough")
-(defun python-shift-right (start end &optional count)
-  "Shift lines in region COUNT (the prefix arg) columns to the right.
-COUNT defaults to `python-indent'.  If region isn't active, just shift
-current line.  The region shifted includes the lines in which START and
-END lie."
-  (interactive
-   (if mark-active
-       (list (region-beginning) (region-end) current-prefix-arg)
-     (list (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position) current-prefix-arg)))
-  (if count
-      (setq count (prefix-numeric-value count))
-    (setq count python-indent))
-  (indent-rigidly start end count))
-(defun python-outline-level ()
-  "`outline-level' function for Python mode.
-The level is the number of `python-indent' steps of indentation
-of current line."
-  (1+ (/ (current-indentation) python-indent)))
-;; Fixme: Consider top-level assignments, imports, &c.
-(defun python-current-defun (&optional length-limit)
-  "`add-log-current-defun-function' for Python."
-  (save-excursion
-    ;; Move up the tree of nested `class' and `def' blocks until we
-    ;; get to zero indentation, accumulating the defined names.
-    (let ((accum)
-	  (length -1))
-      (catch 'done
-	(while (or (null length-limit)
-		   (null (cdr accum))
-		   (< length length-limit))
-	  (let ((started-from (point)))
-	    (python-beginning-of-block)
-	    (end-of-line)
-	    (beginning-of-defun)
-	    (when (= (point) started-from)
-	      (throw 'done nil)))
-	  (when (looking-at (rx (0+ space) (or "def" "class") (1+ space)
-				(group (1+ (or word (syntax symbol))))))
-	    (push (match-string 1) accum)
-	    (setq length (+ length 1 (length (car accum)))))
-	  (when (= (current-indentation) 0)
-	    (throw 'done nil))))
-      (when accum
-	(when (and length-limit (> length length-limit))
-	  (setcar accum ".."))
-	(mapconcat 'identity accum ".")))))
-(defun python-mark-block ()
-  "Mark the block around point.
-Uses `python-beginning-of-block', `python-end-of-block'."
-  (interactive)
-  (push-mark)
-  (python-beginning-of-block)
-  (push-mark (point) nil t)
-  (python-end-of-block)
-  (exchange-point-and-mark))
-;; Fixme:  Provide a find-function-like command to find source of a
-;; definition (separate from BicycleRepairMan).  Complicated by
-;; finding the right qualified name.
-;;;; Completion.
-(defvar python-imports "None"
-  "String of top-level import statements updated by `python-find-imports'.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-imports)
-;; Fixme: Should font-lock try to run this when it deals with an import?
-;; Maybe not a good idea if it gets run multiple times when the
-;; statement is being edited, and is more likely to end up with
-;; something syntactically incorrect.
-;; However, what we should do is to trundle up the block tree from point
-;; to extract imports that appear to be in scope, and add those.
-(defun python-find-imports ()
-  "Find top-level imports, updating `python-imports'."
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-      (let (lines)
-	(goto-char (point-min))
-	(while (re-search-forward "^import\\>\\|^from\\>" nil t)
-	  (unless (syntax-ppss-context (syntax-ppss))
-	    (let ((start (line-beginning-position)))
-	      ;; Skip over continued lines.
-	      (while (and (eq ?\\ (char-before (line-end-position)))
-			  (= 0 (forward-line 1)))
-		t)
-	      (push (buffer-substring start (line-beginning-position 2))
-		    lines))))
-	(setq python-imports
-	      (if lines
-		  (apply #'concat
-;; This is probably best left out since you're unlikely to need the
-;; doc for a function in the buffer and the import will lose if the
-;; Python sub-process' working directory isn't the same as the
-;; buffer's.
-;; 			 (if buffer-file-name
-;; 			     (concat
-;; 			      "import "
-;; 			      (file-name-sans-extension
-;; 			       (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))))
-			 (nreverse lines))
-		"None"))
-	(when lines
-	  (set-text-properties 0 (length python-imports) nil python-imports)
-	  ;; The output ends up in the wrong place if the string we
-	  ;; send contains newlines (from the imports).
-	  (setq python-imports
-		(replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\n"
-					  (format "%S" python-imports) t t))))))
-;; Fixme: This fails the first time if the sub-process isn't already
-;; running.  Presumably a timing issue with i/o to the process.
-(defun python-symbol-completions (symbol)
-  "Return a list of completions of the string SYMBOL from Python process.
-The list is sorted.
-Uses `python-imports' to load modules against which to complete."
-  (when (stringp symbol)
-    (let ((completions
-	   (condition-case ()
-	       (car (read-from-string
-		     (python-send-receive
-		      (format "emacs.complete(%S,%s)"
-			      (substring-no-properties symbol)
-			      python-imports))))
-	     (error nil))))
-      (sort
-       ;; We can get duplicates from the above -- don't know why.
-       (delete-dups completions)
-       #'string<))))
-(defun python-completion-at-point ()
-  (let ((end (point))
-	(start (save-excursion
-		 (and (re-search-backward
-		       (rx (or buffer-start (regexp "[^[:alnum:]._]"))
-			   (group (1+ (regexp "[[:alnum:]._]"))) point)
-		       nil t)
-		      (match-beginning 1)))))
-    (when start
-      (list start end
-            (completion-table-dynamic 'python-symbol-completions)))))
-;;;; FFAP support
-(defun python-module-path (module)
-  "Function for `ffap-alist' to return path to MODULE."
-  (python-send-receive (format "emacs.modpath (%S)" module)))
-(eval-after-load "ffap"
-  '(push '(python-mode . python-module-path) ffap-alist))
-;;;; Find-function support
-;; Fixme: key binding?
-(defun python-find-function (name)
-  "Find source of definition of function NAME.
-Interactively, prompt for name."
-  (interactive
-   (let ((symbol (with-syntax-table python-dotty-syntax-table
-		   (current-word)))
-	 (enable-recursive-minibuffers t))
-     (list (read-string (if symbol
-			    (format "Find location of (default %s): " symbol)
-			  "Find location of: ")
-			nil nil symbol))))
-  (unless python-imports
-    (error "Not called from buffer visiting Python file"))
-  (let* ((loc (python-send-receive (format "emacs.location_of (%S, %s)"
-					   name python-imports)))
-	 (loc (car (read-from-string loc)))
-	 (file (car loc))
-	 (line (cdr loc)))
-    (unless file (error "Don't know where `%s' is defined" name))
-    (pop-to-buffer (find-file-noselect file))
-    (when (integerp line)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (forward-line (1- line)))))
-;;;; Skeletons
-(defcustom python-use-skeletons nil
-  "Non-nil means template skeletons will be automagically inserted.
-This happens when pressing \"if<SPACE>\", for example, to prompt for
-the if condition."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'python)
-(define-abbrev-table 'python-mode-abbrev-table ()
-  "Abbrev table for Python mode."
-  :case-fixed t
-  ;; Allow / inside abbrevs.
-  :regexp "\\(?:^\\|[^/]\\)\\<\\([[:word:]/]+\\)\\W*"
-  ;; Only expand in code.
-  :enable-function (lambda () (not (python-in-string/comment))))
-  ;; Define a user-level skeleton and add it to the abbrev table.
-(defmacro def-python-skeleton (name &rest elements)
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  (let* ((name (symbol-name name))
-	 (function (intern (concat "python-insert-" name))))
-    `(progn
-       ;; Usual technique for inserting a skeleton, but expand
-       ;; to the original abbrev instead if in a comment or string.
-       (when python-use-skeletons
-         (define-abbrev python-mode-abbrev-table ,name ""
-           ',function
-           nil t))                      ; system abbrev
-       (define-skeleton ,function
-	 ,(format "Insert Python \"%s\" template." name)
-	 ,@elements)))))
-;; From `skeleton-further-elements' set below:
-;;  `<': outdent a level;
-;;  `^': delete indentation on current line and also previous newline.
-;;       Not quite like `delete-indentation'.  Assumes point is at
-;;       beginning of indentation.
-(def-python-skeleton if
-  "Condition: "
-  "if " str ":" \n
-  > -1	   ; Fixme: I don't understand the spurious space this removes.
-  _ \n
-  ("other condition, %s: "
-   <			; Avoid wrong indentation after block opening.
-   "elif " str ":" \n
-   > _ \n nil)
-  '(python-else) | ^)
-(define-skeleton python-else
-  "Auxiliary skeleton."
-  nil
-  (unless (eq ?y (read-char "Add `else' clause? (y for yes or RET for no) "))
-    (signal 'quit t))
-  < "else:" \n
-  > _ \n)
-(def-python-skeleton while
-  "Condition: "
-  "while " str ":" \n
-  > -1 _ \n
-  '(python-else) | ^)
-(def-python-skeleton for
-  "Target, %s: "
-  "for " str " in " (skeleton-read "Expression, %s: ") ":" \n
-  > -1 _ \n
-  '(python-else) | ^)
-(def-python-skeleton try/except
-  nil
-  "try:" \n
-  > -1 _ \n
-  ("Exception, %s: "
-   < "except " str '(python-target) ":" \n
-   > _ \n nil)
-  < "except:" \n
-  > _ \n
-  '(python-else) | ^)
-(define-skeleton python-target
-  "Auxiliary skeleton."
-  "Target, %s: " ", " str | -2)
-(def-python-skeleton try/finally
-  nil
-  "try:" \n
-  > -1 _ \n
-  < "finally:" \n
-  > _ \n)
-(def-python-skeleton def
-  "Name: "
-  "def " str " (" ("Parameter, %s: " (unless (equal ?\( (char-before)) ", ")
-		     str) "):" \n
-  "\"\"\"" - "\"\"\"" \n     ; Fixme:  extra space inserted -- why?).
-  > _ \n)
-(def-python-skeleton class
-  "Name: "
-  "class " str " (" ("Inheritance, %s: "
-		     (unless (equal ?\( (char-before)) ", ")
-		     str)
-  & ")" | -2				; close list or remove opening
-  ":" \n
-  "\"\"\"" - "\"\"\"" \n
-  > _ \n)
-(defvar python-default-template "if"
-  "Default template to expand by `python-expand-template'.
-Updated on each expansion.")
-(defun python-expand-template (name)
-  "Expand template named NAME.
-Interactively, prompt for the name with completion."
-  (interactive
-   (list (completing-read (format "Template to expand (default %s): "
-				  python-default-template)
-			  python-mode-abbrev-table nil t nil nil
-                          python-default-template)))
-  (if (equal "" name)
-      (setq name python-default-template)
-    (setq python-default-template name))
-  (let ((sym (abbrev-symbol name python-mode-abbrev-table)))
-    (if sym
-        (abbrev-insert sym)
-      (error "Undefined template: %s" name))))
-;;;; Bicycle Repair Man support
-(autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t)
-(autoload 'brm-init "bikeemacs")
-(defvar brm-menu)
-;; I'm not sure how useful BRM really is, and it's certainly dangerous
-;; the way it modifies files outside Emacs...  Also note that the
-;; current BRM loses with tabs used for indentation -- I submitted a
-;; fix <URL:>.
-(defun python-setup-brm ()
-  "Set up Bicycle Repair Man refactoring tool (if available).
-Note that the `refactoring' features change files independently of
-Emacs and may modify and save the contents of the current buffer
-without confirmation."
-  (interactive)
-  (condition-case data
-      (unless (fboundp 'brm-rename)
-	(pymacs-load "bikeemacs" "brm-") ; first line of normal recipe
-	(let ((py-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) ; it assumes this
-	      (features (cons 'python-mode features))) ; and requires this
-	  (brm-init)			; second line of normal recipe
-	  (remove-hook 'python-mode-hook ; undo this from `brm-init'
-		       (lambda () (easy-menu-add brm-menu)))
-	  (easy-menu-define
-	    python-brm-menu python-mode-map
-	    "Bicycle Repair Man"
-	    '("BicycleRepairMan"
-	      :help "Interface to navigation and refactoring tool"
-	      "Queries"
-	      ["Find References" brm-find-references
-	       :help "Find references to name at point in compilation buffer"]
-	      ["Find Definition" brm-find-definition
-	       :help "Find definition of name at point"]
-	      "-"
-	      "Refactoring"
-	      ["Rename" brm-rename
-	       :help "Replace name at point with a new name everywhere"]
-	      ["Extract Method" brm-extract-method
-	       :active (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only))
-	       :help "Replace statements in region with a method"]
-	      ["Extract Local Variable" brm-extract-local-variable
-	       :active (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only))
-	       :help "Replace expression in region with an assignment"]
-	      ["Inline Local Variable" brm-inline-local-variable
-	       :help
-	       "Substitute uses of variable at point with its definition"]
-	      ;; Fixme:  Should check for anything to revert.
-	      ["Undo Last Refactoring" brm-undo :help ""]))))
-    (error (error "BicycleRepairMan setup failed: %s" data))))
-;;;; Modes.
-;; pdb tracking is alert once this file is loaded, but takes no action if
-;; `python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p' is nil.
-(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'python-pdbtrack-track-stack-file)
-(defvar outline-heading-end-regexp)
-(defvar eldoc-documentation-function)
-(defvar python-mode-running)            ;Dynamically scoped var.
-(define-derived-mode python-mode prog-mode "Python"
-  "Major mode for editing Python files.
-Turns on Font Lock mode unconditionally since it is currently required
-for correct parsing of the source.
-See also `jython-mode', which is actually invoked if the buffer appears to
-contain Jython code.  See also `run-python' and associated Python mode
-commands for running Python under Emacs.
-The Emacs commands which work with `defun's, e.g. \\[beginning-of-defun], deal
-with nested `def' and `class' blocks.  They take the innermost one as
-current without distinguishing method and class definitions.  Used multiple
-times, they move over others at the same indentation level until they reach
-the end of definitions at that level, when they move up a level.
-Colon is electric: it outdents the line if appropriate, e.g. for
-an else statement.  \\[python-backspace] at the beginning of an indented statement
-deletes a level of indentation to close the current block; otherwise it
-deletes a character backward.  TAB indents the current line relative to
-the preceding code.  Successive TABs, with no intervening command, cycle
-through the possibilities for indentation on the basis of enclosing blocks.
-\\[fill-paragraph] fills comments and multi-line strings appropriately, but has no
-effect outside them.
-Supports Eldoc mode (only for functions, using a Python process),
-Info-Look and Imenu.  In Outline minor mode, `class' and `def'
-lines count as headers.  Symbol completion is available in the
-same way as in the Python shell using the `rlcompleter' module
-and this is added to the Hippie Expand functions locally if
-Hippie Expand mode is turned on.  Completion of symbols of the
-form x.y only works if the components are literal
-module/attribute names, not variables.  An abbrev table is set up
-with skeleton expansions for compound statement templates.
-  :group 'python
-  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
-       '(python-font-lock-keywords nil nil nil nil
-         ;; This probably isn't worth it.
-         ;; (font-lock-syntactic-face-function
-         ;;  . python-font-lock-syntactic-face-function)
-         ))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'syntax-propertize-function)
-       python-syntax-propertize-function)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "# ")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) #'python-indent-line)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function) #'python-indent-region)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "\\s-*$")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'python-fill-paragraph)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) mode-require-final-newline)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
-       #'python-current-defun)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp)
-       (rx (* space) (or "class" "def" "elif" "else" "except" "finally"
-			 "for" "if" "try" "while" "with")
-	   symbol-end))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'outline-heading-end-regexp) ":\\s-*\n")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'outline-level) #'python-outline-level)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start) nil)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function)
-       'python-beginning-of-defun)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) 'python-end-of-defun)
-  (add-hook 'which-func-functions 'python-which-func nil t)
-  (setq imenu-create-index-function #'python-imenu-create-index)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function)
-       #'python-eldoc-function)
-  (add-hook 'eldoc-mode-hook
-	    (lambda () (run-python nil t)) ; need it running
-	    nil t)
-  (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
-            'python-completion-at-point nil 'local)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'skeleton-further-elements)
-       '((< '(backward-delete-char-untabify (min python-indent
-						 (current-column))))
-	 (^ '(- (1+ (current-indentation))))))
-  ;; Python defines TABs as being 8-char wide.
-  (set (make-local-variable 'tab-width) 8)
-  (when python-guess-indent (python-guess-indent))
-  ;; Let's make it harder for the user to shoot himself in the foot.
-  (unless (= tab-width python-indent)
-    (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'python-command) python-python-command)
-  (python-find-imports)
-  (unless (boundp 'python-mode-running)	; kill the recursion from jython-mode
-    (let ((python-mode-running t))
-      (python-maybe-jython))))
-;; Not done automatically in Emacs 21 or 22.
-(defcustom python-mode-hook nil
-  "Hook run when entering Python mode."
-  :group 'python
-  :type 'hook)
-(custom-add-option 'python-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index)
-(custom-add-option 'python-mode-hook
-		   (lambda ()
-		     "Turn off Indent Tabs mode."
-		     (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)))
-(custom-add-option 'python-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
-(custom-add-option 'python-mode-hook 'abbrev-mode)
-(custom-add-option 'python-mode-hook 'python-setup-brm)
-(define-derived-mode jython-mode python-mode  "Jython"
-  "Major mode for editing Jython files.
-Like `python-mode', but sets up parameters for Jython subprocesses.
-Runs `jython-mode-hook' after `python-mode-hook'."
-  :group 'python
-  (set (make-local-variable 'python-command) python-jython-command))
-;; pdbtrack features
-(defun python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow (activation)
-  "Activate or deactivate arrow at beginning-of-line in current buffer."
-  (if activation
-      (progn
-        (setq overlay-arrow-position (make-marker)
-              overlay-arrow-string "=>"
-              python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p t)
-        (set-marker overlay-arrow-position
-                    (line-beginning-position)
-                    (current-buffer)))
-    (setq overlay-arrow-position nil
-          python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p nil)))
-(defun python-pdbtrack-track-stack-file (_text)
-  "Show the file indicated by the pdb stack entry line, in a separate window.
-Activity is disabled if the buffer-local variable
-`python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p' is nil.
-We depend on the pdb input prompt being a match for
-If the traceback target file path is invalid, we look for the
-most recently visited python-mode buffer which either has the
-name of the current function or class, or which defines the
-function or class.  This is to provide for scripts not in the
-local file system (e.g., Zope's 'Script \(Python)', but it's not
-Zope specific).  If you put a copy of the script in a buffer
-named for the script and activate python-mode, then pdbtrack will
-find it."
-  ;; Instead of trying to piece things together from partial text
-  ;; (which can be almost useless depending on Emacs version), we
-  ;; monitor to the point where we have the next pdb prompt, and then
-  ;; check all text from comint-last-input-end to process-mark.
-  ;;
-  ;; Also, we're very conservative about clearing the overlay arrow,
-  ;; to minimize residue.  This means, for instance, that executing
-  ;; other pdb commands wipe out the highlight.  You can always do a
-  ;; 'where' (aka 'w') PDB command to reveal the overlay arrow.
-  (let* ((origbuf (current-buffer))
-	 (currproc (get-buffer-process origbuf)))
-    (if (not (and currproc python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p))
-        (python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow nil)
-      (let* ((procmark (process-mark currproc))
-             (block (buffer-substring (max comint-last-input-end
-                                           (- procmark
-                                              python-pdbtrack-track-range))
-                                      procmark))
-             target target_fname target_lineno target_buffer)
-        (if (not (string-match (concat python-pdbtrack-input-prompt "$") block))
-            (python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow nil)
-          (setq block (ansi-color-filter-apply block))
-          (setq target (python-pdbtrack-get-source-buffer block))
-          (if (stringp target)
-              (progn
-                (python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow nil)
-                (message "pdbtrack: %s" target))
-            (setq target_lineno (car target)
-                  target_buffer (cadr target)
-                  target_fname (buffer-file-name target_buffer))
-            (switch-to-buffer-other-window target_buffer)
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (forward-line (1- target_lineno))
-            (message "pdbtrack: line %s, file %s" target_lineno target_fname)
-            (python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow t)
-            (pop-to-buffer origbuf t)
-            ;; in large shell buffers, above stuff may cause point to lag output
-            (goto-char procmark)
-            )))))
-  )
-(defun python-pdbtrack-get-source-buffer (block)
-  "Return line number and buffer of code indicated by block's traceback text.
-We look first to visit the file indicated in the trace.
-Failing that, we look for the most recently visited python-mode buffer
-with the same name or having the named function.
-If we're unable find the source code we return a string describing the
-  (if (not (string-match python-pdbtrack-stack-entry-regexp block))
-      "Traceback cue not found"
-    (let* ((filename (match-string 1 block))
-           (lineno (string-to-number (match-string 2 block)))
-           (funcname (match-string 3 block))
-           (msg (get-text-property 0 'compilation-message filename))
-           (loc (and msg (compilation--message->loc msg)))
-           funcbuffer)
-      (cond ((and loc (markerp (compilation--loc->marker loc)))
-             (setq funcbuffer (marker-buffer (compilation--loc->marker loc)))
-             (list (with-current-buffer funcbuffer
-                     (line-number-at-pos (compilation--loc->marker loc)))
-                   funcbuffer))
-            ((file-exists-p filename)
-             (list lineno (find-file-noselect filename)))
-            ((setq funcbuffer (python-pdbtrack-grub-for-buffer funcname lineno))
-             (if (string-match "/Script (Python)$" filename)
-                 ;; Add in number of lines for leading '##' comments:
-                 (setq lineno
-                       (+ lineno
-                          (with-current-buffer funcbuffer
-                            (if (equal (point-min)(point-max))
-                                0
-                              (count-lines
-                               (point-min)
-                               (max (point-min)
-                                    (string-match "^\\([^#]\\|#[^#]\\|#$\\)"
-                                                  (buffer-substring
-                                                   (point-min) (point-max)))
-                                    )))))))
-             (list lineno funcbuffer))
-            ((= (elt filename 0) ?\<)
-             (format "(Non-file source: '%s')" filename))
-            (t (format "Not found: %s(), %s" funcname filename))))))
-(defun python-pdbtrack-grub-for-buffer (funcname _lineno)
-  "Find recent Python mode buffer named, or having function named FUNCNAME."
-  (let ((buffers (buffer-list))
-        buf
-        got)
-    (while (and buffers (not got))
-      (setq buf (car buffers)
-            buffers (cdr buffers))
-      (if (and (with-current-buffer buf
-                 (string= major-mode "python-mode"))
-               (or (string-match funcname (buffer-name buf))
-                   (string-match (concat "^\\s-*\\(def\\|class\\)\\s-+"
-                                         funcname "\\s-*(")
-                                 (with-current-buffer buf
-                                   (buffer-substring (point-min)
-                                                     (point-max))))))
-          (setq got buf)))
-    got))
-;; Python subprocess utilities and filters
-(defun python-execute-file (proc filename)
-  "Send to Python interpreter process PROC \"execfile('FILENAME')\".
-Make that process's buffer visible and force display.  Also make
-comint believe the user typed this string so that
-`kill-output-from-shell' does The Right Thing."
-  (let ((curbuf (current-buffer))
-	(procbuf (process-buffer proc))
-;	(comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t)
-	(msg (format "## working on region in file %s...\n" filename))
-        ;; add some comment, so that we can filter it out of history
-	(cmd (format "execfile(r'%s') # PYTHON-MODE\n" filename)))
-    (unwind-protect
-	(with-current-buffer procbuf
-	  (goto-char (point-max))
-	  (move-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
-	  (funcall (process-filter proc) proc msg))
-      (set-buffer curbuf))
-    (process-send-string proc cmd)))
-(defun python-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking (arg)
-  (interactive "P")
-  (if (not (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
-      (error "No process associated with buffer '%s'" (current-buffer)))
-  ;; missing or 0 is toggle, >0 turn on, <0 turn off
-  (if (or (not arg)
-	  (zerop (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
-      (setq python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p (not python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p))
-    (setq python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p (> arg 0)))
-  (message "%sabled Python's pdbtrack"
-           (if python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p "En" "Dis")))
-(defun turn-on-pdbtrack ()
-  (interactive)
-  (python-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking 1))
-(defun turn-off-pdbtrack ()
-  (interactive)
-  (python-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking 0))
-(defun python-sentinel (_proc _msg)
-  (setq overlay-arrow-position nil))
-(defun python-unload-function ()
-  "Unload the Python library."
-  (remove-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'python-pdbtrack-track-stack-file)
-  (setq minor-mode-alist (assq-delete-all 'python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p
-                                          minor-mode-alist))
-  (dolist (error '("^No symbol" "^Can't shift all lines enough"))
-    (setq debug-ignored-errors (delete error debug-ignored-errors)))
-  ;; continue standard unloading
-  nil)
-;;;; Finish up
-;; Fixme: should be in hideshow.  This seems to be of limited use
-;; since it isn't (can't be) indentation-based.  Also hide-level
-;; doesn't seem to work properly.
-(add-to-list 'hs-special-modes-alist
-             `(python-mode "^\\s-*\\(?:def\\|class\\)\\>" nil "#"
-                           ,(lambda (_arg)
-                              (python-end-of-defun)
-                              (skip-chars-backward " \t\n"))
-                           nil))
-(provide 'python)
-(provide 'python-21)
-;;; python.el ends here