(setq char-description
(concat char-description
(propertize (string ?\x202c ?\x200e) 'invisible t))))
+ ;; Append a PDI character to directional isolate initiators, to
+ ;; prevent potential messup of the following numerical text
+ ((memq char '(?\x2066 ?\x2067 ?\x2068))
+ (setq char-description
+ (concat char-description
+ (propertize (string ?\x2069) 'invisible t))))
;; Append a LRM character to any strong character to avoid
;; messing up the numerical codepoint.
((memq (get-char-code-property char 'bidi-class) '(R AL))
(propertize (string ?\x202c) 'invisible t))
((memq char '(?\x202b ?\x202e))
(propertize (string ?\x202c ?\x200e) 'invisible t))
+ ((memq char '(?\x2066 ?\x2067 ?\x2068))
+ (propertize (string ?\x2069) 'invisible t))
;; Strong right-to-left characters cause reordering of
;; the following numerical characters which show the
;; codepoint, so append LRM to countermand that.