(defun vc-default-ignore (backend file &optional directory remove)
"Ignore FILE under the VCS of DIRECTORY (default is `default-directory').
-FILE is a file wildcard, relative to the root directory of DIRECTORY.
+FILE is a wildcard specification, either relative to
+DIRECTORY or absolute.
When called from Lisp code, if DIRECTORY is non-nil, the
repository to use will be deduced by DIRECTORY; if REMOVE is
non-nil, remove FILE from ignored files.
Argument BACKEND is the backend you are using."
(let ((ignore
(vc-call-backend backend 'find-ignore-file (or directory default-directory)))
- (pattern (file-relative-name
- (expand-file-name file) (file-name-directory file))))
+ file-path root-dir pattern)
+ (setq file-path (expand-file-name file directory))
+ (setq root-dir (file-name-directory ignore))
+ (when (not (string= (substring file-path 0 (length root-dir)) root-dir))
+ (error "Ignore spec %s is not below project root %s" file-path root-dir))
+ (setq pattern (substring file-path (length root-dir)))
(if remove
- (vc--remove-regexp pattern ignore)
+ (vc--remove-regexp (concat "^" (regexp-quote pattern ) "\\(\n\\|$\\)") ignore)
(vc--add-line pattern ignore))))
(defun vc-default-ignore-completion-table (backend file)