(wisent-parse-lexer-function lexer)
(wisent-recovering nil)
(wisent-input (wisent-parse-start start starts))
- state tokid choices choice)
+ state tokid choices choice wisent-lookahead-save)
(setq wisent-nerrs 0 ;; Reset parse error counter
wisent-lookahead nil) ;; and lookahead token
(aset stack 0 0) ;; Initial state
;; Reduce by rule (call semantic action)
;; -------------------------------------
+ ;; save the global variable wisent-lookahead,
+ ;; as the semantic action might be an expand or expandfull
+ ;; which calls this function recursively
+ (setq wisent-lookahead-save wisent-lookahead)
(setq sp (funcall wisent-loop stack sp gotos))
+ (setq wisent-lookahead wisent-lookahead-save)
(or wisent-input (setq wisent-input (wisent-lexer))))))
(run-hooks 'wisent-post-parse-hook)
(car (aref stack 1))))