-;;; icons.el --- Handling icons -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;;; icons.el --- Icon support in buffers, mode-line, etc. -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
-;; Keywords: icons buttons
+;; Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: icons buttons faces multimedia
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
+;; * Introduction
+;; This library provides support for icons, that can be used for
+;; things like decorating a buffer, toolbar buttons or the mode-line.
+;; Emacs comes bundled with several sets of icons, but you can also
+;; install new sets from package archives like GNU ELPA.
+;; icons.el allows users to change the appearance of icons all over
+;; Emacs, in libraries supporting it, by customizing
+;; `icons-set-priority'. You can think of this as icon themes for
+;; Emacs.
+;; Run `M-x customize-group RET icons RET' to see all user options.
+;; * Using this library as an Emacs Lisp developer
+;; To use these icons from Lisp, see `icons-get' and `icons-insert'.
+;; To use an icon in the modeline, use `icons-get-for-modeline'.
+;; Type `M-x list-icons' to see a list of all supported icons.
+;; * Adding Icon sets
+;; If you want to add a new icon set, the best starting point is to
+;; study an existing icon set. It comes down to one file containing a
+;; `icons-define-set' form, and then the actual image files. It is
+;; highly recommended to use SVG icons, but consider providing XPM and
+;; PBM fall-backs for users on older machines.
+;; To add SVG icons, you need to make sure that the SVG files don't
+;; contain any unnecessary or incorrect markup that stops them from
+;; being displayed correctly.
+;; There is optional support for more than one size of the same
+;; icon. This is to avoid icons looking bad when resized, and adapt
+;; things like line thickness for display at various sizes. See also
+;; the explanation on this page:
+;; https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/main/docs/content/guidelines/usage.mdx#sizing
+;; If you intend to distribute your icon set to others, it is
+;; important that they have a license that allows it. We cannot give
+;; legal advice, but typically this means a GPL compatible license.
+;; You can find more information about licenses here:
+;; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
;;; Code:
+;; TODO:
+;; - UTF-8 icons
+;; - Icon aliases
(require 'cl-lib)
+(with-eval-after-load 'icons
+ (require 'icons-material)
+ (require 'icons-octicons))
(defface icon
'((t :underline nil))
:version "29.1"
:group 'customize)
+;;;; User options.
+(defgroup icons nil
+ "Graphical icons in Emacs."
+ :group 'multimedia
+ :version "29.1")
+(defcustom icons-enabled (display-graphic-p)
+ "If non-nil, enable graphical icons."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :version "29.1")
(defcustom icon-preference '(image emoji symbol text)
"List of icon types to use, in order of preference.
Emacs will choose the icon of the highest preference possible
on the current display, and \"degrade\" gracefully to an icon
type that's available."
:version "29.1"
- :group 'customize
+ :group 'icons
:type '(repeat (choice (const :tag "Images" image)
(const :tag "Colorful Emojis" emoji)
(const :tag "Monochrome Symbols" symbol)
(const :tag "Text Only" text))))
+(defcustom icons-set-priority '(octicons)
+ "Priority of icon sets used by `icons-insert' et al."
+ :type '(list symbol)
+ :version "29.1")
+(defconst icons-type-priority '(svg png ppm xpm pbm)
+ "Priority of icon formats used by `icons-insert' et al.")
(defmacro define-icon (name parent specification documentation &rest keywords)
"Define an icon identified by NAME.
If non-nil, inherit the specification from PARENT. Entries from
(unless (plist-get keywords :version)
(error "There must be a :version keyword in `define-icon'"))
`(icons--register ',name ',parent ,specification ,documentation
- ',keywords))
+ ',keywords))
(defun icons--register (name parent spec doc keywords)
(put name 'icon--properties (list parent spec doc keywords))
(while keywords
(insert (format " %s: %s\n" (pop keywords) (pop keywords))))))))
+;;;; Icon set data.
+;; FIXME: Is this needed?
+(defvar icons-defined-sets nil
+ "List of all icon sets defined with `icons-define-set'.")
+(defvar icons-alist nil
+ "Alist containing all icon sets defined by `icons-define-set'.
+Has the form (NAME . ICONS), where NAME is a symbol representing
+a particular icon, and ICONS is a list of `icons-icon'
+Note that the list of icons might belong to different defined
+sets of icons, and which one is used depends on the user
+option `icons-set-priority' and `icons-type-priority'.")
+(cl-defstruct (icons-icon (:constructor icons-icon-create)
+ (:copier icons-icon-copy))
+ "Structure containing information about an individual icon file."
+ ( filename nil
+ :documentation "Filename of this icon (string)."
+ :type string)
+ ( type nil
+ :documentation "Image type of the icon (symbol)."
+ :type symbol)
+ ( size nil
+ :documentation "Size of this icon in pixels (integer).
+Specifies the size at which this icon is best viewed."
+ :type integer)
+ ( set nil
+ :documentation "Icon set that this icon belongs to (symbol)."
+ :type symbol))
+(defun icons-add-icon (name icon)
+ "Add `icons-icon' ICON with NAME to `icons-alist'."
+ (unless (icons-icon-p icon)
+ (error "Not an icon: %S" icon))
+ (if-let ((orig (cdr (assoc name icons-alist))))
+ (setf (cdr (assoc name icons-alist)) (cons icon orig))
+ (push (cons name (list icon)) icons-alist)))
+(defun icons--remove-set (set)
+ "Remove all icons belonging to SET from `icons-alist'."
+ (setq icons-alist
+ (seq-filter
+ (lambda (elem) (> (length elem) 1))
+ (mapcar (lambda (is)
+ (append
+ (list (car is))
+ (seq-filter (lambda (i)
+ (not (eq (icons-icon-set i) set)))
+ (cdr is))))
+ icons-alist))))
+(defun icons-define-set (set icons)
+ "Define a new icon SET from ICONS and add it to `icons-alist'.
+SET is a symbol naming the new set.
+ICONS is a list on the form (NAME FILE SIZE) where NAME is the
+name of the icon (a string), FILE is a filename, and SIZE is the
+pixel size at which this is best viewed."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ (icons--remove-set set)
+ (cl-pushnew set icons-defined-sets)
+ (dolist (icon icons)
+ (let* ((name (car icon))
+ (filename (cadr icon))
+ (size (caddr icon))
+ ;; Infer the type from the filename.
+ (type (intern
+ (progn
+ (string-match (rx "." (group (+ alnum)) eos)
+ filename)
+ (match-string 1 filename)))))
+ (icons-add-icon name (icons-icon-create :filename filename
+ :size size
+ :type type
+ :set set)))))
+;;;; Inserting and getting icons.
+(defun icons--get-sorted-icons (name &optional _size)
+ "Return icons for NAME sorted by type and set.
+The order is given by `icons-type-priority', `icons-set-priority'
+and SIZE in that order.
+Optional argument SIZE, if non-nil."
+ (let ((icons (copy-sequence (cdr (assoc name icons-alist)))))
+ (sort icons
+ (lambda (A B)
+ (let ((Af (icons-icon-type A))
+ (Bf (icons-icon-type B))
+ (As (icons-icon-set A))
+ (Bs (icons-icon-set B)))
+ (or (< (or (cl-position Af icons-type-priority) most-positive-fixnum)
+ (or (cl-position Bf icons-type-priority) most-positive-fixnum))
+ (< (or (cl-position As icons-set-priority) most-positive-fixnum)
+ (or (cl-position Bs icons-set-priority) most-positive-fixnum))))))))
+(defun icons--image-spec-from-icon (icon)
+ "Return a specification for `find-image' based on `icons-icon' ICON."
+ (cl-assert (icons-icon-p icon))
+ (list :file (icons-icon-filename icon)
+ :type (icons-icon-type icon)
+ :ascent 'center
+ :height '(1 . em)))
+(defun icons--get-icon (name &optional _size)
+ "Return the best icon to use for NAME.
+The icon is found by `icons--get-sorted-icons' (which see)."
+ (or (when-let ((icons (icons--get-sorted-icons name)))
+ (find-image (mapcar #'icons--image-spec-from-icon icons)))
+ (error "Unable to find icon: `%s'" name)))
+(defun icons-get (name &optional _size)
+ "Return icon NAME for inserting into a buffer.
+NAME is a string."
+ ;; FIXME: Size, based on default face.
+ ;; You should also be able to pass in a different face.
+ (if icons-enabled
+ (propertize " " 'display (icons--get-icon name))
+ ""))
+(defun icons-get-filename (name &optional _size)
+ "Return filename of icon NAME.
+NAME is a string."
+ (plist-get (cdr (icons--get-icon name)) :file))
+(defun icons-get-for-modeline (name)
+ "Return icon NAME for use in `mode-line-format'.
+NAME is as in `icons-get'."
+ (if icons-enabled
+ `(:propertize (" ") display ,(icons--get-icon name))
+ ""))
+(defun icons-insert (name &optional _size) ; FIXME: Is this very useful?
+ "Insert icon NAME at point.
+NAME is as in `icons-get'."
+ (when icons-enabled
+ (insert (icons-get name))))
+;; (defun icons--filename-for-size (font-size filename-alist)
+;; "Return filename from FILENAME-ALIST closest to FONT-SIZE."
+;; (if (listp filename-alist)
+;; (let* ((sizes (map-keys filename-alist))
+;; (size (icons--closest-to font-size sizes)))
+;; (cdr (assq size filename-alist)))
+;; filename-alist))
+;;;; Describing icons.
+(defface icons-description-title '((t :inherit bold)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-075 '((t :height 0.75)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-100 '((t :height 1.0)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-150 '((t :height 1.5)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-200 '((t :height 2.0)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-300 '((t :height 3.0)) "")
+(defface icons-icon-400 '((t :height 4.0)) "")
+(defun describe-icon (name)
+ "Describe icon NAME."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe icon" nil)
+ (sort (mapcar #'car icons-alist) #'string<))))
+ (let ((icon (cadr (assoc name icons-alist))))
+ (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-icon name)
+ (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
+ (with-help-window (help-buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer standard-output
+ ;; TODO: Link the set name to corresponding `describe-icon-set'.
+ (insert (format-message "%S belongs to the icon set `%s'.\n\n"
+ name (icons-icon-set icon)))
+ (insert (propertize "Filename:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
+ " "
+ (icons-icon-filename icon)
+ "\n")
+ (insert (propertize "Size:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
+ " "
+ (format "%s" (icons-icon-size icon))
+ "\n")
+ (insert (propertize "Type:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
+ " "
+ (format "%s" (icons-icon-type icon))
+ "\n")
+ (insert "\n")
+ (dolist (face '( icons-icon-075 icons-icon-100 icons-icon-150
+ icons-icon-200 icons-icon-300 icons-icon-400))
+ (insert (propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to 2)))
+ (insert (propertize (icons-get name) 'face face))
+ (insert "\n\n"))))))
+;; (defun describe-icon-set (name)
+;; "Describe icon set NAME."
+;; (interactive
+;; (list (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe icon set" nil)
+;; (sort icons-defined-sets
+;; (lambda (a b)
+;; (string< (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b)))))))
+;; (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-icon-set name)
+;; (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
+;; (with-help-window (help-buffer)
+;; (with-current-buffer standard-output
+;; ;; TODO: Link the set name to corresponding `describe-icon-set'.
+;; (princ (format-message "Icon set `%s'.\n\n"
+;; (icons-icon-set icon)))
+;; ;; TODO: Show all alternative icons in different sizes.
+;; (icons-insert name))))
+;;;; Listing icons.
+(defconst icons-list-buffer-name "*Icons*")
+(defun icons-list-make-entries ()
+ "Make list of all icons for `tabulated-list-entries'."
+ (let (entries)
+ (dolist (ic icons-alist)
+ (let ((icon-name (car ic))
+ (icons (cdr ic)))
+ (dolist (icon icons)
+ (push (list (cons icon-name icon)
+ (vector (symbol-name (icons-icon-set icon))
+ icon-name
+ (format "%s" (or (icons-icon-size icon) ""))
+ (format "%s" (icons-icon-type icon))
+ (find-image (list (icons--image-spec-from-icon icon )))))
+ entries))))
+ entries))
+;; Ignore arguments to be usable for `revert-buffer-function'.
+(defun icons-list-display (&optional _ _ _)
+ "Prepare buffer for `tabulated-list-mode' based on `icons-alist'."
+ (setq tabulated-list-entries (icons-list-make-entries))
+ (tabulated-list-init-header)
+ (tabulated-list-print t))
+(defvar-keymap icons-list-mode-map
+ :doc "Keymap for `icons-list-mode'."
+ "w" #'icons-list-copy-name)
+(define-derived-mode icons-list-mode tabulated-list-mode "Icons List Mode"
+ "Major mode for listing icons."
+ :interactive nil
+ (setq tabulated-list-format [("Icon set" 13 icons-list--icon-set-predicate)
+ ("Name" 30 icons-list--name-predicate)
+ ("Size" 6 icons-list--size-predicate)
+ ("Type" 5)
+ ("Icon" -1)])
+ (setq revert-buffer-function #'icons-list-display)
+ (setq tabulated-list-sort-key (cons "Size" nil)))
+(defun list-icons ()
+ "Display all defined icons."
+ (interactive)
+ (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create icons-list-buffer-name))
+ (icons-list-mode)
+ (icons-list-display))
+(defun icons-list--name-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by \"Name\"."
+ (string< (caar A) (caar B)))
+(defun icons-list--size-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by \"Size\"."
+ (< (string-to-number (aref (cadr A) 2))
+ (string-to-number (aref (cadr B) 2))))
+(defun icons-list--icon-set-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by Icon Set."
+ (let ((Aset (aref (cadr A) 0))
+ (Bset (aref (cadr B) 0)))
+ (if (string= Aset Bset)
+ ;; Secondary sort keys.
+ (or (icons-list--size-predicate A B)
+ (icons-list--name-predicate A B))
+ (string< Aset Bset))))
+(defun icons-list-copy-name ()
+ "In `icons-list-mode', copy name of icon at point."
+ (interactive nil icons-list-mode)
+ (let ((icon-name (aref (get-text-property (point) 'tabulated-list-entry) 1)))
+ (when icon-name
+ (kill-new icon-name)
+ (message "%s" icon-name))))
+;; (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
+;; (get-char-property (point) 'font-lock-face)
+;; (get-char-property (point) 'face)
+;;;; Util.
+(defun icons--face-height-at-point ()
+ "Return font height at point."
+ (let* ((scale (cadr (assoc :height (assoc 'default face-remapping-alist))))
+ (face (face-font (or (face-at-point t) 'default)))
+ (height (* (aref (font-info face) 2) (if scale scale 1))))
+ height))
+(defun icons--closest-to (num candidates)
+ "Return the closest number to NUM among CANDIDATES."
+ (car (sort candidates (lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- num a))
+ (abs (- num b)))))))
+(icons-define-set 'emacs
+ '(
+ ("attach" "attach.pbm")
+ ("attach" "attach.xpm")
+ ("back-arrow" "back-arrow.pbm")
+ ("back-arrow" "back-arrow.xpm")
+ ("bookmark_add" "bookmark_add.pbm")
+ ("bookmark_add" "bookmark_add.xpm")
+ ("cancel" "cancel.pbm")
+ ("cancel" "cancel.xpm")
+ ("checkbox-mixed" "checkbox-mixed.svg")
+ ("checked" "checked.svg")
+ ("checked" "checked.xpm")
+ ("close" "close.pbm")
+ ("close" "close.xpm")
+ ("connect" "connect.pbm")
+ ("connect" "connect.xpm")
+ ("contact" "contact.pbm")
+ ("contact" "contact.xpm")
+ ("copy" "copy.pbm")
+ ("copy" "copy.xpm")
+ ("custom/down" "custom/down.pbm")
+ ("custom/down" "custom/down.xpm")
+ ("custom/down-pushed" "custom/down-pushed.pbm")
+ ("custom/down-pushed" "custom/down-pushed.xpm")
+ ("custom/right" "custom/right.pbm")
+ ("custom/right" "custom/right.xpm")
+ ("custom/right-pushed" "custom/right-pushed.pbm")
+ ("custom/right-pushed" "custom/right-pushed.xpm")
+ ("cut" "cut.pbm")
+ ("cut" "cut.xpm")
+ ("data-save" "data-save.pbm")
+ ("data-save" "data-save.xpm")
+ ("delete" "delete.pbm")
+ ("delete" "delete.xpm")
+ ("describe" "describe.pbm")
+ ("describe" "describe.xpm")
+ ("diropen" "diropen.pbm")
+ ("diropen" "diropen.xpm")
+ ("disconnect" "disconnect.pbm")
+ ("disconnect" "disconnect.xpm")
+ ("down" "down.svg")
+ ("exit" "exit.pbm")
+ ("exit" "exit.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/bits" "ezimage/bits.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/bits" "ezimage/bits.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/bitsbang" "ezimage/bitsbang.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/bitsbang" "ezimage/bitsbang.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/box" "ezimage/box.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/box" "ezimage/box.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/box-minus" "ezimage/box-minus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/box-minus" "ezimage/box-minus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/box-plus" "ezimage/box-plus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/box-plus" "ezimage/box-plus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/checkmark" "ezimage/checkmark.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/checkmark" "ezimage/checkmark.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/dir" "ezimage/dir.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/dir" "ezimage/dir.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/dir-minus" "ezimage/dir-minus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/dir-minus" "ezimage/dir-minus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/dir-plus" "ezimage/dir-plus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/dir-plus" "ezimage/dir-plus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/doc" "ezimage/doc.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/doc" "ezimage/doc.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/doc-minus" "ezimage/doc-minus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/doc-minus" "ezimage/doc-minus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/doc-plus" "ezimage/doc-plus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/doc-plus" "ezimage/doc-plus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/info" "ezimage/info.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/info" "ezimage/info.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/key" "ezimage/key.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/key" "ezimage/key.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/label" "ezimage/label.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/label" "ezimage/label.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/lock" "ezimage/lock.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/lock" "ezimage/lock.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/mail" "ezimage/mail.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/mail" "ezimage/mail.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/page" "ezimage/page.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/page" "ezimage/page.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/page-minus" "ezimage/page-minus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/page-minus" "ezimage/page-minus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/page-plus" "ezimage/page-plus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/page-plus" "ezimage/page-plus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag" "ezimage/tag.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag" "ezimage/tag.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-gt" "ezimage/tag-gt.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-gt" "ezimage/tag-gt.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-minus" "ezimage/tag-minus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-minus" "ezimage/tag-minus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-plus" "ezimage/tag-plus.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-plus" "ezimage/tag-plus.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-type" "ezimage/tag-type.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-type" "ezimage/tag-type.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-v" "ezimage/tag-v.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/tag-v" "ezimage/tag-v.xpm")
+ ("ezimage/unlock" "ezimage/unlock.pbm")
+ ("ezimage/unlock" "ezimage/unlock.xpm")
+ ("fwd-arrow" "fwd-arrow.pbm")
+ ("fwd-arrow" "fwd-arrow.xpm")
+ ("gnus" "gnus.pbm")
+ ("gnus/followup" "gnus/followup.pbm")
+ ("gnus/followup" "gnus/followup.xpm")
+ ("gnus/fuwo" "gnus/fuwo.pbm")
+ ("gnus/fuwo" "gnus/fuwo.xpm")
+ ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.png")
+ ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.svg")
+ ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.xbm")
+ ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.xpm")
+ ("gnus/gnus-pointer" "gnus/gnus-pointer.xbm")
+ ("gnus/gnus-pointer" "gnus/gnus-pointer.xpm")
+ ("gnus/kill-group" "gnus/kill-group.pbm")
+ ("gnus/kill-group" "gnus/kill-group.xpm")
+ ("gnus/mail-reply" "gnus/mail-reply.pbm")
+ ("gnus/mail-reply" "gnus/mail-reply.xpm")
+ ("gnus/mail-send" "gnus/mail-send.pbm")
+ ("gnus/mail-send" "gnus/mail-send.xpm")
+ ("gnus/preview" "gnus/preview.xbm")
+ ("gnus/preview" "gnus/preview.xpm")
+ ("gnus/toggle-subscription" "gnus/toggle-subscription.pbm")
+ ("gnus/toggle-subscription" "gnus/toggle-subscription.xpm")
+ ("gud/all" "gud/all.pbm")
+ ("gud/all" "gud/all.xpm")
+ ("gud/break" "gud/break.pbm")
+ ("gud/break" "gud/break.xpm")
+ ("gud/cont" "gud/cont.pbm")
+ ("gud/cont" "gud/cont.xpm")
+ ("gud/down" "gud/down.pbm")
+ ("gud/down" "gud/down.xpm")
+ ("gud/finish" "gud/finish.pbm")
+ ("gud/finish" "gud/finish.xpm")
+ ("gud/go" "gud/go.pbm")
+ ("gud/go" "gud/go.xpm")
+ ("gud/next" "gud/next.pbm")
+ ("gud/next" "gud/next.xpm")
+ ("gud/nexti" "gud/nexti.pbm")
+ ("gud/nexti" "gud/nexti.xpm")
+ ("gud/pp" "gud/pp.pbm")
+ ("gud/pp" "gud/pp.xpm")
+ ("gud/print" "gud/print.pbm")
+ ("gud/print" "gud/print.xpm")
+ ("gud/pstar" "gud/pstar.pbm")
+ ("gud/pstar" "gud/pstar.xpm")
+ ("gud/rcont" "gud/rcont.pbm")
+ ("gud/rcont" "gud/rcont.xpm")
+ ("gud/recstart" "gud/recstart.pbm")
+ ("gud/recstart" "gud/recstart.xpm")
+ ("gud/recstop" "gud/recstop.pbm")
+ ("gud/recstop" "gud/recstop.xpm")
+ ("gud/remove" "gud/remove.pbm")
+ ("gud/remove" "gud/remove.xpm")
+ ("gud/rfinish" "gud/rfinish.pbm")
+ ("gud/rfinish" "gud/rfinish.xpm")
+ ("gud/rnext" "gud/rnext.pbm")
+ ("gud/rnext" "gud/rnext.xpm")
+ ("gud/rnexti" "gud/rnexti.pbm")
+ ("gud/rnexti" "gud/rnexti.xpm")
+ ("gud/rstep" "gud/rstep.pbm")
+ ("gud/rstep" "gud/rstep.xpm")
+ ("gud/rstepi" "gud/rstepi.pbm")
+ ("gud/rstepi" "gud/rstepi.xpm")
+ ("gud/run" "gud/run.pbm")
+ ("gud/run" "gud/run.xpm")
+ ("gud/step" "gud/step.pbm")
+ ("gud/step" "gud/step.xpm")
+ ("gud/stepi" "gud/stepi.pbm")
+ ("gud/stepi" "gud/stepi.xpm")
+ ("gud/stop" "gud/stop.pbm")
+ ("gud/stop" "gud/stop.xpm")
+ ("gud/thread" "gud/thread.pbm")
+ ("gud/thread" "gud/thread.xpm")
+ ("gud/until" "gud/until.pbm")
+ ("gud/until" "gud/until.xpm")
+ ("gud/up" "gud/up.pbm")
+ ("gud/up" "gud/up.xpm")
+ ("gud/watch" "gud/watch.pbm")
+ ("gud/watch" "gud/watch.xpm")
+ ("help" "help.pbm")
+ ("help" "help.xpm")
+ ("home" "home.pbm")
+ ("home" "home.xpm")
+ ("index" "index.pbm")
+ ("index" "index.xpm")
+ ("info" "info.pbm")
+ ("info" "info.xpm")
+ ("jump-to" "jump-to.pbm")
+ ("jump-to" "jump-to.xpm")
+ ("left" "left.svg")
+ ("left-arrow" "left-arrow.pbm")
+ ("left-arrow" "left-arrow.xpm")
+ ("letter" "letter.pbm")
+ ("letter" "letter.xpm")
+ ("lock" "lock.pbm")
+ ("lock" "lock.xpm")
+ ("lock-broken" "lock-broken.pbm")
+ ("lock-broken" "lock-broken.xpm")
+ ("lock-ok" "lock-ok.pbm")
+ ("lock-ok" "lock-ok.xpm")
+ ("low-color/back-arrow" "low-color/back-arrow.xpm")
+ ("low-color/copy" "low-color/copy.xpm")
+ ("low-color/cut" "low-color/cut.xpm")
+ ("low-color/fwd-arrow" "low-color/fwd-arrow.xpm")
+ ("low-color/help" "low-color/help.xpm")
+ ("low-color/home" "low-color/home.xpm")
+ ("low-color/index" "low-color/index.xpm")
+ ("low-color/jump-to" "low-color/jump-to.xpm")
+ ("low-color/left-arrow" "low-color/left-arrow.xpm")
+ ("low-color/new" "low-color/new.xpm")
+ ("low-color/next-node" "low-color/next-node.xpm")
+ ("low-color/open" "low-color/open.xpm")
+ ("low-color/paste" "low-color/paste.xpm")
+ ("low-color/preferences" "low-color/preferences.xpm")
+ ("low-color/prev-node" "low-color/prev-node.xpm")
+ ("low-color/print" "low-color/print.xpm")
+ ("low-color/right-arrow" "low-color/right-arrow.xpm")
+ ("low-color/save" "low-color/save.xpm")
+ ("low-color/saveas" "low-color/saveas.xpm")
+ ("low-color/search" "low-color/search.xpm")
+ ("low-color/spell" "low-color/spell.xpm")
+ ("low-color/undo" "low-color/undo.xpm")
+ ("low-color/up-arrow" "low-color/up-arrow.xpm")
+ ("low-color/up-node" "low-color/up-node.xpm")
+ ("mail/compose" "mail/compose.pbm")
+ ("mail/compose" "mail/compose.xpm")
+ ("mail/copy" "mail/copy.pbm")
+ ("mail/copy" "mail/copy.xpm")
+ ("mail/flag-for-followup" "mail/flag-for-followup.pbm")
+ ("mail/flag-for-followup" "mail/flag-for-followup.xpm")
+ ("mail/forward" "mail/forward.pbm")
+ ("mail/forward" "mail/forward.xpm")
+ ("mail/inbox" "mail/inbox.pbm")
+ ("mail/inbox" "mail/inbox.xpm")
+ ("mail/move" "mail/move.pbm")
+ ("mail/move" "mail/move.xpm")
+ ("mail/not-spam" "mail/not-spam.pbm")
+ ("mail/not-spam" "mail/not-spam.xpm")
+ ("mail/outbox" "mail/outbox.pbm")
+ ("mail/outbox" "mail/outbox.xpm")
+ ("mail/preview" "mail/preview.pbm")
+ ("mail/preview" "mail/preview.xpm")
+ ("mail/repack" "mail/repack.pbm")
+ ("mail/repack" "mail/repack.xpm")
+ ("mail/reply" "mail/reply.pbm")
+ ("mail/reply" "mail/reply.xpm")
+ ("mail/reply-all" "mail/reply-all.pbm")
+ ("mail/reply-all" "mail/reply-all.xpm")
+ ("mail/reply-from" "mail/reply-from.pbm")
+ ("mail/reply-from" "mail/reply-from.xpm")
+ ("mail/reply-to" "mail/reply-to.pbm")
+ ("mail/reply-to" "mail/reply-to.xpm")
+ ("mail/save" "mail/save.xpm")
+ ("mail/save-draft" "mail/save-draft.pbm")
+ ("mail/save-draft" "mail/save-draft.xpm")
+ ("mail/send" "mail/send.pbm")
+ ("mail/send" "mail/send.xpm")
+ ("mail/spam" "mail/spam.xpm")
+ ("mh-logo" "mh-logo.pbm")
+ ("mh-logo" "mh-logo.xpm")
+ ("new" "new.pbm")
+ ("new" "new.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/browse-url" "newsticker/browse-url.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/get-all" "newsticker/get-all.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/mark-immortal" "newsticker/mark-immortal.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/mark-read" "newsticker/mark-read.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/narrow" "newsticker/narrow.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/next-feed" "newsticker/next-feed.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/next-item" "newsticker/next-item.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/prev-feed" "newsticker/prev-feed.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/prev-item" "newsticker/prev-item.xpm")
+ ("newsticker/rss-feed" "newsticker/rss-feed.png")
+ ("newsticker/rss-feed" "newsticker/rss-feed.svg")
+ ("newsticker/update" "newsticker/update.xpm")
+ ("next-node" "next-node.pbm")
+ ("next-node" "next-node.xpm")
+ ("next-page" "next-page.pbm")
+ ("next-page" "next-page.xpm")
+ ("open" "open.pbm")
+ ("open" "open.xpm")
+ ("paste" "paste.pbm")
+ ("paste" "paste.xpm")
+ ("preferences" "preferences.pbm")
+ ("preferences" "preferences.xpm")
+ ("prev-node" "prev-node.pbm")
+ ("prev-node" "prev-node.xpm")
+ ("print" "print.pbm")
+ ("print" "print.xpm")
+ ("radio" "radio.svg")
+ ("radio-checked" "radio-checked.svg")
+ ("radio-mixed" "radio-mixed.svg")
+ ("redo" "redo.pbm")
+ ("redo" "redo.xpm")
+ ("refresh" "refresh.pbm")
+ ("refresh" "refresh.xpm")
+ ("right" "right.svg")
+ ("right-arrow" "right-arrow.pbm")
+ ("right-arrow" "right-arrow.xpm")
+ ("save" "save.pbm")
+ ("save" "save.xpm")
+ ("saveas" "saveas.pbm")
+ ("saveas" "saveas.xpm")
+ ("search" "search.pbm")
+ ("search" "search.xpm")
+ ("search-replace" "search-replace.pbm")
+ ("search-replace" "search-replace.xpm")
+ ("separator" "separator.pbm")
+ ("separator" "separator.xpm")
+ ("show" "show.pbm")
+ ("show" "show.xpm")
+ ("smilies/blink" "smilies/blink.pbm")
+ ("smilies/blink" "smilies/blink.xpm")
+ ("smilies/braindamaged" "smilies/braindamaged.pbm")
+ ("smilies/braindamaged" "smilies/braindamaged.xpm")
+ ("smilies/cry" "smilies/cry.pbm")
+ ("smilies/cry" "smilies/cry.xpm")
+ ("smilies/dead" "smilies/dead.pbm")
+ ("smilies/dead" "smilies/dead.xpm")
+ ("smilies/evil" "smilies/evil.pbm")
+ ("smilies/evil" "smilies/evil.xpm")
+ ("smilies/forced" "smilies/forced.pbm")
+ ("smilies/forced" "smilies/forced.xpm")
+ ("smilies/frown" "smilies/frown.pbm")
+ ("smilies/frown" "smilies/frown.xpm")
+ ("smilies/grin" "smilies/grin.pbm")
+ ("smilies/grin" "smilies/grin.xpm")
+ ("smilies/indifferent" "smilies/indifferent.pbm")
+ ("smilies/indifferent" "smilies/indifferent.xpm")
+ ("smilies/sad" "smilies/sad.pbm")
+ ("smilies/sad" "smilies/sad.xpm")
+ ("smilies/smile" "smilies/smile.pbm")
+ ("smilies/smile" "smilies/smile.xpm")
+ ("smilies/wry" "smilies/wry.pbm")
+ ("smilies/wry" "smilies/wry.xpm")
+ ("sort-ascending" "sort-ascending.pbm")
+ ("sort-ascending" "sort-ascending.xpm")
+ ("sort-column-ascending" "sort-column-ascending.pbm")
+ ("sort-column-ascending" "sort-column-ascending.xpm")
+ ("sort-criteria" "sort-criteria.pbm")
+ ("sort-criteria" "sort-criteria.xpm")
+ ("sort-descending" "sort-descending.pbm")
+ ("sort-descending" "sort-descending.xpm")
+ ("sort-row-ascending" "sort-row-ascending.pbm")
+ ("sort-row-ascending" "sort-row-ascending.xpm")
+ ("spell" "spell.pbm")
+ ("spell" "spell.xpm")
+ ("tabs/close" "tabs/close.xpm")
+ ("tabs/left-arrow" "tabs/left-arrow.xpm")
+ ("tabs/new" "tabs/new.xpm")
+ ("tabs/right-arrow" "tabs/right-arrow.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/close" "tree-widget/default/close.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/close" "tree-widget/default/close.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/empty" "tree-widget/default/empty.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/empty" "tree-widget/default/empty.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/end-guide" "tree-widget/default/end-guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/end-guide" "tree-widget/default/end-guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/guide" "tree-widget/default/guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/guide" "tree-widget/default/guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/handle" "tree-widget/default/handle.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/handle" "tree-widget/default/handle.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/leaf" "tree-widget/default/leaf.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/leaf" "tree-widget/default/leaf.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/no-guide" "tree-widget/default/no-guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/no-guide" "tree-widget/default/no-guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/no-handle" "tree-widget/default/no-handle.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/no-handle" "tree-widget/default/no-handle.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/default/open" "tree-widget/default/open.png")
+ ("tree-widget/default/open" "tree-widget/default/open.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/close" "tree-widget/folder/close.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/close" "tree-widget/folder/close.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/empty" "tree-widget/folder/empty.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/empty" "tree-widget/folder/empty.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/end-guide" "tree-widget/folder/end-guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/end-guide" "tree-widget/folder/end-guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/guide" "tree-widget/folder/guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/guide" "tree-widget/folder/guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/handle" "tree-widget/folder/handle.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/handle" "tree-widget/folder/handle.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/leaf" "tree-widget/folder/leaf.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/leaf" "tree-widget/folder/leaf.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/no-guide" "tree-widget/folder/no-guide.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/no-guide" "tree-widget/folder/no-guide.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/no-handle" "tree-widget/folder/no-handle.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/no-handle" "tree-widget/folder/no-handle.xpm")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/open" "tree-widget/folder/open.png")
+ ("tree-widget/folder/open" "tree-widget/folder/open.xpm")
+ ("unchecked" "unchecked.pbm")
+ ("unchecked" "unchecked.svg")
+ ("unchecked" "unchecked.xpm")
+ ("undo" "undo.pbm")
+ ("undo" "undo.xpm")
+ ("up" "up.svg")
+ ("up-arrow" "up-arrow.pbm")
+ ("up-arrow" "up-arrow.xpm")
+ ("up-node" "up-node.pbm")
+ ("up-node" "up-node.xpm")
+ ("zoom-in" "zoom-in.pbm")
+ ("zoom-in" "zoom-in.xpm")
+ ("zoom-out" "zoom-out.pbm")
+ ("zoom-out" "zoom-out.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/blink" "smilies/grayscale/blink.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/braindamaged" "smilies/grayscale/braindamaged.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/cry" "smilies/grayscale/cry.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/dead" "smilies/grayscale/dead.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/evil" "smilies/grayscale/evil.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/forced" "smilies/grayscale/forced.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/frown" "smilies/grayscale/frown.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/grin" "smilies/grayscale/grin.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/indifferent" "smilies/grayscale/indifferent.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/reverse-smile" "smilies/grayscale/reverse-smile.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/sad" "smilies/grayscale/sad.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/smile" "smilies/grayscale/smile.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/grayscale/wry" "smilies/grayscale/wry.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/blink" "smilies/medium/blink.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/braindamaged" "smilies/medium/braindamaged.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/cry" "smilies/medium/cry.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/dead" "smilies/medium/dead.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/evil" "smilies/medium/evil.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/forced" "smilies/medium/forced.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/frown" "smilies/medium/frown.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/grin" "smilies/medium/grin.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/indifferent" "smilies/medium/indifferent.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/reverse-smile" "smilies/medium/reverse-smile.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/sad" "smilies/medium/sad.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/smile" "smilies/medium/smile.xpm")
+ ;; ("smilies/medium/wry" "smilies/medium/wry.xpm")
+ ;; ("splash" "splash.bmp")
+ ;; ("splash" "splash.pbm")
+ ;; ("splash" "splash.png")
+ ;; ("splash" "splash.svg")
+ ;; ("splash" "splash.xpm")
+ ))
(provide 'icons)
;;; icons.el ends here
;;; Code:
-(require 'icons)
+;; (require 'skicons)
(icons-define-set 'material
'(("action/3d_rotation" "material/action/3d_rotation.svg" 24)
;;; Code:
-(require 'icons)
+;; (require 'skicons)
(icons-define-set 'octicons
'(("alert" "octicons/alert-16.svg" 16)
+++ /dev/null
-;;; icons.el --- Icon support in buffers, mode-line, etc. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Stefan Kangas <stefan@marxist.se>
-;; Keywords: faces, multimedia
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; * Introduction
-;; This library provides support for icons, that can be used for
-;; things like decorating a buffer, toolbar buttons or the mode-line.
-;; Emacs comes bundled with several sets of icons, but you can also
-;; install new sets from package archives like GNU ELPA.
-;; icons.el allows users to change the appearance of icons all over
-;; Emacs, in libraries supporting it, by customizing
-;; `icons-set-priority'. You can think of this as icon themes for
-;; Emacs.
-;; Run `M-x customize-group RET icons RET' to see all user options.
-;; * Using this library as an Emacs Lisp developer
-;; To use these icons from Lisp, see `icons-get' and `icons-insert'.
-;; To use an icon in the modeline, use `icons-get-for-modeline'.
-;; Type `M-x list-icons' to see a list of all supported icons.
-;; * Adding Icon sets
-;; If you want to add a new icon set, the best starting point is to
-;; study an existing icon set. It comes down to one file containing a
-;; `icons-define-set' form, and then the actual image files. It is
-;; highly recommended to use SVG icons, but consider providing XPM and
-;; PBM fall-backs for users on older machines.
-;; To add SVG icons, you need to make sure that the SVG files don't
-;; contain any unnecessary or incorrect markup that stops them from
-;; being displayed correctly.
-;; There is optional support for more than one size of the same
-;; icon. This is to avoid icons looking bad when resized, and adapt
-;; things like line thickness for display at various sizes. See also
-;; the explanation on this page:
-;; https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/main/docs/content/guidelines/usage.mdx#sizing
-;; If you intend to distribute your icon set to others, it is
-;; important that they have a license that allows it. We cannot give
-;; legal advice, but typically this means a GPL compatible license.
-;; You can find more information about licenses here:
-;; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
-;;; Code:
-;; TODO:
-;; - UTF-8 icons
-;; - Icon aliases
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(with-eval-after-load 'icons
- (require 'icons-material)
- (require 'icons-octicons))
-;;;; User options.
-(defgroup icons nil
- "Graphical icons in Emacs."
- :group 'multimedia
- :version "29.1")
-(defcustom icons-enabled (display-graphic-p)
- "If non-nil, enable graphical icons."
- :type 'boolean
- :version "29.1")
-(defcustom icons-set-priority '(octicons)
- "Priority of icon sets used by `icons-insert' et al."
- :type '(list symbol)
- :version "29.1")
-(defconst icons-type-priority '(svg png ppm xpm pbm)
- "Priority of icon formats used by `icons-insert' et al.")
-;;;; Data.
-;; FIXME: Is this needed?
-(defvar icons-defined-sets nil
- "List of all icon sets defined with `icons-define-set'.")
-(defvar icons-alist nil
- "Alist containing all icon sets defined by `icons-define-set'.
-Has the form (NAME . ICONS), where NAME is a symbol representing
-a particular icon, and ICONS is a list of `icons-icon'
-Note that the list of icons might belong to different defined
-sets of icons, and which one is used depends on the user
-option `icons-set-priority' and `icons-type-priority'.")
-(cl-defstruct (icons-icon (:constructor icons-icon-create)
- (:copier icons-icon-copy))
- "Structure containing information about an individual icon file."
- ( filename nil
- :documentation "Filename of this icon (string)."
- :type string)
- ( type nil
- :documentation "Image type of the icon (symbol)."
- :type symbol)
- ( size nil
- :documentation "Size of this icon in pixels (integer).
-Specifies the size at which this icon is best viewed."
- :type integer)
- ( set nil
- :documentation "Icon set that this icon belongs to (symbol)."
- :type symbol))
-(defun icons-add-icon (name icon)
- "Add `icons-icon' ICON with NAME to `icons-alist'."
- (unless (icons-icon-p icon)
- (error "Not an icon: %S" icon))
- (if-let ((orig (cdr (assoc name icons-alist))))
- (setf (cdr (assoc name icons-alist)) (cons icon orig))
- (push (cons name (list icon)) icons-alist)))
-(defun icons--remove-set (set)
- "Remove all icons belonging to SET from `icons-alist'."
- (setq icons-alist
- (seq-filter
- (lambda (elem) (> (length elem) 1))
- (mapcar (lambda (is)
- (append
- (list (car is))
- (seq-filter (lambda (i)
- (not (eq (icons-icon-set i) set)))
- (cdr is))))
- icons-alist))))
-(defun icons-define-set (set icons)
- "Define a new icon SET from ICONS and add it to `icons-alist'.
-SET is a symbol naming the new set.
-ICONS is a list on the form (NAME FILE SIZE) where NAME is the
-name of the icon (a string), FILE is a filename, and SIZE is the
-pixel size at which this is best viewed."
- (declare (indent defun))
- (icons--remove-set set)
- (cl-pushnew set icons-defined-sets)
- (dolist (icon icons)
- (let* ((name (car icon))
- (filename (cadr icon))
- (size (caddr icon))
- ;; Infer the type from the filename.
- (type (intern
- (progn
- (string-match (rx "." (group (+ alnum)) eos)
- filename)
- (match-string 1 filename)))))
- (icons-add-icon name (icons-icon-create :filename filename
- :size size
- :type type
- :set set)))))
-;;;; Inserting and getting icons.
-(defun icons--get-sorted-icons (name &optional _size)
- "Return icons for NAME sorted by type and set.
-The order is given by `icons-type-priority', `icons-set-priority'
-and SIZE in that order.
-Optional argument SIZE, if non-nil."
- (let ((icons (copy-sequence (cdr (assoc name icons-alist)))))
- (sort icons
- (lambda (A B)
- (let ((Af (icons-icon-type A))
- (Bf (icons-icon-type B))
- (As (icons-icon-set A))
- (Bs (icons-icon-set B)))
- (or (< (or (cl-position Af icons-type-priority) most-positive-fixnum)
- (or (cl-position Bf icons-type-priority) most-positive-fixnum))
- (< (or (cl-position As icons-set-priority) most-positive-fixnum)
- (or (cl-position Bs icons-set-priority) most-positive-fixnum))))))))
-(defun icons--image-spec-from-icon (icon)
- "Return a specification for `find-image' based on `icons-icon' ICON."
- (cl-assert (icons-icon-p icon))
- (list :file (icons-icon-filename icon)
- :type (icons-icon-type icon)
- :ascent 'center
- :height '(1 . em)))
-(defun icons--get-icon (name &optional _size)
- "Return the best icon to use for NAME.
-The icon is found by `icons--get-sorted-icons' (which see)."
- (or (when-let ((icons (icons--get-sorted-icons name)))
- (find-image (mapcar #'icons--image-spec-from-icon icons)))
- (error "Unable to find icon: `%s'" name)))
-(defun icons-get (name &optional _size)
- "Return icon NAME for inserting into a buffer.
-NAME is a string."
- ;; FIXME: Size, based on default face.
- ;; You should also be able to pass in a different face.
- (if icons-enabled
- (propertize " " 'display (icons--get-icon name))
- ""))
-(defun icons-get-filename (name &optional _size)
- "Return filename of icon NAME.
-NAME is a string."
- (plist-get (cdr (icons--get-icon name)) :file))
-(defun icons-get-for-modeline (name)
- "Return icon NAME for use in `mode-line-format'.
-NAME is as in `icons-get'."
- (if icons-enabled
- `(:propertize (" ") display ,(icons--get-icon name))
- ""))
-(defun icons-insert (name &optional _size) ; FIXME: Is this very useful?
- "Insert icon NAME at point.
-NAME is as in `icons-get'."
- (when icons-enabled
- (insert (icons-get name))))
-;; (defun icons--filename-for-size (font-size filename-alist)
-;; "Return filename from FILENAME-ALIST closest to FONT-SIZE."
-;; (if (listp filename-alist)
-;; (let* ((sizes (map-keys filename-alist))
-;; (size (icons--closest-to font-size sizes)))
-;; (cdr (assq size filename-alist)))
-;; filename-alist))
-;;;; Describing icons.
-(defface icons-description-title '((t :inherit bold)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-075 '((t :height 0.75)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-100 '((t :height 1.0)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-150 '((t :height 1.5)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-200 '((t :height 2.0)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-300 '((t :height 3.0)) "")
-(defface icons-icon-400 '((t :height 4.0)) "")
-(defun describe-icon (name)
- "Describe icon NAME."
- (interactive (list (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe icon" nil)
- (sort (mapcar #'car icons-alist) #'string<))))
- (let ((icon (cadr (assoc name icons-alist))))
- (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-icon name)
- (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
- (with-help-window (help-buffer)
- (with-current-buffer standard-output
- ;; TODO: Link the set name to corresponding `describe-icon-set'.
- (insert (format-message "%S belongs to the icon set `%s'.\n\n"
- name (icons-icon-set icon)))
- (insert (propertize "Filename:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
- " "
- (icons-icon-filename icon)
- "\n")
- (insert (propertize "Size:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
- " "
- (format "%s" (icons-icon-size icon))
- "\n")
- (insert (propertize "Type:" 'face 'icons-description-title)
- " "
- (format "%s" (icons-icon-type icon))
- "\n")
- (insert "\n")
- (dolist (face '( icons-icon-075 icons-icon-100 icons-icon-150
- icons-icon-200 icons-icon-300 icons-icon-400))
- (insert (propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to 2)))
- (insert (propertize (icons-get name) 'face face))
- (insert "\n\n"))))))
-;; (defun describe-icon-set (name)
-;; "Describe icon set NAME."
-;; (interactive
-;; (list (completing-read (format-prompt "Describe icon set" nil)
-;; (sort icons-defined-sets
-;; (lambda (a b)
-;; (string< (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b)))))))
-;; (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-icon-set name)
-;; (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
-;; (with-help-window (help-buffer)
-;; (with-current-buffer standard-output
-;; ;; TODO: Link the set name to corresponding `describe-icon-set'.
-;; (princ (format-message "Icon set `%s'.\n\n"
-;; (icons-icon-set icon)))
-;; ;; TODO: Show all alternative icons in different sizes.
-;; (icons-insert name))))
-;;;; Listing icons.
-(defconst icons-list-buffer-name "*Icons*")
-(defun icons-list-make-entries ()
- "Make list of all icons for `tabulated-list-entries'."
- (let (entries)
- (dolist (ic icons-alist)
- (let ((icon-name (car ic))
- (icons (cdr ic)))
- (dolist (icon icons)
- (push (list (cons icon-name icon)
- (vector (symbol-name (icons-icon-set icon))
- icon-name
- (format "%s" (or (icons-icon-size icon) ""))
- (format "%s" (icons-icon-type icon))
- (find-image (list (icons--image-spec-from-icon icon )))))
- entries))))
- entries))
-;; Ignore arguments to be usable for `revert-buffer-function'.
-(defun icons-list-display (&optional _ _ _)
- "Prepare buffer for `tabulated-list-mode' based on `icons-alist'."
- (setq tabulated-list-entries (icons-list-make-entries))
- (tabulated-list-init-header)
- (tabulated-list-print t))
-(defvar-keymap icons-list-mode-map
- :doc "Keymap for `icons-list-mode'."
- "w" #'icons-list-copy-name)
-(define-derived-mode icons-list-mode tabulated-list-mode "Icons List Mode"
- "Major mode for listing icons."
- :interactive nil
- (setq tabulated-list-format [("Icon set" 13 icons-list--icon-set-predicate)
- ("Name" 30 icons-list--name-predicate)
- ("Size" 6 icons-list--size-predicate)
- ("Type" 5)
- ("Icon" -1)])
- (setq revert-buffer-function #'icons-list-display)
- (setq tabulated-list-sort-key (cons "Size" nil)))
-(defun list-icons ()
- "Display all defined icons."
- (interactive)
- (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create icons-list-buffer-name))
- (icons-list-mode)
- (icons-list-display))
-(defun icons-list--name-predicate (A B)
- "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by \"Name\"."
- (string< (caar A) (caar B)))
-(defun icons-list--size-predicate (A B)
- "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by \"Size\"."
- (< (string-to-number (aref (cadr A) 2))
- (string-to-number (aref (cadr B) 2))))
-(defun icons-list--icon-set-predicate (A B)
- "Predicate to sort `list-icons' by Icon Set."
- (let ((Aset (aref (cadr A) 0))
- (Bset (aref (cadr B) 0)))
- (if (string= Aset Bset)
- ;; Secondary sort keys.
- (or (icons-list--size-predicate A B)
- (icons-list--name-predicate A B))
- (string< Aset Bset))))
-(defun icons-list-copy-name ()
- "In `icons-list-mode', copy name of icon at point."
- (interactive nil icons-list-mode)
- (let ((icon-name (aref (get-text-property (point) 'tabulated-list-entry) 1)))
- (when icon-name
- (kill-new icon-name)
- (message "%s" icon-name))))
-;; (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
-;; (get-char-property (point) 'font-lock-face)
-;; (get-char-property (point) 'face)
-;;;; Util.
-(defun icons--face-height-at-point ()
- "Return font height at point."
- (let* ((scale (cadr (assoc :height (assoc 'default face-remapping-alist))))
- (face (face-font (or (face-at-point t) 'default)))
- (height (* (aref (font-info face) 2) (if scale scale 1))))
- height))
-(defun icons--closest-to (num candidates)
- "Return the closest number to NUM among CANDIDATES."
- (car (sort candidates (lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- num a))
- (abs (- num b)))))))
-(icons-define-set 'emacs
- '(
- ("attach" "attach.pbm")
- ("attach" "attach.xpm")
- ("back-arrow" "back-arrow.pbm")
- ("back-arrow" "back-arrow.xpm")
- ("bookmark_add" "bookmark_add.pbm")
- ("bookmark_add" "bookmark_add.xpm")
- ("cancel" "cancel.pbm")
- ("cancel" "cancel.xpm")
- ("checkbox-mixed" "checkbox-mixed.svg")
- ("checked" "checked.svg")
- ("checked" "checked.xpm")
- ("close" "close.pbm")
- ("close" "close.xpm")
- ("connect" "connect.pbm")
- ("connect" "connect.xpm")
- ("contact" "contact.pbm")
- ("contact" "contact.xpm")
- ("copy" "copy.pbm")
- ("copy" "copy.xpm")
- ("custom/down" "custom/down.pbm")
- ("custom/down" "custom/down.xpm")
- ("custom/down-pushed" "custom/down-pushed.pbm")
- ("custom/down-pushed" "custom/down-pushed.xpm")
- ("custom/right" "custom/right.pbm")
- ("custom/right" "custom/right.xpm")
- ("custom/right-pushed" "custom/right-pushed.pbm")
- ("custom/right-pushed" "custom/right-pushed.xpm")
- ("cut" "cut.pbm")
- ("cut" "cut.xpm")
- ("data-save" "data-save.pbm")
- ("data-save" "data-save.xpm")
- ("delete" "delete.pbm")
- ("delete" "delete.xpm")
- ("describe" "describe.pbm")
- ("describe" "describe.xpm")
- ("diropen" "diropen.pbm")
- ("diropen" "diropen.xpm")
- ("disconnect" "disconnect.pbm")
- ("disconnect" "disconnect.xpm")
- ("down" "down.svg")
- ("exit" "exit.pbm")
- ("exit" "exit.xpm")
- ("ezimage/bits" "ezimage/bits.pbm")
- ("ezimage/bits" "ezimage/bits.xpm")
- ("ezimage/bitsbang" "ezimage/bitsbang.pbm")
- ("ezimage/bitsbang" "ezimage/bitsbang.xpm")
- ("ezimage/box" "ezimage/box.pbm")
- ("ezimage/box" "ezimage/box.xpm")
- ("ezimage/box-minus" "ezimage/box-minus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/box-minus" "ezimage/box-minus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/box-plus" "ezimage/box-plus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/box-plus" "ezimage/box-plus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/checkmark" "ezimage/checkmark.pbm")
- ("ezimage/checkmark" "ezimage/checkmark.xpm")
- ("ezimage/dir" "ezimage/dir.pbm")
- ("ezimage/dir" "ezimage/dir.xpm")
- ("ezimage/dir-minus" "ezimage/dir-minus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/dir-minus" "ezimage/dir-minus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/dir-plus" "ezimage/dir-plus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/dir-plus" "ezimage/dir-plus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/doc" "ezimage/doc.pbm")
- ("ezimage/doc" "ezimage/doc.xpm")
- ("ezimage/doc-minus" "ezimage/doc-minus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/doc-minus" "ezimage/doc-minus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/doc-plus" "ezimage/doc-plus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/doc-plus" "ezimage/doc-plus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/info" "ezimage/info.pbm")
- ("ezimage/info" "ezimage/info.xpm")
- ("ezimage/key" "ezimage/key.pbm")
- ("ezimage/key" "ezimage/key.xpm")
- ("ezimage/label" "ezimage/label.pbm")
- ("ezimage/label" "ezimage/label.xpm")
- ("ezimage/lock" "ezimage/lock.pbm")
- ("ezimage/lock" "ezimage/lock.xpm")
- ("ezimage/mail" "ezimage/mail.pbm")
- ("ezimage/mail" "ezimage/mail.xpm")
- ("ezimage/page" "ezimage/page.pbm")
- ("ezimage/page" "ezimage/page.xpm")
- ("ezimage/page-minus" "ezimage/page-minus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/page-minus" "ezimage/page-minus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/page-plus" "ezimage/page-plus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/page-plus" "ezimage/page-plus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag" "ezimage/tag.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag" "ezimage/tag.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag-gt" "ezimage/tag-gt.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag-gt" "ezimage/tag-gt.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag-minus" "ezimage/tag-minus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag-minus" "ezimage/tag-minus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag-plus" "ezimage/tag-plus.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag-plus" "ezimage/tag-plus.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag-type" "ezimage/tag-type.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag-type" "ezimage/tag-type.xpm")
- ("ezimage/tag-v" "ezimage/tag-v.pbm")
- ("ezimage/tag-v" "ezimage/tag-v.xpm")
- ("ezimage/unlock" "ezimage/unlock.pbm")
- ("ezimage/unlock" "ezimage/unlock.xpm")
- ("fwd-arrow" "fwd-arrow.pbm")
- ("fwd-arrow" "fwd-arrow.xpm")
- ("gnus" "gnus.pbm")
- ("gnus/followup" "gnus/followup.pbm")
- ("gnus/followup" "gnus/followup.xpm")
- ("gnus/fuwo" "gnus/fuwo.pbm")
- ("gnus/fuwo" "gnus/fuwo.xpm")
- ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.png")
- ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.svg")
- ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.xbm")
- ("gnus/gnus" "gnus/gnus.xpm")
- ("gnus/gnus-pointer" "gnus/gnus-pointer.xbm")
- ("gnus/gnus-pointer" "gnus/gnus-pointer.xpm")
- ("gnus/kill-group" "gnus/kill-group.pbm")
- ("gnus/kill-group" "gnus/kill-group.xpm")
- ("gnus/mail-reply" "gnus/mail-reply.pbm")
- ("gnus/mail-reply" "gnus/mail-reply.xpm")
- ("gnus/mail-send" "gnus/mail-send.pbm")
- ("gnus/mail-send" "gnus/mail-send.xpm")
- ("gnus/preview" "gnus/preview.xbm")
- ("gnus/preview" "gnus/preview.xpm")
- ("gnus/toggle-subscription" "gnus/toggle-subscription.pbm")
- ("gnus/toggle-subscription" "gnus/toggle-subscription.xpm")
- ("gud/all" "gud/all.pbm")
- ("gud/all" "gud/all.xpm")
- ("gud/break" "gud/break.pbm")
- ("gud/break" "gud/break.xpm")
- ("gud/cont" "gud/cont.pbm")
- ("gud/cont" "gud/cont.xpm")
- ("gud/down" "gud/down.pbm")
- ("gud/down" "gud/down.xpm")
- ("gud/finish" "gud/finish.pbm")
- ("gud/finish" "gud/finish.xpm")
- ("gud/go" "gud/go.pbm")
- ("gud/go" "gud/go.xpm")
- ("gud/next" "gud/next.pbm")
- ("gud/next" "gud/next.xpm")
- ("gud/nexti" "gud/nexti.pbm")
- ("gud/nexti" "gud/nexti.xpm")
- ("gud/pp" "gud/pp.pbm")
- ("gud/pp" "gud/pp.xpm")
- ("gud/print" "gud/print.pbm")
- ("gud/print" "gud/print.xpm")
- ("gud/pstar" "gud/pstar.pbm")
- ("gud/pstar" "gud/pstar.xpm")
- ("gud/rcont" "gud/rcont.pbm")
- ("gud/rcont" "gud/rcont.xpm")
- ("gud/recstart" "gud/recstart.pbm")
- ("gud/recstart" "gud/recstart.xpm")
- ("gud/recstop" "gud/recstop.pbm")
- ("gud/recstop" "gud/recstop.xpm")
- ("gud/remove" "gud/remove.pbm")
- ("gud/remove" "gud/remove.xpm")
- ("gud/rfinish" "gud/rfinish.pbm")
- ("gud/rfinish" "gud/rfinish.xpm")
- ("gud/rnext" "gud/rnext.pbm")
- ("gud/rnext" "gud/rnext.xpm")
- ("gud/rnexti" "gud/rnexti.pbm")
- ("gud/rnexti" "gud/rnexti.xpm")
- ("gud/rstep" "gud/rstep.pbm")
- ("gud/rstep" "gud/rstep.xpm")
- ("gud/rstepi" "gud/rstepi.pbm")
- ("gud/rstepi" "gud/rstepi.xpm")
- ("gud/run" "gud/run.pbm")
- ("gud/run" "gud/run.xpm")
- ("gud/step" "gud/step.pbm")
- ("gud/step" "gud/step.xpm")
- ("gud/stepi" "gud/stepi.pbm")
- ("gud/stepi" "gud/stepi.xpm")
- ("gud/stop" "gud/stop.pbm")
- ("gud/stop" "gud/stop.xpm")
- ("gud/thread" "gud/thread.pbm")
- ("gud/thread" "gud/thread.xpm")
- ("gud/until" "gud/until.pbm")
- ("gud/until" "gud/until.xpm")
- ("gud/up" "gud/up.pbm")
- ("gud/up" "gud/up.xpm")
- ("gud/watch" "gud/watch.pbm")
- ("gud/watch" "gud/watch.xpm")
- ("help" "help.pbm")
- ("help" "help.xpm")
- ("home" "home.pbm")
- ("home" "home.xpm")
- ("index" "index.pbm")
- ("index" "index.xpm")
- ("info" "info.pbm")
- ("info" "info.xpm")
- ("jump-to" "jump-to.pbm")
- ("jump-to" "jump-to.xpm")
- ("left" "left.svg")
- ("left-arrow" "left-arrow.pbm")
- ("left-arrow" "left-arrow.xpm")
- ("letter" "letter.pbm")
- ("letter" "letter.xpm")
- ("lock" "lock.pbm")
- ("lock" "lock.xpm")
- ("lock-broken" "lock-broken.pbm")
- ("lock-broken" "lock-broken.xpm")
- ("lock-ok" "lock-ok.pbm")
- ("lock-ok" "lock-ok.xpm")
- ("low-color/back-arrow" "low-color/back-arrow.xpm")
- ("low-color/copy" "low-color/copy.xpm")
- ("low-color/cut" "low-color/cut.xpm")
- ("low-color/fwd-arrow" "low-color/fwd-arrow.xpm")
- ("low-color/help" "low-color/help.xpm")
- ("low-color/home" "low-color/home.xpm")
- ("low-color/index" "low-color/index.xpm")
- ("low-color/jump-to" "low-color/jump-to.xpm")
- ("low-color/left-arrow" "low-color/left-arrow.xpm")
- ("low-color/new" "low-color/new.xpm")
- ("low-color/next-node" "low-color/next-node.xpm")
- ("low-color/open" "low-color/open.xpm")
- ("low-color/paste" "low-color/paste.xpm")
- ("low-color/preferences" "low-color/preferences.xpm")
- ("low-color/prev-node" "low-color/prev-node.xpm")
- ("low-color/print" "low-color/print.xpm")
- ("low-color/right-arrow" "low-color/right-arrow.xpm")
- ("low-color/save" "low-color/save.xpm")
- ("low-color/saveas" "low-color/saveas.xpm")
- ("low-color/search" "low-color/search.xpm")
- ("low-color/spell" "low-color/spell.xpm")
- ("low-color/undo" "low-color/undo.xpm")
- ("low-color/up-arrow" "low-color/up-arrow.xpm")
- ("low-color/up-node" "low-color/up-node.xpm")
- ("mail/compose" "mail/compose.pbm")
- ("mail/compose" "mail/compose.xpm")
- ("mail/copy" "mail/copy.pbm")
- ("mail/copy" "mail/copy.xpm")
- ("mail/flag-for-followup" "mail/flag-for-followup.pbm")
- ("mail/flag-for-followup" "mail/flag-for-followup.xpm")
- ("mail/forward" "mail/forward.pbm")
- ("mail/forward" "mail/forward.xpm")
- ("mail/inbox" "mail/inbox.pbm")
- ("mail/inbox" "mail/inbox.xpm")
- ("mail/move" "mail/move.pbm")
- ("mail/move" "mail/move.xpm")
- ("mail/not-spam" "mail/not-spam.pbm")
- ("mail/not-spam" "mail/not-spam.xpm")
- ("mail/outbox" "mail/outbox.pbm")
- ("mail/outbox" "mail/outbox.xpm")
- ("mail/preview" "mail/preview.pbm")
- ("mail/preview" "mail/preview.xpm")
- ("mail/repack" "mail/repack.pbm")
- ("mail/repack" "mail/repack.xpm")
- ("mail/reply" "mail/reply.pbm")
- ("mail/reply" "mail/reply.xpm")
- ("mail/reply-all" "mail/reply-all.pbm")
- ("mail/reply-all" "mail/reply-all.xpm")
- ("mail/reply-from" "mail/reply-from.pbm")
- ("mail/reply-from" "mail/reply-from.xpm")
- ("mail/reply-to" "mail/reply-to.pbm")
- ("mail/reply-to" "mail/reply-to.xpm")
- ("mail/save" "mail/save.xpm")
- ("mail/save-draft" "mail/save-draft.pbm")
- ("mail/save-draft" "mail/save-draft.xpm")
- ("mail/send" "mail/send.pbm")
- ("mail/send" "mail/send.xpm")
- ("mail/spam" "mail/spam.xpm")
- ("mh-logo" "mh-logo.pbm")
- ("mh-logo" "mh-logo.xpm")
- ("new" "new.pbm")
- ("new" "new.xpm")
- ("newsticker/browse-url" "newsticker/browse-url.xpm")
- ("newsticker/get-all" "newsticker/get-all.xpm")
- ("newsticker/mark-immortal" "newsticker/mark-immortal.xpm")
- ("newsticker/mark-read" "newsticker/mark-read.xpm")
- ("newsticker/narrow" "newsticker/narrow.xpm")
- ("newsticker/next-feed" "newsticker/next-feed.xpm")
- ("newsticker/next-item" "newsticker/next-item.xpm")
- ("newsticker/prev-feed" "newsticker/prev-feed.xpm")
- ("newsticker/prev-item" "newsticker/prev-item.xpm")
- ("newsticker/rss-feed" "newsticker/rss-feed.png")
- ("newsticker/rss-feed" "newsticker/rss-feed.svg")
- ("newsticker/update" "newsticker/update.xpm")
- ("next-node" "next-node.pbm")
- ("next-node" "next-node.xpm")
- ("next-page" "next-page.pbm")
- ("next-page" "next-page.xpm")
- ("open" "open.pbm")
- ("open" "open.xpm")
- ("paste" "paste.pbm")
- ("paste" "paste.xpm")
- ("preferences" "preferences.pbm")
- ("preferences" "preferences.xpm")
- ("prev-node" "prev-node.pbm")
- ("prev-node" "prev-node.xpm")
- ("print" "print.pbm")
- ("print" "print.xpm")
- ("radio" "radio.svg")
- ("radio-checked" "radio-checked.svg")
- ("radio-mixed" "radio-mixed.svg")
- ("redo" "redo.pbm")
- ("redo" "redo.xpm")
- ("refresh" "refresh.pbm")
- ("refresh" "refresh.xpm")
- ("right" "right.svg")
- ("right-arrow" "right-arrow.pbm")
- ("right-arrow" "right-arrow.xpm")
- ("save" "save.pbm")
- ("save" "save.xpm")
- ("saveas" "saveas.pbm")
- ("saveas" "saveas.xpm")
- ("search" "search.pbm")
- ("search" "search.xpm")
- ("search-replace" "search-replace.pbm")
- ("search-replace" "search-replace.xpm")
- ("separator" "separator.pbm")
- ("separator" "separator.xpm")
- ("show" "show.pbm")
- ("show" "show.xpm")
- ("smilies/blink" "smilies/blink.pbm")
- ("smilies/blink" "smilies/blink.xpm")
- ("smilies/braindamaged" "smilies/braindamaged.pbm")
- ("smilies/braindamaged" "smilies/braindamaged.xpm")
- ("smilies/cry" "smilies/cry.pbm")
- ("smilies/cry" "smilies/cry.xpm")
- ("smilies/dead" "smilies/dead.pbm")
- ("smilies/dead" "smilies/dead.xpm")
- ("smilies/evil" "smilies/evil.pbm")
- ("smilies/evil" "smilies/evil.xpm")
- ("smilies/forced" "smilies/forced.pbm")
- ("smilies/forced" "smilies/forced.xpm")
- ("smilies/frown" "smilies/frown.pbm")
- ("smilies/frown" "smilies/frown.xpm")
- ("smilies/grin" "smilies/grin.pbm")
- ("smilies/grin" "smilies/grin.xpm")
- ("smilies/indifferent" "smilies/indifferent.pbm")
- ("smilies/indifferent" "smilies/indifferent.xpm")
- ("smilies/sad" "smilies/sad.pbm")
- ("smilies/sad" "smilies/sad.xpm")
- ("smilies/smile" "smilies/smile.pbm")
- ("smilies/smile" "smilies/smile.xpm")
- ("smilies/wry" "smilies/wry.pbm")
- ("smilies/wry" "smilies/wry.xpm")
- ("sort-ascending" "sort-ascending.pbm")
- ("sort-ascending" "sort-ascending.xpm")
- ("sort-column-ascending" "sort-column-ascending.pbm")
- ("sort-column-ascending" "sort-column-ascending.xpm")
- ("sort-criteria" "sort-criteria.pbm")
- ("sort-criteria" "sort-criteria.xpm")
- ("sort-descending" "sort-descending.pbm")
- ("sort-descending" "sort-descending.xpm")
- ("sort-row-ascending" "sort-row-ascending.pbm")
- ("sort-row-ascending" "sort-row-ascending.xpm")
- ("spell" "spell.pbm")
- ("spell" "spell.xpm")
- ("tabs/close" "tabs/close.xpm")
- ("tabs/left-arrow" "tabs/left-arrow.xpm")
- ("tabs/new" "tabs/new.xpm")
- ("tabs/right-arrow" "tabs/right-arrow.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/close" "tree-widget/default/close.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/close" "tree-widget/default/close.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/empty" "tree-widget/default/empty.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/empty" "tree-widget/default/empty.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/end-guide" "tree-widget/default/end-guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/end-guide" "tree-widget/default/end-guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/guide" "tree-widget/default/guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/guide" "tree-widget/default/guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/handle" "tree-widget/default/handle.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/handle" "tree-widget/default/handle.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/leaf" "tree-widget/default/leaf.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/leaf" "tree-widget/default/leaf.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/no-guide" "tree-widget/default/no-guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/no-guide" "tree-widget/default/no-guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/no-handle" "tree-widget/default/no-handle.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/no-handle" "tree-widget/default/no-handle.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/default/open" "tree-widget/default/open.png")
- ("tree-widget/default/open" "tree-widget/default/open.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/close" "tree-widget/folder/close.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/close" "tree-widget/folder/close.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/empty" "tree-widget/folder/empty.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/empty" "tree-widget/folder/empty.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/end-guide" "tree-widget/folder/end-guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/end-guide" "tree-widget/folder/end-guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/guide" "tree-widget/folder/guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/guide" "tree-widget/folder/guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/handle" "tree-widget/folder/handle.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/handle" "tree-widget/folder/handle.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/leaf" "tree-widget/folder/leaf.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/leaf" "tree-widget/folder/leaf.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/no-guide" "tree-widget/folder/no-guide.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/no-guide" "tree-widget/folder/no-guide.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/no-handle" "tree-widget/folder/no-handle.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/no-handle" "tree-widget/folder/no-handle.xpm")
- ("tree-widget/folder/open" "tree-widget/folder/open.png")
- ("tree-widget/folder/open" "tree-widget/folder/open.xpm")
- ("unchecked" "unchecked.pbm")
- ("unchecked" "unchecked.svg")
- ("unchecked" "unchecked.xpm")
- ("undo" "undo.pbm")
- ("undo" "undo.xpm")
- ("up" "up.svg")
- ("up-arrow" "up-arrow.pbm")
- ("up-arrow" "up-arrow.xpm")
- ("up-node" "up-node.pbm")
- ("up-node" "up-node.xpm")
- ("zoom-in" "zoom-in.pbm")
- ("zoom-in" "zoom-in.xpm")
- ("zoom-out" "zoom-out.pbm")
- ("zoom-out" "zoom-out.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/blink" "smilies/grayscale/blink.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/braindamaged" "smilies/grayscale/braindamaged.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/cry" "smilies/grayscale/cry.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/dead" "smilies/grayscale/dead.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/evil" "smilies/grayscale/evil.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/forced" "smilies/grayscale/forced.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/frown" "smilies/grayscale/frown.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/grin" "smilies/grayscale/grin.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/indifferent" "smilies/grayscale/indifferent.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/reverse-smile" "smilies/grayscale/reverse-smile.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/sad" "smilies/grayscale/sad.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/smile" "smilies/grayscale/smile.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/grayscale/wry" "smilies/grayscale/wry.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/blink" "smilies/medium/blink.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/braindamaged" "smilies/medium/braindamaged.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/cry" "smilies/medium/cry.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/dead" "smilies/medium/dead.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/evil" "smilies/medium/evil.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/forced" "smilies/medium/forced.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/frown" "smilies/medium/frown.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/grin" "smilies/medium/grin.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/indifferent" "smilies/medium/indifferent.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/reverse-smile" "smilies/medium/reverse-smile.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/sad" "smilies/medium/sad.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/smile" "smilies/medium/smile.xpm")
- ;; ("smilies/medium/wry" "smilies/medium/wry.xpm")
- ;; ("splash" "splash.bmp")
- ;; ("splash" "splash.pbm")
- ;; ("splash" "splash.png")
- ;; ("splash" "splash.svg")
- ;; ("splash" "splash.xpm")
- ))
-(provide 'icons)
-;;; icons.el ends here
;;; icons-tests.el --- Tests for icons.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com>
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
(let ((icon-preference '(text)))
(should (equal (icon-string 'icon-test2) "child"))))
+(defmacro with-icons-test (&rest body)
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(let (icons-alist
+ (image-load-path (cons
+ (ert-resource-directory)
+ image-load-path))
+ (icons-format-priority '(svg xpm pbm)))
+ (icons-define-set 'set1 `(("apple" "apple2.svg" 24)
+ ("orange" "orange.svg" 24)
+ ("lemon" "lemon.svg")))
+ (icons-define-set 'set2 `(("apple" "apple.svg")))
+ (icons-define-set 'xpmset `(("apple" "apple.xpm")))
+ (icons-define-set 'pbmset `(("apple" "apple.pbm")))
+ ,@body))
+;;;; Data.
+(ert-deftest icons-define-set ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should (= (length (cdr (assoc "apple" icons-alist))) 4))))
+;;;; Inserting and getting icons.
+(ert-deftest icons--get-icon ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (let ((icon (cdr (icons--get-icon "apple"))))
+ (plist-get icon :file)
+ (should (string-match "apple\.svg\\'"
+ (plist-get icon :file))))))
+(ert-deftest icons--get-icon/missing ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should-error (icons--get-icon "foo-missing-icon"))))
+(ert-deftest icons--get-sorted-icons/format-priority ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should (eq (icons-icon-type (car (last (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple"))))
+ (car (last icons-format-priority))))))
+(ert-deftest icons--get-sorted-icons/set-priority ()
+ (let ((icons-set-priority '(set1 set2)))
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should (equal (icons-icon-filename (car (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple")))
+ "apple2.svg"))))
+ (let ((icons-set-priority '(set2 set1)))
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should (equal (icons-icon-filename (car (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple")))
+ "apple.svg")))))
+(ert-deftest icons-get/returns-space ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (should (equal (with-icons-test (icons-get "apple")) " "))))
+(ert-deftest icons-get/has-display-property ()
+ (should (get-text-property 0 'display (with-icons-test (icons-get "apple")))))
+(ert-deftest icons-get-icon ()
+ (should (eq (car (with-icons-test (icons-get-for-modeline "apple")))
+ :propertize)))
+(ert-deftest icons-tests--remove-set ()
+ (with-icons-test
+ (icons--remove-set 'set1)
+ (icons--remove-set 'set2)
+ (icons--remove-set 'xpmset)
+ (icons--remove-set 'pbmset)
+ (should (not icons-alist))))
+;; (ert-deftest icons-add-icon ()
+;; (let (icons-alist
+;; (icon (icons-icon-create :filename "bar" :set 'set)))
+;; (icons-add-icon "foo" icon)
+;; (should (assoc "foo" icons-alist))
+;; ;; Invalid names.
+;; (should-error (icons-add-icon nil icon))
+;; (should-error (icons-add-icon 'foo icon))
+;; ;; Invalid icons.
+;; (should-error (icons-add-icon "foo" "not an icon"))))
+;; (ert-deftest test-list-make-entries ()
+;; (with-icons-test
+;; (let ((entries (icons-list-make-entries)))
+;; (should (listp entries))
+;; (should (= (length entries) 2)))))
+;; (ert-deftest test-icons--filename-for-size/string ()
+;; (should (equal (icons--filename-for-size 20 "foobar")
+;; "foobar")))
+;; (ert-deftest test-icons--filename-for-size/alist ()
+;; (should (equal (icons--filename-for-size 20 '((5 . "foo")
+;; (10 . "bar")))
+;; "bar")))
+;;;; Util.
+(ert-deftest test-icons--find-closest ()
+ (should (= (icons--closest-to 14 '(10 20)) 10))
+ (should (= (icons--closest-to 15 '(10 20)) 20))
+ (should (= (icons--closest-to 8 '(6 12)) 6))
+ (should (= (icons--closest-to 9 '(6 12)) 12))
+ (should (= (icons--closest-to 14 '(10 18 20)) 18)))
;;; icons-tests.el ends here
+++ /dev/null
-;;; icons-tests.el --- tests for icons.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com>
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'ert-x)
-(require 'icons)
-(defmacro with-icons-test (&rest body)
- (declare (indent defun))
- `(let (icons-alist
- (image-load-path (cons
- (ert-resource-directory)
- image-load-path))
- (icons-format-priority '(svg xpm pbm)))
- (icons-define-set 'set1 `(("apple" "apple2.svg" 24)
- ("orange" "orange.svg" 24)
- ("lemon" "lemon.svg")))
- (icons-define-set 'set2 `(("apple" "apple.svg")))
- (icons-define-set 'xpmset `(("apple" "apple.xpm")))
- (icons-define-set 'pbmset `(("apple" "apple.pbm")))
- ,@body))
-;;;; Data.
-(ert-deftest icons-define-set ()
- (with-icons-test
- (should (= (length (cdr (assoc "apple" icons-alist))) 4))))
-;;;; Inserting and getting icons.
-(ert-deftest icons--get-icon ()
- (with-icons-test
- (let ((icon (cdr (icons--get-icon "apple"))))
- (plist-get icon :file)
- (should (string-match "apple\.svg\\'"
- (plist-get icon :file))))))
-(ert-deftest icons--get-icon/missing ()
- (with-icons-test
- (should-error (icons--get-icon "foo-missing-icon"))))
-(ert-deftest icons--get-sorted-icons/format-priority ()
- (with-icons-test
- (should (eq (icons-icon-type (car (last (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple"))))
- (car (last icons-format-priority))))))
-(ert-deftest icons--get-sorted-icons/set-priority ()
- (let ((icons-set-priority '(set1 set2)))
- (with-icons-test
- (should (equal (icons-icon-filename (car (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple")))
- "apple2.svg"))))
- (let ((icons-set-priority '(set2 set1)))
- (with-icons-test
- (should (equal (icons-icon-filename (car (icons--get-sorted-icons "apple")))
- "apple.svg")))))
-(ert-deftest icons-get/returns-space ()
- (with-icons-test
- (should (equal (with-icons-test (icons-get "apple")) " "))))
-(ert-deftest icons-get/has-display-property ()
- (should (get-text-property 0 'display (with-icons-test (icons-get "apple")))))
-(ert-deftest icons-get-icon ()
- (should (eq (car (with-icons-test (icons-get-for-modeline "apple")))
- :propertize)))
-(ert-deftest icons-tests--remove-set ()
- (with-icons-test
- (icons--remove-set 'set1)
- (icons--remove-set 'set2)
- (icons--remove-set 'xpmset)
- (icons--remove-set 'pbmset)
- (should (not icons-alist))))
-;; (ert-deftest icons-add-icon ()
-;; (let (icons-alist
-;; (icon (icons-icon-create :filename "bar" :set 'set)))
-;; (icons-add-icon "foo" icon)
-;; (should (assoc "foo" icons-alist))
-;; ;; Invalid names.
-;; (should-error (icons-add-icon nil icon))
-;; (should-error (icons-add-icon 'foo icon))
-;; ;; Invalid icons.
-;; (should-error (icons-add-icon "foo" "not an icon"))))
-;; (ert-deftest test-list-make-entries ()
-;; (with-icons-test
-;; (let ((entries (icons-list-make-entries)))
-;; (should (listp entries))
-;; (should (= (length entries) 2)))))
-;; (ert-deftest test-icons--filename-for-size/string ()
-;; (should (equal (icons--filename-for-size 20 "foobar")
-;; "foobar")))
-;; (ert-deftest test-icons--filename-for-size/alist ()
-;; (should (equal (icons--filename-for-size 20 '((5 . "foo")
-;; (10 . "bar")))
-;; "bar")))
-;;;; Util.
-(ert-deftest test-icons--find-closest ()
- (should (= (icons--closest-to 14 '(10 20)) 10))
- (should (= (icons--closest-to 15 '(10 20)) 20))
- (should (= (icons--closest-to 8 '(6 12)) 6))
- (should (= (icons--closest-to 9 '(6 12)) 12))
- (should (= (icons--closest-to 14 '(10 18 20)) 18)))
-;;; icons-tests.el ends here