(setq-local revert-buffer-function #'list-timers)
(setq tabulated-list-format
- '[("Idle" 4)
- (" Next" 10)
- (" Repeat" 8)
- ("Function" 0)]))
+ '[("Idle" 6 timer-list--idle-predicate)
+ (" Next" 12 timer-list--next-predicate)
+ (" Repeat" 11 timer-list--repeat-predicate)
+ ("Function" 10 timer-list--function-predicate)]))
+(defun timer-list--idle-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort Timer-List by the Idle column."
+ (let ((iA (aref (cadr A) 0))
+ (iB (aref (cadr B) 0)))
+ (cond ((string= iA iB)
+ (timer-list--next-predicate A B))
+ ((string= iA " *") nil)
+ (t t))))
+(defun timer-list--next-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort Timer-List by the Next column."
+ (let ((nA (string-to-number (aref (cadr A) 1)))
+ (nB (string-to-number (aref (cadr B) 1))))
+ (< nA nB)))
+(defun timer-list--repeat-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort Timer-List by the Repeat column."
+ (let ((rA (aref (cadr A) 2))
+ (rB (aref (cadr B) 2)))
+ (string< rA rB)))
+(defun timer-list--function-predicate (A B)
+ "Predicate to sort Timer-List by the Next column."
+ (let ((fA (aref (cadr A) 3))
+ (fB (aref (cadr B) 3)))
+ (string< fA fB)))
(defun timer-list-cancel ()
"Cancel the timer on the line under point."