(cl-defstruct (comp-mvar (:copier nil) (:constructor make--comp-mvar))
"A meta-variable being a slot in the meta-stack."
(slot nil :type fixnum
- :documentation "Slot position.")
- (id nil :type number
+ :documentation "Slot number.")
+ (id nil :type (or null number)
:documentation "SSA number.")
(const-vld nil
:documentation "Valid signal for the following slot.")
(comp-add-subr-to-relocs func)
`(callref ,func ,@args))
+(cl-defun make-comp-mvar (&key slot (constant nil const-vld) type)
+ (when const-vld
+ (comp-add-const-to-relocs constant))
+ (make--comp-mvar :slot slot :const-vld const-vld :constant constant
+ :type type))
(defun comp-new-frame (size)
"Return a clean frame of meta variables of size SIZE."
(cl-loop with v = (make-vector size nil)
do (aset v i (make-comp-mvar :slot i))
finally (return v)))
-(cl-defun make-comp-mvar (&key slot (constant nil const-vld) type)
- (when const-vld
- (comp-add-const-to-relocs constant))
- (make--comp-mvar :id (funcall (comp-func-ssa-cnt-gen comp-func))
- :slot slot :const-vld const-vld :constant constant
- :type type))
(defmacro comp-sp ()
"Current stack pointer."
'(comp-limplify-sp comp-pass))
"Emit CALL assigning the result the the current slot frame.
If the callee function is known to have a return type propagate it."
(cl-assert call)
- (setf (comp-slot)
- (make-comp-mvar :slot (comp-sp)
- :type (when (> comp-speed 0)
- (alist-get (cadr call)
- comp-known-ret-types))))
(comp-emit (list 'set (comp-slot) call)))
(defmacro comp-emit-set-call-subr (subr-name sp-delta)
"Set constant VAL to current slot."
(let ((rel-idx (comp-add-const-to-relocs val)))
(cl-assert (numberp rel-idx))
- (setf (comp-slot) (make-comp-mvar :slot (comp-sp)
- :constant val))
(comp-emit `(setimm ,(comp-slot) ,rel-idx ,val))))
(defun comp-mark-block-closed ()
;; implicit phi is present for every slot at the beginning of every basic block.
;; This pass is responsible for building all the edges and replace all m-vars
;; plus placing the needed phis.
-;; Becase the number of phis placed is (supposed) to be the minimum necessary
+;; Because the number of phis placed is (supposed) to be the minimum necessary
;; this form is called 'minimal SSA form'.
;; This pass should be run every time basic blocks or mvar are shuffled.
+(cl-defun make-comp-ssa-mvar (&key slot (constant nil const-vld) type)
+ (make--comp-mvar :id (funcall (comp-func-ssa-cnt-gen comp-func))
+ :slot slot :const-vld const-vld :constant constant
+ :type type))
(defun comp-compute-edges ()
"Compute the basic block edges for the current function."
(cl-flet ((edge-add (&rest args)
(eql slot-n (comp-mvar-slot x))))
(new-lvalue ()
;; If is an assignment make a new mvar and put it as l-value.
- (let ((mvar (make-comp-mvar :slot slot-n)))
+ (let ((mvar (make-comp-ssa-mvar :slot slot-n)))
(setf (aref (comp-ssa-frame comp-pass) slot-n) mvar)
(setf (cadr insn) mvar))))
(pcase insn