:version "30.1"
:type 'string)
+(defcustom python-2-support nil
+ "If non-nil, enable Python 2 support.
+Currently only affects highlighting.
+After customizing this variable, you must restart Emacs for it to take
+ :version "31.1"
+ :type 'boolean
+ :safe 'booleanp)
;;; Bindings
This is the minimum decoration level, including function and
class declarations.")
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtin-types
+ '("bool" "bytearray" "bytes" "complex" "dict" "float" "frozenset"
+ "int" "list" "memoryview" "range" "set" "str" "tuple"))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtins-python3
+ '("abs" "aiter" "all" "anext" "any" "ascii" "bin" "breakpoint"
+ "callable" "chr" "classmethod" "compile" "delattr" "dir" "divmod"
+ "enumerate" "eval" "exec" "filter" "format" "getattr" "globals"
+ "hasattr" "hash" "help" "hex" "id" "input" "isinstance"
+ "issubclass" "iter" "len" "locals" "map" "max" "min" "next"
+ "object" "oct" "open" "ord" "pow" "print" "property" "repr"
+ "reversed" "round" "setattr" "slice" "sorted" "staticmethod" "sum"
+ "super" "type" "vars" "zip" "__import__"))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtins-python2
+ '("basestring" "cmp" "execfile" "file" "long" "raw_input" "reduce"
+ "reload" "unichr" "unicode" "xrange" "apply" "buffer" "coerce"
+ "intern"))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtins
+ (append python-font-lock-builtins-python3
+ (when python-2-support
+ python-font-lock-builtins-python2)))
+(defvar python-font-lock-special-attributes
+ '(;; https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html
+ "__annotations__" "__bases__" "__closure__" "__code__"
+ "__defaults__" "__dict__" "__doc__" "__firstlineno__"
+ "__globals__" "__kwdefaults__" "__name__" "__module__"
+ "__mro__" "__package__" "__qualname__"
+ "__static_attributes__" "__type_params__"
+ ;; Extras:
+ "__all__"))
(defvar python-font-lock-keywords-level-2
,(rx symbol-start
;; Builtins
- (,(rx symbol-start
- (or
- "abs" "all" "any" "bin" "bool" "callable" "chr" "classmethod"
- "compile" "complex" "delattr" "dict" "dir" "divmod" "enumerate"
- "eval" "filter" "float" "format" "frozenset" "getattr" "globals"
- "hasattr" "hash" "help" "hex" "id" "input" "int" "isinstance"
- "issubclass" "iter" "len" "list" "locals" "map" "max" "memoryview"
- "min" "next" "object" "oct" "open" "ord" "pow" "print" "property"
- "range" "repr" "reversed" "round" "set" "setattr" "slice" "sorted"
- "staticmethod" "str" "sum" "super" "tuple" "type" "vars" "zip"
- "__import__"
- ;; Python 2:
- "basestring" "cmp" "execfile" "file" "long" "raw_input" "reduce"
- "reload" "unichr" "unicode" "xrange" "apply" "buffer" "coerce"
- "intern"
- ;; Python 3:
- "aiter" "anext" "ascii" "breakpoint" "bytearray" "bytes" "exec"
- ;; Special attributes:
- ;; https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html
- "__annotations__" "__bases__" "__closure__" "__code__"
- "__defaults__" "__dict__" "__doc__" "__firstlineno__"
- "__globals__" "__kwdefaults__" "__name__" "__module__"
- "__mro__" "__package__" "__qualname__"
- "__static_attributes__" "__type_params__"
- ;; Extras:
- "__all__")
- symbol-end) . font-lock-builtin-face))
+ (,(rx-to-string `(seq symbol-start
+ (or ,@(append python-font-lock-builtin-types
+ python-font-lock-builtins
+ python-font-lock-special-attributes))
+ symbol-end)) . font-lock-builtin-face))
"Font lock keywords to use in `python-mode' for level 2 decoration.
This is the medium decoration level, including everything in
(equal (char-after) ?=))
return (progn (backward-char) t))))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions-python3
+ '(;; Python 2 and 3:
+ "ArithmeticError" "AssertionError" "AttributeError" "BaseException"
+ "BufferError" "BytesWarning" "DeprecationWarning" "EOFError"
+ "EnvironmentError" "Exception" "FloatingPointError" "FutureWarning"
+ "GeneratorExit" "IOError" "ImportError" "ImportWarning"
+ "IndentationError" "IndexError" "KeyError" "KeyboardInterrupt"
+ "LookupError" "MemoryError" "NameError" "NotImplementedError"
+ "OSError" "OverflowError" "PendingDeprecationWarning"
+ "ReferenceError" "RuntimeError" "RuntimeWarning" "StopIteration"
+ "SyntaxError" "SyntaxWarning" "SystemError" "SystemExit" "TabError"
+ "TypeError" "UnboundLocalError" "UnicodeDecodeError"
+ "UnicodeEncodeError" "UnicodeError" "UnicodeTranslateError"
+ "UnicodeWarning" "UserWarning" "ValueError" "Warning"
+ "ZeroDivisionError"
+ ;; Python 3:
+ "BlockingIOError" "BrokenPipeError" "ChildProcessError"
+ "ConnectionAbortedError" "ConnectionError" "ConnectionRefusedError"
+ "ConnectionResetError" "EncodingWarning" "FileExistsError"
+ "FileNotFoundError" "InterruptedError" "IsADirectoryError"
+ "NotADirectoryError" "ModuleNotFoundError" "PermissionError"
+ "ProcessLookupError" "PythonFinalizationError" "RecursionError"
+ "ResourceWarning" "StopAsyncIteration" "TimeoutError"
+ "BaseExceptionGroup" "ExceptionGroup"
+ ;; OS specific
+ "VMSError" "WindowsError"))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions-python2
+ '("StandardError"))
+(defvar python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions
+ (append python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions-python3
+ (when python-2-support
+ python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions-python2)))
(defvar python-font-lock-keywords-maximum-decoration
(0+ "." (1+ (or word ?_)))))
(1 font-lock-type-face))
;; Builtin Exceptions
- (,(rx symbol-start
- (or
- ;; Python 2 and 3:
- "ArithmeticError" "AssertionError" "AttributeError" "BaseException"
- "BufferError" "BytesWarning" "DeprecationWarning" "EOFError"
- "EnvironmentError" "Exception" "FloatingPointError" "FutureWarning"
- "GeneratorExit" "IOError" "ImportError" "ImportWarning"
- "IndentationError" "IndexError" "KeyError" "KeyboardInterrupt"
- "LookupError" "MemoryError" "NameError" "NotImplementedError"
- "OSError" "OverflowError" "PendingDeprecationWarning"
- "ReferenceError" "RuntimeError" "RuntimeWarning" "StopIteration"
- "SyntaxError" "SyntaxWarning" "SystemError" "SystemExit" "TabError"
- "TypeError" "UnboundLocalError" "UnicodeDecodeError"
- "UnicodeEncodeError" "UnicodeError" "UnicodeTranslateError"
- "UnicodeWarning" "UserWarning" "ValueError" "Warning"
- "ZeroDivisionError"
- ;; Python 2:
- "StandardError"
- ;; Python 3:
- "BlockingIOError" "BrokenPipeError" "ChildProcessError"
- "ConnectionAbortedError" "ConnectionError" "ConnectionRefusedError"
- "ConnectionResetError" "EncodingWarning" "FileExistsError"
- "FileNotFoundError" "InterruptedError" "IsADirectoryError"
- "NotADirectoryError" "ModuleNotFoundError" "PermissionError"
- "ProcessLookupError" "PythonFinalizationError" "RecursionError"
- "ResourceWarning" "StopAsyncIteration" "TimeoutError"
- "BaseExceptionGroup" "ExceptionGroup"
- ;; OS specific
- "VMSError" "WindowsError"
- )
- symbol-end)
- . font-lock-type-face)
+ (,(rx-to-string `(seq symbol-start
+ (or ,@python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions)
+ symbol-end)) . font-lock-type-face)
;; single assignment with/without type hints, e.g.
;; a: int = 5
;; b: Tuple[Optional[int], Union[Sequence[str], str]] = (None, 'foo')
"and" "in" "is" "not" "or" "not in" "is not"))
(defvar python--treesit-builtin-types
- '("int" "float" "complex" "bool" "list" "tuple" "range" "str"
- "bytes" "bytearray" "memoryview" "set" "frozenset" "dict"))
+ python-font-lock-builtin-types)
(defvar python--treesit-type-regex
(rx-to-string `(seq bol (or
(defvar python--treesit-builtins
- (append python--treesit-builtin-types
- '("abs" "aiter" "all" "anext" "any" "ascii" "bin" "breakpoint"
- "callable" "chr" "classmethod" "compile"
- "delattr" "dir" "divmod" "enumerate" "eval" "exec"
- "filter" "format" "getattr" "globals"
- "hasattr" "hash" "help" "hex" "id" "input" "isinstance"
- "issubclass" "iter" "len" "locals" "map" "max"
- "min" "next" "object" "oct" "open" "ord" "pow"
- "print" "property" "repr" "reversed" "round"
- "setattr" "slice" "sorted" "staticmethod" "sum" "super"
- "type" "vars" "zip" "__import__")))
+ python-font-lock-builtins)
(defvar python--treesit-constants
'("Ellipsis" "False" "None" "NotImplemented" "True" "__debug__"
">>" ">>=" "|" "|=" "~" "@" "@="))
(defvar python--treesit-special-attributes
- '("__annotations__" "__bases__" "__closure__" "__code__"
- "__defaults__" "__dict__" "__doc__" "__firstlineno__"
- "__globals__" "__kwdefaults__" "__name__" "__module__"
- "__mro__" "__package__" "__qualname__"
- "__static_attributes__" "__type_params__"
- "__all__"))
+ python-font-lock-special-attributes)
(defvar python--treesit-exceptions
- '(;; Python 2 and 3:
- "ArithmeticError" "AssertionError" "AttributeError" "BaseException"
- "BufferError" "BytesWarning" "DeprecationWarning" "EOFError"
- "EnvironmentError" "Exception" "FloatingPointError" "FutureWarning"
- "GeneratorExit" "IOError" "ImportError" "ImportWarning"
- "IndentationError" "IndexError" "KeyError" "KeyboardInterrupt"
- "LookupError" "MemoryError" "NameError" "NotImplementedError"
- "OSError" "OverflowError" "PendingDeprecationWarning"
- "ReferenceError" "RuntimeError" "RuntimeWarning" "StopIteration"
- "SyntaxError" "SyntaxWarning" "SystemError" "SystemExit" "TabError"
- "TypeError" "UnboundLocalError" "UnicodeDecodeError"
- "UnicodeEncodeError" "UnicodeError" "UnicodeTranslateError"
- "UnicodeWarning" "UserWarning" "ValueError" "Warning"
- "ZeroDivisionError"
- ;; Python 2:
- "StandardError"
- ;; Python 3:
- "BlockingIOError" "BrokenPipeError" "ChildProcessError"
- "ConnectionAbortedError" "ConnectionError" "ConnectionRefusedError"
- "ConnectionResetError" "EncodingWarning" "FileExistsError"
- "FileNotFoundError" "InterruptedError" "IsADirectoryError"
- "NotADirectoryError" "ModuleNotFoundError" "PermissionError"
- "ProcessLookupError" "PythonFinalizationError" "RecursionError"
- "ResourceWarning" "StopAsyncIteration" "TimeoutError"
- "BaseExceptionGroup" "ExceptionGroup"
- ;; OS specific
- "VMSError" "WindowsError"
- ))
+ python-font-lock-builtin-exceptions)
(defun python--treesit-fontify-string (node override start end &rest _)
"Fontify string.