--- /dev/null
+;;; ucs-normalize.el --- Unicode normalization NFC/NFD/NFKD/NFKC
+;; Copyright (C) 2009
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Taichi Kawabata <kawabata.taichi@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: unicode, normalization
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This program has passed the NormalizationTest-5.1.0.txt.
+;; References:
+;; http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/
+;; http://www.unicode.org/review/pr-29.html
+;; HFS-Normalization:
+;; Reference:
+;; http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1150.html
+;; HFS Normalization excludes following area for decomposition.
+;; U+02000 .. U+02FFF :: Punctuation, symbols, dingbats, arrows, etc.
+;; (Characters in this region will be composed.)
+;; U+0F900 .. U+0FAFF :: CJK compatibility Ideographs.
+;; U+2F800 .. U+2FFFF :: CJK compatibility Ideographs.
+;; HFS-Normalization is useful for normalizing text involving CJK Ideographs.
+;;; Implementation Notes on NFC/HFS-NFC.
+;; <Stages> Decomposition Composition
+;; NFD: 'nfd nil
+;; NFC: 'nfd t
+;; NFKD: 'nfkd nil
+;; NFKC: 'nfkd t
+;; HFS-NFD: 'hfs-nfd 'hfs-nfd-comp-p
+;; HFS-NFC: 'hfs-nfd t
+;; Algorithm for Normalization
+;; Before normalization, following data will be prepared.
+;; 1. quick-check-list
+;; `quick-check-list' consists of characters that will be decomposed
+;; during normalization. It includes composition-exclusions,
+;; singletons, non-starter-decompositions and decomposable
+;; characters.
+;; `quick-check-regexp' will search the above characters plus
+;; combining characters.
+;; 2. decomposition-translation
+;; `decomposition-translation' is a translation table that will be
+;; used to decompose the characters.
+;; Normalization Process
+;; A. Searching (`ucs-normalize-region')
+;; Region is searched for `quick-check-regexp' to find possibly
+;; normalizable point.
+;; B. Identification of Normalization Block
+;; (1) start of the block
+;; If the searched character is a starter and not combining
+;; with previous character, then the beginning of the block is
+;; the searched character. If searched character is combining
+;; character, then previous character will be the target
+;; character
+;; (2) end of the block
+;; Block ends at non-composable starter character.
+;; C. Decomposition (`ucs-normalize-block')
+;; The entire block will be decomposed by
+;; `decomposition-translation' table.
+;; D. Sorting and Composition of Smaller Blocks (`ucs-normalize-block-compose-chars')
+;; The block will be split to multiple samller blocks by starter
+;; charcters. Each block is sorted, and composed if necessary.
+;; E. Composition of Entire Block (`ucs-normalize-compose-chars')
+;; Composed blocks are collected and again composed.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst ucs-normalize-version "1.1beta2")
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (defconst ucs-normalize-composition-exclusions
+ '(#x0958 #x0959 #x095A #x095B #x095C #x095D #x095E #x095F
+ #x09DC #x09DD #x09DF #x0A33 #x0A36 #x0A59 #x0A5A #x0A5B
+ #x0A5E #x0B5C #x0B5D #x0F43 #x0F4D #x0F52 #x0F57 #x0F5C
+ #x0F69 #x0F76 #x0F78 #x0F93 #x0F9D #x0FA2 #x0FA7 #x0FAC
+ #x0FB9 #xFB1D #xFB1F #xFB2A #xFB2B #xFB2C #xFB2D #xFB2E
+ #xFB2F #xFB30 #xFB31 #xFB32 #xFB33 #xFB34 #xFB35 #xFB36
+ #xFB38 #xFB39 #xFB3A #xFB3B #xFB3C #xFB3E #xFB40 #xFB41
+ #xFB43 #xFB44 #xFB46 #xFB47 #xFB48 #xFB49 #xFB4A #xFB4B
+ #xFB4C #xFB4D #xFB4E #x2ADC #x1D15E #x1D15F #x1D160 #x1D161
+ #x1D162 #x1D163 #x1D164 #x1D1BB #x1D1BC #x1D1BD #x1D1BE
+ #x1D1BF #x1D1C0)
+ "Composition Exclusion List.
+ This list is taken from
+ http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/CompositionExclusions-5.1.0.txt")
+ ;; Unicode ranges that decompositions & combinings are defined.
+ (defvar check-range nil)
+ (setq check-range '((#x00a0 . #x3400) (#xA600 . #xAC00) (#xF900 . #x10fff) (#x1d000 . #x1dfff) (#x2f800 . #x2faff)))
+ ;; Basic normalization functions
+ (defun nfd (char)
+ (let ((decomposition
+ (get-char-code-property char 'decomposition)))
+ (if (and decomposition (numberp (car decomposition)))
+ decomposition)))
+ (defun nfkd (char)
+ (let ((decomposition
+ (get-char-code-property char 'decomposition)))
+ (if (symbolp (car decomposition)) (cdr decomposition)
+ decomposition)))
+ (defun hfs-nfd (char)
+ (when (or (and (>= char 0) (< char #x2000))
+ (and (>= char #x3000) (< char #xf900))
+ (and (>= char #xfb00) (< char #x2f800))
+ (>= char #x30000))
+ (nfd char))))
+(defun ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-comp-p (char)
+ (and (>= char #x2000) (< char #x3000)))
+(defsubst ucs-normalize-ccc (char)
+ (get-char-code-property char 'canonical-combining-class))
+;; Data common to all normalizations
+ (defvar combining-chars nil)
+ (setq combining-chars nil)
+ (defvar decomposition-pair-to-composition nil)
+ (setq decomposition-pair-to-composition nil)
+ (defvar non-starter-decompositions nil)
+ (setq non-starter-decompositions nil)
+ (let ((char 0) ccc decomposition)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (start-end)
+ (do ((char (car start-end) (+ char 1))) ((> char (cdr start-end)))
+ (setq ccc (ucs-normalize-ccc char))
+ (setq decomposition (get-char-code-property
+ char 'decomposition))
+ (if (and ccc (/= 0 ccc)) (add-to-list 'combining-chars char))
+ (if (and (numberp (car decomposition))
+ (/= (ucs-normalize-ccc (car decomposition))
+ 0))
+ (add-to-list 'non-starter-decompositions char))
+ (when (numberp (car decomposition))
+ (if (and (= 2 (length decomposition))
+ (null (memq char ucs-normalize-composition-exclusions))
+ (null (memq char non-starter-decompositions)))
+ (setq decomposition-pair-to-composition
+ (cons (cons decomposition char)
+ decomposition-pair-to-composition)))
+ ;; If not singleton decomposition, second and later characters in
+ ;; decomposition will be the subject of combining characters.
+ (if (cdr decomposition)
+ (dolist (char (cdr decomposition))
+ (add-to-list 'combining-chars char))))))
+ check-range))
+ (setq combining-chars
+ (append combining-chars
+ '(?ᅡ ?ᅢ ?ᅣ ?ᅤ ?ᅥ ?ᅦ ?ᅧ ?ᅨ ?ᅩ ?ᅪ
+ ?ᅫ ?ᅬ ?ᅭ ?ᅮ ?ᅯ ?ᅰ ?ᅱ ?ᅲ ?ᅳ ?ᅴ ?ᅵ
+ ?ᆨ ?ᆩ ?ᆪ ?ᆫ ?ᆬ ?ᆭ ?ᆮ ?ᆯ ?ᆰ ?ᆱ ?ᆲ ?ᆳ ?ᆴ
+ ?ᆵ ?ᆶ ?ᆷ ?ᆸ ?ᆹ ?ᆺ ?ᆻ ?ᆼ ?ᆽ ?ᆾ ?ᆿ ?ᇀ ?ᇁ ?ᇂ)))
+ )
+(defun ucs-normalize-make-hash-table-from-alist (alist)
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 2000)))
+ (mapc (lambda (x) (puthash (car x) (cdr x) table)) alist)
+ table))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-decomposition-pair-to-primary-composite nil
+ "Hashtable of decomposed pair to primary composite.
+Note that Hangul are excluded.")
+ (setq ucs-normalize-decomposition-pair-to-primary-composite
+ (ucs-normalize-make-hash-table-from-alist
+ (eval-when-compile decomposition-pair-to-composition)))
+(defun ucs-normalize-primary-composite (decomposition-pair composition-predicate)
+ "Convert DECOMPOSITION-PAIR to primay composite using COMPOSITION-PREDICATE."
+ (let ((char (or (gethash decomposition-pair
+ ucs-normalize-decomposition-pair-to-primary-composite)
+ (and (<= #x1100 (car decomposition-pair))
+ (< (car decomposition-pair) #x1113)
+ (<= #x1161 (cadr decomposition-pair))
+ (< (car decomposition-pair) #x1176)
+ (let ((lindex (- (car decomposition-pair) #x1100))
+ (vindex (- (cadr decomposition-pair) #x1161)))
+ (+ #xAC00 (* (+ (* lindex 21) vindex) 28))))
+ (and (<= #xac00 (car decomposition-pair))
+ (< (car decomposition-pair) #xd7a4)
+ (<= #x11a7 (cadr decomposition-pair))
+ (< (cadr decomposition-pair) #x11c3)
+ (= 0 (% (- (car decomposition-pair) #xac00) 28))
+ (let ((tindex (- (cadr decomposition-pair) #x11a7)))
+ (+ (car decomposition-pair) tindex))))))
+ (if (and char
+ (functionp composition-predicate)
+ (null (funcall composition-predicate char)))
+ nil char)))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-combining-chars nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-combining-chars (eval-when-compile combining-chars))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-combining-chars-regexp nil
+ "Regular expression to match sequence of combining characters.")
+ (setq ucs-normalize-combining-chars-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (concat (regexp-opt (mapcar 'char-to-string combining-chars)) "+")))
+ (defun decomposition-translation-alist (decomposition-function)
+ (let (decomposition alist)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (start-end)
+ (do ((char (car start-end) (+ char 1))) ((> char (cdr start-end)))
+ (setq decomposition (funcall decomposition-function char))
+ (if decomposition
+ (setq alist (cons (cons char
+ (apply 'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (decomposition-char-recursively
+ x decomposition-function))
+ decomposition)))
+ alist)))))
+ check-range)
+ alist))
+ (defun decomposition-char-recursively (char decomposition-function)
+ (let ((decomposition (funcall decomposition-function char)))
+ (if decomposition
+ (apply 'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (decomposition-char-recursively x decomposition-function))
+ decomposition))
+ (list char))))
+ (defun alist-list-to-vector (alist)
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (apply 'vector (cdr x)))) alist))
+ (defvar nfd-alist nil)
+ (setq nfd-alist (alist-list-to-vector (decomposition-translation-alist 'nfd)))
+ (defvar nfkd-alist nil)
+ (setq nfkd-alist (alist-list-to-vector (decomposition-translation-alist 'nfkd)))
+ (defvar hfs-nfd-alist nil)
+ (setq hfs-nfd-alist (alist-list-to-vector (decomposition-translation-alist 'hfs-nfd)))
+ )
+(defvar ucs-normalize-hangul-translation-alist nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-hangul-translation-alist
+ (let ((i 0) entries)
+ (while (< i 11172)
+ (setq entries
+ (cons (cons (+ #xac00 i)
+ (if (= 0 (% i 28))
+ (vector (+ #x1100 (/ i 588))
+ (+ #x1161 (/ (% i 588) 28)))
+ (vector (+ #x1100 (/ i 588))
+ (+ #x1161 (/ (% i 588) 28))
+ (+ #x11a7 (% i 28)))))
+ entries)
+ i (1+ i))) entries))
+(defun ucs-normalize-make-translation-table-from-alist (alist)
+ (make-translation-table-from-alist
+ (append alist ucs-normalize-hangul-translation-alist)))
+(define-translation-table 'ucs-normalize-nfd-table
+ (ucs-normalize-make-translation-table-from-alist (eval-when-compile nfd-alist)))
+(define-translation-table 'ucs-normalize-nfkd-table
+ (ucs-normalize-make-translation-table-from-alist (eval-when-compile nfkd-alist)))
+(define-translation-table 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-table
+ (ucs-normalize-make-translation-table-from-alist (eval-when-compile hfs-nfd-alist)))
+(defun ucs-normalize-sort (chars)
+ "Sort by canonical combining class of chars."
+ (sort chars
+ (lambda (ch1 ch2)
+ (< (ucs-normalize-ccc ch1) (ucs-normalize-ccc ch2)))))
+(defun ucs-normalize-compose-chars (chars composition-predicate)
+CHARS must be sorted and normalized in starter-combining pairs."
+ (if composition-predicate
+ (let* ((starter (car chars))
+ remain result prev-ccc
+ (target-chars (cdr chars))
+ target target-ccc
+ primary-composite)
+ (while target-chars
+ (setq target (car target-chars)
+ target-ccc (ucs-normalize-ccc target))
+ (if (and (or (null prev-ccc)
+ (< prev-ccc target-ccc))
+ (setq primary-composite
+ (ucs-normalize-primary-composite (list starter target)
+ composition-predicate)))
+ ;; case 1: composable
+ (setq starter primary-composite
+ prev-ccc nil)
+ (if (= 0 target-ccc)
+ ;; case 2: move starter
+ (setq result (nconc result (cons starter (nreverse remain)))
+ starter target
+ remain nil)
+ ;; case 3: move target
+ (setq prev-ccc target-ccc
+ remain (cons target remain))))
+ (setq target-chars (cdr target-chars)))
+ (nconc result (cons starter (nreverse remain))))
+ chars))
+(defun ucs-normalize-block-compose-chars (chars composition-predicate)
+If COMPOSITION-PREDICATE is not given, then do nothing."
+ (let ((chars (ucs-normalize-sort chars)))
+ (if composition-predicate
+ (ucs-normalize-compose-chars chars composition-predicate)
+ chars)))
+ (defun quick-check-list (decomposition-translation
+ &optional composition-predicate)
+It includes Singletons, CompositionExclusions, and Non-Starter
+decomposition. "
+ (let (entries decomposition composition)
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (start-end)
+ (do ((i (car start-end) (+ i 1))) ((> i (cdr start-end)))
+ (setq decomposition
+ (string-to-list
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert i)
+ (translate-region 1 2 decomposition-translation)
+ (buffer-string))))
+ (setq composition
+ (ucs-normalize-block-compose-chars decomposition composition-predicate))
+ (when (not (equal composition (list i)))
+ (setq entries (cons i entries)))))
+ check-range)
+ ;;(remove-duplicates
+ (append entries
+ ucs-normalize-composition-exclusions
+ non-starter-decompositions)))
+ ;;)
+ (defvar nfd-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq nfd-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-nfd-table ))
+ (defvar nfc-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq nfc-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-nfd-table t ))
+ (defvar nfkd-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq nfkd-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-nfkd-table ))
+ (defvar nfkc-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq nfkc-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-nfkd-table t ))
+ (defvar hfs-nfd-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq hfs-nfd-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-table
+ 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-comp-p))
+ (defvar hfs-nfc-quick-check-list nil)
+ (setq hfs-nfc-quick-check-list (quick-check-list 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-table t ))
+ (defun quick-check-list-to-regexp (quick-check-list)
+ (regexp-opt (mapcar 'char-to-string (append quick-check-list combining-chars))))
+ (defun quick-check-decomposition-list-to-regexp (quick-check-list)
+ (concat (quick-check-list-to-regexp quick-check-list) "\\|[가-힣]"))
+ (defun quick-check-composition-list-to-regexp (quick-check-list)
+ (concat (quick-check-list-to-regexp quick-check-list) "\\|[ᅡ-ᅵᆨ-ᇂ]"))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-nfd-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-nfd-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (quick-check-decomposition-list-to-regexp nfd-quick-check-list)))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-nfc-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-nfc-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (quick-check-composition-list-to-regexp nfc-quick-check-list)))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-nfkd-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-nfkd-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (quick-check-decomposition-list-to-regexp nfkd-quick-check-list)))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-nfkc-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-nfkc-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (quick-check-composition-list-to-regexp nfkc-quick-check-list)))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (concat (quick-check-decomposition-list-to-regexp hfs-nfd-quick-check-list))))
+(defvar ucs-normalize-hfs-nfc-quick-check-regexp nil)
+ (setq ucs-normalize-hfs-nfc-quick-check-regexp
+ (eval-when-compile (quick-check-composition-list-to-regexp hfs-nfc-quick-check-list)))
+;; Normalize local region.
+(defun ucs-normalize-block
+ (from to &optional decomposition-translation-table composition-predicate)
+ "Normalize region FROM TO, by sorting the region with canonical-cc.
+If DECOMPOSITION-TRANSLATION-TABLE is given, translate region
+before sorting. If COMPOSITION-PREDICATE is given, then compose
+the region by using it."
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region from to)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if decomposition-translation-table
+ (translate-region from to decomposition-translation-table))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((start (point)) chars); ccc)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (forward-char)
+ (when (or (eobp)
+ (= 0 (ucs-normalize-ccc (char-after (point)))))
+ (setq chars
+ (nconc chars
+ (ucs-normalize-block-compose-chars
+ (string-to-list (buffer-substring start (point)))
+ composition-predicate))
+ start (point)))
+ ;;(unless ccc (error "Undefined character can not be normalized!"))
+ )
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (apply 'insert
+ (ucs-normalize-compose-chars
+ chars composition-predicate)))))
+(defun ucs-normalize-region
+ (from to quick-check-regexp translation-table composition-predicate)
+ "Normalize region from FROM to TO.
+QUICK-CHECK-REGEXP is applied for searching the region.
+TRANSLATION-TABLE will be used to decompose region.
+COMPOSITION-PREDICATE will be used to compose region."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region from to)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (start-pos starter)
+ (while (re-search-forward quick-check-regexp nil t)
+ (setq starter (string-to-char (match-string 0)))
+ (setq start-pos (match-beginning 0))
+ (ucs-normalize-block
+ ;; from
+ (if (or (= start-pos (point-min))
+ (and (= 0 (ucs-normalize-ccc starter))
+ (not (memq starter ucs-normalize-combining-chars))))
+ start-pos (1- start-pos))
+ ;; to
+ (if (looking-at ucs-normalize-combining-chars-regexp)
+ (match-end 0) (1+ start-pos))
+ translation-table composition-predicate))))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defmacro ucs-normalize-string (ucs-normalize-region)
+ `(with-temp-buffer
+ (insert str)
+ (,ucs-normalize-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (buffer-string)))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFD-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFD."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-nfd-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-nfd-table nil))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFD-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFD."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-NFD-region))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFC-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFC."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-nfc-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-nfd-table t))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFC-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFC."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-NFC-region))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFKD-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFKD."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-nfkd-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-nfkd-table nil))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFKD-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFKD."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-NFKD-region))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFKC-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFKC."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-nfkc-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-nfkd-table t))
+(defun ucs-normalize-NFKC-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFKC."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-NFKC-region))
+(defun ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFD and Mac OS's HFS Plus."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-table
+ 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-comp-p))
+(defun ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFD and Mac OS's HFS Plus."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-region))
+(defun ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region (from to)
+ "Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFC and Mac OS's HFS Plus."
+ (interactive "r")
+ (ucs-normalize-region from to
+ ucs-normalize-hfs-nfc-quick-check-regexp
+ 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-table t))
+(defun ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-string (str)
+ "Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFC and Mac OS's HFS Plus."
+ (ucs-normalize-string ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region))
+;; Post-read-conversion function for `utf-8-hfs'.
+(defun ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-post-read-conversion (len)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (point) (+ (point) len))
+ (let ((buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
+ (ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (- (point-max) (point-min))))))
+;;; coding-system definition
+(define-coding-system 'utf-8-hfs
+ "UTF-8 base coding system with normalization on decoding.
+The singleton characters in HFS normalization exclusion will not
+be decomposed. It doesn't perform normalization on encoding."
+ :coding-type 'utf-8
+ :mnemonic ?U
+ :charset-list '(unicode)
+ ;; :decode-translation-table (not necessary)
+ :post-read-conversion 'ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-post-read-conversion
+ ;; NFD encoder is not necessary because MacOS will automatically do it.
+ ;; :encode-translation-table 'nfd-encode-translation-table
+ ;; :pre-write-conversion 'nfd-encode-function
+ )
+(provide 'ucs-normalize)
+;;; ucs-normalize.el ends here