* lisp/select.el (gui-selection-value-alist): New method.
(gui-selection-value): New function.
(x-selection-value): Make it an obsolete alias.
* lisp/simple.el (interprogram-paste-function): Default to gui-selection-value.
* lisp/w32-common-fns.el (w32-get-selection-value): Simplify.
(x-selection-value): Remove alias.
(interprogram-paste-function): Don't set.
(gui-selection-value): Define for w32.
* lisp/term/x-win.el (gui-selection-value): Define for x.
(x--selection-value): Rename from x--selection-value.
(interprogram-paste-function): Don't set.
* lisp/term/pc-win.el (w16-get-selection-value): Simplify.
(msdos-initialize-window-system): Don't set interprogram-paste-function.
(gui-selection-value): Define for pc.
* lisp/term/ns-win.el (x-selection-value): Remove.
(gui-selection-value): Define for ns, instead.
* lisp/term/common-win.el (x-setup-function-keys): Don't set
* lisp/obsolete/mouse-sel.el (mouse-sel-get-selection-function):
Use gui-selection-value.
** Some "x-*" were obsoleted:
*** x-select-text is renamed gui-select-text.
+*** x-selection-value is renamed gui-selection-value.
*** x-get-selection is renamed gui-get-selection.
*** x-get-clipboard and x-clipboard-yank are marked obsolete.
*** x-get-selection-value is renamed to gui-get-primary-selection.
+2014-10-03 Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
+ New gui-selection-value consolidating x-selection-value.
+ * select.el (gui-selection-value-alist): New method.
+ (gui-selection-value): New function.
+ (x-selection-value): Make it an obsolete alias.
+ * simple.el (interprogram-paste-function): Default to
+ gui-selection-value.
+ * w32-common-fns.el (w32-get-selection-value): Simplify.
+ (x-selection-value): Remove alias.
+ (interprogram-paste-function): Don't set.
+ (gui-selection-value): Define for w32.
+ * term/x-win.el (gui-selection-value): Define for x.
+ (x--selection-value): Rename from x--selection-value.
+ (interprogram-paste-function): Don't set.
+ * term/pc-win.el (w16-get-selection-value): Simplify.
+ (msdos-initialize-window-system): Don't set
+ interprogram-paste-function.
+ (gui-selection-value): Define for pc.
+ * term/ns-win.el (x-selection-value): Remove.
+ (gui-selection-value): Define for ns, instead.
+ * term/common-win.el (x-setup-function-keys): Don't set
+ interprogram-paste-function.
+ * obsolete/mouse-sel.el (mouse-sel-get-selection-function):
+ Use gui-selection-value.
2014-10-02 David Raynes <rayners@gmail.com> (tiny change)
* term/ns-win.el: Add functions to ns frame, not x frame (bug#18614).
;; Selection/kill-ring interaction is retained
;; interprogram-cut-function = gui-select-text
-;; interprogram-paste-function = x-selection-value
+;; interprogram-paste-function = gui-selection-value
;; What you lose is the ability to select some text in
;; delete-selection-mode and yank over the top of it.
This sets the selection, unless `mouse-sel-default-bindings'
is `interprogram-cut-paste'.")
-(declare-function x-selection-value "term/x-win" ())
(defvar mouse-sel-get-selection-function
(lambda (selection)
(if (eq selection 'PRIMARY)
- (or (x-selection-value)
- (bound-and-true-p x-last-selected-text-primary))
+ (or (gui-selection-value)
+ (bound-and-true-p x-last-selected-text-primary)
+ gui-last-selected-text)
(x-get-selection selection)))
"Function to call to get the selection.
Called with one argument:
TARGET-TYPE is the type of data desired, typically `STRING'.")
(defvar gui-last-selected-text nil
+ ;; We keep track of the last text selected here, so we can check the
+ ;; current selection against it, and avoid passing back our own text
+ ;; from gui-selection-value.
"Last text passed to `gui-select-text'.")
(defun gui-select-text (text)
(setq gui-last-selected-text text))
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'x-select-text 'gui-select-text "25.1")
+(gui-method-declare gui-selection-value #'ignore
+ "Method to return the GUI's selection.
+Takes no argument, and returns a string.
+Should obey `gui-select-enable-clipboard'.")
+(defun gui-selection-value ()
+ (let ((text (gui-call gui-selection-value)))
+ (if (string= text "") (setq text nil))
+ (cond
+ ((not text) nil)
+ ((eq text gui-last-selected-text) nil)
+ ((string= text gui-last-selected-text)
+ ;; Record the newer string, so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
+ (setq gui-last-selected-text text)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (setq gui-last-selected-text text)))))
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'x-selection-value 'gui-selection-value "25.1")
(defun gui-get-selection (&optional type data-type)
"Return the value of an X Windows selection.
The argument TYPE (default `PRIMARY') says which selection,
programs. The function takes one argument, TEXT, which is a
string containing the text which should be made available.")
-(defvar interprogram-paste-function #'ignore
+(defvar interprogram-paste-function #'gui-selection-value
"Function to call to get text cut from other programs.
Most window systems provide a facility for cutting and pasting
text between different programs, such as the clipboard on X and
(set-keymap-parent map (keymap-parent local-function-key-map))
(set-keymap-parent local-function-key-map map))
(when (featurep 'ns)
- (setq interprogram-paste-function 'x-selection-value
- system-key-alist
+ (setq system-key-alist
;; These are special "keys" used to pass events from C to lisp.
(cons (logior (lsh 0 16) 1) 'ns-power-off)
(if (not (stringp string)) (error "Nonstring given to pasteboard"))
(ns-store-selection-internal 'CLIPBOARD string))
-;; We keep track of the last text selected here, so we can check the
-;; current selection against it, and avoid passing back our own text
-;; from x-selection-value.
;; Return the value of the current Nextstep selection. For
;; compatibility with older Nextstep applications, this checks cut
;; buffer 0 before retrieving the value of the primary selection.
-(defun x-selection-value ()
- (let (text)
- ;; Consult the selection. Treat empty strings as if they were unset.
- (or text (setq text (ns-get-pasteboard)))
- (if (string= text "") (setq text nil))
- (cond
- ((not text) nil)
- ((eq text gui-last-selected-text) nil)
- ((string= text gui-last-selected-text)
- ;; Record the newer string, so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text)
- nil)
- (t
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text)))))
+(gui-method-define gui-selection-value ns #'ns-selection-value)
+(defun ns-selection-value ()
+ ;; Consult the selection. Treat empty strings as if they were unset.
+ (if gui-select-enable-clipboard
+ (ns-get-pasteboard)))
(defun ns-copy-including-secondary ()
"Return the value of the current selection.
Consult the selection. Treat empty strings as if they were unset."
(if gui-select-enable-clipboard
- (let (text)
- ;; Don't die if x-get-selection signals an error.
- (with-demoted-errors "w16-get-clipboard-data:%s"
- (setq text (w16-get-clipboard-data)))
- (if (string= text "") (setq text nil))
- (cond
- ((not text) nil)
- ((eq text gui-last-selected-text) nil)
- ((string= text gui-last-selected-text)
- ;; Record the newer string, so subsequent calls can use the 'eq' test.
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text)
- nil)
- (t
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text))))))
+ ;; Don't die if x-get-selection signals an error.
+ (with-demoted-errors "w16-get-clipboard-data:%s"
+ (w16-get-clipboard-data))))
;; gui-selection-owner-p is used in simple.el.
(gui-method-define gui-selection-owner-p pc #'w16-selection-owner-p)
(setq split-window-keep-point t)
;; Arrange for the kill and yank functions to set and check the
;; clipboard.
- (setq interprogram-paste-function #'w16-get-selection-value)
(run-hooks 'terminal-init-msdos-hook))
(declare-function w16-set-clipboard-data "w16select.c"
(string &optional ignored))
(gui-method-define gui-select-text pc #'w16--select-text)
+(gui-method-define gui-selection-value pc #'w16-get-selection-value)
(defun w16--select-text (text)
(when gui-select-enable-clipboard
(w16-set-clipboard-data text)))
;; We keep track of the last text selected here, so we can check the
;; current selection against it, and avoid passing back our own text
-;; from x-selection-value. We track both
+;; from x--selection-value. We track both
;; separately in case another X application only sets one of them
;; we aren't fooled by the PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD selection staying the same.
(defvar x-last-selected-text-clipboard nil
;; If this function is called twice and finds the same text,
;; it returns nil the second time. This is so that a single
;; selection won't be added to the kill ring over and over.
-(defun x-selection-value ()
+(gui-method-define gui-selection-value x #'x--selection-value)
+(defun x--selection-value ()
;; With multi-tty, this function may be called from a tty frame.
- (when (eq (framep (selected-frame)) 'x)
- (let (clip-text primary-text)
- (when x-select-enable-clipboard
- (setq clip-text (x-selection-value-internal 'CLIPBOARD))
- (if (string= clip-text "") (setq clip-text nil))
- ;; Check the CLIPBOARD selection for 'newness', is it different
- ;; from what we remembered them to be last time we did a
- ;; cut/paste operation.
- (setq clip-text
- (cond ;; check clipboard
- ((or (not clip-text) (string= clip-text ""))
- (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard nil))
- ((eq clip-text x-last-selected-text-clipboard) nil)
- ((string= clip-text x-last-selected-text-clipboard)
- ;; Record the newer string,
- ;; so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
- (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard clip-text)
- nil)
- (t (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard clip-text)))))
- (when x-select-enable-primary
- (setq primary-text (x-selection-value-internal 'PRIMARY))
- ;; Check the PRIMARY selection for 'newness', is it different
- ;; from what we remembered them to be last time we did a
- ;; cut/paste operation.
- (setq primary-text
- (cond ;; check primary selection
- ((or (not primary-text) (string= primary-text ""))
- (setq x-last-selected-text-primary nil))
- ((eq primary-text x-last-selected-text-primary) nil)
- ((string= primary-text x-last-selected-text-primary)
- ;; Record the newer string,
- ;; so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
- (setq x-last-selected-text-primary primary-text)
- nil)
- (t
- (setq x-last-selected-text-primary primary-text)))))
- ;; As we have done one selection, clear this now.
- (setq next-selection-coding-system nil)
- ;; At this point we have recorded the current values for the
- ;; selection from clipboard (if we are supposed to) and primary.
- ;; So return the first one that has changed
- ;; (which is the first non-null one).
- ;;
- ;; NOTE: There will be cases where more than one of these has
- ;; changed and the new values differ. This indicates that
- ;; something like the following has happened since the last time
- ;; we looked at the selections: Application X set all the
- ;; selections, then Application Y set only one of them.
- ;; In this case since we don't have
- ;; timestamps there is no way to know what the 'correct' value to
- ;; return is. The nice thing to do would be to tell the user we
- ;; saw multiple possible selections and ask the user which was the
- ;; one they wanted.
- (or clip-text primary-text)
- )))
+ (let (clip-text primary-text)
+ (when x-select-enable-clipboard
+ (setq clip-text (x-selection-value-internal 'CLIPBOARD))
+ (if (string= clip-text "") (setq clip-text nil))
+ ;; Check the CLIPBOARD selection for 'newness', is it different
+ ;; from what we remembered them to be last time we did a
+ ;; cut/paste operation.
+ (setq clip-text
+ (cond ;; check clipboard
+ ((or (not clip-text) (string= clip-text ""))
+ (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard nil))
+ ((eq clip-text x-last-selected-text-clipboard) nil)
+ ((string= clip-text x-last-selected-text-clipboard)
+ ;; Record the newer string,
+ ;; so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
+ (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard clip-text)
+ nil)
+ (t (setq x-last-selected-text-clipboard clip-text)))))
+ (when x-select-enable-primary
+ (setq primary-text (x-selection-value-internal 'PRIMARY))
+ ;; Check the PRIMARY selection for 'newness', is it different
+ ;; from what we remembered them to be last time we did a
+ ;; cut/paste operation.
+ (setq primary-text
+ (cond ;; check primary selection
+ ((or (not primary-text) (string= primary-text ""))
+ (setq x-last-selected-text-primary nil))
+ ((eq primary-text x-last-selected-text-primary) nil)
+ ((string= primary-text x-last-selected-text-primary)
+ ;; Record the newer string,
+ ;; so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
+ (setq x-last-selected-text-primary primary-text)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (setq x-last-selected-text-primary primary-text)))))
+ ;; As we have done one selection, clear this now.
+ (setq next-selection-coding-system nil)
+ ;; At this point we have recorded the current values for the
+ ;; selection from clipboard (if we are supposed to) and primary.
+ ;; So return the first one that has changed
+ ;; (which is the first non-null one).
+ ;;
+ ;; NOTE: There will be cases where more than one of these has
+ ;; changed and the new values differ. This indicates that
+ ;; something like the following has happened since the last time
+ ;; we looked at the selections: Application X set all the
+ ;; selections, then Application Y set only one of them.
+ ;; In this case since we don't have
+ ;; timestamps there is no way to know what the 'correct' value to
+ ;; return is. The nice thing to do would be to tell the user we
+ ;; saw multiple possible selections and ask the user which was the
+ ;; one they wanted.
+ (or clip-text primary-text)
+ ))
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'x-cut-buffer-or-selection-value
'x-selection-value "24.1")
;; Arrange for the kill and yank functions to set and check the clipboard.
-(setq interprogram-paste-function 'x-selection-value)
(defun x-clipboard-yank ()
"Insert the clipboard contents, or the last stretch of killed text."
;;;; Selections
-;; We keep track of the last text selected here, so we can check the
-;; current selection against it, and avoid passing back our own text
-;; from x-selection-value.
(defun w32-get-selection-value ()
"Return the value of the current selection.
Consult the selection. Treat empty strings as if they were unset."
(if gui-select-enable-clipboard
- (let ((text
- ;; Don't die if x-get-selection signals an error.
- (with-demoted-errors "w32-get-clipboard-data:%S"
- (w32-get-clipboard-data))))
- (if (string= text "") (setq text nil))
- (cond
- ((not text) nil)
- ((eq text gui-last-selected-text) nil)
- ((string= text gui-last-selected-text)
- ;; Record the newer string, so subsequent calls can use the 'eq' test.
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text)
- nil)
- (t
- (setq gui-last-selected-text text))))))
+ ;; Don't die if x-get-selection signals an error.
+ (with-demoted-errors "w32-get-clipboard-data:%S"
+ (w32-get-clipboard-data))))
-(defalias 'x-selection-value #'w32-get-selection-value)
;; Arrange for the kill and yank functions to set and check the clipboard.
-(setq interprogram-paste-function #'w32-get-selection-value)
+(gui-method-define gui-selection-value w32 #'w32-get-selection-value)
(provide 'w32-common-fns)