(mapcar #'comp--cl-class-hierarchy (comp--all-classes)))
:type list
:documentation "Type hierarchy.")
+ (pred-type-h (cl-loop with h = (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
+ for class-name in (comp--all-classes)
+ for pred = (get class-name 'cl-deftype-satisfies)
+ when pred
+ do (puthash pred class-name h)
+ finally return h)
+ :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Hash pred -> type.")
(union-typesets-mem (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
:documentation "Serve memoization for
(defun comp-known-predicate-p (predicate)
"Return t if PREDICATE is known."
- (when (gethash predicate comp-known-predicates-h) t))
+ (when (or (gethash predicate comp-known-predicates-h)
+ (gethash predicate (comp-cstr-ctxt-pred-type-h comp-ctxt)))
+ t))
(defun comp-pred-to-cstr (predicate)
"Given PREDICATE, return the corresponding constraint."
- (gethash predicate comp-known-predicates-h))
+ (or (gethash predicate comp-known-predicates-h)
+ (gethash predicate (comp-cstr-ctxt-pred-type-h comp-ctxt))))
(defconst comp-symbol-values-optimizable '(most-positive-fixnum