;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
(ert-deftest query-replace--split-string-tests ()
(let ((sep (propertize "\0" 'separator t)))
(dotimes (i (length replace-occur-tests))
(replace-occur-test-create i))
+;;; Tests for `query-replace' undo feature.
+(defun replace-tests-clauses (char-nums def-chr)
+ "Build the clauses of the `pcase' in `replace-tests-with-undo'.
+CHAR-NUMS is a list of elements (CHAR . NUMS).
+CHAR is one of the chars ?, ?\s ?u ?U ?E ?q.
+NUMS is a list of integers; they are the patters to match,
+while CHAR is the return value.
+DEF-CHAR is the default character to return in the `pcase'
+when any of the clauses match."
+ (append
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar (lambda (chr)
+ (when-let (it (cadr (assq chr char-nums)))
+ (if (cdr it)
+ `(,(cons 'or it) ,chr)
+ `(,(car it) ,chr))))
+ '(?, ?\s ?u ?U ?E ?q)))
+ `((_ ,def-chr))))
+(defvar replace-tests-bind-read-string nil
+ "A string to bind `read-string' and avoid the prompt.")
+(defmacro replace-tests-with-undo (input from to char-nums def-chr &rest body)
+ "Helper to test `query-replace' undo feature.
+INPUT is a string to insert in a temporary buffer.
+FROM is the string to match for replace.
+TO is the replacement string.
+CHAR-NUMS is a list of elements (CHAR . NUMS).
+CHAR is one of the chars ?, ?\s ?u ?U ?E ?q.
+NUMS is a list of integers.
+DEF-CHAR is the char ?\s or ?q.
+BODY is a list of forms.
+Return the last evaled form in BODY."
+ (declare (indent 5) (debug (stringp stringp stringp form characterp body)))
+ (let ((text (gensym "text"))
+ (count (gensym "count")))
+ `(let* ((,text ,input)
+ (,count 0)
+ (inhibit-message t))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert ,text)
+ (goto-char 1)
+ ;; Bind `read-event' to simulate user input.
+ ;; If `replace-tests-bind-read-string' is non-nil, then
+ ;; bind `read-string' as well.
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-event)
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (cl-incf ,count)
+ (let ((val
+ (pcase ,count
+ ,@(replace-tests-clauses char-nums def-chr))))
+ val)))
+ ((symbol-function 'read-string)
+ (if replace-tests-bind-read-string
+ (lambda (&rest args) replace-tests-bind-read-string)
+ (symbol-function 'read-string))))
+ (perform-replace ,from ,to t t nil))
+ ,@body))))
(defun replace-tests--query-replace-undo (&optional comma)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert "111")
- (goto-char 1)
- (let ((count 0))
- ;; Don't wait for user input.
- (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-event)
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (cl-incf count)
- (let ((val (pcase count
- ('2 (if comma ?, ?\s)) ; replace and: ',' no move; '\s' go next
- ('3 ?u) ; undo
- ('4 ?q) ; exit
- (_ ?\s)))) ; replace current and go next
- val))))
- (perform-replace "1" "2" t nil nil)))
- (buffer-string)))
+ (let ((input "111"))
+ (if comma
+ (should
+ (replace-tests-with-undo
+ input "1" "2" ((?, (2)) (?u (3)) (?q (4))) ?\s (buffer-string)))
+ (should
+ (replace-tests-with-undo
+ input "1" "2" ((?\s (2)) (?u (3)) (?q (4))) ?\s (buffer-string))))))
(ert-deftest query-replace--undo ()
(should (string= "211" (replace-tests--query-replace-undo)))
(ert-deftest query-replace-undo-bug31073 ()
"Test for https://debbugs.gnu.org/31073 ."
- (let ((text "aaa aaa")
- (count 0))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert text)
- (goto-char 1)
- (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-event)
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (cl-incf count)
- (let ((val (pcase count
- ((or 1 2 3) ?\s) ; replace current and go next
- (4 ?U) ; undo-all
- (_ ?q)))) ; exit
- val))))
- (perform-replace "a" "B" t nil nil))
- ;; After undo text must be the same.
- (should (string= text (buffer-string))))))
+ (let ((input "aaa aaa"))
+ (should
+ (replace-tests-with-undo
+ input "a" "B" ((?\s (1 2 3)) (?U (4))) ?q
+ (string= input (buffer-string))))))
(ert-deftest query-replace-undo-bug31492 ()
"Test for https://debbugs.gnu.org/31492 ."
- (let ((text "a\nb\nc\n")
- (count 0)
- (inhibit-message t))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert text)
- (goto-char 1)
- (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-event)
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (cl-incf count)
- (let ((val (pcase count
- ((or 1 2) ?\s) ; replace current and go next
- (3 ?U) ; undo-all
- (_ ?q)))) ; exit
- val))))
- (perform-replace "^\\|\b\\|$" "foo" t t nil))
- ;; After undo text must be the same.
- (should (string= text (buffer-string))))))
+ (let ((input "a\nb\nc\n"))
+ (should
+ (replace-tests-with-undo
+ input "^\\|\b\\|$" "foo" ((?\s (1 2)) (?U (3))) ?q
+ (string= input (buffer-string))))))
+(ert-deftest query-replace-undo-bug31538 ()
+ "Test for https://debbugs.gnu.org/31538 ."
+ (let ((input "aaa aaa")
+ (replace-tests-bind-read-string "Bfoo"))
+ (should
+ (replace-tests-with-undo
+ input "a" "B" ((?\s (1 2 3)) (?E (4)) (?U (5))) ?q
+ (string= input (buffer-string))))))
;;; replace-tests.el ends here