;; Maintainer: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot
;; Keywords: convenience, languages
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (jsonrpc "1.0.5"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (jsonrpc "1.0.6"))
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
:type '(choice (boolean :tag "Whether to inhibit autoreconnection")
(integer :tag "Number of seconds")))
+(defcustom eglot-connect-timeout 30
+ "Number of seconds before timing out LSP connection attempts.
+If nil, never time out."
+ :type 'number)
+(defcustom eglot-sync-connect 3
+ "Control blocking of LSP connection attempts.
+If t, block for `eglot-connect-timeout' seconds. A positive
+integer number means block for that many seconds, and then wait
+for the connection in the background. nil has the same meaning
+as 0, i.e. don't block at all."
+ :type '(choice (boolean :tag "Whether to inhibit autoreconnection")
+ (integer :tag "Number of seconds")))
;; Now ask jsonrpc.el to shut down the server (which under normal
;; conditions should return immediately).
(jsonrpc-shutdown server (not preserve-buffers))
- (unless preserve-buffers
- (mapc #'kill-buffer
- `(,(jsonrpc-events-buffer server) ,(jsonrpc-stderr-buffer server))))))
+ (unless preserve-buffers (kill-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer server)))))
(defun eglot--on-shutdown (server)
"Called by jsonrpc.el when SERVER is already dead."
(y-or-n-p "[eglot] Live process found, reconnect instead? "))
(eglot-reconnect current-server interactive)
(when live-p (ignore-errors (eglot-shutdown current-server)))
- (let ((server (eglot--connect managed-major-mode
- project
- class
- contact)))
- (eglot--message "Connected! Process `%s' now \
-managing `%s' buffers in project `%s'."
- (jsonrpc-name server) managed-major-mode
- (eglot--project-nickname server))
- server))))
+ (eglot--connect managed-major-mode project class contact))))
(defun eglot-reconnect (server &optional interactive)
"Reconnect to SERVER.
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'maybe-connect nil)
(eglot--with-live-buffer buffer
(unless eglot--managed-mode
- (let ((server (apply #'eglot--connect (eglot--guess-contact))))
- (eglot--message
- "Automatically started `%s' to manage `%s' buffers in project `%s'"
- (jsonrpc-name server)
- major-mode
- (eglot--project-nickname server)))))))
+ (apply #'eglot--connect (eglot--guess-contact))))))
(when buffer-file-name
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'maybe-connect 'append nil)))))
:request-dispatcher (funcall spread #'eglot-handle-request)
:on-shutdown #'eglot--on-shutdown
- success)
+ (cancelled nil)
+ (tag (make-symbol "connected-catch-tag")))
(setf (eglot--saved-initargs server) initargs)
(setf (eglot--project server) project)
(setf (eglot--project-nickname server) nickname)
(setf (eglot--major-mode server) managed-major-mode)
(setf (eglot--inferior-process server) autostart-inferior-process)
- (push server (gethash project eglot--servers-by-project))
- (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-connect-hook server)
+ ;; Now start the handshake. To honour `eglot-sync-connect'
+ ;; maybe-sync-maybe-async semantics we use `jsonrpc-async-request'
+ ;; and mimic most of `jsonrpc-request'.
- (cl-destructuring-bind (&key capabilities)
- (jsonrpc-request
- server
- :initialize
- (list :processId (unless (eq (jsonrpc-process-type server) 'network)
- (emacs-pid))
- :rootPath (expand-file-name default-directory)
- :rootUri (eglot--path-to-uri default-directory)
- :initializationOptions (eglot-initialization-options server)
- :capabilities (eglot-client-capabilities server)))
- (setf (eglot--capabilities server) capabilities)
- (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode server)))
- (jsonrpc-notify server :initialized `(:__dummy__ t))
- (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-server-initialized-hook server)
- (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
- (cond
- ((booleanp eglot-autoreconnect) (not eglot-autoreconnect))
- ((cl-plusp eglot-autoreconnect)
- (run-with-timer eglot-autoreconnect nil
- (lambda ()
- (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
- (null eglot-autoreconnect)))))))
- (setq success server))
- (when (and (not success) (jsonrpc-running-p server))
- (eglot-shutdown server)))))
+ (condition-case _quit
+ (let ((retval
+ (catch tag
+ (jsonrpc-async-request
+ server
+ :initialize
+ (list :processId (unless (eq (jsonrpc-process-type server)
+ 'network)
+ (emacs-pid))
+ :rootPath (expand-file-name default-directory)
+ :rootUri (eglot--path-to-uri default-directory)
+ :initializationOptions (eglot-initialization-options
+ server)
+ :capabilities (eglot-client-capabilities server))
+ :success-fn
+ (jsonrpc-lambda (&key capabilities)
+ (unless cancelled
+ (push server
+ (gethash project eglot--servers-by-project))
+ (setf (eglot--capabilities server) capabilities)
+ (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (eglot--maybe-activate-editing-mode server)))
+ (jsonrpc-notify server :initialized `(:__dummy__ t))
+ (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
+ (cond
+ ((booleanp eglot-autoreconnect)
+ (not eglot-autoreconnect))
+ ((cl-plusp eglot-autoreconnect)
+ (run-with-timer
+ eglot-autoreconnect nil
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (eglot--inhibit-autoreconnect server)
+ (null eglot-autoreconnect)))))))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-connect-hook server)
+ (run-hook-with-args 'eglot-server-initialized-hook server)
+ (eglot--message
+ "Connected! Server `%s' now managing `%s' buffers \
+in project `%s'."
+ (jsonrpc-name server) managed-major-mode
+ (eglot--project-nickname server))
+ (when tag (throw tag t))))
+ :timeout eglot-connect-timeout
+ :error-fn (jsonrpc-lambda (&key code message _data)
+ (unless cancelled
+ (jsonrpc-shutdown server)
+ (let ((msg (format "%s: %s" code message)))
+ (if tag (throw tag `(error . ,msg))
+ (eglot--error msg)))))
+ :timeout-fn (lambda ()
+ (unless cancelled
+ (jsonrpc-shutdown server)
+ (let ((msg (format "Timed out")))
+ (if tag (throw tag `(error . ,msg))
+ (eglot--error msg))))))
+ (cond ((numberp eglot-sync-connect)
+ (accept-process-output nil eglot-sync-connect))
+ (eglot-sync-connect
+ (while t (accept-process-output nil 30)))))))
+ (pcase retval
+ (`(error . ,msg) (eglot--error msg))
+ (`nil (eglot--message "Waiting in background for server `%s'"
+ (jsonrpc-name server))
+ nil)
+ (_ server)))
+ (quit (jsonrpc-shutdown server) (setq cancelled 'quit)))
+ (setq tag nil))))
(defun eglot--inferior-bootstrap (name contact &optional connect-args)
"Use CONTACT to start a server, then connect to it.