:CUSTOM_ID: installation
-The dynamic Emacs module =sweep-module= and the Prolog helper library
-=sweep.pl= are included in the latest SWI-Prolog distribution. For
-instructions on how to build and install SWI-Prolog, see
+The dynamic Emacs module =sweep-module= is included in the SWI-Prolog
+distribution from version 8.5.18. For instructions on how to build
+and install SWI-Prolog, see [[https://www.swi-prolog.org/build/]].
The =sweeprolog= Elisp package is available on NonGNU ELPA, to install
=sweeprolog= simply type =M-x package-install RET sweeprolog RET=.
--- /dev/null
+\htmloutput{.} % Output directory
+\htmlmainfile{sweep} % Main document file
+\bodycolor{white} % Page colour
+\title{sweep: SWI-Prolog Embedded in Emacs}
+\author{Eshel Yaron\email{me@eshelyaron.com}}
+ \texttt{sweep} is an embedding of SWI-Prolog in GNU Emacs. It
+ provides an interface for executing Prolog queries and consuming
+ their results from Emacs Lisp. \texttt{sweep} further builds on top
+ of this interface and on top of the standard Emacs facilities to
+ provide advanced features for developing SWI-Prolog programs in
+ Emacs.
+The \texttt{sweeprolog} Elisp package is available on NonGNU ELPA, to
+install \texttt{sweeprolog} simply open Emacs and type \texttt{M-x
+ package-install RET sweeprolog RET}.
+An alternative to installing from ELPA is to get the Elisp library
+from the \texttt{sweep} Git repository:
+\item Clone the \texttt{sweep} repository:
+ \begin{code}
+ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~eshel/sweep
+ \end{code}
+ Or:
+ \begin{code}
+ git clone https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/packages-sweep sweep
+ \end{code}
+\item Add \texttt{sweep} to Emacs' \texttt{load-path}:
+ \begin{code}
+ (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sweep")
+ \end{code}
+\section{Getting started}
+After installing the \texttt{sweeprolog} Elisp library, load it into
+ (require 'sweeprolog)
+All set! \texttt{sweeprolog} automatically loads
+\texttt{sweep-module} and initializes the embedded SWI-Prolog runtime.
+For a full description of the different features of \texttt{sweep},
+see \href{https://eshelyaron.com/sweep.html}{the \texttt{sweep}
+ manual}.
+\textit{Important note for Linux users}: prior to version 29, Emacs
+would load dynamic modules in a way that is not fully compatible with
+the way the SWI-Prolog native library, \texttt{libswipl}, loads its
+own native extensions. This may lead to \texttt{sweep} failing after
+loading \texttt{sweep-module}. To work around this issue, users
+running Emacs 28 or earlier on Linux can start Emacs with
+\texttt{libswipl} loaded upfront via \texttt{LD_PRELOAD}, for example:
+ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libswipl.so emacs