Suggested by Vibhav Pant <>.
+2014-11-04 Teodor Zlatanov <>
+ * net/eww.el (eww): Trim URL with `string-trim'.
+ Suggested by Vibhav Pant <>.
2014-11-03 Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <>
* net/eww.el (eww-score-readability): Don't count comments positively.
If the input doesn't look like an URL or a domain name, the
word(s) will be searched for via `eww-search-prefix'."
(interactive "sEnter URL or keywords: ")
+ (setq url (string-trim url))
(cond ((string-match-p "\\`file:/" url))
((string-match-p "\\`ftp://" url)
(user-error "FTP is not supported."))