;; File archives could also be compressed, identified by an additional
;; compression suffix. Valid compression suffixes are listed in the
;; constant `tramp-archive-compression-suffixes'. They are ".bz2",
-;; ".gz", ".lrz", ".lz", ".lz4", ".lzma", ".lzo", ".uu", ".xz",".Z",
-;; and .zst. A valid archive file name would be
+;; ".gz", ".lrz", ".lz", ".lz4", ".lzma", ".lzo", ".uu", ".xz", ".Z",
+;; and ".zst". A valid archive file name would be
;; "/path/to/dir/file.tar.gz/dir/file". Even several suffixes in a
;; row are possible, like "/path/to/dir/file.tar.gz.uu/dir/file".
"rar" ;; RAR archives.
"rpm" ;; Red Hat packages.
"shar" ;; Shell archives. Not in libarchive testsuite.
- "tar" "tbz" "tgz" "tlz" "txz" ".tzst" ;; (Compressed) tape archives.
+ "tar" "tbz" "tgz" "tlz" "txz" "tzst" ;; (Compressed) tape archives.
"warc" ;; Web archives.
"xar" ;; macOS XAR archives. Not in libarchive testsuite.
"xpi" ;; XPInstall Mozilla addons. Not in libarchive testsuite.