;; This is special-cased here so that we can compile
;; this file independent from cl-macs.
-(defmacro cl--parsing-keywords (kwords other-keys &rest body)
+(defmacro cl--parsing-keywords (keywords other-keys &rest body)
(declare (indent 2) (debug (sexp sexp &rest form)))
`(let* ,(mapcar
(lambda (x)
(setq mem `(and ,mem (setq cl-if ,mem) t)))
(list (intern
(format "cl-%s" (substring (symbol-name var) 1)))
- (if (consp x) `(or ,mem ,(car (cdr x))) mem))))
- kwords)
+ (if (consp x) `(or ,mem ,(cadr x)) mem))))
+ keywords)
(and (not (eq other-keys t))
- (list
- (list 'let '((cl-keys-temp cl-keys))
- (list 'while 'cl-keys-temp
- (list 'or (list 'memq '(car cl-keys-temp)
- (list 'quote
- (mapcar
- (lambda (x)
- (if (consp x)
- (car x) x))
- (append kwords
- other-keys))))
- '(car (cdr (memq (quote :allow-other-keys)
- cl-keys)))
- '(error "Bad keyword argument %s"
- (car cl-keys-temp)))
- '(setq cl-keys-temp (cdr (cdr cl-keys-temp)))))))
+ `((let ((cl-keys-temp cl-keys))
+ (while cl-keys-temp
+ (or (memq (car cl-keys-temp)
+ (quote ,(mapcar
+ (lambda (x)
+ (if (consp x)
+ (car x) x))
+ (append keywords other-keys))))
+ (cadr (memq :allow-other-keys cl-keys))
+ (error "Bad keyword argument %s"
+ (car cl-keys-temp)))
+ (setq cl-keys-temp (cddr cl-keys-temp))))))
(defmacro cl--check-key (x) ;Expects `cl-key' in context of generated code.