((eq system-type 'windows-nt) null-device)
+ ;; Android's built-in shell is far too dysfunctional to support
+ ;; Tramp.
+ ((eq system-type 'android) null-device)
(t (add-to-list
(ert-with-message-capture auto-revert--messages
(auto-revert-tests--write-file "another text" tmpfile (pop times))
+ (should (eq desc auto-revert-notify-watch-descriptor))
(auto-revert--wait-for-revert buf))
;; Check, that the buffer hasn't been reverted. File
;; notification should be disabled, falling back to
(or (eq file-notify--library 'w32notify)
(getenv "EMACS_EMBA_CI")
- (file-notify-valid-p auto-revert-notify-watch-descriptor)))
+ ;; The auto-revert timer is wont to establish a new
+ ;; watch soon after the previous descriptor is
+ ;; destroyed, which not unnaturally interferes with
+ ;; our testing for its destruction, since descriptor
+ ;; IDs are reused. Therefore, test the identity of
+ ;; the previous descriptor, not just its validity.
+ (and (eq desc auto-revert-notify-watch-descriptor)
+ (file-notify-valid-p auto-revert-notify-watch-descriptor))))
;; Once the file has been recreated, the buffer shall be
;; reverted.