+DEFUN ("bidi-resolved-levels", Fbidi_resolved_levels,
+ Sbidi_resolved_levels, 0, 1, 0,
+ doc: /* Return the resolved bidirectional levels of characters at VPOS.
+The resolved levels are produced by the Emacs bidi reordering engine
+that implements the UBA, the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Please
+read the Unicode Standard Annex 9 (UAX#9) for background information
+about these levels.
+VPOS is the zero-based number of the current window's screen line
+for which to produce the resolved levels. If VPOS is nil or omitted,
+it defaults to the screen line of point. If the window displays a
+header line, VPOS of zero will report on the header line, and first
+line of text in the window will have VPOS of 1.
+Value is an array of resolved levels, indexed by glyph number.
+Glyphs are numbered from zero starting from the beginning of the
+screen line, i.e. the left edge of the window for left-to-right lines
+and from the right edge for right-to-left lines. The resolved levels
+are produced only for the window's text area; text in display margins
+is not included.
+If the selected window's display is not up-to-date, or if the specified
+screen line does not display text, this function returns nil. It is
+highly recommended to bind this function to some simple key, like F8,
+in order to avoid these problems.
+This function exists mainly for testing the correctness of the
+Emacs UBA implementation, in particular with the test suite. */)
+ (Lisp_Object vpos)
+ struct window *w = XWINDOW (selected_window);
+ struct buffer *b = XBUFFER (w->contents);
+ int nrow;
+ struct glyph_row *row;
+ if (NILP (vpos))
+ {
+ int d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
+ pos_visible_p (w, PT, &d1, &d2, &d3, &d4, &d5, &nrow);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nrow = XINT (vpos);
+ }
+ /* We require up-to-date glyph matrix for this window. */
+ if (w->window_end_valid
+ && !windows_or_buffers_changed
+ && b
+ && !b->clip_changed
+ && !b->prevent_redisplay_optimizations_p
+ && !window_outdated (w)
+ && nrow >= 0
+ && nrow < w->current_matrix->nrows
+ && (row = MATRIX_ROW (w->current_matrix, nrow))->enabled_p
+ {
+ struct glyph *g, *e, *g1;
+ int nglyphs, i;
+ Lisp_Object levels;
+ if (!row->reversed_p) /* Left-to-right glyph row. */
+ {
+ g = g1 = row->glyphs[TEXT_AREA];
+ e = g + row->used[TEXT_AREA];
+ /* Skip over glyphs at the start of the row that was
+ generated by redisplay for its own needs. */
+ while (g < e
+ && INTEGERP (g->object)
+ && g->charpos < 0)
+ g++;
+ g1 = g;
+ /* Count the "interesting" glyphs in this row. */
+ for (nglyphs = 0; g < e && !INTEGERP (g->object); g++)
+ nglyphs++;
+ /* Create and fill the array. */
+ levels = make_uninit_vector (nglyphs);
+ for (i = 0; g1 < g; i++, g1++)
+ ASET (levels, i, make_number (g1->resolved_level));
+ }
+ else /* Right-to-left glyph row. */
+ {
+ g = row->glyphs[TEXT_AREA] + row->used[TEXT_AREA] - 1;
+ e = row->glyphs[TEXT_AREA] - 1;
+ while (g > e
+ && INTEGERP (g->object)
+ && g->charpos < 0)
+ g--;
+ g1 = g;
+ for (nglyphs = 0; g > e && !INTEGERP (g->object); g--)
+ nglyphs++;
+ levels = make_uninit_vector (nglyphs);
+ for (i = 0; g1 > g; i++, g1--)
+ ASET (levels, i, make_number (g1->resolved_level));
+ }
+ return levels;
+ }
+ else
+ return Qnil;
Menu Bar
DEFSYM (Qright_to_left, "right-to-left");
DEFSYM (Qleft_to_right, "left-to-right");
+ defsubr (&Sbidi_resolved_levels);
DEFVAR_BOOL ("x-stretch-cursor", x_stretch_cursor_p,