(defconst comp-lap-eob-ops
'(byte-goto byte-goto-if-nil byte-goto-if-not-nil byte-goto-if-nil-else-pop
- byte-goto-if-not-nil-else-pop byte-return byte-pushcatch)
+ byte-goto-if-not-nil-else-pop byte-return byte-pushcatch
+ byte-switch)
"LAP end of basic blocks op codes.")
(defsubst comp-lap-eob-p (inst)
(defsubst comp-lap-fall-through-p (inst)
- "Return t if INST fall through.
-nil otherwise."
+ "Return t if INST fall through, nil otherwise."
(when (not (member (car inst) '(byte-goto byte-return)))
(cl-assert (numberp rel-idx))
(comp-emit `(setimm ,(comp-slot) ,rel-idx ,val))))
-(defun comp-make-curr-block (block-name entry-sp)
+(defun comp-make-curr-block (block-name entry-sp &optional addr)
"Create a basic block with BLOCK-NAME and set it as current block.
ENTRY-SP is the sp value when entering.
The block is added to the current function.
The block is returned."
- (let ((bb (make--comp-block :name block-name :sp entry-sp)))
+ (let ((bb (make--comp-block :name block-name :sp entry-sp :addr addr)))
(setf (comp-limplify-curr-block comp-pass) bb)
+ (setf (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass) addr)
(setf (comp-limplify-sp comp-pass) (comp-block-sp bb))
(puthash (comp-block-name bb) bb (comp-func-blocks comp-func))
+(defun comp-lap-to-limple-bb (n)
+ "Given the LAP label N return the limple basic block name."
+ (let ((hash (comp-func-lap-block comp-func)))
+ (if-let ((bb (gethash n hash)))
+ ;; If was already created return it.
+ bb
+ (let ((name (comp-new-block-sym)))
+ (puthash n name hash)
+ name))))
(defun comp-emit-uncond-jump (lap-label)
"Emit an unconditional branch to LAP-LABEL."
(cl-destructuring-bind (label-num . stack-depth) lap-label
"Emit a conditional jump to LAP-LABEL when A and B satisfy EQ.
TARGET-OFFSET is the positive offset on the SP when branching to the target
-If NEGATED non null negate the tested condition."
+If NEGATED non null negate the tested condition.
+Return value is the fall through block name."
(cl-destructuring-bind (label-num . target-sp) lap-label
(cl-assert (= target-sp (+ target-offset (comp-sp))))
(let ((bb (comp-new-block-sym)) ; Fall through block.
:addr (comp-label-to-addr label-num))
(comp-emit (if negated
(list 'cond-jump a b target bb)
- (list 'cond-jump a b bb target))))))
+ (list 'cond-jump a b bb target)))
+ bb)))
(defun comp-emit-handler (lap-label handler-type)
"Emit a non local exit handler to LAP-LABEL of type HANDLER-TYPE."
"Return a unique symbol naming the next new basic block."
(intern (format "bb_%s" (funcall (comp-func-block-cnt-gen comp-func)))))
-(defun comp-lap-to-limple-bb (n)
- "Given the LAP label N return the limple basic block name."
- (let ((hash (comp-func-lap-block comp-func)))
- (if-let ((bb (gethash n hash)))
- ;; If was already created return it.
- bb
- (let ((name (comp-new-block-sym)))
- (puthash n name hash)
- name))))
(defun comp-fill-label-h ()
"Fill label-to-addr hash table for the current function."
(setf (comp-limplify-label-to-addr comp-pass) (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
(`(setimm ,_ ,_ ,const)
(cl-loop for test being each hash-keys of const
using (hash-value target-label)
+ with len = (hash-table-count const)
+ for n from 1
+ for last = (= n len)
for m-test = (make-comp-mvar :constant test)
- do (comp-emit-cond-jump var m-test 0 target-label nil)))
+ for ff-bb = (comp-new-block-sym) ; Fall through block.
+ for target = (comp-lap-to-limple-bb target-label)
+ do
+ (comp-emit (list 'cond-jump var m-test ff-bb target))
+ (comp-block-maybe-mark-pending :name target
+ :sp (comp-sp)
+ :addr (comp-label-to-addr target-label))
+ (if last
+ (comp-block-maybe-mark-pending :name ff-bb
+ :sp (comp-sp)
+ :addr (1+ (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass)))
+ (comp-make-curr-block ff-bb
+ (comp-sp)
+ (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass)))))
(_ (error "Missing previous setimm while creating a switch"))))
(defun comp-emit-set-call-subr (subr-name sp-delta)
when (pred bb)
do (return (comp-block-name bb))))))
+(defun comp-add-pending-block (sp)
+ "Add next basic block to the pending queue.
+The block name is returned."
+ (let ((next-bb (or (comp-addr-to-bb-name (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
+ (comp-new-block-sym))))
+ (comp-block-maybe-mark-pending :name next-bb
+ :sp sp
+ :addr (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
+ next-bb))
(defun comp-limplify-block (bb)
"Limplify basic-block BB and add it to the current function."
- (cl-flet ((add-next-block (sp ff)
- ;; Maybe create next block. Emit a jump to it if FF.
- (let ((next-bb (or (comp-addr-to-bb-name (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
- (comp-new-block-sym))))
- (comp-block-maybe-mark-pending :name next-bb
- :sp sp
- :addr (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
- (when ff
- (comp-emit `(jump ,next-bb))))))
- (setf (comp-limplify-curr-block comp-pass) bb)
- (setf (comp-limplify-sp comp-pass) (comp-block-sp bb))
- (setf (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass) (comp-block-addr bb))
- (cl-loop
- for inst-cell on (nthcdr (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass)
- (comp-func-lap comp-func))
- for inst = (car inst-cell)
- for next-inst = (car-safe (cdr inst-cell))
- for fall-through = (comp-lap-fall-through-p inst)
- do (comp-limplify-lap-inst inst)
- (cl-incf (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
- (pcase next-inst
- (`(TAG ,_label . ,target-sp)
+ (setf (comp-limplify-curr-block comp-pass) bb)
+ (setf (comp-limplify-sp comp-pass) (comp-block-sp bb))
+ (setf (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass) (comp-block-addr bb))
+ (puthash (comp-block-name bb) bb (comp-func-blocks comp-func))
+ (cl-loop
+ for inst-cell on (nthcdr (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass)
+ (comp-func-lap comp-func))
+ for inst = (car inst-cell)
+ for next-inst = (car-safe (cdr inst-cell))
+ for fall-through = (comp-lap-fall-through-p inst)
+ do (comp-limplify-lap-inst inst)
+ (cl-incf (comp-limplify-pc comp-pass))
+ (pcase next-inst
+ (`(TAG ,_label . ,target-sp)
+ (when fall-through
+ (cl-assert (= target-sp (comp-sp))))
+ (let ((next-bb (comp-add-pending-block target-sp)))
(when fall-through
- (cl-assert (= target-sp (comp-sp))))
- (add-next-block target-sp fall-through)
- (return)))
- until (comp-lap-eob-p inst))
- (puthash (comp-block-name bb) bb (comp-func-blocks comp-func))))
+ (comp-emit `(jump ,next-bb))))
+ (return)))
+ until (comp-lap-eob-p inst)))
(defun comp-limplify-function (func)
"Limplify a single function FUNC."