(file-regular-p filename)
+;; Bug#46284
+(ert-deftest process-sentinel-interrupt-event ()
+ "Test that interrupting a process on MS-Windows sends the
+ \"interrupt\" event to the process sentinel."
+ (skip-unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let* ((proc-buf (current-buffer))
+ ;; Start a new emacs process to wait idly until interrupted.
+ (cmd "emacs -batch --eval=\"(sit-for 50000)\"")
+ (proc (start-file-process-shell-command
+ "test/process-sentinel-signal-event" proc-buf cmd))
+ (events '()))
+ ;; Capture any incoming events.
+ (set-process-sentinel proc
+ (lambda (proc event)
+ (push event events)))
+ ;; Wait for the process to start.
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ (should (equal 'run (process-status proc)))
+ ;; Interrupt the sub-process and wait for it to die.
+ (interrupt-process proc)
+ (sleep-for 2)
+ ;; Should have received SIGINT...
+ (should (equal 'signal (process-status proc)))
+ (should (equal 2 (process-exit-status proc)))
+ ;; ...and the change description should be "interrupt".
+ (should (equal '("interrupt\n") events)))))
(provide 'process-tests)
;;; process-tests.el ends here