metadata. If not given, the assumed default is the package named
with \".el\" concatenated to the end.
+ `:release-rev' (string)
+A revision string indicating the revision used for the current
+release in the package archive. If missing or nil, no release
+was made.
All other values are ignored.")
(defun package-vc-desc->spec (pkg-desc &optional name)
be overridden by manually passing the optional NAME. Otherwise
NAME-OR-URL is taken to be a package name, and the package
metadata will be consulted for the URL. An explicit revision can
-be requested using REV."
+be requested using REV. If the command is invoked with a prefix
+argument, the revision used for the last release in the package
+archive is used."
;; Initialize the package system to get the list of package
(input (completing-read
"Fetch package source (name or URL): " packages))
(name (file-name-base input)))
- (list input (intern (string-remove-prefix "emacs-" name))))))
+ (list input (intern (string-remove-prefix "emacs-" name))
+ (and current-prefix-arg
+ (or (package-vc-query-spec
+ (cadr (assoc input package-archive-contents #'string=))
+ :release-rev)
+ (user-error "No release revision was found")))))))
((and-let* ((stringp name-or-url)