set usercflags=\r
set docflags=\r
set userldflags=\r
+set extrauserlibs=\r
set doldflags=\r
+set doextralibs=\r
set sep1=\r
set sep2=\r
set sep3=\r
+set sep4=\r
set distfiles=\r
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
if "%1" == "--no-cygwin" goto nocygwin\r
if "%1" == "--cflags" goto usercflags\r
if "%1" == "--ldflags" goto userldflags\r
+if "%1" == "--lib" goto extrauserlibs\r
if "%1" == "--without-png" goto withoutpng\r
if "%1" == "--without-jpeg" goto withoutjpeg\r
if "%1" == "--without-gif" goto withoutgif\r
if "%1" == "--without-tiff" goto withouttiff\r
+if "%1" == "--without-gnutls" goto withoutgnutls\r
if "%1" == "--without-xpm" goto withoutxpm\r
if "%1" == "--with-svg" goto withsvg\r
if "%1" == "--distfiles" goto distfiles\r
echo. --no-cygwin use -mno-cygwin option with GCC\r
echo. --cflags FLAG pass FLAG to compiler\r
echo. --ldflags FLAG pass FLAG to compiler when linking\r
+echo. --lib LIB link to extra library LIB\r
echo. --without-png do not use PNG library even if it is installed\r
echo. --without-jpeg do not use JPEG library even if it is installed\r
echo. --without-gif do not use GIF library even if it is installed\r
echo. --without-tiff do not use TIFF library even if it is installed\r
echo. --without-xpm do not use XPM library even if it is installed\r
+echo. --without-gnutls do not use GNUTLS library even if it is installed\r
echo. --with-svg use the RSVG library (experimental)\r
echo. --distfiles path to files for make dist, e.g. libXpm.dll\r
if "%use_extensions%" == "0" goto end\r
goto again\r
+echo. extrauserlibs: %extrauserlibs%\r
+set extrauserlibs=%extrauserlibs%%sep4%%1\r
+set sep4= %nothing%\r
+goto again\r
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
+set tlssupport=N\r
+goto again\r
+rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
set tiffsupport=N\r
set HAVE_TIFF=\r
rm -f junk.c junk.obj\r
+if (%tlssupport%) == (N) goto tlsDone\r
+rem this is a copy of the PNG detection\r
+echo Checking for libgnutls...\r
+echo #include "gnutls/gnutls.h" >junk.c\r
+echo main (){} >>junk.c\r
+rem -o option is ignored with cl, but allows result to be consistent.\r
+echo %COMPILER% %usercflags% %mingwflag% -c junk.c -o junk.obj >>config.log\r
+%COMPILER% %usercflags% %mingwflag% -c junk.c -o junk.obj >junk.out 2>>config.log\r
+if exist junk.obj goto haveTls\r
+echo ...gnutls.h not found, building without TLS support.\r
+echo The failed program was: >>config.log\r
+type junk.c >>config.log\r
+goto :tlsDone\r
+echo ...GNUTLS header available, building with GNUTLS support.\r
+set HAVE_GNUTLS=1\r
+rm -f junk.c junk.obj\r
if (%jpegsupport%) == (N) goto jpegDone\r
echo Checking for jpeg-6b...\r
if (%docflags%)==(Y) echo USER_CFLAGS=%usercflags%>>config.settings\r
for %%v in (%userldflags%) do if not (%%v)==() set doldflags=Y\r
if (%doldflags%)==(Y) echo USER_LDFLAGS=%userldflags%>>config.settings\r
+for %%v in (%extrauserlibs%) do if not (%%v)==() set doextralibs=Y\r
+if (%doextralibs%)==(Y) echo USER_LIBS=%extrauserlibs%>>config.settings\r
echo # End of settings from configure.bat>>config.settings\r
echo. >>config.settings\r
if (%doldflags%) == (Y) echo #define USER_LDFLAGS " %userldflags%">>config.tmp\r
if (%profile%) == (Y) echo #define PROFILING 1 >>config.tmp\r
if not "(%HAVE_PNG%)" == "()" echo #define HAVE_PNG 1 >>config.tmp\r
+if not "(%HAVE_GNUTLS%)" == "()" echo #define HAVE_GNUTLS 1 >>config.tmp\r
if not "(%HAVE_JPEG%)" == "()" echo #define HAVE_JPEG 1 >>config.tmp\r
if not "(%HAVE_GIF%)" == "()" echo #define HAVE_GIF 1 >>config.tmp\r
if not "(%HAVE_TIFF%)" == "()" echo #define HAVE_TIFF 1 >>config.tmp\r
set distFilesOk=\r
set pngsupport=\r
+set tlssupport=\r
set jpegsupport=\r
set gifsupport=\r
set tiffsupport=\r