(define-error 'native-compiler-error-empty-byte
"empty byte compiler output"
+(cl-defstruct (comp-vec (:copier nil))
+ "A re-sizable vector like object."
+ (data (make-hash-table :test #'eql) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Payload data.")
+ (beg 0 :type integer)
+ (end 0 :type natnum))
+(defsubst comp-vec-copy (vec)
+ "Return a copy of VEC."
+ (make-comp-vec :data (copy-hash-table (comp-vec-data vec))
+ :beg (comp-vec-beg vec)
+ :end (comp-vec-end vec)))
+(defsubst comp-vec-length (vec)
+ "Return the number of elements of VEC."
+ (+ (comp-vec-beg vec) (comp-vec-end vec)))
+(defsubst comp-vec--verify-idx (vec idx)
+ "Check idx is in bounds for VEC."
+ (cl-assert (and (< idx (comp-vec-end vec))
+ (>= idx (comp-vec-beg vec)))))
+(defsubst comp-vec-aref (vec idx)
+ "Return the element of VEC at index IDX."
+ (declare (gv-setter (lambda (val)
+ `(comp-vec--verify-idx ,vec ,idx)
+ `(puthash ,idx ,val (comp-vec-data ,vec)))))
+ (comp-vec--verify-idx vec idx)
+ (gethash idx (comp-vec-data vec)))
+(defsubst comp-vec-append (vec elt)
+ "Append ELT into VEC.
+ELT is returned."
+ (puthash (comp-vec-end vec) elt (comp-vec-aref vec))
+ (cl-incf (comp-vec-end vec))
+ elt)
+(defsubst comp-vec-prepend (vec elt)
+ "Prepend ELT into VEC.
+ELT is returned."
+ (puthash (comp-vec-beg vec) elt (comp-vec-aref vec))
+ (cl-decf (comp-vec-beg vec))
+ elt)
(defconst comp-op-stack-info
(cl-loop for i from 0 below (comp-func-frame-size comp-func)
;; List of blocks with a definition of mvar i
for defs-v = (cl-loop with blocks = (comp-func-blocks comp-func)
- for b being each hash-value of blocks
- when (slot-assigned-p i b)
- collect b)
+ for b being each hash-value of blocks
+ when (slot-assigned-p i b)
+ collect b)
;; Set of basic blocks where phi is added.
for f = ()
;; Worklist, set of basic blocks that contain definitions of v.