+;; Darwin (macOS)
+(defconst tramp-darwin-process-attributes-ps-args
+ `("-acxww"
+ "-o"
+ ,(mapconcat
+ #'identity
+ '("pid"
+ "uid"
+ "user"
+ "gid"
+ "comm=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
+ ",")
+ "-o" "state=abcde"
+ "-o"
+ ,(mapconcat
+ #'identity
+ '("ppid"
+ "pgid"
+ "sess"
+ "tty"
+ "tpgid"
+ "minflt"
+ "majflt"
+ "time"
+ "pri"
+ "nice"
+ "vsz"
+ "rss"
+ "etime"
+ "pcpu"
+ "pmem"
+ "args")
+ ","))
+ "List of arguments for \"ps\".
+See `tramp-process-attributes-ps-args'.")
+(defconst tramp-darwin-process-attributes-ps-format
+ '((pid . number)
+ (euid . number)
+ (user . string)
+ (egid . number)
+ (comm . 52)
+ (state . 5)
+ (ppid . number)
+ (pgrp . number)
+ (sess . number)
+ (ttname . string)
+ (tpgid . number)
+ (minflt . number)
+ (majflt . number)
+ (time . tramp-ps-time)
+ (pri . number)
+ (nice . number)
+ (vsize . number)
+ (rss . number)
+ (etime . tramp-ps-time)
+ (pcpu . number)
+ (pmem . number)
+ (args . nil))
+ "Alist of formats for \"ps\".
+See `tramp-process-attributes-ps-format'.")
+(defconst tramp-connection-local-darwin-ps-variables
+ `((tramp-process-attributes-ps-args
+ . ,tramp-darwin-process-attributes-ps-args)
+ (tramp-process-attributes-ps-format
+ . ,tramp-darwin-process-attributes-ps-format))
+ "Default connection-local ps variables for remote Darwin
+ 'tramp-connection-local-darwin-ps-profile
+ tramp-connection-local-darwin-ps-variables)
+;; Preset default "ps" profile for the case of local sudo, based on
+;; system type.
+(let ((local-sudo-profile
+ (cond ((eq system-type 'darwin)
+ 'tramp-connection-local-darwin-ps-profile)
+ ;; ...add other system types here
+ )))
+ (when local-sudo-profile
+ (connection-local-set-profiles
+ `(:application tramp :protocol "sudo" :user "root" :machine ,(system-name))
+ local-sudo-profile)
+ (connection-local-set-profiles
+ '(:application tramp :protocol "sudo" :user "root" :machine "localhost")
+ local-sudo-profile)))
(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
(lambda () (unload-feature 'tramp-integration 'force)))