(defvar python--treesit-operators
'("-" "-=" "!=" "*" "**" "**=" "*=" "/" "//" "//=" "/=" "&" "%" "%="
- "^" "+" "+=" "<" "<<" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" "|" "~"))
+ "^" "+" "+=" "<" "<<" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" "|" "~" "@" "@="))
(defvar python--treesit-special-attributes
'("__annotations__" "__closure__" "__code__"
(let* ((string-beg (treesit-node-start node))
(string-end (treesit-node-end node))
(maybe-expression (treesit-node-parent node))
- (maybe-defun (treesit-node-parent
+ (grandparent (treesit-node-parent
- (face (if (and (member (treesit-node-type maybe-defun)
- '("function_definition"
- "class_definition"))
+ (maybe-defun grandparent)
+ (face (if (and (or (member (treesit-node-type maybe-defun)
+ '("function_definition"
+ "class_definition"))
+ ;; If the grandparent is null, meaning the
+ ;; string is top-level, and the string has
+ ;; no node or only comment preceding it,
+ ;; it's a BOF docstring.
+ (and (null grandparent)
+ (cl-loop
+ for prev = (treesit-node-prev-sibling
+ maybe-expression)
+ then (treesit-node-prev-sibling prev)
+ while prev
+ if (not (equal (treesit-node-type prev)
+ "comment"))
+ return nil
+ finally return t)))
;; This check filters out this case:
;; def function():
;; return "some string"