This function expects to be in the right *tramp* buffer."
(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
- (let (result)
- ;; Check whether the executable is in $PATH. "which(1)" does not
- ;; report always a correct error code; therefore we check the
- ;; number of words it returns. "SunOS 5.10" (and maybe "SunOS
- ;; 5.11") have problems with this command, we disable the call
- ;; therefore.
- (unless (or ignore-path (tramp-check-remote-uname vec tramp-sunos-unames))
- (tramp-send-command vec (format "which \\%s | wc -w" progname))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (looking-at-p (rx bol (* blank) "1" eol))
- (setq result (concat "\\" progname))))
- (unless result
- (when ignore-tilde
- ;; Remove all ~/foo directories from dirlist.
- (let (newdl d)
- (while dirlist
- (setq d (car dirlist)
- dirlist (cdr dirlist))
- (unless (char-equal ?~ (aref d 0))
- (setq newdl (cons d newdl))))
- (setq dirlist (nreverse newdl))))
- (tramp-send-command
- vec
- (format (concat "while read d; "
- "do if test -x $d/%s && test -f $d/%s; "
- "then echo tramp_executable $d/%s; "
- "break; fi; done <<'%s'\n"
- "%s\n%s")
- progname progname progname
- tramp-end-of-heredoc
- (string-join dirlist "\n")
- tramp-end-of-heredoc))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (when (search-backward "tramp_executable " nil t)
- (skip-chars-forward "^ ")
- (skip-chars-forward " ")
- (setq result (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))))
- result)))
+ (unless ignore-path
+ (setq dirlist (cons "$PATH" dirlist)))
+ (when ignore-tilde
+ ;; Remove all ~/foo directories from dirlist.
+ (let (newdl d)
+ (while dirlist
+ (setq d (car dirlist)
+ dirlist (cdr dirlist))
+ (unless (char-equal ?~ (aref d 0))
+ (setq newdl (cons d newdl))))
+ (setq dirlist (nreverse newdl))))
+ (tramp-send-command
+ vec (format "%s type -P %s 2>%s"
+ (if dirlist (concat "PATH=" (string-join dirlist ":")) "")
+ progname (tramp-get-remote-null-device vec)))
+ (unless (zerop (buffer-size))
+ (string-trim (buffer-string)))))
;; On, the $PATH environment variable is too long to
;; send it. This is likely not due to PATH_MAX, but PIPE_BUF. We
;; Use a temporary file. We cannot use `write-region' because
;; setting the remote path happens in the early connection
;; handshake, and not all external tools are determined yet.
- (setq command (concat command "\n")
- tmpfile (tramp-make-tramp-temp-file vec))
- (while (not (string-empty-p command))
- (setq chunksize (min (length command) (/ pipe-buf 2))
- chunk (substring command 0 chunksize)
- command (substring command chunksize))
- (tramp-send-command vec (format
- "printf \"%%b\" \"$*\" %s >>%s"
- (tramp-shell-quote-argument chunk)
- (tramp-shell-quote-argument tmpfile))))
- (tramp-send-command vec (format ". %s" tmpfile))
- (tramp-send-command vec (format "rm -f %s" tmpfile)))))
+ ;; Furthermore, we know that the COMMAND is too long, due to a
+ ;; very long remote-path. Set it temporarily to something
+ ;; short.
+ (with-tramp-saved-connection-property (tramp-get-process vec) "remote-path"
+ (tramp-set-connection-property
+ (tramp-get-process vec) "remote-path" '("/bin" "/usr/bin"))
+ (setq command (concat command "\n")
+ tmpfile (tramp-make-tramp-temp-file vec))
+ (while (not (string-empty-p command))
+ (setq chunksize (min (length command) (/ pipe-buf 2))
+ chunk (substring command 0 chunksize)
+ command (substring command chunksize))
+ (tramp-send-command vec (format
+ "printf \"%%b\" \"$*\" %s >>%s"
+ (tramp-shell-quote-argument chunk)
+ (tramp-shell-quote-argument tmpfile))))
+ (tramp-send-command vec (format ". %s" tmpfile))
+ (tramp-send-command vec (format "rm -f %s" tmpfile))))))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; -- Communication with external shell --
(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
;; Expand connection-local variables.
(tramp-set-connection-local-variables vec)
- (with-tramp-connection-property
- ;; When `tramp-own-remote-path' is in `tramp-remote-path', we
- ;; cache the result for the session only. Otherwise, the
- ;; result is cached persistently.
- (if (memq 'tramp-own-remote-path tramp-remote-path)
- (tramp-get-process vec) vec)
- "remote-path"
+ (with-tramp-connection-property (tramp-get-process vec) "remote-path"
(let* ((remote-path (copy-tree tramp-remote-path))
(elt1 (memq 'tramp-default-remote-path remote-path))
(elt2 (memq 'tramp-own-remote-path remote-path))
- (when elt1
- (or
- (tramp-send-command-and-read
- vec
- (format
- "echo \\\"`getconf PATH 2>%s`\\\""
- (tramp-get-remote-null-device vec))
- 'noerror)
- ;; Default if "getconf" is not available.
- (progn
- (tramp-message
- vec 3
- "`getconf PATH' not successful, using default value \"%s\"."
- "/bin:/usr/bin")
- "/bin:/usr/bin"))))
+ (when elt1
+ (or
+ (with-tramp-connection-property
+ (tramp-get-process vec) "default-remote-path"
+ (tramp-send-command-and-read
+ vec
+ (format
+ "echo \\\"`getconf PATH 2>%s`\\\""
+ (tramp-get-remote-null-device vec))
+ 'noerror))
+ ;; Default if "getconf" is not available.
+ (progn
+ (tramp-message
+ vec 3
+ "`getconf PATH' not successful, using default value \"%s\"."
+ "/bin:/usr/bin")
+ "/bin:/usr/bin"))))
;; The login shell could return more than just the $PATH
;; string. So we use `tramp-end-of-heredoc' as marker.
(when elt2
- (tramp-send-command-and-read
- vec
- (format
- "%s %s %s 'echo %s \\\"$PATH\\\"'"
- (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell)
- (string-join
- (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell-login)
- " ")
- (string-join
- (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell-args)
- " ")
- (tramp-shell-quote-argument tramp-end-of-heredoc))
- 'noerror (rx (literal tramp-end-of-heredoc)))
+ (with-tramp-connection-property
+ (tramp-get-process vec) "own-remote-path"
+ (tramp-send-command-and-read
+ vec
+ (format
+ "%s %s %s 'echo %s \\\"$PATH\\\"'"
+ (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell)
+ (string-join
+ (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell-login)
+ " ")
+ (string-join
+ (tramp-get-method-parameter vec 'tramp-remote-shell-args)
+ " ")
+ (tramp-shell-quote-argument tramp-end-of-heredoc))
+ 'noerror (rx (literal tramp-end-of-heredoc))))
vec "Could not retrieve `tramp-own-remote-path'")