error-prone. It also allows sending patches whose author is someone
other than the email sender.
-Once the cumulative amount of your submissions exceeds about 15 lines
-of non-trivial code you added or changed (not counting deleted lines),
-we will need you to assign to the FSF the copyright for your
-contributions. Ask on, and we will send you the
-necessary form together with the instructions to fill and email it, in
-order to start this legal paperwork.
+Once the cumulative amount of your submissions exceeds about 10 lines
+of non-trivial changes, we will need you to assign to the FSF the
+copyright for your contributions. (To see how many lines were
+non-trivially changed, count only added and modified lines in the
+patched code. Consider an added or changed line non-trivial if it
+includes at least one identifier, string, or substantial comment.)
+Ask on, and we will send you the necessary form
+together with the instructions to fill and email it, in order to start
+this legal paperwork.
** Issue tracker (a.k.a. "bug tracker")