I think in the near future we will see more of this problem, so it might be
time to make anfe-ftp more intelligent.
-** pcvs bug:
-In a CVS mode buffer created using the `cvs-examine' command, if I
-commit a file in a subdirectory, after committing the line is not
-updated with the version of the new revision. Instead, a line is added
-in the buffer in the top directory listing.
-Example: I start with this:
-| In directory .:
-| Unknown .htaccess
-| Unknown 404.php
-| Unknown rain.jpg
-| In directory include:
-| Modified include/foo.include
-I commit the file include/foo.include using `c' on the corresponding
-line. I get:
-| In directory .:
-| Unknown .htaccess
-| Unknown 404.php
-| committed Up-To-Date 1.13 foo.include
-| Unknown rain.jpg
-| In directory include:
-| Modified include/foo.include
-There is no file named foo.include in the top directory. This bug
-appeared sometime before October 2004 and now.