(setq comint--indirect-buffer nil)))
-;;; Converting process modes to use comint mode
-;; The code in the Emacs 19 distribution has all been modified to use comint
-;; where needed. However, there are `third-party' packages out there that
-;; still use the old shell mode. Here's a guide to conversion.
-;; Renaming variables
-;; Most of the work is renaming variables and functions. These are the common
-;; ones:
-;; Local variables:
-;; last-input-start comint-last-input-start
-;; last-input-end comint-last-input-end
-;; shell-prompt-pattern comint-prompt-regexp
-;; shell-set-directory-error-hook <no equivalent>
-;; Miscellaneous:
-;; shell-set-directory <unnecessary>
-;; shell-mode-map comint-mode-map
-;; Commands:
-;; shell-send-input comint-send-input
-;; shell-send-eof comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
-;; kill-shell-input comint-kill-input
-;; interrupt-shell-subjob comint-interrupt-subjob
-;; stop-shell-subjob comint-stop-subjob
-;; quit-shell-subjob comint-quit-subjob
-;; kill-shell-subjob comint-kill-subjob
-;; kill-output-from-shell comint-delete-output
-;; show-output-from-shell comint-show-output
-;; copy-last-shell-input Use comint-previous-input/comint-next-input
-;; SHELL-SET-DIRECTORY is gone, its functionality taken over by
-;; SHELL-DIRECTORY-TRACKER, the shell mode's comint-input-filter-functions.
-;; Comint mode does not provide functionality equivalent to
-;; shell-set-directory-error-hook; it is gone.
-;; comint-last-input-start is provided for modes which want to munge
-;; the buffer after input is sent, perhaps because the inferior
-;; insists on echoing the input. The LAST-INPUT-START variable in
-;; the old shell package was used to implement a history mechanism,
-;; but you should think twice before using comint-last-input-start
-;; for this; the input history ring often does the job better.
-;; If you are implementing some process-in-a-buffer mode, called foo-mode, do
-;; *not* create the comint-mode local variables in your foo-mode function.
-;; This is not modular. Instead, call comint-mode, and let *it* create the
-;; necessary comint-specific local variables. Then create the
-;; foo-mode-specific local variables in foo-mode. Set the buffer's keymap to
-;; be foo-mode-map, and its mode to be foo-mode. Set the comint-mode hooks
-;; (comint-{prompt-regexp, input-filter, input-filter-functions,
-;; get-old-input) that need to be different from the defaults. Call
-;; foo-mode-hook, and you're done. Don't run the comint-mode hook yourself;
-;; comint-mode will take care of it. The following example, from shell.el,
-;; is typical:
-;; (defvar shell-mode-map
-;; (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-;; (set-keymap-parent map comint-mode-map)
-;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'shell-forward-command)
-;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'shell-backward-command)
-;; (define-key map "\t" 'completion-at-point)
-;; (define-key map "\M-?"
-;; 'comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
-;; map))
-;; (define-derived-mode shell-mode comint-mode "Shell"
-;; "Doc."
-;; (setq comint-prompt-regexp shell-prompt-pattern)
-;; (setq-local shell-directory-stack nil)
-;; (add-hook 'comint-input-filter-functions 'shell-directory-tracker))
-;; Completion for comint-mode users
-;; For modes that use comint-mode, comint-dynamic-complete-functions is the
-;; hook to add completion functions to. Functions on this list should return
-;; the completion data according to the documentation of
-;; `completion-at-point-functions'
(provide 'comint)
;;; comint.el ends here