;; Operating Systems' pipe buffering (e.g. CPython 3.3.4 in Windows 7.
;; See URL `https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=17304'). To
;; avoid this, the `python-shell-unbuffered' defaults to non-nil and
-;; controls whether `python-shell-calculate-process-environment'
+;; controls whether `python-shell--calculate-process-environment'
;; should set the "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" environment variable on startup:
;; See URL `https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-u'.
;; (setq python-shell-process-environment
;; (list
;; (format "PATH=%s" (mapconcat
-;; 'identity
+;; #'identity
;; (reverse
;; (cons (getenv "PATH")
;; '("/path/to/env/bin/")))
(require 'ansi-color)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'comint)
-(require 'tramp-sh)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x)) ;For `string-empty-p'.
;; Avoid compiler warnings
(defvar view-return-to-alist)
(defvar python-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; Movement
- (define-key map [remap backward-sentence] 'python-nav-backward-block)
- (define-key map [remap forward-sentence] 'python-nav-forward-block)
- (define-key map [remap backward-up-list] 'python-nav-backward-up-list)
- (define-key map [remap mark-defun] 'python-mark-defun)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-j" 'imenu)
+ (define-key map [remap backward-sentence] #'python-nav-backward-block)
+ (define-key map [remap forward-sentence] #'python-nav-forward-block)
+ (define-key map [remap backward-up-list] #'python-nav-backward-up-list)
+ (define-key map [remap mark-defun] #'python-mark-defun)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-j" #'imenu)
;; Indent specific
- (define-key map "\177" 'python-indent-dedent-line-backspace)
- (define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") 'python-indent-dedent-line)
- (define-key map "\C-c<" 'python-indent-shift-left)
- (define-key map "\C-c>" 'python-indent-shift-right)
+ (define-key map "\177" #'python-indent-dedent-line-backspace)
+ (define-key map (kbd "<backtab>") #'python-indent-dedent-line)
+ (define-key map "\C-c<" #'python-indent-shift-left)
+ (define-key map "\C-c>" #'python-indent-shift-right)
;; Skeletons
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-tc" 'python-skeleton-class)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-td" 'python-skeleton-def)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-tf" 'python-skeleton-for)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-ti" 'python-skeleton-if)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-tm" 'python-skeleton-import)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-tt" 'python-skeleton-try)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-tw" 'python-skeleton-while)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-tc" #'python-skeleton-class)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-td" #'python-skeleton-def)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-tf" #'python-skeleton-for)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-ti" #'python-skeleton-if)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-tm" #'python-skeleton-import)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-tt" #'python-skeleton-try)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-tw" #'python-skeleton-while)
;; Shell interaction
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'run-python)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'python-shell-send-string)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-e" 'python-shell-send-statement)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'python-shell-send-region)
- (define-key map "\C-\M-x" 'python-shell-send-defun)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'python-shell-send-buffer)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'python-shell-send-file)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-z" 'python-shell-switch-to-shell)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" #'run-python)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" #'python-shell-send-string)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-e" #'python-shell-send-statement)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" #'python-shell-send-region)
+ (define-key map "\C-\M-x" #'python-shell-send-defun)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" #'python-shell-send-buffer)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" #'python-shell-send-file)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-z" #'python-shell-switch-to-shell)
;; Some util commands
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'python-check)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'python-eldoc-at-point)
- (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'python-describe-at-point)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" #'python-check)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" #'python-eldoc-at-point)
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" #'python-describe-at-point)
;; Utilities
- (substitute-key-definition 'complete-symbol 'completion-at-point
+ (substitute-key-definition #'complete-symbol #'completion-at-point
map global-map)
(easy-menu-define python-menu map "Python Mode menu"
(defcustom python-indent-offset 4
"Default indentation offset for Python."
- :group 'python
:type 'integer
:safe 'integerp)
(defcustom python-indent-guess-indent-offset t
"Non-nil tells Python mode to guess `python-indent-offset' value."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe 'booleanp)
(defcustom python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose t
"Non-nil means to emit a warning when indentation guessing fails."
:version "25.1"
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe' booleanp)
(defcustom python-indent-trigger-commands
'(indent-for-tab-command yas-expand yas/expand)
"Commands that might trigger a `python-indent-line' call."
- :type '(repeat symbol)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat symbol))
(defcustom python-indent-def-block-scale 2
"Multiplier applied to indentation inside multi-line def blocks."
(defcustom python-shell-buffer-name "Python"
"Default buffer name for Python interpreter."
:type 'string
- :group 'python
:safe 'stringp)
(defcustom python-shell-interpreter
`python-shell-interpreter' to \"ipython3\" requires setting
`python-shell-interpreter-args' to \"--simple-prompt\"."
:version "28.1"
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defcustom python-shell-internal-buffer-name "Python Internal"
"Default buffer name for the Internal Python interpreter."
:type 'string
- :group 'python
:safe 'stringp)
(defcustom python-shell-interpreter-args "-i"
"Default arguments for the Python interpreter."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defcustom python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg "-i"
"Interpreter argument to force it to run interactively."
"Should syntax highlighting be enabled in the Python shell buffer?
Restart the Python shell after changing this variable for it to take effect."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe 'booleanp)
(defcustom python-shell-unbuffered t
When non-nil, this may prevent delayed and missing output in the
Python shell. See commentary for details."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe 'booleanp)
(defcustom python-shell-process-environment nil
process environment before starting it. Any variables already
present in the current environment are superseded by variables
set here."
- :type '(repeat string)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat string))
(defcustom python-shell-extra-pythonpaths nil
"List of extra pythonpaths for Python shell.
here that already exists in PYTHONPATH are moved to the beginning
of the list so that they are prioritized when looking for
- :type '(repeat string)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat string))
(defcustom python-shell-exec-path nil
"List of paths for searching executables.
the PATH before starting processes. Any values present here that
already exists in PATH are moved to the beginning of the list so
that they are prioritized when looking for executables."
- :type '(repeat string)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat string))
(defcustom python-shell-remote-exec-path nil
"List of paths to be ensured remotely for searching executables.
plan to ensure a particular set of paths to all Python shell
executed through tramp connections."
:version "25.1"
- :type '(repeat string)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat string))
'python-shell-virtualenv-path 'python-shell-virtualenv-root "25.1")
This variable, when set to a string, makes the environment to be
modified such that shells are started within the specified
- :type '(choice (const nil) directory)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(choice (const nil) directory))
(defcustom python-shell-setup-codes nil
"List of code run by `python-shell-send-setup-code'."
- :type '(repeat symbol)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(repeat symbol))
(defcustom python-shell-compilation-regexp-alist
`((,(rx line-start (1+ (any " \t")) "File \""
"(" (group (1+ digit)) ")" (1+ (not (any "("))) "()")
1 2))
"`compilation-error-regexp-alist' for inferior Python."
- :type '(alist regexp)
- :group 'python)
+ :type '(alist regexp))
(defvar python-shell-output-filter-in-progress nil)
(defvar python-shell-output-filter-buffer nil)
(or (getenv "PYTHONPATH") "") path-separator 'omit)))
pythonpath python-shell-extra-pythonpaths)
- (mapconcat 'identity pythonpath path-separator)))
+ (mapconcat #'identity pythonpath path-separator)))
(defun python-shell-calculate-process-environment ()
- "Calculate `process-environment' or `tramp-remote-process-environment'.
+ (declare (obsolete python-shell--calculate-process-environment "29.1"))
+ (let* ((remote-p (file-remote-p default-directory)))
+ (append (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
+ (if remote-p
+ tramp-remote-process-environment
+ process-environment))))
+(defun python-shell--calculate-process-environment ()
+ "Return a list of entries to add to the `process-environment'.
Prepends `python-shell-process-environment', sets extra
pythonpaths from `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths' and sets a few
-virtualenv related vars. If `default-directory' points to a
-remote host, the returned value is intended for
- (let* ((remote-p (file-remote-p default-directory))
- (process-environment (if remote-p
- tramp-remote-process-environment
- process-environment))
- (virtualenv (when python-shell-virtualenv-root
- (directory-file-name python-shell-virtualenv-root))))
- (dolist (env python-shell-process-environment)
- (pcase-let ((`(,key ,value) (split-string env "=")))
- (setenv key value)))
+virtualenv related vars."
+ (let* ((virtualenv (when python-shell-virtualenv-root
+ (directory-file-name python-shell-virtualenv-root)))
+ (res python-shell-process-environment))
(when python-shell-unbuffered
- (setenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" "1"))
+ (push "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1" res))
(when python-shell-extra-pythonpaths
- (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath)))
+ (push (concat "PYTHONPATH=" (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath)) res))
(if (not virtualenv)
- process-environment
- (setenv "PYTHONHOME" nil)
- (setenv "VIRTUAL_ENV" virtualenv))
- process-environment))
+ nil
+ (push "PYTHONHOME" res)
+ (push (concat "VIRTUAL_ENV=" virtualenv) res))
+ res))
(defun python-shell-calculate-exec-path ()
"Calculate `exec-path'.
(defun python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path (vec paths)
"Update VEC's remote-path giving PATHS priority."
+ (cl-assert (featurep 'tramp))
+ (declare-function tramp-set-remote-path "tramp-sh")
+ (declare-function tramp-set-connection-property "tramp-cache")
+ (declare-function tramp-get-connection-property "tramp-cache")
(let ((remote-path (tramp-get-connection-property vec "remote-path" nil)))
(when remote-path
+ ;; FIXME: This part of the Tramp code still knows about Python!
(python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority remote-path paths)
(tramp-set-connection-property vec "remote-path" remote-path)
(tramp-set-remote-path vec))))
(defun python-shell-tramp-refresh-process-environment (vec env)
"Update VEC's process environment with ENV."
+ (cl-assert (featurep 'tramp))
+ (defvar tramp-end-of-heredoc)
+ (defvar tramp-end-of-output)
+ ;; Do we even know that `tramp-sh' is loaded at this point?
+ ;; What about files accessed via FTP, sudo, ...?
+ (declare-function tramp-send-command "tramp-sh")
;; Stolen from `tramp-open-connection-setup-interactive-shell'.
(let ((env (append (when (fboundp 'tramp-get-remote-locale)
;; Emacs<24.4 compat.
unset vars item)
(while env
(setq item (split-string (car env) "=" 'omit))
- (setcdr item (mapconcat 'identity (cdr item) "="))
+ (setcdr item (mapconcat #'identity (cdr item) "="))
(if (and (stringp (cdr item)) (not (string-equal (cdr item) "")))
(push (format "%s %s" (car item) (cdr item)) vars)
(push (car item) unset))
(format "while read var val; do export $var=$val; done <<'%s'\n%s\n%s"
- (mapconcat 'identity vars "\n")
+ (mapconcat #'identity vars "\n")
(when unset
- vec (format "unset %s" (mapconcat 'identity unset " ")) t))))
+ vec (format "unset %s" (mapconcat #'identity unset " ")) t))))
(defmacro python-shell-with-environment (&rest body)
"Modify shell environment during execution of BODY.
machine then modifies `tramp-remote-process-environment' and
`python-shell-remote-exec-path' instead."
(declare (indent 0) (debug (body)))
- (let ((vec (make-symbol "vec")))
- `(progn
- (let* ((,vec
- (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
- (ignore-errors
- (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory 'noexpand))))
- (process-environment
- (if ,vec
- process-environment
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
- (exec-path
- (if ,vec
- exec-path
- (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
- (tramp-remote-process-environment
- (if ,vec
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
- tramp-remote-process-environment)))
- (when (tramp-get-connection-process ,vec)
- ;; For already existing connections, the new exec path must
- ;; be re-set, otherwise it won't take effect. One example
- ;; of such case is when remote dir-locals are read and
- ;; *then* subprocesses are triggered within the same
- ;; connection.
- (python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path
- ,vec (python-shell-calculate-exec-path))
- ;; The `tramp-remote-process-environment' variable is only
- ;; effective when the started process is an interactive
- ;; shell, otherwise (like in the case of processes started
- ;; with `process-file') the environment is not changed.
- ;; This makes environment modifications effective
- ;; unconditionally.
- (python-shell-tramp-refresh-process-environment
- ,vec tramp-remote-process-environment))
- ,(macroexp-progn body)))))
+ `(python-shell--with-environment
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
+ (lambda () ,@body)))
+(defun python-shell--with-environment (extraenv bodyfun)
+ ;; FIXME: This is where the generic code delegates to Tramp.
+ (let* ((vec
+ (and (file-remote-p default-directory)
+ (fboundp 'tramp-dissect-file-name)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory 'noexpand)))))
+ (if vec
+ (python-shell--tramp-with-environment vec extraenv bodyfun)
+ (let ((process-environment
+ (append extraenv process-environment))
+ (exec-path
+ ;; FIXME: This is still Python-specific.
+ (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+ (funcall bodyfun)))))
+(defun python-shell--tramp-with-environment (vec extraenv bodyfun)
+ (defvar tramp-remote-process-environment)
+ (declare-function tramp-get-connection-process "tramp" (vec))
+ (let* ((tramp-remote-process-environment
+ (append extraenv tramp-remote-process-environment)))
+ (when (tramp-get-connection-process vec)
+ ;; For already existing connections, the new exec path must
+ ;; be re-set, otherwise it won't take effect. One example
+ ;; of such case is when remote dir-locals are read and
+ ;; *then* subprocesses are triggered within the same
+ ;; connection.
+ (python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path
+ ;; FIXME: This is still Python-specific.
+ vec (python-shell-calculate-exec-path))
+ ;; The `tramp-remote-process-environment' variable is only
+ ;; effective when the started process is an interactive
+ ;; shell, otherwise (like in the case of processes started
+ ;; with `process-file') the environment is not changed.
+ ;; This makes environment modifications effective
+ ;; unconditionally.
+ (python-shell-tramp-refresh-process-environment
+ vec tramp-remote-process-environment))
+ (funcall bodyfun)))
(defvar python-shell--prompt-calculated-input-regexp nil
"Calculated input prompt regexp for inferior python shell.
- 'ansi-color-filter-apply
+ #'ansi-color-filter-apply
(defun python-comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom (output)
safely attach setup code for long-running processes that
eventually provide a shell."
:version "25.1"
- :type 'hook
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'hook)
(defconst python-shell-eval-setup-code
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
#'python-shell-completion-at-point nil 'local)
(define-key inferior-python-mode-map "\t"
- 'python-shell-completion-complete-or-indent)
+ #'python-shell-completion-complete-or-indent)
(make-local-variable 'python-shell-internal-last-output)
(when python-shell-font-lock-enable
(let* ((cmdlist (split-string-and-unquote cmd))
(interpreter (car cmdlist))
(args (cdr cmdlist))
- (buffer (apply #'make-comint-in-buffer proc-name proc-buffer-name
+ (buffer (apply #'make-comint-in-buffer proc-name
+ proc-buffer-name
interpreter nil args))
(python-shell--parent-buffer (current-buffer))
(process (get-buffer-process buffer))
- 'python-proc 'python-shell-internal-get-or-create-process "24.3")
+ 'python-proc #'python-shell-internal-get-or-create-process "24.3")
(defun python-shell--save-temp-file (string)
(let* ((temporary-file-directory
- 'python-send-receive 'python-shell-internal-send-string "24.3")
+ 'python-send-receive #'python-shell-internal-send-string "24.3")
- 'python-send-string 'python-shell-internal-send-string "24.3")
+ 'python-send-string #'python-shell-internal-send-string "24.3")
(defun python-shell-buffer-substring (start end &optional nomain no-cookie)
"Send buffer substring from START to END formatted for shell.
completer.print_mode = True
return completions"
"Code used to setup completion in inferior Python processes."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
;; in use based on its args and uses `apply-partially'
;; to make it up for the 3 args case.
(if (= (length
- (help-function-arglist 'comint-redirect-filter)) 3)
+ (help-function-arglist 'comint-redirect-filter))
+ 3)
process (apply-partially
#'comint-redirect-filter original-filter-fn))
- 'python-shell-completion-at-point
+ #'python-shell-completion-at-point
(defun python-shell-completion-complete-or-indent ()
buffer. Additionally, if `python-pdbtrack-kill-buffers' is non-nil, all
files opened by pdbtracking will be killed."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe 'booleanp)
(defcustom python-pdbtrack-stacktrace-info-regexp
- 'python-completion-at-point
+ #'python-completion-at-point
"Function to fill comments.
This is the function used by `python-fill-paragraph' to
fill comments."
- :type 'symbol
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'symbol)
(defcustom python-fill-string-function 'python-fill-string
"Function to fill strings.
This is the function used by `python-fill-paragraph' to
fill strings."
- :type 'symbol
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'symbol)
(defcustom python-fill-decorator-function 'python-fill-decorator
"Function to fill decorators.
This is the function used by `python-fill-paragraph' to
fill decorators."
- :type 'symbol
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'symbol)
(defcustom python-fill-paren-function 'python-fill-paren
"Function to fill parens.
This is the function used by `python-fill-paragraph' to
fill parens."
- :type 'symbol
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'symbol)
(defcustom python-fill-docstring-style 'pep-257
"Style used to fill docstrings.
(const :tag "PEP-257 with 2 newlines at end of string." pep-257)
(const :tag "PEP-257 with 1 newline at end of string." pep-257-nn)
(const :tag "Symmetric style." symmetric))
- :group 'python
:safe (lambda (val)
(memq val '(django onetwo pep-257 pep-257-nn symmetric nil))))
This happens when pressing \"if<SPACE>\", for example, to prompt for
the if condition."
:type 'boolean
- :group 'python
:safe 'booleanp)
(defvar python-skeleton-available '()
(defun python-skeleton-add-menu-items ()
"Add menu items to Python->Skeletons menu."
- (let ((skeletons (sort python-skeleton-available 'string<)))
+ (let ((skeletons (sort python-skeleton-available #'string<)))
(dolist (skeleton skeletons)
nil '("Python" "Skeletons")
return ''"
"Python code to get a module path."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defun python-ffap-module-path (module)
"Function for `ffap-alist' to return path for MODULE."
(executable-find "epylint")
"install pyflakes, pylint or something else")
"Command used to check a Python file."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defcustom python-check-buffer-name
"*Python check: %s*"
"Buffer name used for check commands."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defvar python-check-custom-command nil
"Internal use.")
doc = ''
return doc"
"Python code to setup documentation retrieval."
- :type 'string
- :group 'python)
+ :type 'string)
(defun python-eldoc--get-symbol-at-point ()
"Get the current symbol for eldoc.
(defcustom python-eldoc-function-timeout 1
"Timeout for `python-eldoc-function' in seconds."
- :group 'python
:type 'integer
:version "25.1")
(defcustom python-eldoc-function-timeout-permanent t
- "Non-nil means that when `python-eldoc-function' times out
-`python-eldoc-get-doc' will be set to nil."
- :group 'python
+ "If non-nil, a timeout in Python-Eldoc will disable it permanently.
+Python-Eldoc can be re-enabled manually by setting `python-eldoc-get-doc'
+back to t in the affected buffer."
:type 'boolean
:version "25.1")
(\"decorator.wrapped_f\" . 393))"
;; Inspired by imenu--flatten-index-alist removed in revno 21853.
- 'nconc
+ #'nconc
(lambda (item)
(let ((name (if prefix
(and (= (current-indentation) 0) (throw 'exit t))))
(and names
(concat (and type (format "%s " type))
- (mapconcat 'identity names ".")))))))
+ (mapconcat #'identity names ".")))))))
(defun python-info-current-symbol (&optional replace-self)
"Return current symbol using dotty syntax.
(python-rx line-start word-start "self" word-end ?.)
- (mapconcat 'identity
+ (mapconcat #'identity
(butlast (split-string current-defun "\\."))
- ".") ".")
+ ".")
+ ".")
(defun python-info-statement-starts-block-p ()
- 'python-info-dedenter-opening-block-position "24.4")
+ #'python-info-dedenter-opening-block-position "24.4")
(defun python-info-dedenter-opening-block-position ()
"Return the point of the closest block the current line closes.
(let ((indentation (current-indentation)))
(when (and (not (memq indentation collected-indentations))
(or (not collected-indentations)
- (< indentation (apply #'min collected-indentations)))
+ (< indentation
+ (apply #'min collected-indentations)))
;; There must be no line with indentation
;; smaller than `indentation' (except for
;; blank lines) between the found opening
- 'python-info-dedenter-opening-block-message "24.4")
+ #'python-info-dedenter-opening-block-message "24.4")
(defun python-info-dedenter-opening-block-message ()
"Message the first line of the block the current statement closes."
(let ((dir-name (file-name-as-directory dir)))
(apply #'nconc
(mapcar (lambda (file-name)
- (let ((full-file-name (expand-file-name file-name dir-name)))
+ (let ((full-file-name
+ (expand-file-name file-name dir-name)))
(when (and
(not (member file-name '("." "..")))
- (funcall (or predicate #'identity) full-file-name))
+ (funcall (or predicate #'identity)
+ full-file-name))
(list full-file-name))))
(directory-files dir-name)))))
checked as its standard input.
To use `flake8' you would set this to (\"flake8\" \"-\")."
:version "26.1"
- :group 'python-flymake
:type '(repeat string))
;; The default regexp accommodates for older pyflakes, which did not
information is not present on the matched line and a default will
be used."
:version "26.1"
- :group 'python-flymake
:type '(list regexp
(integer :tag "Line's index")
By default messages are considered errors."
:version "26.1"
- :group 'python-flymake
:type '(alist :key-type (regexp)
:value-type (symbol)))
"Test `python-shell-process-environment' modification."
(let* ((python-shell-process-environment
'("TESTVAR1=value1" "TESTVAR2=value2"))
- (process-environment (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
- (should (equal (getenv "TESTVAR1") "value1"))
- (should (equal (getenv "TESTVAR2") "value2"))))
+ (env (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)))
+ (should (equal (getenv-internal "TESTVAR1" env) "value1"))
+ (should (equal (getenv-internal "TESTVAR2" env) "value2"))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-2 ()
"Test `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths' modification."
(let* ((process-environment process-environment)
(_original-pythonpath (setenv "PYTHONPATH" "/path0"))
(python-shell-extra-pythonpaths '("/path1" "/path2"))
- (process-environment (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
- (should (equal (getenv "PYTHONPATH")
+ (env (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)))
+ (should (equal (getenv-internal "PYTHONPATH" env)
(concat "/path1" path-separator
"/path2" path-separator "/path0")))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-3 ()
"Test `python-shell-virtualenv-root' modification."
(let* ((python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
- (process-environment
+ (env
(let ((process-environment process-environment))
(setenv "PYTHONHOME" "/home")
(setenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
- (should (not (getenv "PYTHONHOME")))
- (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env"))))
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment))))
+ (should (member "PYTHONHOME" env))
+ (should (string= (getenv-internal "VIRTUAL_ENV" env) "/env"))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-4 ()
"Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED when `python-shell-unbuffered' is non-nil."
(let* ((python-shell-unbuffered t)
- (process-environment
+ (env
(let ((process-environment process-environment))
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
- (should (string= (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED") "1"))))
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment))))
+ (should (string= (getenv-internal "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" env) "1"))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-5 ()
"Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED when `python-shell-unbuffered' is nil."
(let* ((python-shell-unbuffered nil)
- (process-environment
+ (env
(let ((process-environment process-environment))
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
- (should (not (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED")))))
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment))))
+ (should (not (getenv-internal "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" env)))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-6 ()
"Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 when `python-shell-unbuffered' is nil."
(let* ((python-shell-unbuffered nil)
- (process-environment
+ (env
(let ((process-environment process-environment))
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
+ (append (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
+ process-environment))))
;; User default settings must remain untouched:
- (should (string= (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED") "1"))))
+ (should (string= (getenv-internal "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" env) "1"))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-7 ()
"Test no side-effects on `process-environment'."
(python-shell-unbuffered t)
(python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'("/path1" "/path2"))
(original-process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
(should (equal process-environment original-process-environment))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-8 ()
(python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'("/path1" "/path2"))
(copy-sequence tramp-remote-process-environment)))
- (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
+ (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
(should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment original-process-environment))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-1 ()
(should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env")))
(should (equal exec-path original-exec-path))))
+(defun python--tests-process-env-canonical (pe)
+ ;; `process-environment' can contain various entries for the same
+ ;; var, and the first in the list hides the others.
+ (let ((process-environment '()))
+ (dolist (x (reverse pe))
+ (if (string-match "=" x)
+ (setenv (substring x 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ (substring x (match-end 0)))
+ (setenv x nil)))
+ process-environment))
+(defun python--tests-process-env-eql (pe1 pe2)
+ (equal (python--tests-process-env-canonical pe1)
+ (python--tests-process-env-canonical pe2)))
(ert-deftest python-shell-with-environment-2 ()
"Test environment with remote `default-directory'."
(let* ((default-directory "/ssh::/example/dir/")
(python-shell-remote-exec-path '("/remote1" "/remote2"))
(python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
(tramp-remote-process-environment '("EMACS=t"))
- (original-process-environment (copy-sequence tramp-remote-process-environment))
+ (original-process-environment
+ (copy-sequence tramp-remote-process-environment))
(python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env"))
(should (equal (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)
(list (python-virt-bin)
"/path1" "/path2" "/remote1" "/remote2")))
- (let ((process-environment (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+ (let ((process-environment
+ (append (python-shell--calculate-process-environment)
+ tramp-remote-process-environment)))
(should (not (getenv "PYTHONHOME")))
(should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env"))
- (should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment process-environment))))
- (should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment original-process-environment))))
+ (should (python--tests-process-env-eql
+ tramp-remote-process-environment process-environment))))
+ (should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment
+ original-process-environment))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-with-environment-3 ()
"Test `python-shell-with-environment' is idempotent."
(python-shell-virtualenv-root "/home/user/env")
- (list exec-path process-environment)))
+ (list exec-path
+ (python--tests-process-env-canonical process-environment))))
- (list exec-path process-environment)))))
+ (list exec-path
+ (python--tests-process-env-canonical
+ process-environment))))))
(should (equal single-call nested-call))))
(ert-deftest python-shell-make-comint-1 ()