(delete-char 1)
(insert ? )
+ ;; Watchpoint triggered.
+ ((and `watchpoint (let `(,symbol ,newval . ,details) (cdr args)))
+ (insert
+ "--"
+ (pcase details
+ (`(makunbound nil) (format "making %s void" symbol))
+ (`(makunbound ,buffer) (format "killing local value of %s in buffer %s"
+ symbol buffer))
+ (`(defvaralias ,_) (format "aliasing %s to %s" symbol newval))
+ (`(let ,_) (format "let-binding %s to %S" symbol newval))
+ (`(unlet ,_) (format "ending let-binding of %s" symbol))
+ (`(set nil) (format "setting %s to %S" symbol newval))
+ (`(set ,buffer) (format "setting %s in buffer %s to %S"
+ symbol buffer newval))
+ (_ (error "unrecognized watchpoint triggered %S" (cdr args))))
+ ": ")
+ (setq pos (point))
+ (insert ?\n))
;; Debugger entered for an error.
(insert "--Lisp error: ")
(princ "Note: if you have redefined a function, then it may no longer\n")
(princ "be set to debug on entry, even if it is in the list."))))))
+(defun debug--implement-debug-watch (symbol newval op where)
+ "Conditionally call the debugger.
+This function is called when SYMBOL's value is modified."
+ (if (or inhibit-debug-on-entry debugger-jumping-flag)
+ nil
+ (let ((inhibit-debug-on-entry t))
+ (funcall debugger 'watchpoint symbol newval op where))))
+(defun debug-on-variable-change (variable)
+ "Trigger a debugger invocation when VARIABLE is changed.
+When called interactively, prompt for VARIABLE in the minibuffer.
+This works by calling `add-variable-watch' on VARIABLE. If you
+quit from the debugger, this will abort the change (unless the
+change is caused by the termination of a let-binding).
+The watchpoint may be circumvented by C code that changes the
+variable directly (i.e., not via `set'). Changing the value of
+the variable (e.g., `setcar' on a list variable) will not trigger
+Use \\[cancel-debug-on-variable-change] to cancel the effect of
+this command. Uninterning VARIABLE or making it an alias of
+another symbol also cancels it."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((var-at-point (variable-at-point))
+ (var (and (symbolp var-at-point) var-at-point))
+ (val (completing-read
+ (concat "Debug when setting variable"
+ (if var (format " (default %s): " var) ": "))
+ obarray #'boundp
+ t nil nil (and var (symbol-name var)))))
+ (list (if (equal val "") var (intern val)))))
+ (add-variable-watcher variable #'debug--implement-debug-watch))
+(defalias 'debug-watch #'debug-on-variable-change)
+(defun debug--variable-list ()
+ "List of variables currently set for debug on set."
+ (let ((vars '()))
+ (mapatoms
+ (lambda (s)
+ (when (memq #'debug--implement-debug-watch
+ (get s 'watchers))
+ (push s vars))))
+ vars))
+(defun cancel-debug-on-variable-change (&optional variable)
+ "Undo effect of \\[debug-on-variable-change] on VARIABLE.
+If VARIABLE is nil, cancel debug-on-variable-change for all variables.
+When called interactively, prompt for VARIABLE in the minibuffer.
+To specify a nil argument interactively, exit with an empty minibuffer."
+ (interactive
+ (list (let ((name
+ (completing-read
+ "Cancel debug on set for variable (default all variables): "
+ (mapcar #'symbol-name (debug--variable-list)) nil t)))
+ (when name
+ (unless (string= name "")
+ (intern name))))))
+ (if variable
+ (remove-variable-watcher variable #'debug--implement-debug-watch)
+ (message "Canceling debug-watch for all variables")
+ (mapc #'cancel-debug-watch (debug--variable-list))))
+(defalias 'cancel-debug-watch #'cancel-debug-on-variable-change)
(provide 'debug)
;;; debug.el ends here