If supplied, 'string-pixel-width' will use any face remappings from
BUFFER when computing the string's width.
+*** New macro 'with-work-buffer'.
+This macro is similar to the already existing macro `with-temp-buffer',
+except that it does not allocate a new temporary buffer on each call,
+but tries to reuse those previously allocated (up to a number defined by
+the new variable `work-buffer-limit', which defaults to 10).
** 'date-to-time' now defaults to local time.
The function now assumes local time instead of Universal Time when
(cl-labels ((,name ,fargs . ,body)) #',name)
. ,aargs)))
+(defvar work-buffer--list nil)
+(defvar work-buffer-limit 10
+ "Maximum number of reusable work buffers.
+When this limit is exceeded, newly allocated work buffers are
+automatically killed, which means that in a such case
+`with-work-buffer' becomes equivalent to `with-temp-buffer'.")
+(defsubst work-buffer--get ()
+ "Get a work buffer."
+ (let ((buffer (pop work-buffer--list)))
+ (if (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ buffer
+ (generate-new-buffer " *work*" t))))
+(defun work-buffer--release (buffer)
+ "Release work BUFFER."
+ (if (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ ;; Flush BUFFER before making it available again, i.e. clear
+ ;; its contents, remove all overlays and buffer-local
+ ;; variables. Is it enough to safely reuse the buffer?
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (delete-all-overlays)
+ (let (change-major-mode-hook)
+ (kill-all-local-variables t))
+ ;; Make the buffer available again.
+ (push buffer work-buffer--list)))
+ ;; If the maximum number of reusable work buffers is exceeded, kill
+ ;; work buffer in excess, taking into account that the limit could
+ ;; have been let-bound to temporarily increase its value.
+ (when (> (length work-buffer--list) work-buffer-limit)
+ (mapc #'kill-buffer (nthcdr work-buffer-limit work-buffer--list))
+ (setq work-buffer--list (ntake work-buffer-limit work-buffer--list))))
+(defmacro with-work-buffer (&rest body)
+ "Create a work buffer, and evaluate BODY there like `progn'.
+Like `with-temp-buffer', but reuse an already created temporary
+buffer when possible, instead of creating a new one on each call."
+ (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
+ (let ((work-buffer (make-symbol "work-buffer")))
+ `(let ((,work-buffer (work-buffer--get)))
+ (with-current-buffer ,work-buffer
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (work-buffer--release ,work-buffer))))))
(defun string-pixel-width (string &optional buffer)
"Return the width of STRING in pixels.