from a display vector, we need to consume all of
the glyphs from that display vector. */
start_display (&it2, w, top);
+ it2.glyph_row = NULL;
move_it_to (&it2, charpos - 1, -1, -1, -1, MOVE_TO_POS);
/* If we didn't get to CHARPOS - 1, there's some
replacing display property at that position, and
of the display line where the display string
begins. */
start_display (&it3, w, top);
+ it3.glyph_row = NULL;
move_it_to (&it3, -1, 0, top_y, -1, MOVE_TO_X | MOVE_TO_Y);
/* If it3_moved stays false after the 'while' loop
below, that means we already were at a newline