(car x) (cdr x) map gud-menu-mode-map))))
-(defvar gud-gdb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("i" . gud-stepi)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)
- ("f" . gud-finish)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `gud-gdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-gdb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `gud-gdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "i" #'gud-stepi
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh
+ "f" #'gud-finish
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down)
(defun gud-set-repeat-map-property (keymap-symbol)
"Set the `repeat-map' property of relevant gud commands to KEYMAP-SYMBOL.
(defvar gud-sdb-lastfile nil)
-(defvar gud-sdb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("i" . gud-stepi)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `sdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-sdb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `sdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "i" #'gud-stepi
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh)
(defun gud-sdb-marker-filter (string)
(setq gud-marker-acc
;; whereby `set $stopformat=1' reportedly produces output compatible
;; with `gud-dbx-marker-filter', which we prefer.
-(defvar gud-dbx-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("i" . gud-stepi)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- (when (or gud-mips-p
- gud-irix-p)
- (define-key map "f" #'gud-finish))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `dbx' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-dbx-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `dbx' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "i" #'gud-stepi
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down)
+(when (or gud-mips-p
+ gud-irix-p)
+ (keymap-set gud-dbx-repeat-map "f" #'gud-finish))
;; The process filter is also somewhat
;; unreliable, sometimes not spotting the markers; I don't know
;; History of argument lists passed to xdb.
(defvar gud-xdb-history nil)
-(defvar gud-xdb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("i" . gud-stepi)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)
- ("f" . gud-finish)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `xdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-xdb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `xdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "i" #'gud-stepi
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh
+ "f" #'gud-finish
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down)
(defcustom gud-xdb-directories nil
"A list of directories that xdb should search for source code.
;; History of argument lists passed to perldb.
(defvar gud-perldb-history nil)
-(defvar gud-perldb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `perldb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-perldb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `perldb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh)
(defun gud-perldb-massage-args (_file args)
"Convert a command line as would be typed normally to run perldb
(defvar gud-pdb-marker-regexp-start "^> ")
-(defvar gud-pdb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)
- ("f" . gud-finish)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `pdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-pdb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `pdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "l" #'gud-refresh
+ "f" #'gud-finish
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down)
;; There's no guarantee that Emacs will hand the filter the entire
;; marker at once; it could be broken up across several strings. We
(defvar gud-guiler-lastfile nil)
-(defvar gud-guiler-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)
- ("f" . gud-finish)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `guiler' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-guiler-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `guiler' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "l" #'gud-refresh
+ "f" #'gud-finish
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down)
(defun gud-guiler-marker-filter (string)
(setq gud-marker-acc (if gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string) string))
;; Note: Reset to this value every time a prompt is seen
(defvar gud-jdb-lowest-stack-level 999)
-(defvar gud-jdb-repeat-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,cmd) '(("n" . gud-next)
- ("s" . gud-step)
- ("i" . gud-stepi)
- ("c" . gud-cont)
- ("f" . gud-finish)
- ("<" . gud-up)
- (">" . gud-down)
- ("l" . gud-refresh)))
- (define-key map key cmd))
- map)
- "Keymap to repeat `jdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
-Used in `repeat-mode'.")
+(defvar-keymap gud-jdb-repeat-map
+ :doc "Keymap to repeat `jdb' stepping instructions \\`C-x C-a C-n n n'.
+Used in `repeat-mode'."
+ "n" #'gud-next
+ "s" #'gud-step
+ "i" #'gud-stepi
+ "c" #'gud-cont
+ "f" #'gud-finish
+ "<" #'gud-up
+ ">" #'gud-down
+ "l" #'gud-refresh)
(defun gud-jdb-find-source-using-classpath (p)
"Find source file corresponding to fully qualified class P.