2007-07-30 Michael Olson <mwolson@gnu.org>
* cus-edit.el (custom-group-save): Fix void function definition
error. Thanks to Zhang Wei for the report.
Revision: emacs@sv.gnu.org/emacs--devo--0--patch-834
Creator: Michael Olson <mwolson@gnu.org>
2007-07-30 Michael Olson <mwolson@gnu.org>
+ * cus-edit.el (custom-group-save): Fix void function definition
+ error. Thanks to Zhang Wei for the report.
* ps-print.el: Check in trivial changes to the autoloads section
caused by the build process. These autoloads really ought to be
placed in a separate file, methinks.
(defun custom-group-save (widget)
"Save all modified group members."
- (dolist (child (children (widget-get widget :children)))
+ (dolist (child (widget-get widget :children))
(when (memq (widget-get child :custom-state) '(modified set))
(widget-apply child :custom-save))))