(or (slot-value obj 'object-name)
-(cl-defmethod eieio-object-set-name-string ((obj eieio-named) name)
- "Set the string which is OBJ's NAME."
- (cl-check-type name string)
- (eieio-oset obj 'object-name name))
(cl-defgeneric eieio-object-set-name-string (obj name)
"Set the string which is OBJ's NAME."
(declare (obsolete "inherit from `eieio-named' and use (setf (slot-value OBJ \\='object-name) NAME) instead" "25.1"))
'object-set-name-string 'eieio-object-set-name-string "24.4")
+(with-suppressed-warnings ((obsolete eieio-object-set-name-string))
+ (cl-defmethod eieio-object-set-name-string ((obj eieio-named) name)
+ "Set the string which is OBJ's NAME."
+ (cl-check-type name string)
+ (eieio-oset obj 'object-name name)))
(cl-defmethod clone ((obj eieio-named) &rest params)
"Clone OBJ, initializing `:parent' to OBJ.
All slots are unbound, except those initialized with PARAMS."
;; No cleanup... yet.
-(cl-defmethod object-print ((this eieio-default-superclass) &rest strings)
- "Pretty printer for object THIS. Call function `object-name' with STRINGS.
+(cl-defgeneric object-print (this &rest _strings)
+ "Pretty printer for object THIS.
+It is sometimes useful to put a summary of the object into the
+default #<notation> string when using EIEIO browsing tools.
+Implement this method to customize the summary."
+ (declare (obsolete cl-print-object "26.1"))
+ (format "%S" this))
+(with-suppressed-warnings ((obsolete object-print))
+ (cl-defmethod object-print ((this eieio-default-superclass) &rest strings)
+ "Pretty printer for object THIS. Call function `object-name' with STRINGS.
The default method for printing object THIS is to use the
function `object-name'.
`call-next-method' to provide additional summary information.
When passing in extra strings from child classes, always remember
to prepend a space."
- (eieio-object-name this (apply #'concat strings)))
-(cl-defgeneric object-print (this &rest _strings)
- "Pretty printer for object THIS.
-It is sometimes useful to put a summary of the object into the
-default #<notation> string when using EIEIO browsing tools.
-Implement this method to customize the summary."
- (declare (obsolete cl-print-object "26.1"))
- (format "%S" this))
+ (eieio-object-name this (apply #'concat strings))))
(with-suppressed-warnings ((obsolete object-print))
(cl-defmethod cl-print-object ((object eieio-default-superclass) stream)