--- /dev/null
- (".dpatch". "test/x-patch")
+;;; mailcap.el --- MIME media types configuration
+;; Copyright (C) 1998-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: William M. Perry <wmperry@aventail.com>
+;; Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
+;; Keywords: news, mail, multimedia
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Provides configuration of MIME media types from directly from Lisp
+;; and via the usual mailcap mechanism (RFC 1524). Deals with
+;; mime.types similarly.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(autoload 'mail-header-parse-content-type "mail-parse")
+(defgroup mailcap nil
+ "Definition of viewers for MIME types."
+ :version "21.1"
+ :group 'mime)
+(defvar mailcap-parse-args-syntax-table
+ (let ((table (copy-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)))
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?{ "(" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?} ")" table)
+ table)
+ "A syntax table for parsing SGML attributes.")
+(defvar mailcap-print-command
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (cons (if (boundp 'lpr-command)
+ lpr-command
+ "lpr")
+ (when (boundp 'lpr-switches)
+ (if (stringp lpr-switches)
+ (list lpr-switches)
+ lpr-switches)))
+ " ")
+ "Shell command (including switches) used to print PostScript files.")
+(defun mailcap--get-user-mime-data (sym)
+ (let ((val (default-value sym))
+ res)
+ (dolist (entry val)
+ (push (list (cdr (assq 'viewer entry))
+ (cdr (assq 'type entry))
+ (cdr (assq 'test entry)))
+ res))
+ (nreverse res)))
+(defun mailcap--set-user-mime-data (sym val)
+ (let (res)
+ (dolist (entry val)
+ (push `((viewer . ,(car entry))
+ (type . ,(cadr entry))
+ ,@(when (cl-caddr entry)
+ `((test . ,(cl-caddr entry)))))
+ res))
+ (set-default sym (nreverse res))))
+(defcustom mailcap-user-mime-data nil
+ "A list of viewers preferred for different MIME types.
+The elements of the list are alists of the following structure
+ ((viewer . VIEWER)
+ (type . MIME-TYPE)
+ (test . TEST))
+where VIEWER is either a lisp command, e.g., a major-mode, or a
+string containing a shell command for viewing files of the
+defined MIME-TYPE. In case of a shell command, %s will be
+replaced with the file.
+MIME-TYPE is a regular expression being matched against the
+actual MIME type. It is implicitly surrounded with ^ and $.
+TEST is an lisp form which is evaluated in order to test if the
+entry should be chosen. The `test' entry is optional.
+When selecting a viewer for a given MIME type, the first viewer
+in this list with a matching MIME-TYPE and successful TEST is
+selected. Only if none matches, the standard `mailcap-mime-data'
+is consulted."
+ :type '(repeat
+ (list
+ (choice (function :tag "Function or mode")
+ (string :tag "Shell command"))
+ (regexp :tag "MIME Type")
+ (sexp :tag "Test (optional)")))
+ :get #'mailcap--get-user-mime-data
+ :set #'mailcap--set-user-mime-data
+ :group 'mailcap)
+;; Postpone using defcustom for this as it's so big and we essentially
+;; have to have two copies of the data around then. Perhaps just
+;; customize the Lisp viewers and rely on the normal configuration
+;; files for the rest? -- fx
+(defvar mailcap-mime-data
+ `(("application"
+ ("vnd\\.ms-excel"
+ (viewer . "gnumeric %s")
+ (test . (getenv "DISPLAY"))
+ (type . "application/vnd.ms-excel"))
+ ("x-x509-ca-cert"
+ (viewer . ssl-view-site-cert)
+ (type . "application/x-x509-ca-cert"))
+ ("x-x509-user-cert"
+ (viewer . ssl-view-user-cert)
+ (type . "application/x-x509-user-cert"))
+ ("octet-stream"
+ (viewer . mailcap-save-binary-file)
+ (non-viewer . t)
+ (type . "application/octet-stream"))
+ ("dvi"
+ (viewer . "xdvi -safer %s")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11")
+ (type . "application/dvi")
+ ("print" . "dvips -qRP %s"))
+ ("dvi"
+ (viewer . "dvitty %s")
+ (test . (not (getenv "DISPLAY")))
+ (type . "application/dvi")
+ ("print" . "dvips -qRP %s"))
+ ("emacs-lisp"
+ (viewer . mailcap-maybe-eval)
+ (type . "application/emacs-lisp"))
+ ("x-emacs-lisp"
+ (viewer . mailcap-maybe-eval)
+ (type . "application/x-emacs-lisp"))
+ ("x-tar"
+ (viewer . mailcap-save-binary-file)
+ (non-viewer . t)
+ (type . "application/x-tar"))
+ ("x-latex"
+ (viewer . tex-mode)
+ (type . "application/x-latex"))
+ ("x-tex"
+ (viewer . tex-mode)
+ (type . "application/x-tex"))
+ ("latex"
+ (viewer . tex-mode)
+ (type . "application/latex"))
+ ("tex"
+ (viewer . tex-mode)
+ (type . "application/tex"))
+ ("texinfo"
+ (viewer . texinfo-mode)
+ (type . "application/tex"))
+ ("zip"
+ (viewer . mailcap-save-binary-file)
+ (non-viewer . t)
+ (type . "application/zip")
+ ("copiousoutput"))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . pdf-view-mode)
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x)))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . doc-view-mode)
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x)))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . "gv -safer %s")
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ (test . window-system)
+ ("print" . ,(concat "pdf2ps %s - | " mailcap-print-command)))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . "gpdf %s")
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ ("print" . ,(concat "pdftops %s - | " mailcap-print-command))
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x)))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . "xpdf %s")
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ ("print" . ,(concat "pdftops %s - | " mailcap-print-command))
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x)))
+ ("pdf"
+ (viewer . ,(concat "pdftotext %s -"))
+ (type . "application/pdf")
+ ("print" . ,(concat "pdftops %s - | " mailcap-print-command))
+ ("copiousoutput"))
+ ("postscript"
+ (viewer . "gv -safer %s")
+ (type . "application/postscript")
+ (test . window-system)
+ ("print" . ,(concat mailcap-print-command " %s"))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ ("postscript"
+ (viewer . "ghostview -dSAFER %s")
+ (type . "application/postscript")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("print" . ,(concat mailcap-print-command " %s"))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ ("postscript"
+ (viewer . "ps2ascii %s")
+ (type . "application/postscript")
+ (test . (not (getenv "DISPLAY")))
+ ("print" . ,(concat mailcap-print-command " %s"))
+ ("copiousoutput"))
+ ("sieve"
+ (viewer . sieve-mode)
+ (type . "application/sieve"))
+ ("pgp-keys"
+ (viewer . "gpg --import --interactive --verbose")
+ (type . "application/pgp-keys")
+ ("needsterminal")))
+ ("audio"
+ ("x-mpeg"
+ (viewer . "maplay %s")
+ (type . "audio/x-mpeg"))
+ (".*"
+ (viewer . "showaudio")
+ (type . "audio/*")))
+ ("message"
+ ("rfc-*822"
+ (viewer . mm-view-message)
+ (test . (and (featurep 'gnus)
+ (gnus-alive-p)))
+ (type . "message/rfc822"))
+ ("rfc-*822"
+ (viewer . vm-mode)
+ (type . "message/rfc822"))
+ ("rfc-*822"
+ (viewer . view-mode)
+ (type . "message/rfc822")))
+ ("image"
+ ("x-xwd"
+ (viewer . "xwud -in %s")
+ (type . "image/x-xwd")
+ ("compose" . "xwd -frame > %s")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ ("x11-dump"
+ (viewer . "xwud -in %s")
+ (type . "image/x-xwd")
+ ("compose" . "xwd -frame > %s")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ ("windowdump"
+ (viewer . "xwud -in %s")
+ (type . "image/x-xwd")
+ ("compose" . "xwd -frame > %s")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ (".*"
+ (viewer . "display %s")
+ (type . "image/*")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11"))
+ (".*"
+ (viewer . "ee %s")
+ (type . "image/*")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11")))
+ ("text"
+ ("plain"
+ (viewer . view-mode)
+ (type . "text/plain"))
+ ("plain"
+ (viewer . fundamental-mode)
+ (type . "text/plain"))
+ ("enriched"
+ (viewer . enriched-decode)
+ (type . "text/enriched"))
+ ("dns"
+ (viewer . dns-mode)
+ (type . "text/dns")))
+ ("video"
+ ("mpeg"
+ (viewer . "mpeg_play %s")
+ (type . "video/mpeg")
+ (test . (eq window-system 'x))
+ ("needsx11")))
+ ("x-world"
+ ("x-vrml"
+ (viewer . "webspace -remote %s -URL %u")
+ (type . "x-world/x-vrml")
+ ("description"
+ "VRML document")))
+ ("archive"
+ ("tar"
+ (viewer . tar-mode)
+ (type . "archive/tar"))))
+ "The mailcap structure is an assoc list of assoc lists.
+1st assoc list is keyed on the major content-type
+2nd assoc list is keyed on the minor content-type (which can be a regexp)
+Which looks like:
+ ((\"application\"
+ (\"postscript\" . <info>))
+ (\"text\"
+ (\"plain\" . <info>)))
+Where <info> is another assoc list of the various information
+related to the mailcap RFC 1524. This is keyed on the lowercase
+attribute name (viewer, test, etc). This looks like:
+ ((viewer . VIEWERINFO)
+ (test . TESTINFO)
+ (xxxx . \"STRING\")
+Where VIEWERINFO specifies how the content-type is viewed. Can be
+a string, in which case it is run through a shell, with appropriate
+parameters, or a symbol, in which case the symbol is `funcall'ed if
+and only if it exists as a function, with the buffer as an argument.
+TESTINFO is a test for the viewer's applicability, or nil. If nil, it
+means the viewer is always valid. If it is a Lisp function, it is
+called with a list of items from any extra fields from the
+Content-Type header as argument to return a boolean value for the
+validity. Otherwise, if it is a non-function Lisp symbol or list
+whose car is a symbol, it is `eval'led to yield the validity. If it
+is a string or list of strings, it represents a shell command to run
+to return a true or false shell value for the validity.")
+(put 'mailcap-mime-data 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom mailcap-download-directory nil
+ "Directory to which `mailcap-save-binary-file' downloads files by default.
+nil means your home directory."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Home directory" nil)
+ directory)
+ :group 'mailcap)
+(defvar mailcap-poor-system-types
+ '(ms-dos windows-nt)
+ "Systems that don't have a Unix-like directory hierarchy.")
+;;; Utility functions
+(defun mailcap-save-binary-file ()
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((file (read-file-name
+ "Filename to save as: "
+ (or mailcap-download-directory "~/")))
+ (require-final-newline nil))
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defvar mailcap-maybe-eval-warning
+ "*** WARNING ***
+This MIME part contains untrusted and possibly harmful content.
+If you evaluate the Emacs Lisp code contained in it, a lot of nasty
+things can happen. Please examine the code very carefully before you
+instruct Emacs to evaluate it. You can browse the buffer containing
+the code using \\[scroll-other-window].
+If you are unsure what to do, please answer \"no\"."
+ "Text of warning message displayed by `mailcap-maybe-eval'.
+Make sure that this text consists only of few text lines. Otherwise,
+Gnus might fail to display all of it.")
+(defun mailcap-maybe-eval ()
+ "Maybe evaluate a buffer of Emacs Lisp code."
+ (let ((lisp-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (delete-other-windows)
+ (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name
+ "*Warning*"))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (insert (substitute-command-keys
+ mailcap-maybe-eval-warning))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (display-buffer buffer)
+ (yes-or-no-p "This is potentially dangerous emacs-lisp code, evaluate it? "))
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+ (eval-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (when (buffer-live-p lisp-buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer lisp-buffer
+ (emacs-lisp-mode)))))
+;;; The mailcap parser
+(defun mailcap-replace-regexp (regexp to-string)
+ ;; Quiet replace-regexp.
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+ (replace-match to-string t nil)))
+(defvar mailcap-parsed-p nil)
+(defun mailcap-parse-mailcaps (&optional path force)
+ "Parse out all the mailcaps specified in a path string PATH.
+Components of PATH are separated by the `path-separator' character
+appropriate for this system. If FORCE, re-parse even if already
+parsed. If PATH is omitted, use the value of environment variable
+MAILCAPS if set; otherwise (on Unix) use the path from RFC 1524, plus
+ (interactive (list nil t))
+ (when (or (not mailcap-parsed-p)
+ force)
+ (cond
+ (path nil)
+ ((getenv "MAILCAPS") (setq path (getenv "MAILCAPS")))
+ ((memq system-type mailcap-poor-system-types)
+ (setq path '("~/.mailcap" "~/mail.cap" "~/etc/mail.cap")))
+ (t (setq path
+ ;; This is per RFC 1524, specifically
+ ;; with /usr before /usr/local.
+ '("~/.mailcap" "/etc/mailcap" "/usr/etc/mailcap"
+ "/usr/local/etc/mailcap"))))
+ (dolist (fname (reverse
+ (if (stringp path)
+ (split-string path path-separator t)
+ path)))
+ (if (and (file-readable-p fname)
+ (file-regular-p fname))
+ (mailcap-parse-mailcap fname)))
+ (setq mailcap-parsed-p t)))
+(defun mailcap-parse-mailcap (fname)
+ "Parse out the mailcap file specified by FNAME."
+ (let (major ; The major mime type (image/audio/etc)
+ minor ; The minor mime type (gif, basic, etc)
+ save-pos ; Misc saved positions used in parsing
+ viewer ; How to view this mime type
+ info ; Misc info about this mime type
+ )
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents fname)
+ (set-syntax-table mailcap-parse-args-syntax-table)
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "#.*" "") ; Remove all comments
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "\\\\[ \t]*\n" " ") ; And collapse spaces
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "\n+" "\n") ; And blank lines
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+ (while (not (bobp))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (setq save-pos (point)
+ info nil)
+ (skip-chars-forward "^/; \t\n")
+ (downcase-region save-pos (point))
+ (setq major (buffer-substring save-pos (point)))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq minor "")
+ (when (eq (char-after) ?/)
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^; \t\n")
+ (downcase-region save-pos (point))
+ (setq minor
+ (cond
+ ((eq ?* (or (char-after save-pos) 0)) ".*")
+ ((= (point) save-pos) ".*")
+ (t (regexp-quote (buffer-substring save-pos (point)))))))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ ;;; Got the major/minor chunks, now for the viewers/etc
+ ;;; The first item _must_ be a viewer, according to the
+ ;;; RFC for mailcap files (#1524)
+ (setq viewer "")
+ (when (eq (char-after) ?\;)
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^;\n")
+ ;; skip \;
+ (while (eq (char-before) ?\\)
+ (backward-delete-char 1)
+ (forward-char)
+ (skip-chars-forward "^;\n"))
+ (if (eq (or (char-after save-pos) 0) ?')
+ (setq viewer (progn
+ (narrow-to-region (1+ save-pos) (point))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (prog1
+ (read (current-buffer))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (widen))))
+ (setq viewer (buffer-substring save-pos (point)))))
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (unless (equal viewer "")
+ (setq info (nconc (list (cons 'viewer viewer)
+ (cons 'type (concat major "/"
+ (if (string= minor ".*")
+ "*" minor))))
+ (mailcap-parse-mailcap-extras save-pos (point))))
+ (mailcap-mailcap-entry-passes-test info)
+ (mailcap-add-mailcap-entry major minor info))
+ (beginning-of-line)))))
+(defun mailcap-parse-mailcap-extras (st nd)
+ "Grab all the extra stuff from a mailcap entry."
+ (let (
+ name ; From name=
+ value ; its value
+ results ; Assoc list of results
+ name-pos ; Start of XXXX= position
+ val-pos ; Start of value position
+ done ; Found end of \'d ;s?
+ )
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region st nd)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \n\t;")
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (setq done nil)
+ (setq name-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^ \n\t=;")
+ (downcase-region name-pos (point))
+ (setq name (buffer-substring name-pos (point)))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
+ (if (not (eq (char-after (point)) ?=)) ; There is no value
+ (setq value t)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\n=")
+ (setq val-pos (point))
+ (if (memq (char-after val-pos) '(?\" ?'))
+ (progn
+ (setq val-pos (1+ val-pos))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (progn
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (backward-char 1))
+ (error (goto-char (point-max)))))
+ (while (not done)
+ (skip-chars-forward "^;")
+ (if (eq (char-after (1- (point))) ?\\ )
+ (progn
+ (subst-char-in-region (1- (point)) (point) ?\\ ? )
+ (skip-chars-forward ";"))
+ (setq done t))))
+ (setq value (buffer-substring val-pos (point))))
+ ;; `test' as symbol, others like "copiousoutput" and "needsx11" as
+ ;; strings
+ (push (cons (if (string-equal name "test") 'test name) value) results)
+ (skip-chars-forward " \";\n\t"))
+ results)))
+(defun mailcap-mailcap-entry-passes-test (info)
+ "Replace the test clause of INFO itself with a boolean for some cases.
+This function supports only `test -n $DISPLAY' and `test -z $DISPLAY',
+replaces them with t or nil. As for others or if INFO has a interactive
+spec (needsterm, needsterminal, or needsx11) but DISPLAY is not set,
+the test clause will be unchanged."
+ (let ((test (assq 'test info)) ; The test clause
+ status)
+ (setq status (and test (split-string (cdr test) " ")))
+ (if (and (or (assoc "needsterm" info)
+ (assoc "needsterminal" info)
+ (assoc "needsx11" info))
+ (not (getenv "DISPLAY")))
+ (setq status nil)
+ (cond
+ ((and (equal (nth 0 status) "test")
+ (equal (nth 1 status) "-n")
+ (or (equal (nth 2 status) "$DISPLAY")
+ (equal (nth 2 status) "\"$DISPLAY\"")))
+ (setq status (if (getenv "DISPLAY") t nil)))
+ ((and (equal (nth 0 status) "test")
+ (equal (nth 1 status) "-z")
+ (or (equal (nth 2 status) "$DISPLAY")
+ (equal (nth 2 status) "\"$DISPLAY\"")))
+ (setq status (if (getenv "DISPLAY") nil t)))
+ (test nil)
+ (t nil)))
+ (and test (listp test) (setcdr test status))))
+;;; The action routines.
+(defun mailcap-possible-viewers (major minor)
+ "Return a list of possible viewers from MAJOR for minor type MINOR."
+ (let ((exact '())
+ (wildcard '()))
+ (while major
+ (cond
+ ((equal (car (car major)) minor)
+ (push (cdr (car major)) exact))
+ ((and minor (string-match (concat "^" (car (car major)) "$") minor))
+ (push (cdr (car major)) wildcard)))
+ (setq major (cdr major)))
+ (nconc exact wildcard)))
+(defun mailcap-unescape-mime-test (test type-info)
+ (let (save-pos save-chr subst)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp test) test)
+ ((and (listp test) (symbolp (car test))) test)
+ ((or (stringp test)
+ (and (listp test) (stringp (car test))
+ (setq test (mapconcat 'identity test " "))))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert test)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^%")
+ (if (/= (- (point)
+ (progn (skip-chars-backward "\\\\")
+ (point)))
+ 0) ; It is an escaped %
+ (progn
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (skip-chars-forward "%."))
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "%")
+ (setq save-chr (char-after (point)))
+ ;; Escapes:
+ ;; %s: name of a file for the body data
+ ;; %t: content-type
+ ;; %{<parameter name}: value of parameter in mailcap entry
+ ;; %n: number of sub-parts for multipart content-type
+ ;; %F: a set of content-type/filename pairs for multiparts
+ (cond
+ ((null save-chr) nil)
+ ((= save-chr ?t)
+ (delete-region save-pos (progn (forward-char 1) (point)))
+ (insert (or (cdr (assq 'type type-info)) "\"\"")))
+ ((memq save-chr '(?M ?n ?F))
+ (delete-region save-pos (progn (forward-char 1) (point)))
+ (insert "\"\""))
+ ((= save-chr ?{)
+ (forward-char 1)
+ (skip-chars-forward "^}")
+ (downcase-region (+ 2 save-pos) (point))
+ (setq subst (buffer-substring (+ 2 save-pos) (point)))
+ (delete-region save-pos (1+ (point)))
+ (insert (or (cdr (assoc subst type-info)) "\"\"")))
+ (t nil))))
+ (buffer-string)))
+ (t (error "Bad value to mailcap-unescape-mime-test: %s" test)))))
+(defvar mailcap-viewer-test-cache nil)
+(defun mailcap-viewer-passes-test (viewer-info type-info)
+ "Return non-nil if viewer specified by VIEWER-INFO passes its test clause.
+Also return non-nil if it has no test clause. TYPE-INFO is an argument
+to supply to the test."
+ (let* ((test-info (assq 'test viewer-info))
+ (test (cdr test-info))
+ (otest test)
+ (viewer (cdr (assq 'viewer viewer-info)))
+ (default-directory (expand-file-name "~/"))
+ status cache result)
+ (cond ((not (or (stringp viewer) (fboundp viewer)))
+ nil) ; Non-existent Lisp function
+ ((setq cache (assoc test mailcap-viewer-test-cache))
+ (cadr cache))
+ ((not test-info) t) ; No test clause
+ (t
+ (setq
+ result
+ (cond
+ ((not test) nil) ; Already failed test
+ ((eq test t) t) ; Already passed test
+ ((functionp test) ; Lisp function as test
+ (funcall test type-info))
+ ((and (symbolp test) ; Lisp variable as test
+ (boundp test))
+ (symbol-value test))
+ ((and (listp test) ; List to be eval'd
+ (symbolp (car test)))
+ (eval test))
+ (t
+ (setq test (mailcap-unescape-mime-test test type-info)
+ test (list shell-file-name nil nil nil
+ shell-command-switch test)
+ status (apply 'call-process test))
+ (eq 0 status))))
+ (push (list otest result) mailcap-viewer-test-cache)
+ result))))
+(defun mailcap-add-mailcap-entry (major minor info)
+ (let ((old-major (assoc major mailcap-mime-data)))
+ (if (null old-major) ; New major area
+ (push (cons major (list (cons minor info))) mailcap-mime-data)
+ (let ((cur-minor (assoc minor old-major)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (null cur-minor) ; New minor area, or
+ (assq 'test info)) ; Has a test, insert at beginning
+ (setcdr old-major (cons (cons minor info) (cdr old-major))))
+ ((and (not (assq 'test info)) ; No test info, replace completely
+ (not (assq 'test cur-minor))
+ (equal (assq 'viewer info) ; Keep alternative viewer
+ (assq 'viewer cur-minor)))
+ (setcdr cur-minor info))
+ (t
+ (setcdr old-major (cons (cons minor info) (cdr old-major))))))
+ )))
+(defun mailcap-add (type viewer &optional test)
+ "Add VIEWER as a handler for TYPE.
+If TEST is not given, it defaults to t."
+ (let ((tl (split-string type "/")))
+ (when (or (not (car tl))
+ (not (cadr tl)))
+ (error "%s is not a valid MIME type" type))
+ (mailcap-add-mailcap-entry
+ (car tl) (cadr tl)
+ `((viewer . ,viewer)
+ (test . ,(if test test t))
+ (type . ,type)))))
+;;; The main whabbo
+(defun mailcap-viewer-lessp (x y)
+ "Return t if viewer X is more desirable than viewer Y."
+ (let ((x-wild (string-match "[*?]" (or (cdr-safe (assq 'type x)) "")))
+ (y-wild (string-match "[*?]" (or (cdr-safe (assq 'type y)) "")))
+ (x-lisp (not (stringp (or (cdr-safe (assq 'viewer x)) ""))))
+ (y-lisp (not (stringp (or (cdr-safe (assq 'viewer y)) "")))))
+ (cond
+ ((and x-wild (not y-wild))
+ nil)
+ ((and (not x-wild) y-wild)
+ t)
+ ((and (not y-lisp) x-lisp)
+ t)
+ (t nil))))
+(defun mailcap-select-preferred-viewer (type-info)
+ "Return an applicable viewer entry from `mailcap-user-mime-data'."
+ (let ((info (mapcar (lambda (a) (cons (symbol-name (car a))
+ (cdr a)))
+ (cdr type-info)))
+ viewer)
+ (dolist (entry mailcap-user-mime-data)
+ (when (and (null viewer)
+ (string-match (concat "^" (cdr (assq 'type entry)) "$")
+ (car type-info))
+ (mailcap-viewer-passes-test entry info))
+ (setq viewer entry)))
+ viewer))
+(defun mailcap-mime-info (string &optional request no-decode)
+ "Get the MIME viewer command for STRING, return nil if none found.
+Expects a complete content-type header line as its argument.
+Second argument REQUEST specifies what information to return. If it is
+nil or the empty string, the viewer (second field of the mailcap
+entry) will be returned. If it is a string, then the mailcap field
+corresponding to that string will be returned (print, description,
+whatever). If a number, then all the information for this specific
+viewer is returned. If `all', then all possible viewers for
+this type is returned.
+If NO-DECODE is non-nil, don't decode STRING."
+ ;; NO-DECODE avoids calling `mail-header-parse-content-type' from
+ ;; `mail-parse.el'
+ (let (
+ major ; Major encoding (text, etc)
+ minor ; Minor encoding (html, etc)
+ info ; Other info
+ major-info ; (assoc major mailcap-mime-data)
+ viewers ; Possible viewers
+ passed ; Viewers that passed the test
+ viewer ; The one and only viewer
+ ctl)
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq ctl
+ (if no-decode
+ (list (or string "text/plain"))
+ (mail-header-parse-content-type (or string "text/plain"))))
+ ;; Check if there's a user-defined viewer from `mailcap-user-mime-data'.
+ (setq viewer (mailcap-select-preferred-viewer ctl))
+ (if viewer
+ (setq passed (list viewer))
+ ;; None found, so heuristically select some applicable viewer
+ ;; from `mailcap-mime-data'.
+ (setq major (split-string (car ctl) "/"))
+ (setq minor (cadr major)
+ major (car major))
+ (when (setq major-info (cdr (assoc major mailcap-mime-data)))
+ (when (setq viewers (mailcap-possible-viewers major-info minor))
+ (setq info (mapcar (lambda (a) (cons (symbol-name (car a))
+ (cdr a)))
+ (cdr ctl)))
+ (while viewers
+ (if (mailcap-viewer-passes-test (car viewers) info)
+ (push (car viewers) passed))
+ (setq viewers (cdr viewers)))
+ (setq passed (sort passed 'mailcap-viewer-lessp))
+ (setq viewer (car passed))))
+ (when (and (stringp (cdr (assq 'viewer viewer)))
+ passed)
+ (setq viewer (car passed))))
+ (cond
+ ((and (null viewer) (not (equal major "default")) request)
+ (mailcap-mime-info "default" request no-decode))
+ ((or (null request) (equal request ""))
+ (mailcap-unescape-mime-test (cdr (assq 'viewer viewer)) info))
+ ((stringp request)
+ (mailcap-unescape-mime-test
+ (cdr-safe (assoc request viewer)) info))
+ ((eq request 'all)
+ passed)
+ (t
+ ;; MUST make a copy *sigh*, else we modify mailcap-mime-data
+ (setq viewer (copy-sequence viewer))
+ (let ((view (assq 'viewer viewer))
+ (test (assq 'test viewer)))
+ (if view (setcdr view (mailcap-unescape-mime-test (cdr view) info)))
+ (if test (setcdr test (mailcap-unescape-mime-test (cdr test) info))))
+ viewer)))))
+;;; Experimental MIME-types parsing
+(defvar mailcap-mime-extensions
+ '(("" . "text/plain")
+ (".1" . "text/plain") ;; Manual pages
+ (".3" . "text/plain")
+ (".8" . "text/plain")
+ (".abs" . "audio/x-mpeg")
+ (".aif" . "audio/aiff")
+ (".aifc" . "audio/aiff")
+ (".aiff" . "audio/aiff")
+ (".ano" . "application/x-annotator")
+ (".au" . "audio/ulaw")
+ (".avi" . "video/x-msvideo")
+ (".bcpio" . "application/x-bcpio")
+ (".bin" . "application/octet-stream")
+ (".cdf" . "application/x-netcdr")
+ (".cpio" . "application/x-cpio")
+ (".csh" . "application/x-csh")
+ (".css" . "text/css")
+ (".dvi" . "application/x-dvi")
+ (".diff" . "text/x-patch")
++ (".dpatch". "text/x-patch")
+ (".el" . "application/emacs-lisp")
+ (".eps" . "application/postscript")
+ (".etx" . "text/x-setext")
+ (".exe" . "application/octet-stream")
+ (".fax" . "image/x-fax")
+ (".gif" . "image/gif")
+ (".hdf" . "application/x-hdf")
+ (".hqx" . "application/mac-binhex40")
+ (".htm" . "text/html")
+ (".html" . "text/html")
+ (".icon" . "image/x-icon")
+ (".ief" . "image/ief")
+ (".jpg" . "image/jpeg")
+ (".macp" . "image/x-macpaint")
+ (".man" . "application/x-troff-man")
+ (".me" . "application/x-troff-me")
+ (".mif" . "application/mif")
+ (".mov" . "video/quicktime")
+ (".movie" . "video/x-sgi-movie")
+ (".mp2" . "audio/x-mpeg")
+ (".mp3" . "audio/x-mpeg")
+ (".mp2a" . "audio/x-mpeg2")
+ (".mpa" . "audio/x-mpeg")
+ (".mpa2" . "audio/x-mpeg2")
+ (".mpe" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".mpeg" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".mpega" . "audio/x-mpeg")
+ (".mpegv" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".mpg" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".mpv" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".ms" . "application/x-troff-ms")
+ (".nc" . "application/x-netcdf")
+ (".nc" . "application/x-netcdf")
+ (".oda" . "application/oda")
+ (".patch" . "text/x-patch")
+ (".pbm" . "image/x-portable-bitmap")
+ (".pdf" . "application/pdf")
+ (".pgm" . "image/portable-graymap")
+ (".pict" . "image/pict")
+ (".png" . "image/png")
+ (".pnm" . "image/x-portable-anymap")
+ (".pod" . "text/plain")
+ (".ppm" . "image/portable-pixmap")
+ (".ps" . "application/postscript")
+ (".qt" . "video/quicktime")
+ (".ras" . "image/x-raster")
+ (".rgb" . "image/x-rgb")
+ (".rtf" . "application/rtf")
+ (".rtx" . "text/richtext")
+ (".sh" . "application/x-sh")
+ (".sit" . "application/x-stuffit")
+ (".siv" . "application/sieve")
+ (".snd" . "audio/basic")
+ (".soa" . "text/dns")
+ (".src" . "application/x-wais-source")
+ (".tar" . "archive/tar")
+ (".tcl" . "application/x-tcl")
+ (".tex" . "application/x-tex")
+ (".texi" . "application/texinfo")
+ (".tga" . "image/x-targa")
+ (".tif" . "image/tiff")
+ (".tiff" . "image/tiff")
+ (".tr" . "application/x-troff")
+ (".troff" . "application/x-troff")
+ (".tsv" . "text/tab-separated-values")
+ (".txt" . "text/plain")
+ (".vbs" . "video/mpeg")
+ (".vox" . "audio/basic")
+ (".vrml" . "x-world/x-vrml")
+ (".wav" . "audio/x-wav")
+ (".xls" . "application/vnd.ms-excel")
+ (".wrl" . "x-world/x-vrml")
+ (".xbm" . "image/xbm")
+ (".xpm" . "image/xpm")
+ (".xwd" . "image/windowdump")
+ (".zip" . "application/zip")
+ (".ai" . "application/postscript")
+ (".jpe" . "image/jpeg")
+ (".jpeg" . "image/jpeg")
+ (".org" . "text/x-org"))
+ "An alist of file extensions and corresponding MIME content-types.
+This exists for you to customize the information in Lisp. It is
+merged with values from mailcap files by `mailcap-parse-mimetypes'.")
+(defvar mailcap-mimetypes-parsed-p nil)
+(defun mailcap-parse-mimetypes (&optional path force)
+ "Parse out all the mimetypes specified in a Unix-style path string PATH.
+Components of PATH are separated by the `path-separator' character
+appropriate for this system. If PATH is omitted, use the value of
+environment variable MIMETYPES if set; otherwise use a default path.
+If FORCE, re-parse even if already parsed."
+ (interactive (list nil t))
+ (when (or (not mailcap-mimetypes-parsed-p)
+ force)
+ (cond
+ (path nil)
+ ((getenv "MIMETYPES") (setq path (getenv "MIMETYPES")))
+ ((memq system-type mailcap-poor-system-types)
+ (setq path '("~/mime.typ" "~/etc/mime.typ")))
+ (t (setq path
+ ;; mime.types seems to be the normal name, definitely so
+ ;; on current GNUish systems. The search order follows
+ ;; that for mailcap.
+ '("~/.mime.types"
+ "/etc/mime.types"
+ "/usr/etc/mime.types"
+ "/usr/local/etc/mime.types"
+ "/usr/local/www/conf/mime.types"
+ "~/.mime-types"
+ "/etc/mime-types"
+ "/usr/etc/mime-types"
+ "/usr/local/etc/mime-types"
+ "/usr/local/www/conf/mime-types"))))
+ (dolist (fname (reverse (if (stringp path)
+ (split-string path path-separator t)
+ path)))
+ (if (and (file-readable-p fname))
+ (mailcap-parse-mimetype-file fname)))
+ (setq mailcap-mimetypes-parsed-p t)))
+(defun mailcap-parse-mimetype-file (fname)
+ "Parse out a mime-types file FNAME."
+ (let (type ; The MIME type for this line
+ extns ; The extensions for this line
+ save-pos ; Misc. saved buffer positions
+ )
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents fname)
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "#.*" "")
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "\n+" "\n")
+ (mailcap-replace-regexp "[ \t]+$" "")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
+ (downcase-region save-pos (point))
+ (setq type (buffer-substring save-pos (point)))
+ (while (not (eolp))
+ (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+ (setq save-pos (point))
+ (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
+ (setq extns (cons (buffer-substring save-pos (point)) extns)))
+ (while extns
+ (setq mailcap-mime-extensions
+ (cons
+ (cons (if (= (string-to-char (car extns)) ?.)
+ (car extns)
+ (concat "." (car extns))) type)
+ mailcap-mime-extensions)
+ extns (cdr extns)))))))
+(defun mailcap-extension-to-mime (extn)
+ "Return the MIME content type of the file extensions EXTN."
+ (mailcap-parse-mimetypes)
+ (if (and (stringp extn)
+ (not (eq (string-to-char extn) ?.)))
+ (setq extn (concat "." extn)))
+ (cdr (assoc (downcase extn) mailcap-mime-extensions)))
+;; Unused?
+(defalias 'mailcap-command-p 'executable-find)
+(defun mailcap-mime-types ()
+ "Return a list of MIME media types."
+ (mailcap-parse-mimetypes)
+ (delete-dups
+ (nconc
+ (mapcar 'cdr mailcap-mime-extensions)
+ (apply
+ 'nconc
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (l)
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (m)
+ (let ((type (cdr (assq 'type (cdr m)))))
+ (if (equal (cadr (split-string type "/"))
+ "*")
+ nil
+ type)))
+ (cdr l))))
+ mailcap-mime-data)))))
+;;; Useful supplementary functions
+(defun mailcap-file-default-commands (files)
+ "Return a list of default commands for FILES."
+ (mailcap-parse-mailcaps)
+ (mailcap-parse-mimetypes)
+ (let* ((all-mime-type
+ ;; All unique MIME types from file extensions
+ (delete-dups
+ (mapcar (lambda (file)
+ (mailcap-extension-to-mime
+ (file-name-extension file t)))
+ files)))
+ (all-mime-info
+ ;; All MIME info lists
+ (delete-dups
+ (mapcar (lambda (mime-type)
+ (mailcap-mime-info mime-type 'all))
+ all-mime-type)))
+ (common-mime-info
+ ;; Intersection of mime-infos from different mime-types;
+ ;; or just the first MIME info for a single MIME type
+ (if (cdr all-mime-info)
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (mi1)
+ (unless (memq nil (mapcar
+ (lambda (mi2)
+ (member mi1 mi2))
+ (cdr all-mime-info)))
+ mi1))
+ (car all-mime-info)))
+ (car all-mime-info)))
+ (commands
+ ;; Command strings from `viewer' field of the MIME info
+ (delete-dups
+ (delq nil (mapcar
+ (lambda (mime-info)
+ (let ((command (cdr (assoc 'viewer mime-info))))
+ (if (stringp command)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ ;; Replace mailcap's `%s' placeholder
+ ;; with dired's `?' placeholder
+ "%s" "?"
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ ;; Remove the final filename placeholder
+ "[ \t\n]*\\('\\)?%s\\1?[ \t\n]*\\'" ""
+ command nil t)
+ nil t))))
+ common-mime-info)))))
+ commands))
+(defun mailcap-view-mime (type)
+ "View the data in the current buffer that has MIME type TYPE.
+`mailcap-mime-data' determines the method to use."
+ (let ((method (mailcap-mime-info type)))
+ (if (stringp method)
+ (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max)
+ ;; Use stdin as the "%s".
+ (format method "-")
+ (current-buffer)
+ t)
+ (funcall method))))
+(provide 'mailcap)
+;;; mailcap.el ends here