(cl-labels ((revert ()
(let ((revert-buffer-preserve-modes t))
(apply orig-fun args)
- ;; Update the cached version of the pdf file,
- ;; too. This is the one that's used when
- ;; rendering (bug#26996).
- (unless (equal buffer-file-name
- doc-view--buffer-file-name)
+ ;; Update the cached version of the pdf file, too.
+ ;; This is the one that's used when rendering
+ ;; (bug#26996). doc-view--buffer-file-name is nil in
+ ;; the case where we've switched to the editing mode
+ ;; (bug#76478). In that case, we'll update the cached
+ ;; version when switching back to doc-view-mode.
+ (when (and doc-view--buffer-file-name
+ (not (equal buffer-file-name
+ doc-view--buffer-file-name)))
;; FIXME: Lars says he needed to recreate
;; the dir, we should figure out why.
(doc-view-make-safe-dir doc-view-cache-directory)
See the command `doc-view-mode' for more information on this mode."
:lighter " DocView"
(when doc-view-minor-mode
- (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook (lambda () (doc-view-minor-mode -1)) nil t)
+ (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (doc-view-minor-mode -1))
+ nil t)
+ ;; OpenDocuments are archive files, so their editing mode is
+ ;; archive-mode. When editing and saving a file in that archive,
+ ;; it'll automatically revert the archive buffer. Take care to
+ ;; re-enable `doc-view-minor-mode' in that case.
+ (add-hook 'revert-buffer-restore-functions
+ (lambda ()
+ (lambda ()
+ (unless (derived-mode-p 'doc-view-mode)
+ (doc-view-minor-mode 1))))
+ nil t)