See `current-window-configuration' for more about window configurations.
To add a button (which can then record one more window configuration),
click on the \"+\" button. Clicking on the \"x\" icon of a button
-deletes the button."
+deletes the button.
+If you intend to use `tab-bar-mode' with `winner-mode', we recommend
+using `tab-bar-history-mode' instead, since it provides tab-specific
+window configuration history, and is better behaved when `tab-bar-mode'
+is turned on."
:global t
;; It's defined in C/cus-start, this stops the d-m-m macro defining it again.
:variable tab-bar-mode
into windows) so that the changes can be \"undone\" using the
command `winner-undo'. By default this one is bound to the key
sequence \\`C-c <left>'. If you change your mind (while undoing),
-you can press \\`C-c <right>' (calling `winner-redo')."
+you can press \\`C-c <right>' (calling `winner-redo').
+If you use `tab-bar-mode', consider using `tab-bar-history-mode', as
+`winner-mode' is unaware of tab switching, and might turn the window
+configuration of the current tab to another's (old) window
+configuration. `tab-bar-history-mode' provides tab-specific window
+configuration history avoiding this problem."
:global t
(if winner-mode