--- /dev/null
+Ref: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2014-09/msg00872.html
+Emacs version numbers have the form
+ major.minor[.devel].build
+"build" increments each time Emacs is built in the same location
+(without cleaning) and isn't really part of the version.
+bugfix releases increase "minor" by 1.
+non-bugfix releases increase "major" by 1, and reset "minor" to 1.
+(The division between bugfix and non-bugfix has not always been clear
+Unreleased (development) versions have an extra "devel" component.
+This is a fairly meaningless number that may be unchanged for a long time.
+It is normally 50.
+When the release process starts, it changes to 90, 91, ...
+When the actual release is made, this component is removed.
+The development version for a new major release has "minor" = 0.
+The development version for a new minor release has "minor" = that of
+the previous release.
+++ /dev/null
-The version number scheme of Emacs, including how to determine when to
-bump various components of the version number, has evolved over the
-years. This file defines the current method, explains why it was
-chosen, and lightly documents the previous schemes. It was prompted
-by http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2014-09/msg00872.html.
-Related info:
-- [[file:make-tarball.txt][make-tarball.txt]]
-* what: MAJOR.MINOR
-This has always been the case (see [[was]], below). MINOR is 1 or more,
-usually, the exception being for pretest releases, where there is
-an additional trailing ".ALPHA" (e.g., 24.3.95 prior to 24.4).
-To determine any release's version, we follow this algorithm:
-- If MAJOR-CHANGES, increment MAJOR and set MINOR to 1.
-- Otherwise, increment MINOR.
-where MAJOR-CHANGES is defined roughly as the union of:
-- dropped support for IMPORTANT
- - platforms (almost never happens)
- - Emacs Lisp features
- - non-programming features/packages
-- IMPORTANT additions and changes
- - Emacs Lisp features
- - non-programming features/packages
-and IMPORTANT is defined through discussion on the [[http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/][emacs-devel]]
-mailing list and/or private arm-twisting (although this latter
-method is somewhat discouraged :-D).
-* why
-People expect bumps in MINOR for "minor" changes. This typically
-includes bugfixes, doc improvements, or fully-backward-compatible
-additions and changes, only.
-Anything else is actually IMPORTANT, to the user. [Actually, who
-really knows what the user thinks? I certainly don't. --ttn]
-* was
-TODO (be sure to include "ad-hoc" :-D)