(eglot-unregister-capability server method id)
(let* (success
(globs (mapcar
- (eglot--lambda ((FileSystemWatcher) globPattern)
- (eglot--glob-compile globPattern t t))
+ (eglot--lambda ((FileSystemWatcher) globPattern kind)
+ (cons (eglot--glob-compile globPattern t t)
+ ;; the default "7" means bitwise OR of
+ ;; WatchKind.Create (1), WatchKind.Change
+ ;; (2), WatchKind.Delete (4)
+ (or kind 7)))
(delete-dups (mapcar #'file-name-directory
- (pcase-let ((`(,desc ,action ,file ,file1) event))
+ (pcase-let* ((`(,desc ,action ,file ,file1) event)
+ (action-type (cl-case action
+ (created 1) (changed 2) (deleted 3)))
+ (action-bit (when action-type
+ (ash 1 (1- action-type)))))
((and (memq action '(created changed deleted))
- (cl-find file globs :test (lambda (f g) (funcall g f))))
+ (cl-loop for (glob . kind-bitmask) in globs
+ thereis (and (> (logand kind-bitmask action-bit) 0)
+ (funcall glob file))))
server :workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
`(:changes ,(vector `(:uri ,(eglot--path-to-uri file)
- :type ,(cl-case action
- (created 1)
- (changed 2)
- (deleted 3)))))))
+ :type ,action-type)))))
((eq action 'renamed)
(handle-event `(,desc 'deleted ,file))
(handle-event `(,desc 'created ,file1)))))))