;; Implementation of `seq-let' based on a `pcase'
;; pattern. Requires Emacs>=25.1.
- (pcase-defmacro seq (bindings)
- `(and ,@(seq--make-pcase-bindings bindings)))
+ (pcase-defmacro seq (&rest args)
+ "pcase pattern matching sequence elements.
+Matches if the object is a sequence (list, string or vector), and
+binds each element of ARGS to the corresponding element of the
+ `(and (pred seq-p)
+ ,@(seq--make-pcase-bindings args)))
(defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
"Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQ then evaluate BODY.
ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
name to be bound to the rest of SEQ."
(declare (indent 2) (debug t))
- `(pcase-let (((seq ,args) ,seq)) ,@body)))
+ `(pcase-let ((,(seq--make-pcase-patterns args) ,seq))
+ ,@body)))
;; Implementation of `seq-let' compatible with Emacs<25.1.
(defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
(setq n (+ 1 n)))
-(defun seq--make-pcase-bindings (args &optional bindings nested-indexes)
- "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a sequence.
-if BINDINGS is non-nil, append new bindings to it, and return
- (let ((index 0)
+(defun seq--make-pcase-bindings (args)
+ "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a sequence."
+ (let ((bindings '())
+ (index 0)
(rest-marker nil))
(seq-doseq (name args)
(unless rest-marker
(pcase name
- ((pred seq-p)
- (setq bindings (seq--make-pcase-bindings (seq--elt-safe args index)
- bindings
- (cons index nested-indexes))))
- (progn (push `(app (seq--reverse-args #'seq-drop ,index)
+ (progn (push `(app (pcase--flip seq-drop ,index)
,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index)))
(setq rest-marker t)))
- (push `(app (seq--reverse-args #'seq--nested-elt
- (reverse (cons ,index ',nested-indexes)))
- ,name)
- bindings))))
+ (push `(app (pcase--flip seq--elt-safe ,index) ,name) bindings))))
(setq index (1+ index)))
+(defun seq--make-pcase-patterns (args)
+ "Return a list of `(seq ...)' pcase patterns from the argument list ARGS."
+ (cons 'seq
+ (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+ (if (seq-p elt)
+ (seq--make-pcase-patterns elt)
+ elt))
+ args)))
;; Helper function for the Backward-compatible version of `seq-let'
;; for Emacs<25.1.
(setq index (1+ index)))
(defun seq--elt-safe (seq n)
"Return element of SEQ at the index N.
If no element is found, return nil."
(> (seq-length seq) n)))
(seq-elt seq n)))
-(defun seq--nested-elt (seq indexes &optional default)
- "Traverse SEQ using INDEXES and return the looked up element or DEFAULT if nil.
-SEQ can be a nested sequence composed of lists, vectors and strings."
- (or (seq-reduce (lambda (acc index)
- (when (seq-p acc)
- (seq--elt-safe acc index)))
- indexes
- seq)
- default))
-(defun seq--reverse-args (fn &rest args)
- "Call FN with ARGS reversed."
- (apply fn (reverse args)))
(defun seq--activate-font-lock-keywords ()
"Activate font-lock keywords for some symbols defined in seq."
(font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode