It should match the part after \"def\" and until \"=\".")
+(defconst ruby-builtin-methods-with-reqs
+ '( ;; built-in methods on Kernel
+ "at_exit"
+ "autoload"
+ "autoload?"
+ "callcc"
+ "catch"
+ "eval"
+ "exec"
+ "format"
+ "lambda"
+ "load"
+ "loop"
+ "open"
+ "p"
+ "printf"
+ "proc"
+ "putc"
+ "require"
+ "require_relative"
+ "spawn"
+ "sprintf"
+ "syscall"
+ "system"
+ "throw"
+ "trace_var"
+ "trap"
+ "untrace_var"
+ "warn"
+ ;; keyword-like private methods on Module
+ "alias_method"
+ "attr"
+ "attr_accessor"
+ "attr_reader"
+ "attr_writer"
+ "define_method"
+ "extend"
+ "include"
+ "module_function"
+ "prepend"
+ "private_class_method"
+ "private_constant"
+ "public_class_method"
+ "public_constant"
+ "refine"
+ "using")
+ "List of built-in methods that require at least one argument.")
+(defconst ruby-builtin-methods-no-reqs
+ '("__callee__"
+ "__dir__"
+ "__method__"
+ "abort"
+ "binding"
+ "block_given?"
+ "caller"
+ "exit"
+ "exit!"
+ "fail"
+ "fork"
+ "global_variables"
+ "local_variables"
+ "print"
+ "private"
+ "protected"
+ "public"
+ "puts"
+ "raise"
+ "rand"
+ "readline"
+ "readlines"
+ "sleep"
+ "srand")
+ "List of built-in methods that only have optional arguments.")
(defvar ruby-use-smie t)
(make-obsolete-variable 'ruby-use-smie nil "28.1")
;; Core methods that have required arguments.
- (regexp-opt
- '( ;; built-in methods on Kernel
- "at_exit"
- "autoload"
- "autoload?"
- "callcc"
- "catch"
- "eval"
- "exec"
- "format"
- "lambda"
- "load"
- "loop"
- "open"
- "p"
- "printf"
- "proc"
- "putc"
- "require"
- "require_relative"
- "spawn"
- "sprintf"
- "syscall"
- "system"
- "throw"
- "trace_var"
- "trap"
- "untrace_var"
- "warn"
- ;; keyword-like private methods on Module
- "alias_method"
- "attr"
- "attr_accessor"
- "attr_reader"
- "attr_writer"
- "define_method"
- "extend"
- "include"
- "module_function"
- "prepend"
- "private_class_method"
- "private_constant"
- "public_class_method"
- "public_constant"
- "refine"
- "using")
- 'symbols))
+ (regexp-opt ruby-builtin-methods-with-reqs 'symbols))
(1 (unless (looking-at " *\\(?:[]|,.)}=]\\|$\\)")
;; Kernel methods that have no required arguments.
- (regexp-opt
- '("__callee__"
- "__dir__"
- "__method__"
- "abort"
- "binding"
- "block_given?"
- "caller"
- "exit"
- "exit!"
- "fail"
- "fork"
- "global_variables"
- "local_variables"
- "print"
- "private"
- "protected"
- "public"
- "puts"
- "raise"
- "rand"
- "readline"
- "readlines"
- "sleep"
- "srand")
- 'symbols))
+ (regexp-opt ruby-builtin-methods-no-reqs 'symbols))
(1 font-lock-builtin-face))
;; Here-doc beginnings.
"Ruby's punctuation characters.")
(defvar ruby-ts--predefined-constants
+ (rx string-start
+ string-end)
"Ruby predefined global constants.")
(defvar ruby-ts--predefined-variables
- (rx (or "$!" "$@" "$~" "$&" "$‘" "$‘" "$+" "$=" "$/" "$\\" "$," "$;"
+ (rx string-start
+ (or "$!" "$@" "$~" "$&" "$‘" "$‘" "$+" "$=" "$/" "$\\" "$," "$;"
"$." "$<" "$>" "$_" "$*" "$$" "$?" "$:" "$LOAD_PATH"
"$LOADED_FEATURES" "$DEBUG" "$FILENAME" "$stderr" "$stdin"
"$stdout" "$VERBOSE" "$-a" "$-i" "$-l" "$-p"
- (seq "$" (+ digit))))
+ (seq "$" (+ digit)))
+ string-end)
"Ruby predefined global variables.")
+(defvar ruby-ts--builtin-methods
+ (format "\\`%s\\'" (regexp-opt (append ruby-builtin-methods-no-reqs
+ ruby-builtin-methods-with-reqs)))
+ "Ruby built-in methods.")
(defconst ruby-ts--class-or-module-regex
(rx string-start
(or "class" "module" "singleton_class")
pattern: (identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ :language language
+ :feature 'builtin-functions
+ `((((identifier) @font-lock-builtin-face)
+ (:match ,ruby-ts--builtin-methods
+ @font-lock-builtin-face)))
;; Yuan recommends also putting method definitions into the
;; 'function' category (thus keeping it in both). I've opted to
;; just use separate categories for them -- dgutov.
(setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
'(( comment method-definition parameter-definition)
( keyword regexp string type)
- ( builtin-variable builtin-constant constant
+ ( builtin-variable builtin-constant builtin-functions
delimiter escape-sequence
- global instance
+ constant global instance
interpolation literal symbol assignment)
( bracket error function operator punctuation)))