`C-u \\[autoarg-terminate]' invokes the normal binding of \\[autoarg-terminate] four times.
- nil " Aarg" autoarg-mode-map :global t :group 'keyboard)
+ :lighter" Aarg" :global t :group 'keyboard)
(define-minor-mode autoarg-kp-mode
`kp-1' etc. to supply digit arguments.
- nil " Aakp" autoarg-kp-mode-map :global t :group 'keyboard
+ :lighter " Aakp" :global t :group 'keyboard
(if autoarg-kp-mode
(dotimes (i 10)
(let ((sym (intern (format "kp-%d" i))))
non-nil if the minor mode is enabled."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if semantic-decoration-mode
(if (not (and (featurep 'semantic) (semantic-active-p)))
The minor mode can be turned on only if semantic feature is
available and the current buffer was set up for parsing. Return
-non-nil if the minor mode is enabled." nil nil nil
+non-nil if the minor mode is enabled."
+ :lighter nil
(if semantic-idle-scheduler-mode
(if (not (and (featurep 'semantic) (semantic-active-p)))
When on, Isearch skips matches outside file names using the predicate
`dired-isearch-filter-filenames' that matches only at file names.
When off, it uses the original predicate."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if dired-isearch-filenames-mode
(add-function :before-while (local 'isearch-filter-predicate)
This is an alternative to `shell-dirtrack-mode', which works by
tracking `cd' and similar commands which change the shell working
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if dirtrack-mode
(add-hook 'comint-preoutput-filter-functions 'dirtrack nil t)
(remove-hook 'comint-preoutput-filter-functions 'dirtrack t)))
(define-minor-mode dirtrack-debug-mode
"Toggle Dirtrack debugging."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if dirtrack-debug-mode
(display-buffer (get-buffer-create dirtrack-debug-buffer))))
checking of documentation strings.
- nil checkdoc-minor-mode-string nil
+ :lighter checkdoc-minor-mode-string
:group 'checkdoc)
;;; Subst utils
;; Record which arguments expect functions, so we can warn when those
;; are accidentally quoted with ' rather than with #'
-(dolist (f '(funcall apply mapcar mapatoms mapconcat mapc cl-mapcar maphash))
+(dolist (f '( funcall apply mapcar mapatoms mapconcat mapc cl-mapcar maphash
+ map-char-table map-keymap map-keymap-internal))
(put f 'funarg-positions '(1)))
(dolist (f '( add-hook remove-hook advice-remove advice--remove-function
defalias fset global-set-key run-after-idle-timeout
(define-minor-mode epa-mail-mode
"A minor-mode for composing encrypted/clearsigned mails."
- nil " epa-mail" epa-mail-mode-map)
+ :lighter " epa-mail")
;;; Utilities
ERC fill mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, messages in
the channel buffers are filled."
- nil nil nil
:global t
(if erc-fill-mode
sole purpose of providing the C-c C-SPC and C-c C-@ keybindings.
Make sure that you have enabled the track module, otherwise the
keybindings will not do anything useful."
- :init-value nil
- :lighter ""
- :keymap erc-track-minor-mode-map
:global t)
(defun erc-track-minor-mode-maybe (&optional buffer)
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.
%s" name name doc)
- nil nil nil
;; FIXME: We don't know if this group exists, so this `:group' may
;; actually just silence a valid warning about the fact that the var
;; is not associated with any group.
The above is the default behavior of `font-lock-mode'; you may
specify your own function which is called when `font-lock-mode'
is toggled via `font-lock-function'."
- nil nil nil
:after-hook (font-lock-initial-fontify)
;; Don't turn on Font Lock mode if we don't have a display (we're running a
;; batch job) or if the buffer is invisible (the name starts with a space).
(define-minor-mode gnus-message-citation-mode
"Minor mode providing more font-lock support for nested citations.
When enabled, it automatically turns on `font-lock-mode'."
- nil ;; init-value
- "" ;; lighter
- nil ;; keymap
+ :lighter ""
(when (derived-mode-p 'message-mode)
;; FIXME: Use font-lock-add-keywords!
(let ((defaults (car font-lock-defaults))
(define-minor-mode ibuffer-auto-mode
"Toggle use of Ibuffer's auto-update facility (Ibuffer Auto mode)."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(unless (derived-mode-p 'ibuffer-mode)
(error "This buffer is not in Ibuffer mode"))
(cond (ibuffer-auto-mode
Image minor mode provides the key \\<image-mode-map>\\[image-toggle-display],
to switch back to `image-mode' and display an image file as the
actual image."
- nil (:eval (if image-type (format " Image[%s]" image-type) " Image"))
- image-minor-mode-map
+ :lighter (:eval (if image-type (format " Image[%s]" image-type) " Image"))
:group 'image
:version "22.1"
(if image-minor-mode
(define-minor-mode goto-address-mode
"Minor mode to buttonize URLs and e-mail addresses in the current buffer."
- nil
- ""
- nil
+ :lighter ""
(if goto-address-mode
(jit-lock-register #'goto-address-fontify-region)
(jit-lock-unregister #'goto-address-fontify-region)
(define-minor-mode goto-address-prog-mode
"Like `goto-address-mode', but only for comments and strings."
- nil
- ""
- nil
+ :lighter ""
(if goto-address-prog-mode
(jit-lock-register #'goto-address-fontify-region)
(jit-lock-unregister #'goto-address-fontify-region)
Uninteresting lines are those whose responses are listed in
- nil " Omit" nil
+ :lighter " Omit"
(if rcirc-omit-mode
(add-to-invisibility-spec '(rcirc-omit . nil))
(define-minor-mode rcirc-multiline-minor-mode
"Minor mode for editing multiple lines in rcirc."
- :init-value nil
:lighter " rcirc-mline"
- :keymap rcirc-multiline-minor-mode-map
:global nil
(setq fill-column rcirc-max-message-length))
(define-minor-mode rcirc-track-minor-mode
"Global minor mode for tracking activity in rcirc buffers."
- :init-value nil
- :lighter ""
- :keymap rcirc-track-minor-mode-map
:global t
(or global-mode-string (setq global-mode-string '("")))
;; toggle the mode-line channel indicator
Iswitchb mode is a global minor mode that enables switching
between buffers using substrings. See `iswitchb' for details."
- nil nil iswitchb-global-map :global t
+ :keymap iswitchb-global-map :global t
(if iswitchb-mode
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'iswitchb-minibuffer-setup)
(remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'iswitchb-minibuffer-setup)))
C-BACKSPACE backward-kill-word
;; FIXME: bring pc-bindings-mode here ?
- nil nil nil
:global t
(if pc-selection-mode
"Minor mode for special key bindings in a capture buffer.
Turning on this mode runs the normal hook `org-capture-mode-hook'."
- nil " Cap" org-capture-mode-map
+ :lighter " Cap"
The process is synchronous. Though, initial indentation of
buffer, which can take a few seconds on large buffers, is done
during idle time."
- nil " Ind" nil
+ :lighter " Ind"
;; mode was turned on.
(define-minor-mode org-list-checkbox-radio-mode
"When turned on, use list checkboxes as radio buttons."
- nil " CheckBoxRadio" nil
+ :lighter " CheckBoxRadio"
(unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(user-error "Cannot turn this mode outside org-mode buffers")))
See also `org-src-mode-hook'."
- nil " OrgSrc" nil
+ :lighter " OrgSrc"
(when org-edit-src-persistent-message
(setq header-line-format
(define-minor-mode org-table-header-line-mode
"Display the first row of the table at point in the header line."
- nil " TblHeader" nil
+ :lighter " TblHeader"
(unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(user-error "Cannot turn org table header mode outside org-mode buffers"))
(if org-table-header-line-mode
When this mode is active, the field editor window will always show the
current field. The mode exits automatically when the cursor leaves the
table (but see `org-table-exit-follow-field-mode-when-leaving-table')."
- nil " TblFollow" nil
+ :lighter " TblFollow"
(if org-table-follow-field-mode
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'org-table-follow-fields-with-editor
'append 'local)
(define-minor-mode orgtbl-mode
"The Org mode table editor as a minor mode for use in other modes."
- :lighter " OrgTbl" :keymap orgtbl-mode-map
+ :lighter " OrgTbl"
((derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
This mode supports entering LaTeX environment and math in LaTeX fragments
in Org mode.
- nil " OCDL" nil
+ :lighter " OCDL"
(when org-cdlatex-mode
(require 'cdlatex)
(run-hooks 'cdlatex-mode-hook)
;;; Minor Mode
-(defvar org-beamer-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+(defvar org-beamer-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'org-beamer-select-environment)
+ map)
"The keymap for `org-beamer-mode'.")
-(define-key org-beamer-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'org-beamer-select-environment)
(define-minor-mode org-beamer-mode
"Support for editing Beamer oriented Org mode files."
- nil " Bm" 'org-beamer-mode-map)
+ :lighter " Bm")
(when (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords)
"Toggle Outline minor mode.
See the command `outline-mode' for more information on this mode."
- nil " Outl" (list (cons [menu-bar] outline-minor-mode-menu-bar-map)
- (cons outline-minor-mode-prefix outline-mode-prefix-map))
+ :lighter " Outl"
+ :keymap (list (cons [menu-bar] outline-minor-mode-menu-bar-map)
+ (cons outline-minor-mode-prefix outline-mode-prefix-map))
(if outline-minor-mode
(when (or outline-minor-mode-cycle outline-minor-mode-highlight)
(define-minor-mode sh-electric-here-document-mode
"Make << insert a here document skeleton."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if sh-electric-here-document-mode
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook #'sh--maybe-here-document nil t)
(remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook #'sh--maybe-here-document t)))
"Toggle the region as rectangular.
Activates the region if needed. Only lasts until the region is deactivated."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(when rectangle-mark-mode
(add-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook
(define-minor-mode ruler-mode
"Toggle display of ruler in header line (Ruler mode)."
- nil nil
- ruler-mode-map
:group 'ruler-mode
:variable (ruler-mode
. (lambda (enable)
When Scroll-All mode is enabled, scrolling commands invoked in
one window apply to all visible windows in the same frame."
- nil " *SL*" nil
+ :lighter " *SL*"
:global t
:group 'windows
(if scroll-all-mode
The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of
this feature; see the function `dirtrack-mode'."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(setq list-buffers-directory (if shell-dirtrack-mode default-directory))
(if shell-dirtrack-mode
(add-hook 'comint-input-filter-functions #'shell-directory-tracker nil t)
with `so-long-variable-overrides'.
This minor mode is a standard `so-long-action' option."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if so-long-minor-mode ;; We are enabling the mode.
;; Housekeeping. `so-long-minor-mode' might be invoked directly rather
- nil strokes-lighter strokes-mode-map :global t
+ :ligher strokes-lighter :global t
(cond ((not (display-mouse-p))
(error "Can't use Strokes without a mouse"))
(strokes-mode ; turn on strokes
actually appear on disk when you save the tar-file's buffer."
;; Don't do this, because it is redundant and wastes mode line space.
;; :lighter " TarFile"
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(or (and (boundp 'tar-superior-buffer) tar-superior-buffer)
(error "This buffer is not an element of a tar file"))
(cond (tar-subfile-mode
For spell-checking \"on the fly\", not just after typing SPC or
RET, use `flyspell-mode'."
- nil " Spell" ispell-minor-keymap)
+ :lighter " Spell" :keymap ispell-minor-keymap)
(defun ispell-minor-check ()
"Check previous word, then continue with the normal binding of this key.
save the notes buffer without asking.
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions
When ReST minor mode is enabled, the ReST mode keybindings
are installed on top of the major mode bindings. Use this
for modes derived from Text mode, like Mail mode."
- ;; The initial value.
- nil
- ;; The indicator for the mode line.
- " ReST"
- ;; The minor mode bindings.
- rst-mode-map
- :group 'rst)
+ ;; The indicator for the mode line.
+ :lighter " ReST"
+ ;; The minor mode bindings.
+ :keymap rst-mode-map
+ :group 'rst)
;; FIXME: can I somehow install these too?
;; :abbrev-table rst-mode-abbrev-table
HTML Autoview mode is a buffer-local minor mode for use with
`html-mode'. If enabled, saving the file automatically runs
`browse-url-of-buffer' to view it."
- nil nil nil
+ :lighter nil
(if html-autoview-mode
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'browse-url-of-buffer nil t)
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'browse-url-of-buffer t)))
When `tildify-mode' is enabled, if `tildify-string-alist' specifies a hard space
representation for current major mode, the `tildify-space-string' buffer-local
variable will be set to the representation."
- nil " ~" nil
+ :lighter " ~"
(when tildify-mode
(let ((space (with-suppressed-warnings ((obsolete
"This mode is used for buffers related to a main *cvs* buffer.
All the `cvs-mode' buffer operations are simply rebound under
the \\[cvs-mode-map] prefix."
- nil " CVS"
+ :lighter " CVS"
:group 'pcl-cvs)
(put 'cvs-minor-mode 'permanent-local t)