(time2 (archive-l-e (+ p 17) 2)) ;and UNIX format in level 2 header.)
(hdrlvl (char-after (+ p 20))) ;header level
thsize ;total header size (base + extensions)
- fnlen efnname fiddle ifnname width p2
+ fnlen efnname osid fiddle ifnname width p2
neh ;beginning of next extension header (level 1 and 2)
mode modestr uid gid text dir prname
gname uname modtime moddate)
(setq thsize (- neh p))))
(if (= hdrlvl 0) ;total header size
(setq thsize hsize))
- (setq fiddle (if efnname (string= efnname (upcase efnname))))
+ ;; OS ID field not present in level 0 header, use code 0 "generic"
+ ;; in that case as per lha program header.c get_header()
+ (setq osid (cond ((= hdrlvl 0) 0)
+ ((= hdrlvl 1) (char-after (+ p 22 fnlen 2)))
+ ((= hdrlvl 2) (char-after (+ p 23)))))
+ ;; Filename fiddling must follow the lha program, otherwise the name
+ ;; passed to "lha pq" etc won't match (which for an extract silently
+ ;; results in no output). As of version 1.14i it goes from the OS ID,
+ ;; - For 'M' MSDOS: msdos_to_unix_filename() downcases always, and
+ ;; converts "\" to "/".
+ ;; - For 0 generic: generic_to_unix_filename() downcases if there's
+ ;; no lower case already present, and converts "\" to "/".
+ ;; - For 'm' MacOS: macos_to_unix_filename() changes "/" to ":" and
+ ;; ":" to "/"
+ (setq fiddle (cond ((= ?M osid) t)
+ ((= 0 osid) (string= efnname (upcase efnname)))))
(setq ifnname (if fiddle (downcase efnname) efnname))
(setq prname (if dir (concat dir ifnname) ifnname))
(setq width (if prname (string-width prname) 0))