\"non-linear\"), then the second occurrence is turned into an `eq'uality test.
QPatterns can take the following forms:
- (QPAT1 . QPAT2) matches if QPAT1 matches the car and QPAT2 the cdr.
- ,UPAT matches if the UPattern UPAT matches.
- STRING matches if the object is `equal' to STRING.
- ATOM matches if the object is `eq' to ATOM.
-QPatterns for vectors are not implemented yet.
+ (QPAT1 . QPAT2) matches if QPAT1 matches the car and QPAT2 the cdr.
+ [QPAT1 QPAT2..QPATn] matches a vector of length n and QPAT1..QPATn match
+ its 0..(n-1)th elements, respectively.
+ ,UPAT matches if the UPattern UPAT matches.
+ STRING matches if the object is `equal' to STRING.
+ ATOM matches if the object is `eq' to ATOM.
PRED can take the form
FUNCTION in which case it gets called with one argument.
(pcase--mutually-exclusive-p #'consp (cadr pat)))
'(:pcase--fail . nil))))
+(defun pcase--split-vector (syms pat)
+ (cond
+ ;; A QPattern for a vector of same length.
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) '\`)
+ (vectorp (cadr pat))
+ (= (length syms) (length (cadr pat))))
+ (let ((qpat (cadr pat)))
+ (cons `(and ,@(mapcar (lambda (s)
+ `(match ,(car s) .
+ ,(pcase--upat (aref qpat (cdr s)))))
+ syms))
+ :pcase--fail)))
+ ;; Other QPatterns go to the `else' side.
+ ((eq (car-safe pat) '\`) '(:pcase--fail . nil))
+ ((and (eq (car-safe pat) 'pred)
+ (pcase--mutually-exclusive-p #'vectorp (cadr pat)))
+ '(:pcase--fail . nil))))
(defun pcase--split-equal (elem pat)
;; The same match will give the same result.
((eq (car-safe qpat) '\,) (error "Can't use `,UPATTERN"))
((floatp qpat) (error "Floating point patterns not supported"))
((vectorp qpat)
- ;; FIXME.
- (error "Vector QPatterns not implemented yet"))
+ (let* ((len (length qpat))
+ (syms (mapcar (lambda (i) (cons (make-symbol (format "xaref%s" i)) i))
+ (number-sequence 0 (1- len))))
+ (splitrest (pcase--split-rest
+ sym
+ (lambda (pat) (pcase--split-vector syms pat))
+ rest))
+ (then-rest (car splitrest))
+ (else-rest (cdr splitrest))
+ (then-body (pcase--u1
+ `(,@(mapcar (lambda (s)
+ `(match ,(car s) .
+ ,(pcase--upat (aref qpat (cdr s)))))
+ syms)
+ ,@matches)
+ code vars then-rest)))
+ (pcase--if
+ `(and (vectorp ,sym) (= (length ,sym) ,len))
+ (macroexp-let* (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s)
+ (and (get (car s) 'pcase-used)
+ `(,(car s) (aref ,sym ,(cdr s)))))
+ syms))
+ then-body)
+ (pcase--u else-rest))))
((consp qpat)
(let* ((syma (make-symbol "xcar"))
(symd (make-symbol "xcdr"))